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Floods inundate a quarter of Thailand's provinces, warnings issued


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I suppose every rainy season is different, there is going to be some flooding but why is year after year that things dont get better, why does no one seem to learn anything? You have a plan, how did it work? Anything we could have done better? Have a new plan A with back ups.

Somebody must have been in charge of whats going on, if they cant do the job get someone who can and by the way there are other counties who have to deal with large amounts of water ever thought of seeking advice?

Hastily building a sandbag wall alone the river east of Nakhon Sawan central today, looked bob a job week!

thais are reactive and not proactive

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I suppose every rainy season is different, there is going to be some flooding but why is year after year that things dont get better, why does no one seem to learn anything? You have a plan, how did it work? Anything we could have done better? Have a new plan A  with back ups.

Somebody must have been in charge of whats going on, if they cant do the job get someone who can and by the way there are other counties who have to deal with large amounts of water ever thought of seeking advice?

Hastily building a sandbag wall alone the river east of Nakhon Sawan central today, looked bob a job week!


thais are reactive and not proactive

I've always found them to be more "inactive"

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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My prayers for safety go out to all affected. especially those close to crocodial farms. Can anyone enlighten me on this sentence in the report. "and have told boats in the Gulf of Thailand to be vigilant". What are they t be vigilent for?

They are to be vigilant for changing sea conditions associated with the heavy rain. With the intense downpours there can be high winds, line squalls and the like which can whip the waves up very quickly. 2m waves can become 3m waves before you know it, especially in shallow water. Visibility can be reduced to zero which makes navigation challenging. You need to use the spell checker mate, you have quoted the word vigilant, and in the next sentence typed it wrong.

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At least 10 provinces in Thailand's central plains, the main rice-growing region, have been affected by the floods but the extent of any damage is not yet known

"Water levels in our dams are low enough to handle any extra rainfall," Plodprasop said.

Uhummmm.... But I think if there is already flodding what is the use of saying the dams can cover any extra rainfall as it is obvious its raining in every area but the dams????? Maybe I am just dumb.?

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At least 10 provinces in Thailand's central plains, the main rice-growing region, have been affected by the floods but the extent of any damage is not yet known

"Water levels in our dams are low enough to handle any extra rainfall," Plodprasop said.

Uhummmm.... But I think if there is already flodding what is the use of saying the dams can cover any extra rainfall as it is obvious its raining in every area but the dams????? Maybe I am just dumb.?

Its normal for Thailand to flood... but if those dams go then you get real big flooding.

There will always be parts of Thailand that flood, but if those dams have to let their water go during a bad time you got a repeat of 2011

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Flooding happens worldwide and no man-made structure or system has yet been developed that will stop it completely. Promises to the contrary from officials is best taken at face value which is just that...a promise. Please don't think this a Thai phenomenon.

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I suppose every rainy season is different, there is going to be some flooding but why is year after year that things dont get better, why does no one seem to learn anything? You have a plan, how did it work? Anything we could have done better? Have a new plan A with back ups.

Somebody must have been in charge of whats going on, if they cant do the job get someone who can and by the way there are other counties who have to deal with large amounts of water ever thought of seeking advice?

Hastily building a sandbag wall alone the river east of Nakhon Sawan central today, looked bob a job week!

thais are reactive and not proactive

Well and they have a memory like a sieve. It's incredible how they continue to refuse to learn or remember nothing from only a year or so ago.....

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If the dams break will the flooding around Bangkok be as bad as 2011? I didn't think there had been as much rain this year.

There hasn't been so much rain and it appears that the damns are empty.

That said let's remember that those managing this issue have all bought their diplomas and were educated here 40 years ago.

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I was just in Hong Kong.....rain and wind was crazy. A few weeks ago I was in Colorado; epic. Of course it will rain in Thailand!!! And then there will be pollution every year as well!!!! This is what we signed up for........

now we need another thread....it's too hot in SE Asia!!!

#note: I am selling rafts for 100,000,000 baht each. this is capitalism.

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Had the g/f on the phone 5 minutes ago. She is fighting to keep the water out of her shop in Issan and preserve the electrical stuff. Having to sleep at the shop tonight when she can. Parents also struggling to keep water out of the house too.

From what she says and looking at the news it does not sound too good all round :(

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Flooding happens worldwide and no man-made structure or system has yet been developed that will stop it completely. Promises to the contrary from officials is best taken at face value which is just that...a promise. Please don't think this a Thai phenomenon.

Not even a 'nice try'.

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Had the g/f on the phone 5 minutes ago. She is fighting to keep the water out of her shop in Issan and preserve the electrical stuff. Having to sleep at the shop tonight when she can. Parents also struggling to keep water out of the house too.

From what she says and looking at the news it does not sound too good all round sad.png

Isaan is approximately 600x400 KM. Where exactly is your girlfriend....

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Flooding happens worldwide and no man-made structure or system has yet been developed that will stop it completely. Promises to the contrary from officials is best taken at face value which is just that...a promise. Please don't think this a Thai phenomenon.

Not even a 'nice try'.

It's funny that. The hometown where I grew up had horrendous floods when i was about 8 years old. People lost everything. So you know what happened. The government wen t out and spent loads of money, widened the river, raised it's banks, and lo and behold, it hasn't happened or even got remotely close to happening in 35 years since.

Now that is an occurence we are used to in the rest of the world. That the government tries its level best to mitigate disasters instead of continuing to blunder into it year on year.

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Had the g/f on the phone 5 minutes ago. She is fighting to keep the water out of her shop in Issan and preserve the electrical stuff. Having to sleep at the shop tonight when she can. Parents also struggling to keep water out of the house too.

From what she says and looking at the news it does not sound too good all round sad.png

Isaan is approximately 600x400 KM. Where exactly is your girlfriend....

A little village in the Suwannaphum (?) sp district. Eastern side.

But in general it is a shame to see Thailand having big problems gain this year. Reading on here and in the news in general of rice crops being wiped out, homes flooded and people dying.

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Had the g/f on the phone 5 minutes ago. She is fighting to keep the water out of her shop in Issan and preserve the electrical stuff. Having to sleep at the shop tonight when she can. Parents also struggling to keep water out of the house too.

From what she says and looking at the news it does not sound too good all round sad.png

Isaan is approximately 600x400 KM. Where exactly is your girlfriend....

A little village in the Suwannaphum (?) sp district. Eastern side.

But in general it is a shame to see Thailand having big problems gain this year. Reading on here and in the news in general of rice crops being wiped out, homes flooded and people dying.

Yes, it can be very tragic and a very trying time for people who lose everything. Sadder still is this shallow bunch of people they have running this country in whom they have to put their faith.....

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Why are traditional Thai houses built on stilts? - Because it always floods in some part of Thailand, every year. This should surprise no one. The only thing that surprises me is that people believe politicians when they say they can stop the floods.

Reminds me of the old English King Canut who commanded the tide to stop ........and got wet feet.

Oddly enough it is sort of under control. People that encroach upon rivers and wetlands will face floods. People that ignore the environment to get more out of it also face danger. I guess what I mean is, don't build above the river banks and leave the trees and don't build dams so you can get more rice than you should in a year.

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The lesse holders in the industrial estates were a bit upset in the massive floods in 2011. In order to prevent

them all from fleeing to a dry country, I recall Yingluck promising them the estates would never flood again.

Will be curious to see what happens in the next couple of weeks.....

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The lesse holders in the industrial estates were a bit upset in the massive floods in 2011. In order to prevent

them all from fleeing to a dry country, I recall Yingluck promising them the estates would never flood again.

Will be curious to see what happens in the next couple of weeks.....

If that happens again, at least they get to blame the weather for the screwed up GDP numbers. .

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