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I have no problems finding people to work for me, I ask my neighbors and they will contact the person for me, I paid 300 baht a job. I recently paid a man to lay some tile on my outside kitchen paid him his asking price of 120 baht per box of tile laid and the job of laying the tile and some plastering cost me a total of 1,400 baht, I was very satisfied with his work and paid him the wage he stated, both parties satisfied!

450-500 Baht is a wage most tradesmen ask for in my village if they have to use their electric tools on the job or are the lead-man for a number of employees!



You get what you sow, if you can not get quality people to fill you positions then you must look at your pay and working conditions, What are you paying these Thai employees and what are their working conditions?

You need to grow up as a person as well as an employer, you need to sort out what is wrong with your company, if you are not willing or unable to abide by the employment laws of this country, then your business (if in fact you have one) should not be allowed to do business in Thailand, period. Most business shysters have opted to open businesses in Thailand because of the low wages and unenforced working conditions.

The Wages you stated of 40,000-60,000 Baht is starting well below the minimum wage you would have to pay your employees in the states for a Thai with a college degree.

Our daughter a recent graduate of the University, just resigned her first job because of the work load she was expected to do and her employer kept piling extra work on, and against the pleads of her employer, she quit to open her own business.

If you want good employees you MUST pay a decent wage and Must Provide good working conditions.


Regarding the first observation, I do not give up easily. I do not cave in to ineptness and incompetence. I keep gong until I find what I want and then treat it accordingly. If it is a person, I communicate with him or her and express my expectations and what I am willing to provide to the person who can meet those expectations.

Regarding the second observation, I do not need to grow up, if I am trying to meet your expectation, however I am continually growing; yet simply not at the rate of speed that Thais guage their growth. I am well past that.

Regarding your embrace of Thai laws: what Thai laws? Which one, or ones? Who enforces them? Are they perfect? Are they just? Are they racist? Are they not written so vaguely and ambiguously as to allow any Thai authority to bend them to their own sordid will? Do Thais demonstrate the intellectual ability to perform a task without somehow their FACE, their greed, their fear of doing the wrong thing, or how old the person is or what their status is shutting down their thought processes, etc? I could go on all day long about your notions about their laws, and how flawed they are; indeed, how flawed the people who make them are. Just look around (promises / Hubs / crackdowns / guarantees / ...).

Those shysters you make comment on; you will find, are more closely connected with your daily life and routine than you suspect. You may want to opt out of that accusation, as it makes a pot call a kettle black, unless you want to move out into the jungle and become a survivalist.

Regarding your daughter; she seems like an intelligent person, if she has anything to do with you. But that does not describe the millions of other minions being pumped out of these institutional charades.

Yes! I do want great employees, and I do have great employees, and the Thais are good enough, but not great. The Thais I have are compulsory. The government says I have to have them. No choice. They drag along and try to keep up with the pace I set for the foreign employees I have, which is like driving with a flat and no spare. So, again, there is no point in making a point about workers who get the job because they are Thai, and nothing else. That means if they get sacked, I cannot fill the position with a non-Thai. I have to go back to the barrel and dig again and waste more time with the petty and ridiculous hiring rituals and retraining.

This is not about me. That is not a matter of discussion. I do not ask much, but expect a lot of the little I ask. The pay offering is more than enough to live a good life and to plan for a future, but they simply do not get it!

I think any foreigner, had they a choice, would take matters into their own hands and employ productive workers, instead of being forced to dig through a barrel of wormy apples and try to find the best one, and waste a lot of time over it. To have a worker who comes to you prepared and qualified and certified and can do the job... to have a worker who shows up on time and is still working when the end of the day comes nigh... well, I haven't seen it in over 12 years on a consistent basis among the Thais, generally speaking.

Which takes me back to the point: I am not impressed.

  • Like 2


I have no problems finding people to work for me, I ask my neighbors and they will contact the person for me, I paid 300 baht a job. I recently paid a man to lay some tile on my outside kitchen paid him his asking price of 120 baht per box of tile laid and the job of laying the tile and some plastering cost me a total of 1,400 baht, I was very satisfied with his work and paid him the wage he stated, both parties satisfied!

450-500 Baht is a wage most tradesmen ask for in my village if they have to use their electric tools on the job or are the lead-man for a number of employees!


I know how much they get and my Wife who is Thai asked around previously.......still no joy.

So I offered 500 just to dig holes and weed.

Take into account everyone's view of a job well done varies also.


I can't find anyone to cut the grass for 400b a day.

I will. intheclub.gif.pagespeed.ce.TVIbELwsxN.gi

Youth before beauty Ill do it and am not 50 for another 2 weeks yet, besides youll want a sit on mowertongue.png

  • Like 2

I can't find anyone to cut the grass for 400b a day.

I will. intheclub.gif.pagespeed.ce.TVIbELwsxN.gi

Youth before beauty Ill do it and am not 50 for another 2 weeks yet, besides youll want a sit on mowertongue.png

Drat.............coffee1.gif .........................laugh.png

  • Like 1

I stand by my statement if your business does not pay a decent wage and proper working conditions, you should not be allowed to do business in Thailand.

Plain and simple, do not blame the natives for your lack of knowledge in how to run o profitable business!


Really? Are you sure about that?

So when you pay the asking price to any Thai, do you pay the asking price plus a big fat tip?

Do you go into businesses, that you know pay sub-standard wages, and purchase something? Yes? Why? Aren't you contradicting your principles? Shouldn't that business not be allowed to run? So why do you go to businesses that you think should not run? If you do your homework, you'll find a lot of them shouldn't run, according to your standards and principles.

I think idealists are hypocrites who have the time to preach ideals on the backs of what realists have the balls to do in order to create opportunity; opportunity that idealists push right back to step one, right back to the lowest common denominator - and force the whole reality to be pushed back the other way by the realists. Easy to tear down, and it takes a lot of will and strength to buiold back up.

Kikoman, you are dismissing a lot of those factors which we don't have the time to discuss, and which could shed a lot more light perhaps on why Thais don't get good wages. Simply thinking that only good wages and working conditions are somehow going to turn Thais into skilled and qualified workers overnight is wishful thinking.

Your view reminds of every single Thai I have interviewed. The very first questioin they ask, before I even get a chance to look at their CV or interview them: "How much you pay me?" when their CV states "English: Fluent"

The good ones that you describe seem to go somewhere, I guess, and find a job; but if customer service and satisfaction in Thailand is any indicator of the hand they play in this, then I am entirely glad I turned their application down.

Still not impressed.


You get what you sow, if you can not get quality people to fill you positions then you must look at your pay and working conditions, What are you paying these Thai employees and what are their working conditions?

You need to grow up as a person as well as an employer, you need to sort out what is wrong with your company, if you are not willing or unable to abide by the employment laws of this country, then your business (if in fact you have one) should not be allowed to do business in Thailand, period. Most business shysters have opted to open businesses in Thailand because of the low wages and unenforced working conditions.

The Wages you stated of 40,000-60,000 Baht is starting well below the minimum wage you would have to pay your employees in the states for a Thai with a college degree.

Our daughter a recent graduate of the University, just resigned her first job because of the work load she was expected to do and her employer kept piling extra work on, and against the pleads of her employer, she quit to open her own business.

If you want good employees you MUST pay a decent wage and Must Provide good working conditions.


Regarding the first observation, I do not give up easily. I do not cave in to ineptness and incompetence. I keep gong until I find what I want and then treat it accordingly. If it is a person, I communicate with him or her and express my expectations and what I am willing to provide to the person who can meet those expectations.

Regarding the second observation, I do not need to grow up, if I am trying to meet your expectation, however I am continually growing; yet simply not at the rate of speed that Thais guage their growth. I am well past that.

Regarding your embrace of Thai laws: what Thai laws? Which one, or ones? Who enforces them? Are they perfect? Are they just? Are they racist? Are they not written so vaguely and ambiguously as to allow any Thai authority to bend them to their own sordid will? Do Thais demonstrate the intellectual ability to perform a task without somehow their FACE, their greed, their fear of doing the wrong thing, or how old the person is or what their status is shutting down their thought processes, etc? I could go on all day long about your notions about their laws, and how flawed they are; indeed, how flawed the people who make them are. Just look around (promises / Hubs / crackdowns / guarantees / ...).

Those shysters you make comment on; you will find, are more closely connected with your daily life and routine than you suspect. You may want to opt out of that accusation, as it makes a pot call a kettle black, unless you want to move out into the jungle and become a survivalist.

Regarding your daughter; she seems like an intelligent person, if she has anything to do with you. But that does not describe the millions of other minions being pumped out of these institutional charades.

Yes! I do want great employees, and I do have great employees, and the Thais are good enough, but not great. The Thais I have are compulsory. The government says I have to have them. No choice. They drag along and try to keep up with the pace I set for the foreign employees I have, which is like driving with a flat and no spare. So, again, there is no point in making a point about workers who get the job because they are Thai, and nothing else. That means if they get sacked, I cannot fill the position with a non-Thai. I have to go back to the barrel and dig again and waste more time with the petty and ridiculous hiring rituals and retraining.

This is not about me. That is not a matter of discussion. I do not ask much, but expect a lot of the little I ask. The pay offering is more than enough to live a good life and to plan for a future, but they simply do not get it!

I think any foreigner, had they a choice, would take matters into their own hands and employ productive workers, instead of being forced to dig through a barrel of wormy apples and try to find the best one, and waste a lot of time over it. To have a worker who comes to you prepared and qualified and certified and can do the job... to have a worker who shows up on time and is still working when the end of the day comes nigh... well, I haven't seen it in over 12 years on a consistent basis among the Thais, generally speaking.

Which takes me back to the point: I am not impressed.

First I must say I did not like you post, I meant to press the quote button and hit like instead.

Please do not try to manipulate the issue, you know what employment laws you must adhere to to have a business in Thailand and yes it should be conditional that the majority of your work force to be Thai. As you failed to answer the question of what wage you paid your employees.

It does not make good business decisions to hire an employee that you are not satisfied can do the job for which you are hiring them for, if they are not satisfied with the wages offered or the conditions of employment. It is best to keep looking for a prospective employee that meets you job needs, having to train new workers every 4-6 months is a waste of company resources.

You need to set up a list of job duties the employee is to be evaluated on, if they are failing to meet any of the required job performance, call them in for counseling and write it up and signed by both stating what your expectations are and an appropriate time limit for them to remedy the problem. So if you ever have to go before a Thai hearing to explain firing the employee you have the written documentation in your file to buttress your action.



You get what you sow, if you can not get quality people to fill you positions then you must look at your pay and working conditions, What are you paying these Thai employees and what are their working conditions?

You need to grow up as a person as well as an employer, you need to sort out what is wrong with your company, if you are not willing or unable to abide by the employment laws of this country, then your business (if in fact you have one) should not be allowed to do business in Thailand, period. Most business shysters have opted to open businesses in Thailand because of the low wages and unenforced working conditions.

The Wages you stated of 40,000-60,000 Baht is starting well below the minimum wage you would have to pay your employees in the states for a Thai with a college degree.

Our daughter a recent graduate of the University, just resigned her first job because of the work load she was expected to do and her employer kept piling extra work on, and against the pleads of her employer, she quit to open her own business.

If you want good employees you MUST pay a decent wage and Must Provide good working conditions.


Regarding the first observation, I do not give up easily. I do not cave in to ineptness and incompetence. I keep gong until I find what I want and then treat it accordingly. If it is a person, I communicate with him or her and express my expectations and what I am willing to provide to the person who can meet those expectations.

Regarding the second observation, I do not need to grow up, if I am trying to meet your expectation, however I am continually growing; yet simply not at the rate of speed that Thais guage their growth. I am well past that.

Regarding your embrace of Thai laws: what Thai laws? Which one, or ones? Who enforces them? Are they perfect? Are they just? Are they racist? Are they not written so vaguely and ambiguously as to allow any Thai authority to bend them to their own sordid will? Do Thais demonstrate the intellectual ability to perform a task without somehow their FACE, their greed, their fear of doing the wrong thing, or how old the person is or what their status is shutting down their thought processes, etc? I could go on all day long about your notions about their laws, and how flawed they are; indeed, how flawed the people who make them are. Just look around (promises / Hubs / crackdowns / guarantees / ...).

Those shysters you make comment on; you will find, are more closely connected with your daily life and routine than you suspect. You may want to opt out of that accusation, as it makes a pot call a kettle black, unless you want to move out into the jungle and become a survivalist.

Regarding your daughter; she seems like an intelligent person, if she has anything to do with you. But that does not describe the millions of other minions being pumped out of these institutional charades.

Yes! I do want great employees, and I do have great employees, and the Thais are good enough, but not great. The Thais I have are compulsory. The government says I have to have them. No choice. They drag along and try to keep up with the pace I set for the foreign employees I have, which is like driving with a flat and no spare. So, again, there is no point in making a point about workers who get the job because they are Thai, and nothing else. That means if they get sacked, I cannot fill the position with a non-Thai. I have to go back to the barrel and dig again and waste more time with the petty and ridiculous hiring rituals and retraining.

This is not about me. That is not a matter of discussion. I do not ask much, but expect a lot of the little I ask. The pay offering is more than enough to live a good life and to plan for a future, but they simply do not get it!

I think any foreigner, had they a choice, would take matters into their own hands and employ productive workers, instead of being forced to dig through a barrel of wormy apples and try to find the best one, and waste a lot of time over it. To have a worker who comes to you prepared and qualified and certified and can do the job... to have a worker who shows up on time and is still working when the end of the day comes nigh... well, I haven't seen it in over 12 years on a consistent basis among the Thais, generally speaking.

Which takes me back to the point: I am not impressed.

First I must say I did not like you post, I meant to press the quote button and hit like instead.

Please do not try to manipulate the issue, you know what employment laws you must adhere to to have a business in Thailand and yes it should be conditional that the majority of your work force to be Thai. As you failed to answer the question of what wage you paid your employees.

It does not make good business decisions to hire an employee that you are not satisfied can do the job for which you are hiring them for, if they are not satisfied with the wages offered or the conditions of employment. It is best to keep looking for a prospective employee that meets you job needs, having to train new workers every 4-6 months is a waste of company resources.

You need to set up a list of job duties the employee is to be evaluated on, if they are failing to meet any of the required job performance, call them in for counseling and write it up and signed by both stating what your expectations are and an appropriate time limit for them to remedy the problem. So if you ever have to go before a Thai hearing to explain firing the employee you have the written documentation in your file to buttress your action.


Press the like button again and it is removed.


Cup of Coffee,

I got tired of listening to your bull, stating how a whole country young workforce does not meet your expectations, and how you are such a benevolent employers offering them a job, that they should be die-ing to work in your company (If in fact you have a company) for any kind of wage you are willing to pay, as I stated that many shyster employers open a business for those exact reasons.

Your business decisions are severely lacking, your inability to properly interview a person and pick the right person for the job is extremely apparent, your abrasive personality is hindering the decisions you should be making, The person being interviewed picks up on the interviewer negative demeanor the out come of the sessions are effected.

As I was a Human Resources officer for the State having hired a multitude of workers with a great retention record.

You need to go back to Business 101 in school.



I can't find anyone to cut the grass for 400b a day.


If you have any Thai friends ask them if they can refer someone to you, that is the way I found most of my help, hopefully you will get someone to cut your grass.



I can't find anyone to cut the grass for 400b a day.

I will. intheclub.gif.pagespeed.ce.TVIbELwsxN.gi

Youth before beauty Ill do it and am not 50 for another 2 weeks yet, besides youll want a sit on mowertongue.png

Drat.............coffee1.gif .........................laugh.png

Guess we gotta compromise, Ill steer you can be in charge of the gas!!

  • Like 1

I can't find anyone to cut the grass for 400b a day.


If you have any Thai friends ask them if they can refer someone to you, that is the way I found most of my help, hopefully you will get someone to cut your grass.

Cheers:wai2.gif.pagespeed.ce.goigDuXn4X.gif alt=wai2.gif width=20 height=20>

Nope, lazy buggers that want the earth and do as little for it.


@soi41 Touched a nerve have I? You're the same guy that came on this forum boasting about watching your staff ripping off farangs on the internet during working hours. Now your on here claiming that your some type of international investor single handedly saving the Thai economy. If I lost 60 employees in 9 years is it? I'd be reaching for the managerial rope.

The fault lies entirely with you, you wandered into the country, took on the work conditions set by the Thai state, and then set about a master class of mismanagement. One of the marks of a successful company is staff retention. Any new manager makes mistakes, however they are supposed to learn from them. It appears that you have failed to do so. So go ahead and get a grip on yourself, a grip on your staff and a grip on your company. Report back next year that you have actually managed to retain some staff and I will be mightily impressed.

@cup-o-coffee, it's obvious you are struggling. That's because you know I am right. The most successful managers find every excuse to blame themselves. If you have as deplorable a managerial record as you yourself have stated, go back to the start and try again. There's a flaw in your company management structure, go fix it and stop moaning at us for your failings.

Blether you don't know, what you are talking about!sad.png

The thread you keep refering to, where I according to you is boasting about my staff "fishing" on the internet,was called "one born every minute", where I was complaining about, that my staff were more interested in finding sponsors or sell body, than doing the job, they are actually paid to do. In other word a lack of work-ethics. At least get your facts straight, before you refer to my older posts incorrectly!

As for the rest of your stupid comments about my management-skills and saving Thailand, doesn't even deserve a reply!bah.gif

Unlike most other farangs here, I have been very successful in running a business here for more than 10 years. But because my staff is making money for me, doesn't mean I have to agree with their attitude to work! And it is not only me, we took over our second shop almost 3 years ago, from a Thai lady, who despite the shop being a good earner, just had enough of headache with her staff.

Staff retention in a massageshop??cheesy.gif What galaxy are you from?

We have two staff, who have been with us on the whole journey, which is normally unheard of in our line of business!

But I know despite actually running a business here for a long period of time, Master Blether in his guesthouse in CM knows better!!

So with acknowledment of my inferiority, I am out. wai2.gif


@soi41 Touched a nerve have I? You're the same guy that came on this forum boasting about watching your staff ripping off farangs on the internet during working hours. Now your on here claiming that your some type of international investor single handedly saving the Thai economy. If I lost 60 employees in 9 years is it? I'd be reaching for the managerial rope.

The fault lies entirely with you, you wandered into the country, took on the work conditions set by the Thai state, and then set about a master class of mismanagement. One of the marks of a successful company is staff retention. Any new manager makes mistakes, however they are supposed to learn from them. It appears that you have failed to do so. So go ahead and get a grip on yourself, a grip on your staff and a grip on your company. Report back next year that you have actually managed to retain some staff and I will be mightily impressed.

@cup-o-coffee, it's obvious you are struggling. That's because you know I am right. The most successful managers find every excuse to blame themselves. If you have as deplorable a managerial record as you yourself have stated, go back to the start and try again. There's a flaw in your company management structure, go fix it and stop moaning at us for your failings.

Blether you don't know, what you are talking about!sad.png

The thread you keep refering to, where I according to you is boasting about my staff "fishing" on the internet,was called "one born every minute", where I was complaining about, that my staff were more interested in finding sponsors or sell body, than doing the job, they are actually paid to do. In other word a lack of work-ethics. At least get your facts straight, before you refer to my older posts incorrectly!

As for the rest of your stupid comments about my management-skills and saving Thailand, doesn't even deserve a reply!bah.gif

Unlike most other farangs here, I have been very successful in running a business here for more than 10 years. But because my staff is making money for me, doesn't mean I have to agree with their attitude to work! And it is not only me, we took over our second shop almost 3 years ago, from a Thai lady, who despite the shop being a good earner, just had enough of headache with her staff.

Staff retention in a massageshop??cheesy.gif What galaxy are you from?

We have two staff, who have been with us on the whole journey, which is normally unheard of in our line of business!

But I know despite actually running a business here for a long period of time, Master Blether in his guesthouse in CM knows better!!

So with acknowledment of my inferiority, I am out. wai2.gif

So you now have great Thai staff ? So whats the Burma thing about ?


Here is my experience and I know you have all been waiting with baited breath for it...as I am an extremely nice guy, you all know that also....the issues below are not of my doing. My missus does all the hiring when we need it.

A nanny, paid her somewhat over normal rates. Stole from us and got sacked, this was one that had worked with us for years. Stole over a long period when found out.

Another Maid, accused my then 5yo son of beating her and called the police.

A gardener, asked a huge price to cut the grass, we paid it as had nobody else and he left all the grass cuttings all over the lawn and pissed off.

A builder that used many wrong items in the build and expected full payment.

A builder that ran off with a deposit.

A worker that said he had to go home to attend a family problem, back in 1 week, never returns, no word nothing.

A worker couple very good at their jobs, said had to go home for 5 days for family get together....I looked in their room after they left and everything, even their TV gone, no word, never came back, no answer of phone.

Workers that when left alone on the property, went and worked elsewhere for a days pay, many times over a month.

and the list goes on...tired now.

But I will say all my friends that have business here and all are very nice people and speak Thai fluently, have the same issues as above and complain about staff, work wise and ethics. ALL cannot wait and hope no hurdles to big are put into place to hinder employing Burmese, Laos or Cambodians where they are needed as they will be standing in line to hire them all from that point forward.

I think people that do not live or work here for long periods, particularly run their own business, will never have the same insight to any of these issues as those that are doing it....never.

  • Like 2

@soi41 Touched a nerve have I? You're the same guy that came on this forum boasting about watching your staff ripping off farangs on the internet during working hours. Now your on here claiming that your some type of international investor single handedly saving the Thai economy. If I lost 60 employees in 9 years is it? I'd be reaching for the managerial rope.

The fault lies entirely with you, you wandered into the country, took on the work conditions set by the Thai state, and then set about a master class of mismanagement. One of the marks of a successful company is staff retention. Any new manager makes mistakes, however they are supposed to learn from them. It appears that you have failed to do so. So go ahead and get a grip on yourself, a grip on your staff and a grip on your company. Report back next year that you have actually managed to retain some staff and I will be mightily impressed.

@cup-o-coffee, it's obvious you are struggling. That's because you know I am right. The most successful managers find every excuse to blame themselves. If you have as deplorable a managerial record as you yourself have stated, go back to the start and try again. There's a flaw in your company management structure, go fix it and stop moaning at us for your failings.

Blether you don't know, what you are talking about!sad.png

The thread you keep refering to, where I according to you is boasting about my staff "fishing" on the internet,was called "one born every minute", where I was complaining about, that my staff were more interested in finding sponsors or sell body, than doing the job, they are actually paid to do. In other word a lack of work-ethics. At least get your facts straight, before you refer to my older posts incorrectly!

As for the rest of your stupid comments about my management-skills and saving Thailand, doesn't even deserve a reply!bah.gif

Unlike most other farangs here, I have been very successful in running a business here for more than 10 years. But because my staff is making money for me, doesn't mean I have to agree with their attitude to work! And it is not only me, we took over our second shop almost 3 years ago, from a Thai lady, who despite the shop being a good earner, just had enough of headache with her staff.

Staff retention in a massageshop??cheesy.gif What galaxy are you from?

We have two staff, who have been with us on the whole journey, which is normally unheard of in our line of business!

But I know despite actually running a business here for a long period of time, Master Blether in his guesthouse in CM knows better!!

So with acknowledment of my inferiority, I am out. wai2.gif

What you mean with Master Blether in his guesthouse. He's a very wealthy business man with several successful businesses, those kind of people stay in 5 star hotels, don't they ?


@soi41 Touched a nerve have I? You're the same guy that came on this forum boasting about watching your staff ripping off farangs on the internet during working hours. Now your on here claiming that your some type of international investor single handedly saving the Thai economy. If I lost 60 employees in 9 years is it? I'd be reaching for the managerial rope.

The fault lies entirely with you, you wandered into the country, took on the work conditions set by the Thai state, and then set about a master class of mismanagement. One of the marks of a successful company is staff retention. Any new manager makes mistakes, however they are supposed to learn from them. It appears that you have failed to do so. So go ahead and get a grip on yourself, a grip on your staff and a grip on your company. Report back next year that you have actually managed to retain some staff and I will be mightily impressed.

@cup-o-coffee, it's obvious you are struggling. That's because you know I am right. The most successful managers find every excuse to blame themselves. If you have as deplorable a managerial record as you yourself have stated, go back to the start and try again. There's a flaw in your company management structure, go fix it and stop moaning at us for your failings.

Blether you don't know, what you are talking about!sad.png

The thread you keep refering to, where I according to you is boasting about my staff "fishing" on the internet,was called "one born every minute", where I was complaining about, that my staff were more interested in finding sponsors or sell body, than doing the job, they are actually paid to do. In other word a lack of work-ethics. At least get your facts straight, before you refer to my older posts incorrectly!

As for the rest of your stupid comments about my management-skills and saving Thailand, doesn't even deserve a reply!bah.gif

Unlike most other farangs here, I have been very successful in running a business here for more than 10 years. But because my staff is making money for me, doesn't mean I have to agree with their attitude to work! And it is not only me, we took over our second shop almost 3 years ago, from a Thai lady, who despite the shop being a good earner, just had enough of headache with her staff.

Staff retention in a massageshop??cheesy.gif What galaxy are you from?

We have two staff, who have been with us on the whole journey, which is normally unheard of in our line of business!

But I know despite actually running a business here for a long period of time, Master Blether in his guesthouse in CM knows better!!

So with acknowledment of my inferiority, I am out. wai2.gif

See, you can't even control your employees when they are below your nose. That's called a management failure.

Annoying that eh?

By the way, when it comes to running companies, your not in my class, that's why I'm relaxing in a hotel in Chiang Mai while my company directors do all the work. If you'd like lessons on how to do it, pm me and I'll advise your free of charge. thumbsup.gif

To be fair to you though, you have had a go in life, all good entrepreneurs share one thing, the resilience to get up and go again. It just so happens I didn't choose to go down the exploitation route.

Just sayin' coffee1.gif

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@soi41 Touched a nerve have I? You're the same guy that came on this forum boasting about watching your staff ripping off farangs on the internet during working hours. Now your on here claiming that your some type of international investor single handedly saving the Thai economy. If I lost 60 employees in 9 years is it? I'd be reaching for the managerial rope.

The fault lies entirely with you, you wandered into the country, took on the work conditions set by the Thai state, and then set about a master class of mismanagement. One of the marks of a successful company is staff retention. Any new manager makes mistakes, however they are supposed to learn from them. It appears that you have failed to do so. So go ahead and get a grip on yourself, a grip on your staff and a grip on your company. Report back next year that you have actually managed to retain some staff and I will be mightily impressed.

@cup-o-coffee, it's obvious you are struggling. That's because you know I am right. The most successful managers find every excuse to blame themselves. If you have as deplorable a managerial record as you yourself have stated, go back to the start and try again. There's a flaw in your company management structure, go fix it and stop moaning at us for your failings.

Blether you don't know, what you are talking about!sad.png

The thread you keep refering to, where I according to you is boasting about my staff "fishing" on the internet,was called "one born every minute", where I was complaining about, that my staff were more interested in finding sponsors or sell body, than doing the job, they are actually paid to do. In other word a lack of work-ethics. At least get your facts straight, before you refer to my older posts incorrectly!

As for the rest of your stupid comments about my management-skills and saving Thailand, doesn't even deserve a reply!bah.gif

Unlike most other farangs here, I have been very successful in running a business here for more than 10 years. But because my staff is making money for me, doesn't mean I have to agree with their attitude to work! And it is not only me, we took over our second shop almost 3 years ago, from a Thai lady, who despite the shop being a good earner, just had enough of headache with her staff.

Staff retention in a massageshop??cheesy.gif What galaxy are you from?

We have two staff, who have been with us on the whole journey, which is normally unheard of in our line of business!

But I know despite actually running a business here for a long period of time, Master Blether in his guesthouse in CM knows better!!

So with acknowledment of my inferiority, I am out. wai2.gif

What you mean with Master Blether in his guesthouse. He's a very wealthy business man with several successful businesses, those kind of people stay in 5 star hotels, don't they ?

Not if they are from Scotland!! whistling.gif


@soi41 Touched a nerve have I? You're the same guy that came on this forum boasting about watching your staff ripping off farangs on the internet during working hours. Now your on here claiming that your some type of international investor single handedly saving the Thai economy. If I lost 60 employees in 9 years is it? I'd be reaching for the managerial rope.

The fault lies entirely with you, you wandered into the country, took on the work conditions set by the Thai state, and then set about a master class of mismanagement. One of the marks of a successful company is staff retention. Any new manager makes mistakes, however they are supposed to learn from them. It appears that you have failed to do so. So go ahead and get a grip on yourself, a grip on your staff and a grip on your company. Report back next year that you have actually managed to retain some staff and I will be mightily impressed.

@cup-o-coffee, it's obvious you are struggling. That's because you know I am right. The most successful managers find every excuse to blame themselves. If you have as deplorable a managerial record as you yourself have stated, go back to the start and try again. There's a flaw in your company management structure, go fix it and stop moaning at us for your failings.

Blether you don't know, what you are talking about!sad.png

The thread you keep refering to, where I according to you is boasting about my staff "fishing" on the internet,was called "one born every minute", where I was complaining about, that my staff were more interested in finding sponsors or sell body, than doing the job, they are actually paid to do. In other word a lack of work-ethics. At least get your facts straight, before you refer to my older posts incorrectly!

As for the rest of your stupid comments about my management-skills and saving Thailand, doesn't even deserve a reply!bah.gif

Unlike most other farangs here, I have been very successful in running a business here for more than 10 years. But because my staff is making money for me, doesn't mean I have to agree with their attitude to work! And it is not only me, we took over our second shop almost 3 years ago, from a Thai lady, who despite the shop being a good earner, just had enough of headache with her staff.

Staff retention in a massageshop??cheesy.gif What galaxy are you from?

We have two staff, who have been with us on the whole journey, which is normally unheard of in our line of business!

But I know despite actually running a business here for a long period of time, Master Blether in his guesthouse in CM knows better!!

So with acknowledment of my inferiority, I am out. wai2.gif

What you mean with Master Blether in his guesthouse. He's a very wealthy business man with several successful businesses, those kind of people stay in 5 star hotels, don't they ?

We stay where we want.........smile.png


@soi41 Touched a nerve have I? You're the same guy that came on this forum boasting about watching your staff ripping off farangs on the internet during working hours. Now your on here claiming that your some type of international investor single handedly saving the Thai economy. If I lost 60 employees in 9 years is it? I'd be reaching for the managerial rope.

The fault lies entirely with you, you wandered into the country, took on the work conditions set by the Thai state, and then set about a master class of mismanagement. One of the marks of a successful company is staff retention. Any new manager makes mistakes, however they are supposed to learn from them. It appears that you have failed to do so. So go ahead and get a grip on yourself, a grip on your staff and a grip on your company. Report back next year that you have actually managed to retain some staff and I will be mightily impressed.

@cup-o-coffee, it's obvious you are struggling. That's because you know I am right. The most successful managers find every excuse to blame themselves. If you have as deplorable a managerial record as you yourself have stated, go back to the start and try again. There's a flaw in your company management structure, go fix it and stop moaning at us for your failings.

Blether you don't know, what you are talking about!sad.png

The thread you keep refering to, where I according to you is boasting about my staff "fishing" on the internet,was called "one born every minute", where I was complaining about, that my staff were more interested in finding sponsors or sell body, than doing the job, they are actually paid to do. In other word a lack of work-ethics. At least get your facts straight, before you refer to my older posts incorrectly!

As for the rest of your stupid comments about my management-skills and saving Thailand, doesn't even deserve a reply!bah.gif

Unlike most other farangs here, I have been very successful in running a business here for more than 10 years. But because my staff is making money for me, doesn't mean I have to agree with their attitude to work! And it is not only me, we took over our second shop almost 3 years ago, from a Thai lady, who despite the shop being a good earner, just had enough of headache with her staff.

Staff retention in a massageshop??cheesy.gif What galaxy are you from?

We have two staff, who have been with us on the whole journey, which is normally unheard of in our line of business!

But I know despite actually running a business here for a long period of time, Master Blether in his guesthouse in CM knows better!!

So with acknowledment of my inferiority, I am out. wai2.gif

What you mean with Master Blether in his guesthouse. He's a very wealthy business man with several successful businesses, those kind of people stay in 5 star hotels, don't they ?

We stay where we want.........smile.png

I didn't know I was talking to you ? Are you also a wealthy business man ?


I can't find anyone to cut the grass for 400b a day.

believe it or not.....paid a guy next door to mow my lawn this arvo, (first time ever)....I gave him 300 for the 3 hrs he took to do it, as it was hot and steamy.

He refused the 300 and gave my wife back 100, saying 200 was enough.....and that wasn't on my ride- on.....push mower only.

Now...this guy really put in the effort, and I didn't have any worries giving him extra...good work good pay!


I can't find anyone to cut the grass for 400b a day.


If you have any Thai friends ask them if they can refer someone to you, that is the way I found most of my help, hopefully you will get someone to cut your grass.


Yes,but it has taken a lot of asking and trying people out, they are out there, but few and far between. Very much the same as in the UK, especially amongst those uneducated who expect a free ride.

I've read the whole of this thread, and believe both sides of the argument contain a certain amount of truth.

What is the difference between a company that employs a staff of 10, and a company that employs a staff of 1,000?

Answer, one company has 10 problems while the other has a 1,000.

  • Like 2

@soi41 Touched a nerve have I? You're the same guy that came on this forum boasting about watching your staff ripping off farangs on the internet during working hours. Now your on here claiming that your some type of international investor single handedly saving the Thai economy. If I lost 60 employees in 9 years is it? I'd be reaching for the managerial rope.

The fault lies entirely with you, you wandered into the country, took on the work conditions set by the Thai state, and then set about a master class of mismanagement. One of the marks of a successful company is staff retention. Any new manager makes mistakes, however they are supposed to learn from them. It appears that you have failed to do so. So go ahead and get a grip on yourself, a grip on your staff and a grip on your company. Report back next year that you have actually managed to retain some staff and I will be mightily impressed.

@cup-o-coffee, it's obvious you are struggling. That's because you know I am right. The most successful managers find every excuse to blame themselves. If you have as deplorable a managerial record as you yourself have stated, go back to the start and try again. There's a flaw in your company management structure, go fix it and stop moaning at us for your failings.

Blether you don't know, what you are talking about!sad.png

The thread you keep refering to, where I according to you is boasting about my staff "fishing" on the internet,was called "one born every minute", where I was complaining about, that my staff were more interested in finding sponsors or sell body, than doing the job, they are actually paid to do. In other word a lack of work-ethics. At least get your facts straight, before you refer to my older posts incorrectly!

As for the rest of your stupid comments about my management-skills and saving Thailand, doesn't even deserve a reply!bah.gif

Unlike most other farangs here, I have been very successful in running a business here for more than 10 years. But because my staff is making money for me, doesn't mean I have to agree with their attitude to work! And it is not only me, we took over our second shop almost 3 years ago, from a Thai lady, who despite the shop being a good earner, just had enough of headache with her staff.

Staff retention in a massageshop??cheesy.gif What galaxy are you from?

We have two staff, who have been with us on the whole journey, which is normally unheard of in our line of business!

But I know despite actually running a business here for a long period of time, Master Blether in his guesthouse in CM knows better!!

So with acknowledment of my inferiority, I am out. wai2.gif

See, you can't even control your employees when they are below your nose. That's called a management failure.

Annoying that eh?

By the way, when it comes to running companies, your not in my class, that's why I'm relaxing in a hotel in Chiang Mai while my company directors do all the work. If you'd like lessons on how to do it, pm me and I'll advise your free of charge. thumbsup.gif

To be fair to you though, you have had a go in life, all good entrepreneurs share one thing, the resilience to get up and go again. It just so happens I didn't choose to go down the exploitation route.

Just sayin' coffee1.gif

You forgot to mention how big your penis is.......(sorry I forgot, you can't see it)

Thats below the belt.....

  • Like 1

Posts containing profanity and insults have been removed. What started out as a good topic about the positive aspects of Thai workers has turned into a slanging match, if the discussion continues in this manner, topic will be closed.


I just went to an Indian restaurant in BKK.

Was amazed at how attentive and friendly the waitress was. Surpasses any other service I've had in BKK for as long as I can remember.

I thought she was Indian at first but turned out Burmese. Works 12hrs a day for 30 days then gets one day off.

Hard worker, friendly, good customer service.

All the Burmese I know are the same. They work long and hard hours, rarely get a day off, low pay, treated like shit from their bosses yet they do it with a smile and don't complain.

  • Like 1

Cup of Coffee,

I got tired of listening to your bull, stating how a whole country young workforce does not meet your expectations, and how you are such a benevolent employers offering them a job, that they should be die-ing to work in your company (If in fact you have a company) for any kind of wage you are willing to pay, as I stated that many shyster employers open a business for those exact reasons.

Your business decisions are severely lacking, your inability to properly interview a person and pick the right person for the job is extremely apparent, your abrasive personality is hindering the decisions you should be making, The person being interviewed picks up on the interviewer negative demeanor the out come of the sessions are effected.

As I was a Human Resources officer for the State having hired a multitude of workers with a great retention record.

You need to go back to Business 101 in school.


Having read all the thread and particularly your naive comments regarding hiring and keeping Thai staff I doubt you have any experience of a Thai work place.

Although i would not be as extreme as cup of coffee in my views, his comments on the problems of hiring staff mirror some of the problems the company i work for have. Interviews can be a nightmare, especially with younger graduates, especially when asking about language skills. They ALL tick " good English skills " and are then found wanting ( topic been done to death i know ).

I have found though in general our female staff do have a better work ethic and more drive to better themselves and the extra training we do outside of work it's the females who are the majority attendees ( it's voluntary )

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