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Get with the times. The Post and Nation are 25bt each now=50bt a day x30=1500bt savings if you went everyday. If you read them online= 0bt. Deduction not allowed. :D:D:o

In this way I never get rich! You could at least have let me the illusion.

Anyhow, I bought swimming trunks and I hope to launch myself soon.

In the mean time:

Not all pubs/restaurants in Chiang Rai are typically Thai.

This one certainly not. It looks more like a European place.

It's in the middle of town, not far from Gare Garon. More I don't say :D


Limbo, unseen :D

The Dutch resturant a few door down from the Teepee bar. They have a sea food counter outside....... dont know much about the food but have eaten english breakfast there several times...not bad


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OHHH i couldnt remember my teachers name.. it was too long time ago In The Rai.... let me count...1...9.... ohh yes back to the year 1990! when my first Phatom 1 there till Phatom 6 d....a....m....n.... didnt noticed i am that old now....:D

little_muppet ??? What happened to "unknown_user" ???

We have missed you in the CR-forum!


Here we go again.

Two places.

No 1: post-29230-1190609322_thumb.jpg

From here you can see miles!

No 2: post-29230-1190609452_thumb.jpg

A place with some beautiful buildings. From here is also a good view!

So where are these places?


No 1. is the stupa Pathat Come Sithop on the top of the mountain in BanRong Bua Thong on highway 1173 going towards Waterford Valley.

Fantastic view from there.

No 2. is the foundation Ubon Lang Si Juramani. You can find it if you go through the Mae Fah Luang University, keep left, passing the big pond and after another 5 km you come to road 1209.

Or you can take superhighway north of Chiang Rai and turn into 1209 after 6-7 km (trafficlight after Ban Du).

Beautiful buildings surronded by a "Chinese Wall".

The buildings are open every weekend. No fee!!!


  • 1 year later...
yes for King Rama V not to long ago. i still remember there was no King ramaV monument at this place yet when i studied at Anubaan Chiang rai school. heheheh

Dear 'unknown_user', I don't know if you are still around, but do you have any idea when the statue of King Rama V was erected?

I think the monument of King Mengrai is from 1954.

And the latest monument, of Boa Ban Phramang (sp?), from 2009.

It's ready to be unveiled, the only thing missing is the veil itself.

I wonder if she is going to do it herself.

If not, then Khun Rattana will do the job, that's for sure.

Khun Boa won gold at the Asean games and became thus the most prominent sportswoman of Chiang Rai.

Nice monument, good idea!

Limbo :)

post-6305-1243995975_thumb.jpg post-6305-1243996036_thumb.jpg

yes for King Rama V not to long ago. i still remember there was no King ramaV monument at this place yet when i studied at Anubaan Chiang rai school. heheheh

Dear 'unknown_user', I don't know if you are still around, but do you have any idea when the statue of King Rama V was erected?

I think the monument of King Mengrai is from 1954.

And the latest monument, of Boa Ban Phramang (sp?), from 2009.

It's ready to be unveiled, the only thing missing is the veil itself.

I wonder if she is going to do it herself.

If not, then Khun Rattana will do the job, that's for sure.

Khun Boa won gold at the Asean games and became thus the most prominent sportswoman of Chiang Rai.

Nice monument, good idea!

Limbo :)

post-6305-1243995975_thumb.jpg post-6305-1243996036_thumb.jpg

If you call in at the Provincial Education office which is near the Rama V statue and ask for Khun Supon he might well know when the statue was erected.

I taught there once and remember that on Rama V day Supon presented a high quality cigar at the base of the statue. If I'm close by I'll call in and report back.


Interesting that neither Wiang Inn nor Wang Come swimming pools get sun. Ok, you might get a few rays if you position yourself in one or another corner. Wiang Inn pool has a few plants - though it used to have a grassy lawn with some attractive trees, which was taken out in favor of concrete. Wang Come forgot about plants when it designed the pool area. At least those two personality-devoid places have lounge chairs, which is more than you can say about the pools at Condotel or White House g.h. - which don't even have seats or tables.

If a pool area isn't shaded all day, then its area is subject to full sun all day, like the big public pool SW of town (west of old airport), or Ing Doi where, not surprisingly, very few people choose to hang out.

Condotel pool is also devoid of people - with full sun half the day, and full shade in the afternoon.

When Thai pool designers went to school, they must have skipped class the day ambiance was taught.

Like the general attitude with designing parks in Thailand; "why allow trees or grass to grow, when you can cover spaces with cement?"

oh, and the sounds. You will never, I repeat never get asked by management whether the music is to your (the customer's) liking. Never has happened in 100 years and never will happen. At Rim Kok' nicely designed pool you'll have Thai pop songs coming out of tinny little radio.

Rim Kok has a rather good buffet, but the 'live music' for lunch is challenging - to put it nicely. I imagine Stevie Wonder as a guest there, going through convulsions listening to the off-key off-tempo dallying of the piano planer. Well, at least it employs a local.

  • 1 month later...

Can anybody translate this text please?

If you can't, which would be quite understandable, you always could guess where in Chiang Rai you can find this object.

To make it easier I added another picture.


Limbo :)


Can anybody translate this text please?

If you can't, which would be quite understandable, you always could guess where in Chiang Rai you can find this object.

To make it easier I added another picture.


Limbo :)


I think it says, 'for a good time, call Noi (formerly known as Pee Chai) 053227938

....not sure, though.


It's easy - in red on the white sign it says - Toilet.

On the bomb fragment it says something like this bomb piece fell on this house or something similar the rest is the date the fragment fell on the house.


It´s a bit more logical, it even tells us the owner of the house it fell on and of course it is the same name as in the second picture.

Can anybody translate this text please?

If you can't, which would be quite understandable, you always could guess where in Chiang Rai you can find this object.

To make it easier I added another picture.

Ban Terd Thai (Hin Taek) in Khun Sa Museum !


Thanks Dan and Puuma! As there were ten points to earn you each got five! Lukamar came close, very close, but just, a difference of a hair on a bold ...., so too short through the corner.

As both of you are of an extremely high level, not accounted for when asking the question, I have to put another one to decide on the final winner (Okey, another ten points and a free beer at Rico's).

In the former barracks of the army of Khun Sa you find on one of the walls a chinese text (at least I think it is Chinese, it doesn't look like Russian). The four dark spots indicate that a piece of paper has been put over it. If so, that piece of paper has gone.

Everytime I am in Hin Taek I visit the place and everytime I wonder what it means. Please, one genuine German beer at Rico's, though I prefer that you just take a Leo, because that's much cheaper.

Limbo :)


...................................... post-6305-1247492335_thumb.jpg

  • 3 weeks later...

I had hoped for Cobrabiker to be able to translate the Chinese text 555, but I will have to ask somebody else.

Anyhow, for those who still wonder where the "ton ta kien saksit" (the "magic tree that makes people blow their horns") went, that was standing in the middle of the super highway where now the entrance to the new busstation is, I add some pictures.

The very beautiful temple of Ban Pa Kluay (Village Forest Banana) offered it a place to rest. Coming from Chiang Rai just 500 meter before the new busstation you take the small soi to the left.

The temple is really worth a visit. It has been restored without destroying essential components and the murals on the right wall are surprising.

You feel that it's still a real temple, not a showpiece for visiting tourists. It's the old style classical northern temple, Romanesque we would say, where the villagers are 'under the wings of the chicken'.

The tree has found a very appropriate place about 600 meters from the spot where it has been growing for the last 700 years, at least according to the official estimates. It's absolutely impossible to count the yearrings. The number 700 shows up often in this kind of contexts. I think it means something like "we don't know how old, but old it is".

The tree was not healthy anymore, you can see that at a slice of the lower part that is put aside. A strong part was used to carve out the extremely impressive Buddha image.

A great solution and done in a very respectfull and beautifell way!

Limbo :)


  • 2 weeks later...

Limbo @ #43:

left column, top to bottom: ni hao ma? (standard greeting)

right column: handwriting for middle two characters not too clear, looks like 'ni kuai le ma? (are you happy?)

were you hoping for something more profound or poetic? :)

For the temple in Ban Pa Kluay, do you have any photos of the murals?

Limbo @ #43:

left column, top to bottom: ni hao ma? (standard greeting)

right column: handwriting for middle two characters not too clear, looks like 'ni kuai le ma? (are you happy?)

were you hoping for something more profound or poetic? :D

For the temple in Ban Pa Kluay, do you have any photos of the murals?

Thank you very much 'wanderingstraycat'!

Not hoping really, but I was intrigued by the text and by the fact that somebody must have thought to have a reason to cover it with a paper, as the four spots indicate. I had indeed expected a kind of 'message' of another kind.

It's a little bit the same with the murals at the right wall of the templer at Ban Pa Kluay. They are special, but at the same time not at all.

Maybe humidity has been 'eating' the former ones, that probably were similar to the classical ones at the left wall.

The artist must have been a good willing amateur, as he or she clearly didn't know the rules for paintings that are placed high above the person looking at it.

Normally you make the heads bigger and the feet smaller, because the perspective will correct it into normality.

This omission makes the drawings absurd in one way and very special in the other.

They must have been very 'daring' from the point of view of those who seek safety in convential presentations.

Sorry for my lousy photographs. I missed even the Lord Buddha in the picture with the three lions that seem to be discussing if they will eat Him or not.

They didn't as we know...

And thanks again!

Limbo :)




Sorry I added the picture with the 'tromp l'oeil' of the canopy on the ceiling of the same temple, but got the message that I was not allowed to edit this posting, so the text went into oblivion.

I think it is a remarcable one. I can't remember I ever saw one before in Thailand.


Limbo :)


thank you for the photos. traditional Thai art "doesn't" have perspective i think. stuff in background will be drawn same size as stuff in foreground, that kinda thing. forgot to mention earlier, the roof of that temple is very much like those in the upper north of Laos.

  • 3 months later...

I know that this is not an easy one.

It's not really visible from the public road and I am sure you don't even want to know where this little street is.

So it is actually very stupid to ask you.

Maybe some friend who happens to visit you knows where it is. Ask him.

Limbo :)

. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . post-6305-1260068569_thumb.jpg

Limbo, No-one is going to admit they know this place.

My friend I, could there be any particular reason nobody would?

The place looks very clean to me and the person who took the picture said it was. :D

I think this is not an easy one.

Permit me to show the interior of one of the appartments, though this might lead to even more confusion.

Limbo :)

PS: Sceadugenga has a special eye for architecture. Maybe he can enlighten us where we can find examples

of this spectacular architectonical style. It has very strong elements of the Mickey Mouse House style as well.

As we see on the picture of the interior, the place could be related to some kind of sport.

K1 maybe?

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . post-6305-1260075965_thumb.jpg


My neighbor stays there regularly. I can't work out why because he has a perfectly good house not too far away.

I can only assume he drinks too much and doesn't want to risk being charged with drink driving going home.


Limbo why didnt you take the "treeroom" you couldt climb the tree, or shoot oil on your fresh new misses in the oilroom with the watergun.

  • 4 weeks later...





Where in Chiang Rai can we see this portrait and who is depicted on it?

A little help: He was one of the very first foreigners that played an important role

in Chiang Rai. His main task might have been to prevent Chiang Rai from becoming

a state under the influence of the Shan king by preserving its status as vassal state

of the Great King Rama V.

One of his close family members is by many considered to be one of the greatest sculptors

through history of Danmark and has a museum in Kopenhagen named after him.

Now it is your turn!

Limbo :)

PS: He was one of the first persons in town with a bicycle! Maybe this helps :D

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . post-6305-1262576297_thumb.jpg


Captain Thorvaldsen, he was a policeman and his relative was the famous Danish sculptor Bertel Thorvaldsen. Not sure where the portrait is though.


Where in Chiang Rai can we see this portrait and who is depicted on it?

A little help: He was one of the very first foreigners that played an important role

in Chiang Rai. His main task might have been to prevent Chiang Rai from becoming

a state under the influence of the Shan king by preserving its status as vassal state

of the Great King Rama V.

One of his close family members is by many considered to be one of the greatest sculptors

through history of Danmark and has a museum in Kopenhagen named after him.

Now it is your turn!

Limbo :)

PS: He was one of the first persons in town with a bicycle! Maybe this helps :D

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . post-6305-1262576297_thumb.jpg

Captain Thorvaldsen, he was a policeman and his relative was the famous Danish sculptor Bertel Thorvaldsen. Not sure where the portrait is though.

Brilliant Skybluestu!

The portrait is on his grave at the Christian churchyard about 1 km after Den Ha at the right (the old Chiang Mai road).

Limbo :)

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . post-6305-1262614697_thumb.jpg

  • 2 weeks later...

We all know where it is, but its history is buried.

At least the secret services of the USA, Sweden and Thailand tried to bury it.

The airplane that after the dirty war in Laos had to disappear.

Air America, Continental Airline service, Swedish Crownair and of course:

Air of Siam, a company that existed untill our local baby was supposed to

have this horrible take-off in Petchabun which officially at least was its last.

Two of the pictures are taken in Chiang Rai three days ago and the other supposedly

in Vaestareaos some decades ago, where the plane supposedly served for parachute

jumpers to do the thing they like to do most: jumping from airplanes!

Was it ever in Vaesteraos? Bo Larson only owned it for a couple of weeks and then it

suddenly was back (?) in Bangkok again. But Bo worked for the Swedish Secret Service

and his 'partner' was based in reno.

Sky of Siam bought it, a company that ceased to exist after the 'accident' in Petchabun.

Funny thing isn't it?

Limbo :)

PS: 1964 Beechcraft super 18, delivered to CASI in the Philippines and having its base mainly in Vientiane.

In 1977 sold, two weeks to Bo and compagnion, then a week later tu Sunant, then a week later to anonther

company of Sunant, then crashed, then sold at an auction. But officially to Sweden.



The engines are confusing. Are it the Pratt and Witneys, the Wasps or whatever, or have the engies been taken out and

have the engines got some fantasy noses? I mean they would need cooling wouldn't they?


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