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Are some guys really naive?


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What I find naive is thinking that a girl who will openly disrespect and scam a sponsor, will somehow treat you any differently when a better catch comes along. You know, monkey branching. Or do you think that you are so special that a girl who has no qualms about scamming will not leave you in the dust later on? Several years on, I don't find these things funny or intriguing anymore, I find it straight up repulsive.

My thoughts exactly.

As this thread is not being closed I am trying to understand the OP's motives. Are you trying to tell us that you are able to find a woman without paying? Or are you so much smarter than everybody else. Your post baffles me, to say the least.

And I agree with MrHammer: a girl that scams people for a living is not suddenly become a saint because you came along.

Given the OP's name, what do you think?

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Very few Thai men give money to their girlfriends full stop, hence the huge amount of single mothers in Thailand with children living with their parents on the farm.

I'm sorry, but that is nonsense. Putting aside the fact that it sounds like a generalized view of Thailand based on interactions limited to bar girls and Nana Plaza beer dens, the vast majority of Thai families are exactly the same as those in the west, with fathers working to support their families and children.

Of course there are rogues and bad'uns. How is that any different to the west, where whole government departments have been established to track down and hold run-away fathers financially responsible for the kids they bring into the world.

Not in my experience

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None so blind as he who will not see.

Women have been known to deceive themselves about men as well. Need trumps sometimes reason, at least for a while, regardless of one's gender.

Or to put it in Jungian terms, an anima projection is a very powerful thing. It is also easier to do and to sustain when the object of the projection is a person of idifferent race/culture.

You're getting to philosophical now for Thaivisa. I had to google Anima Projection :Dhttp://www.shadowdance.com/articles/isitloveorprojection.html

It is an interesting theory for sure. I've often noted that many girls seem to project their ideal mysterious stranger onto you and the less you reveal the more attractive you become, particularly if she is looking for 'Mr. Right Now' ;-)

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There was a time when i lived in the Philippines. Me and my girlfriend were being supported by her ex. We were being western unioned $2000 per month by this fella! Went on for over a year. We split the money 50/50 and saved it up. I was earning a good wage, as we she. Plus we got this $1K per month coming in! We were living really well. He arrived at our house one night.... Poor fella was heartbroken, on the next flight off the island. Shame, we enjoyed the extra cash....


Sir ... you are a cad!

Have you no shame?

He is not a cad and no way to be regarded as a Sir, a cad is someone ripping off a lady, this guy is something else. sad.png

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are you saying no thaiu ladies want farrang for real ?

think your wrong , not every apple has fallen from the same tree ..

prostitutes everywhere have repeat customers n some guys dote on them . up to them ...

some can afford to send the lady cash , again , up to them ...5555

if I was a good looking thai bird, id do the same 5555 smile.png its normal ..

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Very few Thai men give money to their girlfriends full stop, hence the huge amount of single mothers in Thailand with children living with their parents on the farm.

I'm sorry, but that is nonsense. Putting aside the fact that it sounds like a generalized view of Thailand based on interactions limited to bar girls and Nana Plaza beer dens, the vast majority of Thai families are exactly the same as those in the west, with fathers working to support their families and children.

Of course there are rogues and bad'uns. How is that any different to the west, where whole government departments have been established to track down and hold run-away fathers financially responsible for the kids they bring into the world.

Not in my experience

Then you obviously move in different circles to me. It amazes me how many expats get their view of Thailand from the bar scene, and extrapolate that onto the entire population.


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Very few Thai men give money to their girlfriends full stop, hence the huge amount of single mothers in Thailand with children living with their parents on the farm.

I'm sorry, but that is nonsense. Putting aside the fact that it sounds like a generalized view of Thailand based on interactions limited to bar girls and Nana Plaza beer dens, the vast majority of Thai families are exactly the same as those in the west, with fathers working to support their families and children.

Of course there are rogues and bad'uns. How is that any different to the west, where whole government departments have been established to track down and hold run-away fathers financially responsible for the kids they bring into the world.

Not in my experience

Then you obviously move in different circles to me. It amazes me how many expats get their view of Thailand from the bar scene, and extrapolate that onto the entire population.

It's amazing how many people on this forum assume that everyone learns everything in a bar.

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The OP has not factored how desparate and lonely for sex and recognition by a female many men are. This drives them to make stupid decisions despite the fact the rational part of their brain knows what they are doing is stupid. This rational thinking is actively suppressed by the desparation.

There's so many hookers out here though so what's the point in sending 20k per month to one you see once or twice a year.

Surely it's much cheaper just to come here and pick one up from the gogo.

If it's companionship they are after then get a dog. It'll be better company than some uneducated bar girl on the other side of the world.

What I find naive is thinking that a girl who will openly disrespect and scam a sponsor, will somehow treat you any differently when a better catch comes along. You know, monkey branching. Or do you think that you are so special that a girl who has no qualms about scamming will not leave you in the dust later on? Several years on, I don't find these things funny or intriguing anymore, I find it straight up repulsive.

From what I can gather he didn't care much about this girl. He was just shacked up with her for the sex and money and then moved on eventually.

Anyone entering into a relationship with a girl like that would be crazy.

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The OP has not factored how desparate and lonely for sex and recognition by a female many men are. This drives them to make stupid decisions despite the fact the rational part of their brain knows what they are doing is stupid. This rational thinking is actively suppressed by the desparation.

There's so many hookers out here though so what's the point in sending 20k per month to one you see once or twice a year.

Surely it's much cheaper just to come here and pick one up from the gogo.

If it's companionship they are after then get a dog. It'll be better company than some uneducated bar girl on the other side of the world.

What I find naive is thinking that a girl who will openly disrespect and scam a sponsor, will somehow treat you any differently when a better catch comes along. You know, monkey branching. Or do you think that you are so special that a girl who has no qualms about scamming will not leave you in the dust later on? Several years on, I don't find these things funny or intriguing anymore, I find it straight up repulsive.

From what I can gather he didn't care much about this girl. He was just shacked up with her for the sex and money and then moved on eventually.

Anyone entering into a relationship with a girl like that would be crazy.


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There was a time when i lived in the Philippines. Me and my girlfriend were being supported by her ex. We were being western unioned $2000 per month by this fella! Went on for over a year. We split the money 50/50 and saved it up. I was earning a good wage, as we she. Plus we got this $1K per month coming in! We were living really well. He arrived at our house one night.... Poor fella was heartbroken, on the next flight off the island. Shame, we enjoyed the extra cash....


Just one question : How low can you go ?

And I don't mean physically.


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Why oh why do guys complain about girls or Thai girls in particular I just don't get it.

Just a short story of my life with a Thai lady if you have time or the patience to read it.

I meet my (now wife for 12 years) at the airport in BKK (she used to work for an airline then)

We kept in contact ever since by mail I went back many times to LOS after that and we

decided we are right for each other I never ever send any money to her or family

apart from sending her the airfare to come to OZ for a holiday.

So I decided to move to LOS I sold my business over here and moved

I started up a new business in LOS which failed badly but only because I made some

bad decisions so after about 4 years we decided to move back to OZ mainly because

to apply for the Australian pension ( which you have to live here for 2 years to apply)

I started a new job over here done that and got made redundant because of lack of work.

Since my wife still works I do not get or hardly any pension. So my wife goes to work

every day just after 6 am comes home at 3pm has one hour sleep and goes to the

second job at 4.30 pm and comes home at 10 pm six days a week and we have

just one day together I am sad I can not do much for here but she says never mind.

Also we have our nephew here on a student visa who goes to school every day

and after school he goes working in a restaurant and comes home at midnight.

So don't complain about Thai people I found them better then the one's in the west.

But who paid and arranged everything to get the nephew on a student visa to youre home country?
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nothing new about the OP's comments.... I have been in certain places in my single man days in Thailand and witnessed the ladies of soi yodsak on the phone to Herman or Dave telling them they love them whilst they are 'on the job'

It's not healthy to keep hearing and seeing these kind of things as it just clouds your views on all women really....whether Thai or whatever....

Not just bar girls either.... keep that in mind all those with a 'good girl'


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Why oh why do guys complain about girls or Thai girls in particular I just don't get it.

Just a short story of my life with a Thai lady if you have time or the patience to read it.

I meet my (now wife for 12 years) at the airport in BKK (she used to work for an airline then)

We kept in contact ever since by mail I went back many times to LOS after that and we

decided we are right for each other I never ever send any money to her or family

apart from sending her the airfare to come to OZ for a holiday.

So I decided to move to LOS I sold my business over here and moved

I started up a new business in LOS which failed badly but only because I made some

bad decisions so after about 4 years we decided to move back to OZ mainly because

to apply for the Australian pension ( which you have to live here for 2 years to apply)

I started a new job over here done that and got made redundant because of lack of work.

Since my wife still works I do not get or hardly any pension. So my wife goes to work

every day just after 6 am comes home at 3pm has one hour sleep and goes to the

second job at 4.30 pm and comes home at 10 pm six days a week and we have

just one day together I am sad I can not do much for here but she says never mind.

Also we have our nephew here on a student visa who goes to school every day

and after school he goes working in a restaurant and comes home at midnight.

So don't complain about Thai people I found them better then the one's in the west.

But who paid and arranged everything to get the nephew on a student visa to youre home country?

His parent did we just sponsored him which did not cost any money

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There was a time when i lived in the Philippines. Me and my girlfriend were being supported by her ex. We were being western unioned $2000 per month by this fella! Went on for over a year. We split the money 50/50 and saved it up. I was earning a good wage, as we she. Plus we got this $1K per month coming in! We were living really well. He arrived at our house one night.... Poor fella was heartbroken, on the next flight off the island. Shame, we enjoyed the extra cash....


Congratulations. You were supported by your girlfriend's boyfriend. You must be very proud.

TV has a new role model.

What were we supposed to do, tell him to stop sending the money? coffee1.gif Ahh well he stopped now anyway.

At the very least, you could have let your g/f keep the money for herself, her family, her savings! Do you also take half the pay of your g/f's who have regular jobs? Or did you consider that she was "cheating on you" so she owed you that money? That you owned her, so she should give you half?

Quite disgusting really, I think we call people who do this "pimps" and it isn't normally highly respected.

Unfortunately farangland has this type of folk, if I was as low as he, I would most certainly not broadcast it, BUT, he is anonymous here, sooo, he feels cool in his few bucks from perhaps a countryman. sad.png

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OMG, old men giving money to pretty young women....now that NEVER happens in farang land lmao

All the guys I've met who send money regularly to bar girls when they get back home, are in fact young, or at least younger than 40. The older guys are smarter and wiser and their peckers don't rule their brains.

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There was a time when i lived in the Philippines. Me and my girlfriend were being supported by her ex. We were being western unioned $2000 per month by this fella! Went on for over a year. We split the money 50/50 and saved it up. I was earning a good wage, as we she. Plus we got this $1K per month coming in! We were living really well. He arrived at our house one night.... Poor fella was heartbroken, on the next flight off the island. Shame, we enjoyed the extra cash....


Sir ... you are a cad!

Have you no shame?

He is not a cad and no way to be regarded as a Sir, a cad is someone ripping off a lady, this guy is something else. sad.png

I think "lowlife" might cover it.

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I was never judging the girl and would not even mention it if it wasn't so bizarre. These guys didn't sound like losers at all. The guy from Austria was about 30, hardworking by the sounds of it and just away for the week. (By the way, she works part time in Koh Samui and is half Filipina if that reminds you of yourself.).

So what I am trying to figure out is are these guys so clueless that it would be a complete surprise if he found it? And its one after the other. Why would some guy in England send money to a massage girl every month when he could find a great girl at home and sleep together every night.

Another girl from Sattahip was well off, beautiful home and just likes to hit a few clubs when he is doing his computer work in Japan. When I asked her about her husband she just laughed and said how stupid he was.

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OMG, old men giving money to pretty young women....now that NEVER happens in farang land lmao

All the guys I've met who send money regularly to bar girls when they get back home, are in fact young, or at least younger than 40. The older guys are smarter and wiser and their peckers don't rule their brains.

Met an English guy last year in an expat wateringhole in Buriram the guy was already living there six years on a retirement visa and could just not believe he could buy a car and motorbike in his own name after being told so by many expats,apparently he was complaining about his wifes gambling habits and things with engines and wheels would dissappear from time to time.true story so age has nothing to do with it.
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Easy question to respond...with real events.

I have a friend in California. She is 50 years old, very fat and ugly.....but smart. She "works" for a 1-900- phone system offering phone sex encounter by phone paying by the minute. She is paid $10/hour, callers pay $5/minute. When men calls, she may be cooking or watching TV and have on the wall a script about how to talk sexy, and what to say to the callers.....She told me that some times men are talking with her more than 30 minutes.... some very young and married. Do the maths....

In Chiang Mai I have another friend...she is young, beautiful and married with a farang. She owns a hair shop in Tha Pae Road, always full of women.....paying 300thb for her each time she writes and translates e-mails they send and receive from farangs outside Thailand...Looooong love letters in English. All those women are low class, uneducated women, speaking only Thai.

Tell me the difference......

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