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Woman killed outside Capitol Hill after trying to ram gate of White House


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The shooters will NOT be happy that they assisted a woman with a one child in the back of her car commit suicide I don't suspect.

Had she been a terrorist or malevolently motivated politically, they would probably feel job well done.

You don't get it. They will be very happy and relieved to have stopped her. There was too much risk that she was going to kill someone including one of them with her car. They will feel a strong sense of job well done because the had them and everyone else in serious danger.

They never want to have to shoot someone. But when they have to and they did, they are very happy that it's over and they know it's a job well done.

Her motivation is irrelevant.

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OK. I have to put my 2 cents worth in... Imagine, High explosives packed tight up to the bottoms of the window sills. The officers were brave to shoot at close range. It could have leveled everything within a block with a "dead man's switch." There are female "martyrs". I sure wish my spell check would work!

PS I can imagine a huge "flinch" after pulling the trigger on a true shot, waiting for the gigantic, instant fireball explosion that would end the security officer's lives. The stakes are too high to be trying to shoot out tires. It's probably trained protocol to shoot to kill at that point anyway.

Edited by Longtooth
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You don't get it. They will be very happy and relieved to have stopped her. There was too much risk that she was going to kill someone including one of them with her car. They will feel a strong sense of job well done because the had them and everyone else in serious danger.

They never want to have to shoot someone. But when they have to and they did, they are very happy that it's over and they know it's a job well done.

Her motivation is irrelevant.

I do get what you think. Rightly or wrongly, I just have a little more faith in people's humanity.

Edited by Scott
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You don't get it. They will be very happy and relieved to have stopped her. There was too much risk that she was going to kill someone including one of them with her car. They will feel a strong sense of job well done because the had them and everyone else in serious danger.

They never want to have to shoot someone. But when they have to and they did, they are very happy that it's over and they know it's a job well done.

Her motivation is irrelevant.

I do get what you think. Rightly or wrongly, I just have a little more faith in people's humanity.

Me too.


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You don't get it. They will be very happy and relieved to have stopped her. There was too much risk that she was going to kill someone including one of them with her car. They will feel a strong sense of job well done because the had them and everyone else in serious danger.

They never want to have to shoot someone. But when they have to and they did, they are very happy that it's over and they know it's a job well done.

Her motivation is irrelevant.

I do get what you think. Rightly or wrongly, I just have a little more faith in people's humanity.

There are many, many homo sapiens in the world with zero humanity.

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You don't get it. They will be very happy and relieved to have stopped her. There was too much risk that she was going to kill someone including one of them with her car. They will feel a strong sense of job well done because the had them and everyone else in serious danger.

They never want to have to shoot someone. But when they have to and they did, they are very happy that it's over and they know it's a job well done.

Her motivation is irrelevant.

I do get what you think. Rightly or wrongly, I just have a little more faith in people's humanity.

Faith in people's humanity? Did you see the high speed chase where she was doing abrupt U-turns on city streets and aiming right back at police cars? Did you see the police have to try to avoid her, two of them getting hit and I saw one officer being put into an ambulance on a stretcher?

120 kph on narrow city streets, actually aiming the car at other cars swerving and driving like a lunatic? Did you see her trying to murder people with her car? Did you see the high speed, the erratic driving and the mayhem?

Did you consider innocent drivers or pedestrians right there as she went past at high speed?

Where, exactly, was her "humanity?" Is your idea of "humanity" letting her ram things until she kills someone?


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Man the state of mind is USA sick sick sick .... kill kill kill ..

So if the bird was trying to run you down we must all stand back and do nothing ?

A young unarmed soldier in the UK had his head hacked off cos no armed police available, when the armed police arrived they shot the murderers, but, to late for the soldier.

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Faith in people's humanity? Did you see the high speed chase where she was doing abrupt U-turns on city streets and aiming right back at police cars? Did you see the police have to try to avoid her, two of them getting hit and I saw one officer being put into an ambulance on a stretcher?

120 kph on narrow city streets, actually aiming the car at other cars swerving and driving like a lunatic? Did you see her trying to murder people with her car? Did you see the high speed, the erratic driving and the mayhem?

Did you consider innocent drivers or pedestrians right there as she went past at high speed?

Where, exactly, was her "humanity?" Is your idea of "humanity" letting her ram things until she kills someone?


I have no idea what you are on about. She was obviously, sadly, a very disturbed individual, and at no point have I criticised the actions of law enforcement.

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Well of course there were alternatives but the US does not spend all that money training killers to go have them shoot out a few tires!

Try shooting out the tyres on a moving vehicle...

Try shooting the driver in a fast moving car !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There's four tyres------------- one driver------------- dozens of trained sharp shooters

Edited by biplanebluey
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Well of course there were alternatives but the US does not spend all that money training killers to go have them shoot out a few tires!

Try shooting out the tyres on a moving vehicle...

Oh come on, it's so easy when you are playing Call Of Duty Black Ops Sad Xxxx.......

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Well of course there were alternatives but the US does not spend all that money training killers to go have them shoot out a few tires!

Try shooting out the tyres on a moving vehicle...

Try shooting the driver in a fast moving car !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There's four tyres------------- one driver------------- dozens of trained sharp shooters

Immobilise the car...then what do you do?

Engage in conversation with the driver? Explosives in the car or strapped to her? One button. Adios.

Job well done.

Doubt if the guys will be celebrating too much though knowing now that she was a disturbed mother and not Al Queada.

Had she been the latter, I personally would offer them a beer.

Job well done. Very sad for the woman.

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Try shooting the driver in a fast moving car !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There's four tyres------------- one driver------------- dozens of trained sharp shooters

Well of course there were alternatives but the US does not spend all that money training killers to go have them shoot out a few tires!

Try shooting out the tyres on a moving vehicle...

Oh come on, it's so easy when you are playing Call Of Duty Black Ops Sad Xxxx.......

It's seen in the second video above that they had her stopped and didn't shoot. They were surrounding the car at great risk not knowing if there might be a bomb. They gave her every chance.

Then she suddenly backed up, ramming a police car and then took off again at high speed. She could have crushed an officer right there.

I saw video on TV of them putting an injured police officer in an ambulance. They had him strapped to a stretcher but I don't know how he was injured.

So when they again chased her at high speed after getting her stopped once and getting a car rammed and then again stopped her, they shot her. She was using her car as a lethal weapon against even innocent bystanders not to mention police. The police didn't know what they were dealing with but they had to stop her. And they did.

PS You don't shoot the tires on a fast moving vehicle in a crowded neighborhood. You have no chance to be sure of your backstop and the bullet might wind up killing an innocent. The bullet of course is going right through the tire and continuing on its course, which may include a ricochet into any direction.

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OK. I have to put my 2 cents worth in... Imagine, High explosives packed tight up to the bottoms of the window sills. The officers were brave to shoot at close range. It could have leveled everything within a block with a "dead man's switch." There are female "martyrs". I sure wish my spell check would work!

PS I can imagine a huge "flinch" after pulling the trigger on a true shot, waiting for the gigantic, instant fireball explosion that would end the security officer's lives. The stakes are too high to be trying to shoot out tires. It's probably trained protocol to shoot to kill at that point anyway.

I think this is the bottom line.

Edited by metisdead
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The stakes are too high to be trying to shoot out tires. It's probably trained protocol to shoot to kill at that point anyway.

If you are going to use your weapon of course you are going to shoot to kill...

It's only in the movies and games that you would even dream of "shooting to wound". If you need to use your weapon, you use it for what it is designed to do.

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The stakes are too high to be trying to shoot out tires. It's probably trained protocol to shoot to kill at that point anyway.

If you are going to use your weapon of course you are going to shoot to kill...

It's only in the movies and games that you would even dream of "shooting to wound". If you need to use your weapon, you use it for what it is designed to do.

Better check with Captain NeverSure. I'm not military.

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Well of course there were alternatives but the US does not spend all that money training killers to go have them shoot out a few tires!

Try shooting out the tyres on a moving vehicle...

As has been pointed out, had this happened in the burbs half way across the country, the outcome likely would have been different.

And what, just two weeks ago Washington DC had a mass murder incident.

Time, place, circumstance are central to the law and to law enforcement.

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It's a no win situation,had they tried to capture the women without shooting to kill,and if later it was found her vehicle was carrying explosives,then there would have been an enquiry,as to why they didn't shoot to kill. The fact is unfortunately 9/11 ended all mercy for those that are a threat to the USA,in whatever form!

Edited by MAJIC
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The stakes are too high to be trying to shoot out tires. It's probably trained protocol to shoot to kill at that point anyway.

If you are going to use your weapon of course you are going to shoot to kill...

It's only in the movies and games that you would even dream of "shooting to wound". If you need to use your weapon, you use it for what it is designed to do.

Better check with Captain NeverSure. I'm not military.

This is completely true. You don't shoot at all unless you need to prevent someone from causing serious bodily injury or death. Shooting to wound is a fairy tale because the target is too small and even if you hit it you aren't assured of an immediate stop. You shoot at what's called "center of mass" which is the center of the chest. It's the biggest target with the most vital organs and a massive shock to it will usually immediately immobilize someone. Police are also trained to double or triple tap, mean place two or three bullets there.

Once you decide to shoot, your concern is for yourself and others around you, and stopping the perp instantly is the only goal.

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It's a no win situation,had they tried to capture the women without shooting to kill,and if later it was found her vehicle was carrying explosives,then there would have been an enquiry,as to why they didn't shoot to kill. The fact is unfortunately 9/11 ended all mercy for those that are a threat to the USA,in whatever form!

Another factor complicating this unfortunate fatality is that the suspect was behaving in these bizarre and aggressive ways, at the White House and then at the Capitol Building, during an unusual and strange time in Washington, ie., the government shutdown in connection with Obamacare.

The shutdown tension and eeriness present at the time of the life threatening incident by the suspect already had heightened everyone's senses. People were out of their jobs and workplaces. Monuments and memorials were closed or, in the case of the WW II Memorial, experiencing high visibility controversy. The Capitol Police were required to be on the job despite their not being paid - I'm sure this didn't create a mood of hostility or vengeance among them, but the Capitol Police too were feeling the eeriness.

I thought the Capitol Police were patient not to shoot when the car was jammed against the posts, as we can see in the video. But I also think the Capitol Police may have missed an opportunity by not shooting out the tires while the car was in a stationary position right in front of them at the time.

That said, what did happen happened and is now being examined, investigated.

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