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How to Spend 15000 Baht (donated) on Kids


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Over the years we've been here, we've helped schools, orphanages, a disabled home, and neighborhood kids. My generous brother sent over $500 and asked me to spend it on 'the kids' over here. I'm looking for a novel way to do that......get the most bang for the buck. Anyone out there care to share their ideas?

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Not sure how many kids, and where is your place/where are the kids....

I would think a memorable day would be the best to spend, so, kids would have fun.

Like take them to the zoo :)

500$ should cover quite a few kids, even if a plate of food included. Not sure on the distance to a near by zoo, though, so, but 10.000 or so baht should get some transportation too, if the school has not got any.

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field trips are a good idea. But really no one can give you really accurate advice without knowing the full situation of the school. I know a lot of people who go to the orphanages once a year and give the kids treats and toys. Which may seem like a nice thing but when they lack proper nutrition, hygene and other basic needs, seems like feeding cake to those starving.

If the school has proper chairs, desks, resources, then a field trip would be great. However if the students don't have enough note pads, pencils, or even glasses for those that need them, not sure how much help that 500 is going to give.

aimless generosity really isn't any better than giving nothing at all. Putting a bandaid on an open heart surgery.

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I've considered doing this myself with my spare change jar which does end up being quite a few baht every year. The only reservation I have is giving money directly, because it wouldn't be the first time someone pocketed the money for themselves. On the other hand, I definitely do not want to give to an ngo because most of those are pure business. If I had enough money, I'd probably think something like a computer lab for a poor school would be a great idea, but then again, they will probably only be used for gaming. I like the idea of bikes, but again, I would imagine that giving somewhat useful or expensive things to kids may unfortunately be stolen by bullies, particularly in orphanages. A field trip on the other hand may be the inspiration somone needs to follow their dreams. Memories are forever.

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Not sure where your located, but use the money outside of BKK. Last time we went to an orphanage in BKK they had a waiting list of 4 months to buy lunch for the kids. Dont get me wrong, I think that its great people want to help. I am just pretty sure other areas of the country dont have nearly as many donations. We now donate to smaller places out near Sa Keow where the missus father lives.

Good luck.

p.s. I recommend buying stuff and donating and not giving money, money has a way of finding its way into peoples pockets (not just here in Thailand)

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two organizations our family helps out are

sos foundation thailand - orphanage offering a hand up not hand outs... www.sosthailand.org

isara foundation - 100% non profit run by an amaerican in Nong Khai... www.isara.org

Many people say do not just give the money to an organization but in SOME cases these people can take a little bit and turn it into a lot...

i live in the North East region and these places are nearby so I know them.....i am sure there are places similar to this in your location...you just have to find them..

Wherever you choose it will be welcomed.... a big thank you to you and your family for this donation every bit helps.

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Best news I've read all day.

Don't have anything to add,

for all the suggestions are great,

that have been submitted.

I can tell you though,

taking children on a trip is problematic with the organizations.

I tried when I was a full-time Teacher in Hua Hin,

and what a production it was getting approval,

and organized.

I was retiring and wanted to do something special for my homeroom students...

Cheers to you & your family for their generosity.

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There are a lot of Thai kids who drop out of school after grade 9 as most of them have to then pay school fees of about $50 usd a year and their parents can't afford it, especially if they have several kids. As I understand it the Thai govt pays the fees up to grade 9 and then in some provinces etc the kids/parents have to pay the fee.

It is possible to prepay some kids school fees for them to help them stay in school a few years longer which could make a BIG difference in their lives...not sure about Bangkok or other provinces but I do know it can be done in Chiang Rai.....a friend of mine paid for about 30 kids to stay in school from grade 9 to graduation and it sure seemed to work out well.

For $500 you could likely pay for at least ten dirt poor kids to stay in school another year....

Anyway...whatever you do with the donation good for your brother and you for being kind.

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For the past 25 years I have been running a project helping kids all over Asia - Thailand, Cambodia, Afghanistan, Tibet, Nepal, Philippines, Vietnam etc. I know of dozens of great ways and places to help children - medical assistance, income-generation projects, financing libraries and schools, scholarships etc. etc. If you want some seasoned advice on how to direct your funds, feel free to contact me. www.100friends.org

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For $500, the charitable organization I used to work in near Phrao, north of Chiang Mai, would keep five hill tribe kids for a month - that's food, clothing, everything. www.warmheartworldwide.org.

But even $100 would help keep one kid for a month !

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two organizations our family helps out are

sos foundation thailand - orphanage offering a hand up not hand outs... www.sosthailand.org

isara foundation - 100% non profit run by an amaerican in Nong Khai... www.isara.org

Many people say do not just give the money to an organization but in SOME cases these people can take a little bit and turn it into a lot...

i live in the North East region and these places are nearby so I know them.....i am sure there are places similar to this in your location...you just have to find them..

Wherever you choose it will be welcomed.... a big thank you to you and your family for this donation every bit helps.

"isara foundation - 100% non profit run by an amaerican in Nong Khai... www.isara.org"

...watch out, I know some non profit organizations, which pay salaries to their directors, that you will get dizzy, when you learn about it. A non profit organization should be able to show your their accounting. Better stay in control of the money and spend it directly to those in need. There are enough out there.

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I belong to an organization called "friends of youth" in Pattaya, monthly during dry season the Banglamung Boys home provides bus and chaperones to take 20 of the orphaned boys fishing at a fish park, not catch and release but take home and they get to brag about the one that got away and about 10 of us assist this.

During rainy season we take 20 bowling and both gutters have fences so no gutter balls, you should see the excitement for strikes and spares.

The fishing park and bowling alley give us great rates ie 3 games for B100 then we feed them for another B100 so for B4000 we bring a lot of joy to the lives of these kids.

At Christmas time we take all 60 of them Christmas shopping with B300 to spend.

Giving to those who appreciate it is so rewarding.

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Kudos to your family for their generosity. clap2.gif

A well organised day out for the kids, do a children's home, arrange a day out on a bus and go to an island on a boat, have a meal setup and some clowns and friendly animals and games for the kids and little presses.

They would have to have plastic surgery to get the smiles off their faces. That American thing the guy said sounds great.

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I belong to an organization called "friends of youth" in Pattaya, monthly during dry season the Banglamung Boys home provides bus and chaperones to take 20 of the orphaned boys fishing at a fish park, not catch and release but take home and they get to brag about the one that got away and about 10 of us assist this.

During rainy season we take 20 bowling and both gutters have fences so no gutter balls, you should see the excitement for strikes and spares.

The fishing park and bowling alley give us great rates ie 3 games for B100 then we feed them for another B100 so for B4000 we bring a lot of joy to the lives of these kids.

At Christmas time we take all 60 of them Christmas shopping with B300 to spend.

Giving to those who appreciate it is so rewarding.

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