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Fake Music license Police trying it on again in Pattaya!


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Last year we paid 7500 baht for a music license for our bar restaurant, (after a raid and a battle at soi 9 police station we paid 20.000 which included a license for 1yr from IMC)
shortly after that time I saw the "Raiders" on TV being busted by the Crime Suppression Unit from BKK)
The people that raided us were busted for selling fake licenses see this youtube video of them being busted by BKK police they were actually busted in soi 9 police station while they were trying to extort another victim.

Exactly 365 days after we got the fake music license the cheeky bastards phoned us to see if we wanted to renew it!

So im guessing that they didn't do any time in Jail and that they are still active.

Im guessing that the corruption is really deep otherwise they would not be able to operate from soi 9 police station!

Ive seen IMC licenses up on the walls of loads of bars that are not worth the paper they are written on.

When will this stop ???



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this might help:

PAYMENT of royalties and related information is available through the Department of Intellectual Property (DIP)
Copyright Office, Tel 02 547 4633 and 02 547 4634.

Meanwhile, a “collecting management organization” known as MPC Music Co (www.mpcmusic.co.th. Tel 02 641 52113) is solely responsible for collecting royalties for international music in Thailand



Edited by manarak
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So what is the truth about these licenses ?

Anybody knows if they really exist, where to get and how much it cost for the real thing to put in monkeys axx when they visit you ?

this might help:

PAYMENT of royalties and related information is available through the Department of Intellectual Property (DIP)

Copyright Office, Tel 02 547 4633 and 02 547 4634.

Meanwhile, a “collecting management organization” known as MPC Music Co (www.mpcmusic.co.th. Tel 02 641 52113) is solely responsible for collecting royalties for international music in Thailand



We own a small bar in BKK and pay 4,280 baht per year to MPC for the Music License

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So what is the truth about these licenses ?

Anybody knows if they really exist, where to get and how much it cost for the real thing to put in monkeys axx when they visit you ?

Of course they exist...don't you ever see the warnings on DVDs and CDs that plainly state that purchase of the media grants the purchaser a license for private use only. It is illegal to play said said media in any public area or business establishment. It's also illegal to rent out the media and do all sorts of other commercial stuff with them. To do any,of the commercial,stuff, a different type of license must be purchased from the copyright holder (the music artist, movie maker, and/or the company).

There are international music/film rights management companies that are authorized to sell said licenses. You must first determine who/what music or film media you want to use in public and then research and contact the appropriate rights management company. They surely have reps in Bangkok. Purchase a commercial use license from them and you're good to go. I suppose you could contact a reputable lawyer in Patts or Bangkok to do all this for you too.

If it wasn't for all the stupid bars owners falling for this scam, the scammers would be out of business!

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I do wonder if any of the license fees actually make it through the food chain and get to the artists. And how would they determine which artists should get some money anyway? Legit or not, I doubt any of the creators of the music get a dime.

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The only people you can legally pay to play digital music are they people that either sell it, such as iTunes or the music company. If you are getting a license to play music that you copied from the internet without paying for it, it should be common sense that this is illegal.

Why don't places stream digital music into their establishment?

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in european countries

you also have this legalized maffia , asking 500 - 1000 euro for a doctor to play music in the waiting room

much more for businesses playing radio @ work

money flows to the directors, hardly to any artist

Nonsense. http://ppluk.com

Paying for music in this country when I never paid in the west, 555...

Ignorance of the law is no excuse!

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It never stops! The stories of people making deals with customs or with the police are never ending, but it is always into the open. You will even get a signed tax-receipt from the general in charge.

Sometimes 10 or 20 thousand baht is not a bad investment even if you pay it to a crook. You could of course beat the bushes, than you have to flee just as the chap who rang the bell when those officials at the Chiangmai Night Bazar did some collections. You do not want to live with the fear that someone comes after you.

You live and work in Pattaya, what did you expect? The same courtesy as you would have received in Geneva?

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MPC Music.pdfMPC record companies.pdf

After 1 day researching and phoning agencies. Below is a list of official companies that can issue a Music license, The guy at MPC says that IMC is a valid license so I was wrong about it being fake (apologies)
The youtube video turns out to be a few years old IMC sales guys were Busted for carrying out ilegal raids but the bust failed to stop them or even slow them down.

A helpful guy at MPC said that IMC are well known to carry out illegal raids on bars that are owned by foreigners and illegally confiscate computers and extort money they then include a IMC license out of the fine he also told my wife that IMC dont have many record labels anyway apart from country music. He also said that IMC have no website and are difficult to check on, they falsely offer that their license covers any foreign music yet they never show anyone a list of what record labels they legitimately have copyright over.

MPC looks like the best their list of record labels is very extensive. I am attaching PFD files listing their labels that you can play under a MPC music license. Sorry its in Thai you will have to get someone to read them out to you.
MPC contact details are at the bottom. They do not accept CASH payments. They seem to be the most Legit and have the most extensive record labels.




List of companies selling music licenses:-





see attached PDFs for record label lists

Edited by Rimmer
List removed as it is all in Thai: English is the only acceptable language, except within the Thai language forum, where of course using Thai is allowed. If you want the list please use the PM function.
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It will never stop - Just like the Jet Ski Mafia never stop! Last week i saw them at it again... Like the poster says, ...... why else would very simple crimes to eradicate still continue years after year. $ is the Law in Thailand,

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It will never stop - Just like the Jet Ski Mafia never stop! Last week i saw them at it again... Like the poster says, ...... why else would very simple crimes to eradicate still continue years after year. $ is the Law in Thailand,

Have you read the post above yours? Isn't infringing somebody's copyright immoral?

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Profane post removed, if you want to reply to a post then please do so with out all the swearing which is not welcome on here:

3) Not to post in a manner that is vulgar, obscene or profane.

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I would agree with Restaurant101, we have only ever used MPC in Bangkok. To renew we deposit 3,745 Baht to their account (3 units) and receive the license Via EMS. Never had a problem with them, they even give you a letter oh how to deal with people saying they are copyright police!!

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This sort of thing makes my blood boil, pity someone does not take them up on their offer, invite them round to collect and arrange a surprise bash for them, or should that be bashing?

But they turn up in droves, 10-20 burly men just to check music licence or computer softwares in internet cafes,

it is protection racket and extortion pure and simple.

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  • 2 months later...

Can someone advise if I want to open a small bar and would like to play a music from you tube service Do I need to get a license for that? Also If I run some Internet TV channel and they might be playing some music - Do I also need a license? Also I heard there is a special license if I want to play music late at night ( somewhere after 10P.M.)

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Can someone advise if I want to open a small bar and would like to play a music from you tube service Do I need to get a license for that? Also If I run some Internet TV channel and they might be playing some music - Do I also need a license? Also I heard there is a special license if I want to play music late at night ( somewhere after 10P.M.)

You want to open a business after reading this?

The music police are just the beginning of your troubles.

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I'm not hesitating if I want to invest in Thailand or not - I'm already doing it So yes I'll be opening in the nearest future so I need to understand the issue with this music bullshit licensing

Can someone advise if I want to open a small bar and would like to play a music from you tube service Do I need to get a license for that? Also If I run some Internet TV channel and they might be playing some music - Do I also need a license? Also I heard there is a special license if I want to play music late at night ( somewhere after 10P.M.)

You want to open a business after reading this?

The music police are just the beginning of your troubles.

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My friend had a restaurant and had the required music license too. Trouble was, a staff teamed up with the music police scammers and had an illegal music CD playing when the as*holes showed up. Busted.

...and the staff resigned the next day... with a tidy sum no doubt.

Scam scam scam. Thailand.

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