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Phuket jet-ski operator attacks Israeli tourists


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This case has already been toned down to a non-criminal offence.

Surprised it'll even get to court.

Will be swept under the carpet as usual.

I don't read that.

I think there are elements of a non criminal nature with which the tourist Court will deal, and possibly compensation for injuries suffered by the Israelis is one of them?? Another is compensation for damage to the jet ski, if in fact damage occurred.

I think he will still face criminal charges for assault.

I suppose I can add 'jet ski scams' to my reasons for not visiting either Pattaya or Phuket.

Edited by F4UCorsair
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"I have already spoken with the director of Kata-Karon Jet-ski Association and urged him to keep a closer eye on jet-ski operators on this beach. We don't want any more incidents like this, Phuket Marine Chief Phuriphat Teerakulpisut said.

Mr Danaichet accepted the assault charges by police, and is now out on bail."

Thai logic at its best.... we don't want this to keep happening, so we let the perps out on bail to do it again before sundown...

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Well you can't just damage peoples jet skis and expect not to compensate them. There was no denial of damage on the Israelis part.

There was no comment from the Israeli's Israelis full stop

There was no statement or implication in the article that the Israelis denied they damaged the jet ski whether or not in fact the jet ski was damaged.

People are very quick to rush to judgement of the Thai. Clearly he must have been very angry about something.

I took the liberty of correcting your damaged grammar. No charge for that.

So he used a pole ...........

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa app

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Jet skis operate much differently than propeller powered boats. There is a lag in the response to the steering control. The uninitiated often corrects their slow to respond directional effort with a countermand ing measure. It results in loss of control and many times a collision. I think the operators probably count on this characteristic to collect outrageous repair fees from the unsuspecting.

Why doesn't a hotel chain on the beach contract to a legitimate sea sports outfit with proper equipment, instruction and insurance to offer the experience? Could the Jet Ski Association (read mafia) be the obstacle? Pattaya seems to have a lot of similar experiences with jet skis. Go Cha am!

In Spain you need a licence to hire a jet ski.

It's proof you have some sort of experience.

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The police have been very cunning and at the same time thumbing their noses at tourists. They have charged this operator with assault, legally assault means NO contact, if contact is made, it becomes battery. So, guess what is the lesser charge and who will get off scot-free?

Edited by Rorri
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Why is an assault a non criminal charge

read between the lines..in other words it will all be swept under the carpet

Because assault, by definition, means NO contact, if contact is made it is battery.

Since there is a criminal charge brought forward your post makes no sense. Did you read the OP?

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Why is an assault a non criminal charge?

Thai law can be mysterious. Like when a speeding charge in connection with vehicular manslaughter of a policeman has a 2 year statute of limitations. I wonder if the vehicular manslaughter of a police officer charge also has a statute of limitations. I cite these very different cases to highlight surprising aspects of the law and legal system.

I did learn one thing from that other case. The first thing I will do if ever pulled over for DUI is immediately grab a bottle of whiskey and guzzle. That way, they could not prove I was drunk before or after I was pulled over. I wonder if I could pull that off in another country? Obviously, if in custody you would need a mate to slip you one but it might be possible.

The problem with you plan is that it is entirely likely you will be guilty regardless of "proof" or not.

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Is this a new low? beating a 66 year old with a stick?

He shouldn't be bailed, ridiculous.

While in no way excusing the beating, are you being ageist? Many 66 year olds are just middle aged in appearance, and would, I'm sure, be offended as being presumed to be somehow "passed it". I saw a tv interview with Roger Waters the other day, and he looks like a 50 year old.

Violence from these criminals is the problem, regardless of the age of their victims.

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I do not understand why people keep hiring these jet skis ....

Because even thought widely reported, some tourists have no ideas of those scams, and certainly not occurring to such a scale!

It's hard to believe there are more than maybe three people left in the world who haven't heard, but I guess there must be...

With respect to the pre-rental photo/video thing... Wasn't there a story a few months back where some renters were attacked by a Phuket jet-ski operator for attempting to do precisely that?

Sorry but I'm affraid millions of people in the Western world have never heard it, as millions of people have never heard anything whatsoever about Thailandtongue.png one day these people wonder, where shall we go for our next hollidays?...then they open a TAT brochure ant that's it!

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There is no love lost between Thais and Jews. Its well known that the guesthouses on Phi Phi have signs saying that people of Jewish extraction are not allowed. Its written a little more directly than that.

There is as usual a lot more to this story and I would prefer a few more facts from the newspapers before forming an opinion

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There is no love lost between Thais and Jews. Its well known that the guesthouses on Phi Phi have signs saying that people of Jewish extraction are not allowed. Its written a little more directly than that.

There is as usual a lot more to this story and I would prefer a few more facts from the newspapers before forming an opinion

If that is true, I doubt that it's because of anti semitism by Thais, more likely because young ISRAELI tourists are extremely unpopular with young tourists of other ethnicity.

I'm not going into the reasons here, but read any Thai related travel forum and that comes over very strongly when the subject comes up.

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There is no love lost between Thais and Jews. Its well known that the guesthouses on Phi Phi have signs saying that people of Jewish extraction are not allowed. Its written a little more directly than that.

There is as usual a lot more to this story and I would prefer a few more facts from the newspapers before forming an opinion

If that is true, I doubt that it's because of anti semitism by Thais, more likely because young ISRAELI tourists are extremely unpopular with young tourists of other ethnicity.

I'm not going into the reasons here, but read any Thai related travel forum and that comes over very strongly when the subject comes up.

No. Its not that reason. I asked

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I seem to remember something about these things having compulsory insurance....or was it a dream?

Very interesting point. Owning and operating a vehicle of any sort carries the requirement to have it insured. That should be the very first point made, and/or policies should be reviewed and proper notice given to customers renting; "Be advised that these rented vehicles do not carry any insurance coverage, and the renter is liable for all damage to the vehicle; either pre-existing damage, or damage done during the rental period."

Again; excellent point! Why are the police and the Phuket government allowing uninsured vehicles to be used in a business?

I cannot help but think enough negative things about the Thai mentality and Thai mind that justifies the way they pollute the term "existence" at certain times like this.

It is the single biggest point since the origin of the scam as far as I am concerned. If anyone, anywhere in Thailand is in the least serious about stopping the jet ski problem, then compulsory insurance by the owner should be provided. No operating license should be issued without it. No licence, no renting.

The same should be applicable to bike and car rentals, too many times I have heard of people being scammed due to small damage to motorcycles over here.

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I seem to remember something about these things having compulsory insurance....or was it a dream?

Very interesting point. Owning and operating a vehicle of any sort carries the requirement to have it insured. That should be the very first point made, and/or policies should be reviewed and proper notice given to customers renting; "Be advised that these rented vehicles do not carry any insurance coverage, and the renter is liable for all damage to the vehicle; either pre-existing damage, or damage done during the rental period."

Again; excellent point! Why are the police and the Phuket government allowing uninsured vehicles to be used in a business?

I cannot help but think enough negative things about the Thai mentality and Thai mind that justifies the way they pollute the term "existence" at certain times like this.

It is the single biggest point since the origin of the scam as far as I am concerned. If anyone, anywhere in Thailand is in the least serious about stopping the jet ski problem, then compulsory insurance by the owner should be provided. No operating license should be issued without it. No licence, no renting.

The same should be applicable to bike and car rentals, too many times I have heard of people being scammed due to small damage to motorcycles over here.

That would only lead to scam insurance.

The real answer is corruption free policing. So don't hold your breath. Nothing has been done regarding the saudi gem theft, and they are really rich, so what hope the average mug that rents a jet ski.

Personally, I'd like to ban the horrid things altogether.

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I seem to remember something about these things having compulsory insurance....or was it a dream?

Very interesting point. Owning and operating a vehicle of any sort carries the requirement to have it insured. That should be the very first point made, and/or policies should be reviewed and proper notice given to customers renting; "Be advised that these rented vehicles do not carry any insurance coverage, and the renter is liable for all damage to the vehicle; either pre-existing damage, or damage done during the rental period."

Again; excellent point! Why are the police and the Phuket government allowing uninsured vehicles to be used in a business?

I cannot help but think enough negative things about the Thai mentality and Thai mind that justifies the way they pollute the term "existence" at certain times like this.

I don't know of any car rental company in the world that provides the driver with insurance at no charge. However, they will sell it to you. Again, I don't know why you would make this a Thailand only situation.

I don't know of any car rental company that doesn't have an insurance policy on their vehicles.

However, as you correctly state they won't provide insurance cover to the driver without charge. In the case of the jet-skis, make it compulsory that the owners have the policy and the additional charge for the cover is compulsory for the user. Everything in the open.

Clearly and transparently..................................wink.png

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