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Dog Carrier

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As mentioned in my previous posts, I will have to return to the US. Can anyone recommend where I can buy a good carrier in Chiang Mai for a 19 kilo dog?

Also, again, I welcome ANY suggestions on how to make this trip as painless as possible with my dog.

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ANY suggestions on how to make this trip as painless as possible with my dog.

ask a vet for sedative injection as acepromazine maleate

I am preparing to bring my dog to THailand from the US shortly and all the vets I have spoken with are very much against drugging the animal prior to flight. They say that it may cause more confusion and cause the animal to panic because he will not be in control of his senses.

If the seditive is for you on the other hand i say that is the only way to fly!

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A good pet carrier you can buy from the pet shop in Airport Plaza in the parkinglot on ground level or the petshop between Carrefour and the Makro (same owner). A good size carrier for your dog should be slightly larger than the lenght between the tip of it's nose and tail onset. The height should be a bit higher than the dog when having its head in neutral position.

I'm not in favor of sedating the animal during the trip. This has several reason:

* a sedated dog can suffocate due to its own tongue slipping back in its throat.

* the body temperature of a sedated animal can drop enough for it to die during the flight (KLM does not accept sedated animals because of this reason)

* as mentioned in another mail, a sedated dog can panick because it is sedated.

It would be much better to crate-train your dog. Make it feel comfortable in its crate. Make that the dog experiences the crate as its safe den, somethings where it can sleep quietly and safe away from daily commotion. This safe den you can take whereever you go on any travel.

More often dogs and cats go basurk during travel due to lack of crate-training (and therefore hate to be confined) than that they panick because of the travel.

With Friendly Greetings, Nienke

As mentioned in my previous posts, I will have to return to the US. Can anyone recommend where I can buy a good carrier in Chiang Mai for a 19 kilo dog?

Also, again, I welcome ANY suggestions on how to make this trip as painless as possible with my dog.

Edited by Nienke
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