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Bangkok traffic: Tougher punishment for "ill-disciplined drivers"


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You really are somewhat sensitive are you not?

On three occasions I have been asked for money on each occasion I refused and demanded to be given the fine ticket and to pay said fine at the appropriate police station,. result told to go away and no tickets issued.

My stand worked as yours did however we only gained benefit for ourselves not others.

what am I doing to eradicate corruption at the base level?

I like my wife and family refuse to pay and take a stand it works, also we have spread the word in the local area and that too has worked to the benefit of the locals. we no longer have the police lurking at the roadside to extort monies from passing traffic.

Now take a chill pill and calm down your heart is in some ways in the right place. However my being born out of wedlock makes me react as I do !!biggrin.png

A positive albeit small contribution against corruption from someone and his family who live in a Thai environment in the backwaters of Thailand not a big city

Sensitive,,, in some ways yeah sure, but the way you are alluding to,, no"p, I simply was correcting you on your assumption of me not doing anything to stop corruption and extortion,

So now I advise you to take that chill pill and let not your heart be troubled sunshine as it seems to me that we may just have a little common ground on this issue.

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I see we have the make Thailand just like the place I ran away from forum here. Someday Thailand will be just like home and then where will you go.

Nothing wrong with some road safety as long as they don't over do it. And they have a real long way to go before it ever gets good.

Good thing would be stopping offenders instead of those static traps that don't do a thing for safety. More police cars driving and pulling over dangerous drivers would be a good thing. More traps for motorcycles certainly not (unless of course for real offenses like no tail light or other lights and driving on the wrong side)

Agreed - I wouldn't wish it to go too far - I just got fined £60 and 3 points on my licence for travelling at 33 mph in a 30 zone... fair enough, but at one point in that journey I had slowed to 30 in 40 zone as I couldn't see any speed limit signs entering a village, upon exiting the village I saw in my mirror that the speed was infact 40 mph... So, even when trying to drive cautiously its still possible to get caught in the UK for very minor offence - this peeved me somewhat...

Today, after having to break to avoid taking out a motorcycle which cut me off, my Wife asked me - If I had the power to change anything in on the roads in Thailand what would I do...

My answer was: TeleVision information and better enforcement. The rules in Thailand are already pretty good. The enforcement is lacking.


- Use TV as a medium to educate the masses - It just needs a few well designed informercials at peak times... (i.e. give way, don't tail gate, seat-belts etc)

- No Road blocks - but give police the power to pull over anti-social driving and dangerous vehicles etc

- Introduce a Penalty - xx hrs lessons and a proper test

- Introduce a proper test !

- Compulsory test for any new driver

- Proper accountability for those responsible for accidents

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always makes me smile

when i see police

on their motosay

no helmet ...

and handouts a few times per month, stopping motosay, for exacly the same

spicing up their income

not enough with racketeering, drug trade, prostitution and everything else, right?

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I see we have the make Thailand just like the place I ran away from forum here. Someday Thailand will be just like home and then where will you go.

Nothing wrong with some road safety as long as they don't over do it. And they have a real long way to go before it ever gets good.

Good thing would be stopping offenders instead of those static traps that don't do a thing for safety. More police cars driving and pulling over dangerous drivers would be a good thing. More traps for motorcycles certainly not (unless of course for real offenses like no tail light or other lights and driving on the wrong side)

Agreed - I wouldn't wish it to go too far - I just got fined £60 and 3 points on my licence for travelling at 33 mph in a 30 zone... fair enough, but at one point in that journey I had slowed to 30 in 40 zone as I couldn't see any speed limit signs entering a village, upon exiting the village I saw in my mirror that the speed was infact 40 mph... So, even when trying to drive cautiously its still possible to get caught in the UK for very minor offence - this peeved me somewhat...

Today, after having to break to avoid taking out a motorcycle which cut me off, my Wife asked me - If I had the power to change anything in on the roads in Thailand what would I do...

My answer was: TeleVision information and better enforcement. The rules in Thailand are already pretty good. The enforcement is lacking.


- Use TV as a medium to educate the masses - It just needs a few well designed informercials at peak times... (i.e. give way, don't tail gate, seat-belts etc)

- No Road blocks - but give police the power to pull over anti-social driving and dangerous vehicles etc

- Introduce a Penalty - xx hrs lessons and a proper test

- Introduce a proper test !

- Compulsory test for any new driver

- Proper accountability for those responsible for accidents

Those roadblocks are just money traps, you get fined but you can go on even if overloaded or loaded dangerous. Its better if they drive and pick up the real offenders that drive dangerously. However this won't net them much money as those traps.

I don't mind them going after bikes but some bike laws are crazy (left driving is dangerous). I rather have the got the bikes with faulty lights or when they drive the wrong way on a one way road on those bikes.

Too bad things like what we are thinking about will probably never happen

And I also don't want it go too far. I like driving my bikes and even my car but there are some idiots that are real dangerous.. but the majority is not that crazy. Just a larger percentage of idiots here as back home.

I have seen some police cars pulling cars over so it does happen.

Dont we all like those zig zag cars that wave through traffic as if they are riding a motorbike, or the idiot on a two way road going on your lane flashing his light to try to get you out of the way so he can overtake. while there is no way for you to go.

Education would help.

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Does that mean they'll pull over the lazy Thais who drive their cars and motorbikes down the wrong side of the street because they can't be bothered to make a u-turn? Or the ones who can't pay 20 baht to replace the lights on their vehicles? Or the ones who putt along in the passing on the motorway?

Silly me........what was I thinking? cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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Sorry but who will teach the police ? they do not know how to drive why should they have never been taught the same as every Thai driver, my Wife was able to pass her Driving Test in the UK it took 60 hours with a Driving School, she moans about Thai Driving every Day, it will not change.

Ok the driving by Thais is ?????. But the thing Is not many hold ups at cross roads, if one car goes across they all follow and the other drivers coming the other way wait. Was in Hanoi, my god it is like spinning the changer with 5 bullets in a 6 chamber gun but it works, like who is the chicken then, amazing it gives you so many laughs watching it.

If they try and change it to western road rules you will have so many hold ups, I drive here with the rule of When in Rome do as the Romans do, it works if you really think about it.

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Can we please start with the public busses? How can they constantly force those hideous pink, pollution-belching things from the left to right lane and back every hundred meters?

Hey your lucky, atleast around your way they stop on the left, Where i live they just stop in the middle or the right hand lane to let passengers on and off, the only time they use the left lane is at traffic lights where they go down the lane to turn left only...then block the traffic which is allowed to turn left on red.

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From the heading: '....Tougher Punishment....'

a furrowed stare would be tougher than what currently passes for law enforcement on Chiang Rai roads (where I reside). Currently there is zero, I repeat zero repercussions for the following driving habits:

>>> going through red lights (sometimes 3 or 4 seconds late)

>>> going over center lines on blind turns (sometimes all 4 wheels are in in-coming traffic)

>>> speeding (this is not a comprehensive list, btw)

I don't know about the center of the Thai Universe (BKK), but up here in the provinces there is no law-enforcement in relation to dangerous driving. On the plus side, we don't suffer extortion like many farang drivers do in Bkk region, particularly between Chon Buri and Bkk. And it speeds up a commute to be able to go thru red lights with impunity.

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I see we have the make Thailand just like the place I ran away from forum here. Someday Thailand will be just like home and then where will you go.

Perhaps we're not all here just because we can't drive properly and don't want to have to take responsibility for it. Who exactly ran away from anywhere. I certainly haven't but I don't know your reasons.

If that's your reason then maybe you won't have go anywhere as nothing is likely to change anyway.

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Sorry but who will teach the police ? they do not know how to drive why should they have never been taught the same as every Thai driver, my Wife was able to pass her Driving Test in the UK it took 60 hours with a Driving School, she moans about Thai Driving every Day, it will not change.

My wife learned at a local school and she complains about Thi drivers every day.

I strongly recommend a 10,000 Baht fine for all infractions. I suspect helmets would soon be worn and drivers would quickly learn what 'right of way' means.

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How can you change a broken system.

1.the police only care about money from no helmets

2.Never has a thai been stopped for speeding

3.most thai do not know what a solid yellow line means on a highway.

4. all thai men think they are a formula 1 driver

5.thai drivers go through a red traffic light like it was a caution light

6. no drivers training to get a license. ( you only have to go through a small driving course the only has a man watch you back up into a parking space )

The thai drivers will race to a traffic light and jam on the breaks. ( nobody knows how to take their foot off the gas pedal and coast to the light and have a smooth stop)

7. Thai drivers swap lanes on the freeway like they are in a indy 500 race

8. no thai driver knows that you are supposed to drive on the correct side of the road ( not even the police know this )

I have asked this question for 2 years and nobody has answered yet, HAS ANYBODY EVER SEEN A DRIVER STOPPED FOR SPEEDING?

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If somebody wants to make a good thing...Congratulations!!! If somebody wants to change the Thai centennial culture...Good luck!

I was trying to find a positive comment here...in vain.

This is Asia, not America or Europe..Even the traffic in Italy or France is not a lot better.

I will love to read what people will say if they have to pay US $500 fine for a "wrong" left turn or a non "totally" braking in a stop sign on a countryside deserted road in America....

And..talking about bad traffic....Nobody here visited Bali, Calcutta, Manila, Jakarta, Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, Buenos Aires, Mexico City,....????.....just to name some.....Thailand cities traffic is just Thai...Take it or leave it!

Or better.. if you can....Hire a Thai driver. Some are better drivers than you...and less dangerous than you because they know how to drive here.

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How can you change a broken system.

1.the police only care about money from no helmets

2.Never has a thai been stopped for speeding

3.most thai do not know what a solid yellow line means on a highway.

4. all thai men think they are a formula 1 driver

5.thai drivers go through a red traffic light like it was a caution light

6. no drivers training to get a license. ( you only have to go through a small driving course the only has a man watch you back up into a parking space )

The thai drivers will race to a traffic light and jam on the breaks. ( nobody knows how to take their foot off the gas pedal and coast to the light and have a smooth stop)

7. Thai drivers swap lanes on the freeway like they are in a indy 500 race

8. no thai driver knows that you are supposed to drive on the correct side of the road ( not even the police know this )

I have asked this question for 2 years and nobody has answered  yet, HAS ANYBODY EVER SEEN A DRIVER STOPPED FOR SPEEDING?

Been pulled up at three mobile speed traps along with many other Thai drivers in 12 years of driving in Thailand. A few of my friends, European and Thai, have been caught by the static speed cameras in Bangkok.

Sent from my GT-I9003 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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If somebody wants to make a good thing...Congratulations!!! If somebody wants to change the Thai centennial culture...Good luck!

I was trying to find a positive comment here...in vain.

This is Asia, not America or Europe..Even the traffic in Italy or France is not a lot better.

I will love to read what people will say if they have to pay US $500 fine for a "wrong" left turn or a non "totally" braking in a stop sign on a countryside deserted road in America....

And..talking about bad traffic....Nobody here visited Bali, Calcutta, Manila, Jakarta, Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, Buenos Aires, Mexico City,....????.....just to name some.....Thailand cities traffic is just Thai...Take it or leave it!

Or better.. if you can....Hire a Thai driver. Some are better drivers than you...and less dangerous than you because they know how to drive here.

You fail to understand that a lot of Thais want better traffic too. I have sat next to numorous good Thai drivers complaining about the real bad anti social ones. Its not just foreigners that want better enforcement.

But then again there are enough foreigners that like to drive like the Thais and don't want it changed. Usually the ones with an IQ below 100.

I am all for enforcement as long as its not been overdone. But there is a long way to go and a lot can be done to weed out the really bad drivers. These guys are a danger to all and nobody likes it when anti social drivers block the going through traffic because they want to go left. Making sure nobody can move because they dont like to wait.

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If somebody wants to make a good thing...Congratulations!!! If somebody wants to change the Thai centennial culture...Good luck!

I was trying to find a positive comment here...in vain.

This is Asia, not America or Europe..Even the traffic in Italy or France is not a lot better.

I will love to read what people will say if they have to pay US $500 fine for a "wrong" left turn or a non "totally" braking in a stop sign on a countryside deserted road in America....

And..talking about bad traffic....Nobody here visited Bali, Calcutta, Manila, Jakarta, Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, Buenos Aires, Mexico City,....????.....just to name some.....Thailand cities traffic is just Thai...Take it or leave it!

Or better.. if you can....Hire a Thai driver. Some are better drivers than you...and less dangerous than you because they know how to drive here.

quoting something worse is not a valid step to improvement - and we all want improvement - right

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His first job is to tackle ill disciplined and corrupt police, including himself and all his police general colleagues. Then all the rest will take care of itself. If they unwilling to do that, it would be better to keep quiet and keep on banking the monthly collections from subordinates.

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Or better.. if you can....Hire a Thai driver. Some are better drivers than you...and less dangerous than you because they know how to drive here.

That cannot be true. At best, the best Thai driver may be nearly as good a driver as me. But it would have to be a driver who drives moderate speed, stays in lane, knows how to courteously drive a roundabout. stops to allow pedestrians to cross the street. The best Thai drivers don't even stop to allow monks or old ladies to walk across the street. The best Thai drivers don't even ask their passengers to put on seat belts. 4 Thai cops were recently killed while being driven to respond to an emergency in southern Thailand. Guess how many were wearing seat belts. Answer: zero. Reason: Thai men think seatbelts are only for wimps.
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If somebody wants to make a good thing...Congratulations!!! If somebody wants to change the Thai centennial culture...Good luck!

I was trying to find a positive comment here...in vain.

This is Asia, not America or Europe..Even the traffic in Italy or France is not a lot better.

I will love to read what people will say if they have to pay US $500 fine for a "wrong" left turn or a non "totally" braking in a stop sign on a countryside deserted road in America....

And..talking about bad traffic....Nobody here visited Bali, Calcutta, Manila, Jakarta, Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, Buenos Aires, Mexico City,....????.....just to name some.....Thailand cities traffic is just Thai...Take it or leave it!

Or better.. if you can....Hire a Thai driver. Some are better drivers than you...and less dangerous than you because they know how to drive here.

quoting something worse is not a valid step to improvement - and we all want improvement - right

Right..I agree totally...and I understand why most foreigners, specially Americans, feels unsafe and scare in driving here. I am a Brazilian architect. Planning is easy, to execute the plans very difficult in urban planning. Improvements are in the way, will take long time taking in account that Thailand is a very small country with a very big population. Never will be easy to drive in Thailand, and accidents will happens. I do not drive here, my Thai wife do and in ways I do not totally accept....but I can see that she have better skills than me because she knows the traffic environment here. I don't. I live in America for 20 years. I never will drive in Thailand...I will be a risk to Thai people.

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