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May First

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I'm halfway through changing jobs and am getting nervous. My old employer cancelled my work permit (of course), and after that I was entitled to a 15(+6) days extension on my Non-Imm-O visa. I don't have enough savings in the bank now to get a year extension simply on the fact that I'm married in Thailand, so it really has to come from the fact that my next employer has his (er, her) paperwork ready before this 21 days extension runs out. It does on May first.

She says that although most schools are closed, the immigration is probably open on May first. Can anyone verify this, because I sincerely doubt it...

And what about the Thai embassy in Penang/KL/Singapore? Will they be open on May first?

Hoping for a positive answer; if I have to go, I'm trying to plan the trip as efficient as possible, as I'm financially unable to stay elsewhere than home for a long time...

Thanks a lot!

Edited by bentrein
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Actually, May 1st is a bank holiday in Thailand, however, no government-holiday.

Embassies and consulates in Singapore and Malaysia should be closed as Labour day in these two countries is a local public holiday.

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That's what happens when you don't double check. I thought I recalled Thailand was like the US in not observing Mayday because of the Communist connotation but it is still labor day here. Now I see it is a commercial and bank holiday but not a government holiday so Immigration should be open in that case.

I did check both a bank and commercial calender and both had it red. Guess I need to get a government calender also.

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Do you have a phone number of them? The Thai consulate refuses to answer the phone - also on work days. Have been trying all week!

Edit: Don't worry about the number; googled it, found it! Thanks. For other interested: +60 4-2616113 - and they say the consulate is indeed open on May 2nd.

Edited by bentrein
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