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One-year-old Phuket boy beaten to death


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Video was uploaded on the 24th Feb 2013.

I watched this on youtube a few months back and was shocked, sad, angry...


I only could watch this for 1 minutes, its sickening , send the mother to Pattaya for her punishment

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What on earth could a 1 yr old kid do to make any one angry enough to beat them to death. A slow death is to good for the person they should be left alone with a group of angry ladies to tear him apart...

Love his mum so much as to be inconsolable and ending up with the scum bag in-laws.

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Horrific story but no need for all the hyperbole , am sure the police will solve this asap after all they are not dealing with international super smart criminals, hope the culprits or culprit suffer as the babay did.

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What on earth could a 1 yr old kid do to make any one angry enough to beat them to death. A slow death is to good for the person they should be left alone with a group of angry ladies to tear him apart...

How do you know the poor boy was murdered by a man? O

Quite right. It may have even been another child. Since no one is speaking, charge all members of the family as co-conspirators and seek a life sentence.

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One of the most shocking facts about human society, is the extent to which little children are abused, tortured, and killed by near relatives around the world. The overall figures are bewilderingly large. We've just had one such horrible case in the UK as i'm sure many of you know - but they have never been rare, anywhere, anytime.

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This is disgusting. The death penalty is too good for people who harm children. Let's see some proper justice done here please.

Arrest all the family at the house on suspicion of committing the offence, they can keep them in jail for a certain amount of time, one of them will point the finger, pieces of shit, poor little buggy make me so sad and upset. The police seem to get confessions very quickly am sure they could get some facts if they want, they do not follow any human rights all the time.

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What on earth could a 1 yr old kid do to make any one angry enough to beat them to death. A slow death is to good for the person they should be left alone with a group of angry ladies to tear him apart...

How do you know the poor boy was murdered by a man? O

Quite right. It may have even been another child. Since no one is speaking, charge all members of the family as co-conspirators and seek a life sentence.

I am confused, where O where did he say it was a man???

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Video was uploaded on the 24th Feb 2013.

I watched this on youtube a few months back and was shocked, sad, angry...


<deleted>!!!! how can anyone do this? why & how is this on Youtube?

As for the poor innocent 1 yr old, words cannot express the sadness. Take all family members throw into a room & watch the rats turn in on themselves

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I'll add another vote for putting the whole lot in jail. Within minutes of this happening the fingers will start pointing at the real culprit. Cripes, knowing Thais, they wouldn't even make it 100 meters down the road in the police car before the truth is exposed.

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Video was uploaded on the 24th Feb 2013.


I watched this on youtube a few months back and was shocked, sad, angry...



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Speechless. <deleted> sick.

I could find myself doing some sick stuff to these people. Couldn't watch all of it.

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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