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Can't do without Cmai Ram.


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This Chiang Mai Ram hospital always leaves me laughing until I cry. Every time I go there I am amazed at the weirdness I need to face as a patient. Two years ago I had to stay there for a couple of dayz as i had dengue. So I was lucky enough to experience first hand, what it's like to be treated there. Then this year, just a few days ago I went there to do a regular blood test for mineral content and also for HIV, Justin Case.
Before I went there to do the test I did some research on it here on TV and I agreed with the advice that its best to go to the hospital because its quicker and cheaper as the clinics send the blood to the hospital anyway since they dont have the equipment to do the test.
So I go there, go to information, then you are asked to go here go there sit here sit over there..I was cool with it as one would expect in a thai hospital. So after going through the general weirdness they make me talk to 5 different folks as noone understands that I need the blood checked for mineral content as well. But it's just the language barrier, we are used to that too. At least I am because I only speak some very basic thai. So after an hour or so they check my weight. Then she looks at me and says okay sir you dont have fever. How she knew it by staring at me I have no idea. Then they ask me to swait outside once again. After 20min another nurse walks up to me and asks what do I want? What do I wait for? I tell her. She says ok then disappears. Meanwhile its important to mention that the hospital was empty. Nurses laughing everyone was having some kind of fun but no intention to take my blood. So after a while an english speaking doctor shows up and asks me what I want. I feel like I am in heaven as those nurses drive me crazy with their incompetence. I explained it to the doc and he gets it..I am in, man. Besides I had a thai friend with me but it didnt help much, i swear everybody seemed to be high that day. People walk around in slow motion, little chitchats and laughs but nothing happens. So after talking to the doctor, soon they stick the needle in me and I have an hour to do whatever before getting the results. An hour later I am there to get it, needless to say they still have no idea what's going on. I am asked to sit here sit there go over there and another half an hour passes without anything happening. Then finally I get to see the same doc I talked to before. That's something. But I need to wait as someone is in with him. When that patient leaves I am waiting for the nurse to call my name. Nothing happens. A bit later I ask her can I go in? She looks at me smiling: I forgot to tell you you can go in. I go in I come out the result is negative the mineral content is all good. Now I need to pay. The process takes an additional 20min despite the fact that there are only a few patients there. I see them laughing and giving a darn about what's happening and at this point I wanna go through the glass window and show them what's up. Then they call me: I pay 2700thb for a simple test..well actually two. The doc fee is 300. The nurse fee is 60 lol. Those irritating nurses charge me 60 baht so I could watch them laughing and talking instead of working. When I left I thought I actually feel for the owner of the establishment and the patients. It's a private hospital and I personally go there to get better service but they always fail to deliver it. And the owner, for him it's business but the incompetent staff make his business much worse than it actually could be.
Still to me it's just too funny. When i go there i feel like, I just can't do this again. I do believe it should be one of Thailand's attractions. I mean watching these creatures running around like ants, but everything they do is counterproductive.
But of course, i know there are hard working people as well and my respect goes to them.

Edited by metisdead
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HIV test at CM Ram was 350bht last time I went there.

No nurse fee, no doctor fee. No waiting.

Straight into the blood test unit (ground floor, rear).

I don't believe any clinics sent blood tests to CM Ram, why would they use the most expensive hospital in CM? more likely they send them to a government hospital that charges about 100bht per test. I had HIV + syphilis + thallassemia + hepatitis done at a government hospital for a total of 250bht (standard pregnancy blood check list in Thailand).

Edited by FiftyTwo
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I've received service at Ram three times in the past week and generally have been satisfied. I used to work as a nurse and the nurses there seem quite competent.

Each time I've gone to the information desk to check in there was no waiting and both people I've dealt with spoke perfect English.

I didn't see people chatting and screwing around. Every time I went it was without an appointment and I feel it's a pretty good deal to walk in cold off the street and be seen

promptly. Try that at a clinic in the US. A 60baht ( $2 ) to cover nursing service and 300baht ( $10 ) to be seen by a doctor is expensive? <deleted>?

I didn't say that the 360 baht fee was expensive. I would be happy to pay more if I was seen promptly.

Edited by A1Str8
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I've received service at Ram three times in the past week and generally have been satisfied. I used to work as a nurse and the nurses there seem quite competent.

Each time I've gone to the information desk to check in there was no waiting and both people I've dealt with spoke perfect English.

I didn't see people chatting and screwing around. Every time I went it was without an appointment and I feel it's a pretty good deal to walk in cold off the street and be seen

promptly. Try that at a clinic in the US. A 60baht ( $2 ) to cover nursing service and 300baht ( $10 ) to be seen by a doctor is expensive? <deleted>?

I didn't say that the 360 baht fee was expensive. I would be happy to pay more if I was seen promptly.

If you want prompt, CM is not the place for you.

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I've received service at Ram three times in the past week and generally have been satisfied.  I used to work as a nurse and the nurses there seem quite competent.

Each time I've gone to the information desk to check in there was no waiting and  both people I've dealt with spoke perfect English.

I didn't see people chatting and screwing around.  Every time I went it was without an appointment and I feel it's a pretty good deal to walk in cold off the street and be seen

promptly.  Try that at a clinic in the US.  A 60baht ( $2 ) to cover nursing service and 300baht ( $10 ) to be seen by a doctor is expensive?  <deleted>?

I didn't say that the 360 baht fee was expensive. I would be happy to pay more if I was seen promptly.


If you  want prompt, CM is not the place for you.

Can you enlighten me which place is?

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I've received service at Ram three times in the past week and generally have been satisfied. I used to work as a nurse and the nurses there seem quite competent.

Each time I've gone to the information desk to check in there was no waiting and both people I've dealt with spoke perfect English.

I didn't see people chatting and screwing around. Every time I went it was without an appointment and I feel it's a pretty good deal to walk in cold off the street and be seen

promptly. Try that at a clinic in the US. A 60baht ( $2 ) to cover nursing service and 300baht ( $10 ) to be seen by a doctor is expensive? <deleted>?

I didn't say that the 360 baht fee was expensive. I would be happy to pay more if I was seen promptly.

If you want prompt, CM is not the place for you.

Can you enlighten me which place is?

No place in Thailand, you might try Singapore or Germany.

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Straight into the blood test unit. I wish I was that lucky.

Ground floor to the left of the cashiers, before the exit. There's usually a lot of creams on sale outside the door. Just walk in, tell them what you want or tick it on the form, pay the fee and hey presto it's all over.

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I have been to Ram and have been happy with two of my visits. I never had or saw any thing like the OP reports but I have not always been happy with the results. That is not a reflection on the hospital how ever. That is the quality of the Doctors I saw.

I go to the doctor and let her take my blood test. It is easier than chasing around self diagnosing. Have had reason to go to Rajavej several times. Had one bad experience there once again no reflection on the hospital. It was the Doctor.

How ever I did have to sit there and wait to be called. It was a reasonable amount of time. Not that long. It gave me a chance to watch the staff going here and there. It occurred to me how could they be doing as much work there as they were doing if all this movement was idle. They work like a well oiled machine. I was well satisfied. Don't remember the cost's but I remember being satisfied with them.

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I get the impression that they thought that you were screwy and just wanted to get rid of you. That happens sometimes.

I agree with UG. Yes, that happens sometimes. And who is to blame them !!

Isn't it nice that it is so easy for people like OP to post on this forum! rolleyes.gif

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Straight into the blood test unit. I wish I was that lucky.


Ground floor to the left of the cashiers, before the exit. There's usually a lot of creams on sale outside the door. Just walk in, tell them what you want or tick it on the form, pay the fee and hey presto it's all over.

Thank you. It's nice to see an intelligent post once in a while, that makes sense and helpful. I do think that that was the problem that I did not go there straight as I didn't know the drill.

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I get the impression that they thought that you were screwy and just wanted to get rid of you. That happens sometimes.

I agree with UG.  Yes, that happens sometimes.  And who is to blame them !!


Isn't it nice that it is so easy for people like OP to post on this forum!  Posted Image

Ohh you guys got the impression, okay. Well, I dont get any impressions. I happen to know myself and If I was screwy I would know about it. If I gave them a reason to want to get rid of me, I would have noticed it.

I stated my opinion about the work ethic there which I experienced first hand. But I really appreciate the helpful input. I am going to like it.

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If you cannot speak Thai well enough to express your needs, and you cannot find a Thai staffer at CMR who understands your English, you are in for a long wait! Where the hell was your "Thai friend" through this ordeal?

A very pathetic story indeed.

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If foreigners can't speak the most basic Thai phrases (or basic phrases in the language of any other country that they are traveling in) then they should at least carry one of those little travel dictionaries with them where you can jump to the section for medical emergency, police, etc. That way you can at least show the people at the clinic, hospital, etc. what you are there for and that will avoid major, potential life-threatening misunderstandings. I read on another thread where one patient visited a hospital and got a Penicillin injection when he was allergic to penicillin! I would never dream of going to a clinic or hospital in a foreign country without speaking at least some of the language or having a close, trusted friend translating for me.

UG sells those little books at his shops as I bought mine there a few years ago.

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If you cannot speak Thai well enough to express your needs, and you cannot find a Thai staffer at CMR who understands your English, you are in for a long wait! Where the hell was your "Thai friend" through this ordeal?

A very pathetic story indeed.

Your answer you mean, it is.

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If foreigners can't speak the most basic Thai phrases (or basic phrases in the language of any other country that they are traveling in) then they should at least carry one of those little travel dictionaries with them where you can jump to the section for medical emergency, police, etc. That way you can at least show the people at the clinic, hospital, etc. what you are there for and that will avoid major, potential life-threatening misunderstandings. I read on another thread where one patient visited a hospital and got a Penicillin injection when he was allergic to penicillin! I would never dream of going to a clinic or hospital in a foreign country without speaking at least some of the language or having a close, trusted friend translating for me.

UG sells those little books at his shops as I bought mine there a few years ago.

Quite a lot of Thais won't understand a foreigner speaking Thai at any level.

Never sure if its racism or ignorance that causes this.

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If foreigners can't speak the most basic Thai phrases (or basic phrases in the language of any other country that they are traveling in) then they should at least carry one of those little travel dictionaries with them where you can jump to the section for medical emergency, police, etc. That way you can at least show the people at the clinic, hospital, etc. what you are there for and that will avoid major, potential life-threatening misunderstandings. I read on another thread where one patient visited a hospital and got a Penicillin injection when he was allergic to penicillin! I would never dream of going to a clinic or hospital in a foreign country without speaking at least some of the language or having a close, trusted friend translating for me.

UG sells those little books at his shops as I bought mine there a few years ago.

Quite a lot of Thais won't understand a foreigner speaking Thai at any level.

Never sure if its racism or ignorance that causes this.

no, my friend, racism or ignorance is not the problem. the problem is that you are an ignorant foreigner who can't speak Thai.

Well I can read and write Thai, and they understand my written Thai, so I can't be that ignorant.

Edited by FiftyTwo
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If foreigners can't speak the most basic Thai phrases (or basic phrases in the language of any other country that they are traveling in) then they should at least carry one of those little travel dictionaries with them where you can jump to the section for medical emergency, police, etc. That way you can at least show the people at the clinic, hospital, etc. what you are there for and that will avoid major, potential life-threatening misunderstandings. I read on another thread where one patient visited a hospital and got a Penicillin injection when he was allergic to penicillin! I would never dream of going to a clinic or hospital in a foreign country without speaking at least some of the language or having a close, trusted friend translating for me.

UG sells those little books at his shops as I bought mine there a few years ago.

Quite a lot of Thais won't understand a foreigner speaking Thai at any level.

Never sure if its racism or ignorance that causes this.

I think a lot of times it is the foreigner thinking he is speaking Thai because the people around him are used to his mistakes. I thought I was doing pretty good with my wife until one day I heard and Ozzie trying to speak English to me. I thought good grief is that what my Thai sounds like to my wife?

I wonder if that book at UGs has a medical section. Defiantly be a big help to me in speaking to the daughter and son in law who are both in the medical field.

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Ha ha, I feel your pain OP. Reminds me of my dealings with my estate agents. I ring them up to ask them something and they don't know who I am and react to my house selling enquiries like I'm asking them about Nasa schedules. After all that they still don't do anything.

Luckily it's not my health and they don't get paid. This UK btw lol

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If you walk right in to the blood drawing room and tell them what test you want - you better be able to know what the results mean. Im not talking about hiv or such when the answer (results) is yes or no.

HIV isn't a yes or no answer either.

If you don't, just ask to see a doctor for a couple of hundred baht.....can't see the problem.

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I've received service at Ram three times in the past week and generally have been satisfied. I used to work as a nurse and the nurses there seem quite competent.

Each time I've gone to the information desk to check in there was no waiting and both people I've dealt with spoke perfect English.

I didn't see people chatting and screwing around. Every time I went it was without an appointment and I feel it's a pretty good deal to walk in cold off the street and be seen

promptly. Try that at a clinic in the US. A 60baht ( $2 ) to cover nursing service and 300baht ( $10 ) to be seen by a doctor is expensive? <deleted>?

Same here. Last week i went to CM Ram. I had no problems. The doctor was fine as were the nurses. There were no long waiting for me. My test results came back in an hour and they even called me as I was out shopping. I returned promptly and just as promptly received my test analysis from the same doctor that ordered the test. I have gone to Ram numerous times. And I have gotten generally very good service. I have no complaints.

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If you walk right in to the blood drawing room and tell them what test you want - you better be able to know what the results mean. Im not talking about hiv or such when the answer (results) is yes or no.

HIV isn't a yes or no answer either.

If you don't, just ask to see a doctor for a couple of hundred baht.....can't see the problem.

That is what the nurse recommended as i was interested in getting a HIV test also. I think the OP might have bad CM Ram karma. Edited by DeeMockMark
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