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Democrats launch parallel spending plan


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Dems launch parallel spending plan

The Nation

BANGKOK: -- Democrat Party on Monday unveiled a parallel spending plan, whereby budgets are allocated to improve the country's transport network, education/research and development, public health and irrigation.

Democrat leader Abhisit Vejjajiva said that under the Bt2 trillion programme, about Bt1.2 trillion would be allocated to the transport sector; Bt400 billion for R&D and education; Bt200 billion for public health services and Bt200 billion for irrigation.

Under the transport-related spending, the budget of Bt37.6 billion is proposed for the high-speed train, against the government’s proposal to spend nearly Bt1 trillion on the project.

"We believe that the allocation will send a more positive impact to the nation than the government’s Bt2 trillion scheme," he said. First, as all investment would be included in the annual budgets, this will ensure the fiscal discipline. Second, it will be more transparent. Third, it addresses the bottlenecks that the country is facing. Fourth, the investment will benefit all stakeholders.

The spending plan was unveiled to beat the government’s Bt2 trillion scheme, which allocates most of the funds to transport-related projects. The Democrats said that Thailand has more problems to address.

-- The Nation 2013-09-23

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Let's see here....With this two trillion "scheme"....

I believe most of us agree,that for Thailand to progress, the infrastructure plan definitely needs to be in the pipeline sooner or later. With this in mind, we Thai citizens or non-Thais living in Thailand, can witness the Puea Thai's " 2 trillion robbery" that is current being debated... or, we can choose another not-so-appetizing option, which is to delay the plan now, vote the "Democratic Party" in and watch them commit the same "2 triilion robbery" under a different cloak.

In short, it's just plainly sad for Thai citizens because of their corrupt politicians. The only option here for Thais citizens is to choose which party that they allow to commit the "2 trillion" robbery. The corruption will be there and rife, no matter who is at the helm of this country. It's just an element that is "ingrained" in their politics. We might as well sit back and just enjoy whatever convenience that we can benefit from the new infrastructure plan.

If they are really worrying about the next 50 years of their fiscal future (their kids' and the grand kids' future), then they really need to make "anti-corruption" the most urgent national agenda NOW! But which political party is willing to take on this? It's all about lining their own pocket, Puea Thai or not, NOW!

Edited by huanga
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Democrats offer alternative to govt Bt2-tn infrastructure plan

Pimnara Pradubwit
The Nation

BANGKOK: -- THE OPPOSITION Democrat Party launched a blueprint for investing in and reforming Thailand yesterday, offering a plan to rival the government's Bt2-trillion proposed infrastructure-development projects.

The plan, called "The future that [we] can choose, a strong 2020 Thailand", was revealed after a three-hour meeting.

Democrat Party leader and former premier Abhisit Vejjajiva, his deputy and former finance minister Korn Chatikavanij, as well as former deputy Bangkok governor Samart Ratcha-polsitte, were at the press conference.

The plan is a response to the government's proposed Bt2-trillion in projects to develop Thailand's transportation infrastructure. Abhisit said his party wanted to offer a choice for the future. It criticised the government's Bt2-trillion plan for the next seven years as being based on a belief that the Kingdom's road and rail system was inadequate.

Abhisit argued that Thailand could be strong if its people were strong. He called on the government to be transparent about its proposed loans and assure the public there would be enough money for them.

The Democrat plan proposes Bt1.2 trillion for transportation infrastructure, Bt400 billion investments in education, research and development, Bt200 billion for an irrigation system and Bt200 billion for public health.

Abhisit proposed Bt150 billion for the creation of science schools and research universities, and Bt50 billion for vocational colleges.

To create a new breed of teachers and a Teaching Excellence Centre, a Bt110 billion budget was proposed by the opposition party. Then there would be Bt90 billion for a basic educational apparatus.

In public health, the Democrats proposed the development of 12,000 hospitals nationwide with a budget of Bt100 billion. Another Bt100 billion would be allotted for the training of medical personnel.

For irrigation, the party proposed that Bt200 billion be spent to irrigate 75 million rai of land nationwide.

Abhisit said these proposals would be more beneficial than the Bt2-trillion projects proposed by the Yingluck Shinawatra administration. They had greater fiscal discipline, more transparency, and were more responsive to the needs of national development.

The opposition leader said he hoped the government would take the Democrats' rival proposal into consideration. If the government turned down the proposals, said Abhisit, then the opposition was ready to carry out the plan if it was re-elected to run the country.

When asked by reporters why the Democrat Party didn't carry out these plans when it was in power, Abhisit said the plan was disrupted when power changed hands.

-- The Nation 2013-09-24

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How refreshing to at last see the opposition behaving like a properly functioning one. Instead of fruitlessly sniping from the sidelines, filibustering in parliament and seeking judicial blockage of governement initiatives, they finally give the voters some respect and lay out an alternative plan that some might just think is a viable alternative to government policy.

We need to see more of this type of thing for the good of the country. This thread has attracted few posts so far, but I believe it is more significant than ones questioning how many times Yingluck has been to parliament or the US.

Better from the Dems. Hope it continues.

Edited by 15Peter20
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Let's see here....With this two trillion "scheme"....

I believe most of us agree,that for Thailand to progress, the infrastructure plan definitely needs to be in the pipeline sooner or later. With this in mind, we Thai citizens or non-Thais living in Thailand, can witness the Puea Thai's " 2 trillion robbery" that is current being debated... or, we can choose another not-so-appetizing option, which is to delay the plan now, vote the "Democratic Party" in and watch them commit the same "2 triilion robbery" under a different cloak.

In short, it's just plainly sad for Thai citizens because of their corrupt politicians. The only option here for Thais citizens is to choose which party that they allow to commit the "2 trillion" robbery. The corruption will be there and rife, no matter who is at the helm of this country. It's just an element that is "ingrained" in their politics. We might as well sit back and just enjoy whatever convenience that we can benefit from the new infrastructure plan.

If they are really worrying about the next 50 years of their fiscal future (their kids' and the grand kids' future), then they really need to make "anti-corruption" the most urgent national agenda NOW! But which political party is willing to take on this? It's all about lining their own pocket, Puea Thai or not, NOW!

I think you are making a false assumption that if the Dems were in they would put forth a 2 trillion baht plan.

What they are doing is trying to get the government to make a little sense with the one they are trying to shove down the throat of Thailand.

37.6 billion baht on high speed trains is way to much but it makes a lot more sense than 1 trillion baht. The PTP plan clearly omits maintenance to an all ready falling apart rail system where as the Dem plan allows funds to bring it up to acceptable standards.

In short it is written in such a way as Thailand can benefit from it. Not necessarily get them votes as Thaksin has more money to buy those than the Dems but be a real benefit to Thailand. Think of it this way would you like to ride one of the trains in two years what with the attention the PTP is not planning on giving it.

1 trillion baht on high speed trains that only go part way and then on to the rail system that is falling apart to get the rest of the way.

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Let's see here....With this two trillion "scheme"....

I believe most of us agree,that for Thailand to progress, the infrastructure plan definitely needs to be in the pipeline sooner or later. With this in mind, we Thai citizens or non-Thais living in Thailand, can witness the Puea Thai's " 2 trillion robbery" that is current being debated... or, we can choose another not-so-appetizing option, which is to delay the plan now, vote the "Democratic Party" in and watch them commit the same "2 triilion robbery" under a different cloak.

In short, it's just plainly sad for Thai citizens because of their corrupt politicians. The only option here for Thais citizens is to choose which party that they allow to commit the "2 trillion" robbery. The corruption will be there and rife, no matter who is at the helm of this country. It's just an element that is "ingrained" in their politics. We might as well sit back and just enjoy whatever convenience that we can benefit from the new infrastructure plan.

If they are really worrying about the next 50 years of their fiscal future (their kids' and the grand kids' future), then they really need to make "anti-corruption" the most urgent national agenda NOW! But which political party is willing to take on this? It's all about lining their own pocket, Puea Thai or not, NOW!

I think you are making a false assumption that if the Dems were in they would put forth a 2 trillion baht plan.

What they are doing is trying to get the government to make a little sense with the one they are trying to shove down the throat of Thailand.

37.6 billion baht on high speed trains is way to much but it makes a lot more sense than 1 trillion baht. The PTP plan clearly omits maintenance to an all ready falling apart rail system where as the Dem plan allows funds to bring it up to acceptable standards.

In short it is written in such a way as Thailand can benefit from it. Not necessarily get them votes as Thaksin has more money to buy those than the Dems but be a real benefit to Thailand. Think of it this way would you like to ride one of the trains in two years what with the attention the PTP is not planning on giving it.

1 trillion baht on high speed trains that only go part way and then on to the rail system that is falling apart to get the rest of the way.

Dolly and I hardly ever agree, but on this we do, as the Dems have no Puppet Master or Puppet, but the PTP has both.

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Agree that it is about time they came out with some concrete plans.

Possibly the most important part is that it would be kept within budget which would allow scrutiny on an annual basis and the money would only be accessed when needed all at one time as with PT

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Irrespective of who may put the plan forward it is very easy to spend other peoples money. ( Just ask your wife)

The whole 2 trillion baht debacle indeed goes to prove just how wrong that quote is that states ''Talk is cheap.''

Methinks there is no conception as to what the 2 trillion baht involves in long term debt bondage, the politicians are only looking at their short term gains,

Mr. and Mrs. Somchai haven't a clue as to what it is going to cost them nor are the politicians going to inform them either once the ''commission agents in the P.TP. or any other political entity cut and run with their ill gotten gains

The whole scam scheme is about as durable as a chocolate fireguard.

Edited by siampolee
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Democrats previous plan:

"The cabinet approved the second, 1.4-trillion-baht package in May. The plan was called "Strong Thailand" (Thai Khem Khaeg), with the majority of the money dedicated to infrastructure improvements."

The trouble was that most of the funds never materialised and there was I believe some scandal unsurprisingly down in Phuket which was quickly hushed up.

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Democrats previous plan:
"The cabinet approved the second, 1.4-trillion-baht package in May. The plan was called "Strong Thailand" (Thai Khem Khaeg), with the majority of the money dedicated to infrastructure improvements."
The trouble was that most of the funds never materialised and there was I believe some scandal unsurprisingly down in Phuket which was quickly hushed up.

Oh no, say it isn't so.................Democrat party vested interests...........Corruption........ it can''t be...........

Interesting that the other paper today quotes he who did not order to shoot anybody, and is entirely guiltless, proposing a penny for penny, exactly the same financial plan as her in burberry's.............

By the way, what happened to her with the hair, scion of the democrats and adored by many on here???

Is she still defending GT 200's ??

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Having spent most of today looking around at what international, regional and local economists said about the 2.2 trillion project I discovered that they thought Thailand could handle the debt over the time frame, but more importantly were worried that the Thai economy would slow down if it wasnt passed in a timely fashion, and we are now at the limit of that. They were also worried about the Thai economy being derailed by what they describe as political incidents.

So if the legislature has passed the bill and time is of the essence and the level of debt (not much more than chosen one Abhisit's massive handouts after he was manipulated into power) is not of real concern over the time frame to economists, why would the party that cannot win elections suddenly come up with this scheme? If it were intended as part of normal democratic process, then it should have been raised before the legislature considered things. It is too late now unless they expect one of those incidents that economists say will screw the Thai economy but allow the hapless Abhisit back into power until the electorate kick them out again. Of course it could also just be insanity as the the party that cannot win elections realise they have been abandoned by even their own previous backers and actually have no chance of winning an election any time soon.

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Hey there my hearty's can't you see through your former leadership. The Democrat's parallel Transportation Infrastructure plan and recommendation for transportation infrastructure would amount to a 'vinegar and brown paper job' to provide service and repair from the existing systems.

Such an approach would make matters worse for thailand. This Democrat parallel proposal has nothing to do with the reality of Thailand's need to get back on her earlier track as an Asian Tiger. Therefore one has to assume that the plan amounts to nothing more that a 'schoolboy's spoiler' out of Khun Abhisit's pencil box.

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