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Fake Music license Police trying it on again in Pattaya!


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My friend had a restaurant and had the required music license too. Trouble was, a staff teamed up with the music police scammers and had an illegal music CD playing when the as*holes showed up. Busted.

...and the staff resigned the next day... with a tidy sum no doubt.

Scam scam scam. Thailand.

It is hard to win in Thailand the odds are really stacked against you.

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  • 11 months later...

The only people you can legally pay to play digital music are they people that either sell it, such as iTunes or the music company. If you are getting a license to play music that you copied from the internet without paying for it, it should be common sense that this is illegal.

Why don't places stream digital music into their establishment?

I know a Thai restaurant that got hit by these guys FOR STREAMING FREE ONLINE RADIO !!!!!!!!! The FREE radio station has no mention of royalties, it has advertising on it and in the audio stream every 20 minutes or so and it also announces its call letters and identifies itself as free online radio.

The restaurant got extorted, I believe.

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They hit my friends very very small restaurant a couple of weeks ago. He had to pay 10k but they assured him they would return with the legal sticker to put on his window. Of course they did not return.

like those fake insurance stickers on jet skis ?

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