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Problem @ CM Immigration


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There seems to be a disagreement about if the OP already gave the money for an extension of stay or not. There might be an honest mistake or not.

However, claiming that you didn't give the money is very rare. As has been suggested, I would ask to speak to a superior and file a complaint with immigration if need be. It would at least prevent from happening again.

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I once paid 1,900b for an extension and at the end of the process she asked me for it again. I said that I gave it to you 10 minutes ago. After 20 mins of her (they) looking it ended up that I had paid it and they found it.

Just a busy day and a lot of work for someone whom multi-tasking involves existing and thinking at the same time.

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I was there today doing my 90 day report 3 days late $2000 baht no problem my stupid not theres. I felt sorry for the officer that took my money he had three pages of receipts to fill out ..

While I was standing there another man walked up and talked to a female officer said he had given his passport to an officer named MR XXXXX and he didnt get a visa . She explained to him that they did not have a MR XXXX who worked there . The entire thing sounded funny guy had his pass port . She was real nice and explained to him what he needed to do . Im not sure it sunk in with him or not ......BUt there never was any mention of money being paid .....

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I was there today doing my 90 day report 3 days late $2000 baht no problem my stupid not theres. I felt sorry for the officer that took my money he had three pages of receipts to fill out ..

While I was standing there another man walked up and talked to a female officer said he had given his passport to an officer named MR XXXXX and he didnt get a visa . She explained to him that they did not have a MR XXXX who worked there . The entire thing sounded funny guy had his pass port . She was real nice and explained to him what he needed to do . Im not sure it sunk in with him or not ......BUt there never was any mention of money being paid .....


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If you're legit, pop back down and ask to speak with the lieutenant in the left office, or try and file a complaint here.

If he is legit why didn't he do that or something similar before walking out with a philosophical question?

A couple of things he is not new to TV this is his third post he has been a member since Jan.2012 he knows what is going on here on the TV threads.

That being said why ask a philosophical question here. If it had happened I would expect him to say so and ask for suggestions. Which of course there are always some posters who really want to help and would be glad to suggest things if they had ideas.

I am surprised that the Mods allowed it. It is obviously a troll.

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I was there today doing my 90 day report 3 days late $2000 baht no problem my stupid not theres. I felt sorry for the officer that took my money he had three pages of receipts to fill out ..

While I was standing there another man walked up and talked to a female officer said he had given his passport to an officer named MR XXXXX and he didnt get a visa . She explained to him that they did not have a MR XXXX who worked there . The entire thing sounded funny guy had his pass port . She was real nice and explained to him what he needed to do . Im not sure it sunk in with him or not ......BUt there never was any mention of money being paid .....

3 days = 1500 THB. No? I've managed to talk my way out of paying every time. Pure luck.

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If you pay a Cjhiang Mai immigration official 1900 baht for a new visa ...

While I was standing there another man walked up and talked to a female officer said he had given his passport to an officer named MR XXXXX and he didnt get a visa ...

Immigrations don't issue visas.

And accusing officials of corruption in order to pose a philosophical question or because of what probably was a mix-up is a bit over the top.

Edited by Suradit69
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I believe all the Immigration offices have now installed video surveillance cameras watching over the front desks, ostensibly to prevent unauthorized money form changing hands. If you were at a legitimate station at the front counter, there should be a video record of you handing over the money -- if you did.

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