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Car Driver Dies After loosing control From Flash-Flood


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Car Driver Shockingly Dies From Flash-Flood


PATTAYA:--Rescuers and medics were able to recover the remains of a Honda car that was driving at a high-speed during a flash-flood in Pattaya. The driver was suspected to have lost control of the vehicle making the car collide into a electricity post, which fatally killed him.

October 4, 2013 [PDN]; Rain storms that hit the province had caused flash-floods throughout the province, which resulted in several accidents and deaths.

A Honda Accord car was driving at a high-speed through one of the flash-flood at Sukhumvit Rd. which made the car driver lose control of his vehicle which resulted into a collision with an electricity post.

Full story:http://www.pattayadailynews.com/en/2013/10/05/car-driver-shockingly-dies-from-flash-flood/


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Setting aside the sensationalist journalism, it's another example of how electrical safety is a real and present danger to human life in Thailand.

I think we all get astounded at how lax it is. An unseen killer mixed with water.....potent.

ps. I thought a car would have been relatively insulated even in a crash like this? Could it be he was killed by the force of impact and not the electricity?

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Setting aside the sensationalist journalism, it's another example of how electrical safety is a real and present danger to human life in Thailand.

I think we all get astounded at how lax it is. An unseen killer mixed with water.....potent.

ps. I thought a car would have been relatively insulated even in a crash like this? Could it be he was killed by the force of impact and not the electricity?

You are joking, right? Car bodies are mostly steel covered with paint. Guess you don't know much about electricity.

verb: blether
  1. 1.
    talk long-windedly without making very much sense.
    "she began blathering on about spirituality and life after death"
    synonyms: prattle, babble, chatter, twitter, prate, go on, run on, rattle on, yap, jabber, maunder, ramble, burble, drivel, blabber, gab;
    informalyak, yatter, yammer, bloviate, talk a blue streak
    "he just blathered about his old girlfriends"
noun: blether
  1. 1.
    long-winded talk with no real substance.
    synonyms: prattle, chatter, twitter, babble, prating, gabble, jabber, rambling;
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the headline writer for this report and others like it should work for the Daily Star in England

Would you / could you expect better from that web site? Their reporters always try to make everything sensational. Often reads as much more comical than sensational. Too bad they don't have a good understanding of the English language.

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It was the rain, the floods, you can't blame the driver. The floods came so unexpected, so no blame for the driver for speeding no weather what....

I hate being sarcastic here, but if you know the drivers' mentality of the majority of Thai people know what I'm talking about.

In other words, how much common sense doesn't a person understand that during heavy rain one should drive carefully...

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the headline writer for this report and others like it should work for the Daily Star in England

Would you / could you expect better from that web site? Their reporters always try to make everything sensational. Often reads as much more comical than sensational. Too bad they don't have a good understanding of the English language.

For a rag that is suppose to be in the English language, they could do a lot better if they employed an editor who actually has first language English skills and one hopes we wouldnt see as many basic English mistakes such as "which fatally killed him" ...whistling.gif

By all means get the Thai Jouro's to write the pieces, but then correct the wording at least before publishing...for the most part PDN articles read like they have been written by primary school children..

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Setting aside the sensationalist journalism, it's another example of how electrical safety is a real and present danger to human life in Thailand.

I think we all get astounded at how lax it is. An unseen killer mixed with water.....potent.

ps. I thought a car would have been relatively insulated even in a crash like this? Could it be he was killed by the force of impact and not the electricity?

You are joking, right? Car bodies are mostly steel covered with paint. Guess you don't know much about electricity.

You can't get electrocuted while sitting inside a car. It's called a Faraday Cage. Guess nobody knows much about electricity here.

The story doesn't say he died from electrocution. Looking at the photos, there's no damage to the front of the car and a big dent across the roof. Looks like he slid sideways into the pole which then fell on him.

A better headline would have been "Car driver dies as a result of bad driving".

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My car was out in the same rain and caught this on camera. He was driving so fast you could see it was going to end badly. The speed he was travelling was faster then all other traffic and seemed to suggest he thought if he drove over the water fast enough he could just fly home over the river of water.

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Setting aside the sensationalist journalism, it's another example of how electrical safety is a real and present danger to human life in Thailand.

I think we all get astounded at how lax it is. An unseen killer mixed with water.....potent.

ps. I thought a car would have been relatively insulated even in a crash like this? Could it be he was killed by the force of impact and not the electricity?

You are joking, right? Car bodies are mostly steel covered with paint. Guess you don't know much about electricity.

You can't get electrocuted while sitting inside a car. It's called a Faraday Cage. Guess nobody knows much about electricity here.

The story doesn't say he died from electrocution. Looking at the photos, there's no damage to the front of the car and a big dent across the roof. Looks like he slid sideways into the pole which then fell on him.

A better headline would have been "Car driver dies as a result of bad driving".

I'm sure the driver's family and friends will be glad to hear that he couldn't be electrocuted.

Touch the metal after the accident when the car is a mangled mess of metal and see how much that "faraday cage" will protect you from electricity. An ideal Faraday cage consists of an unbroken, perfectly conducting shell. This ideal cannot be achieved in practice, but can be approached. An absurd assumption in this instance. This is no longer a fully isolated and intact vehicle that had a hot wire drop on it, an lightning strike or EMF. A really good chance the car is in a reasonably broken condition and thus affords many opportunities for electrical paths between voltage, occupants and ground. Result: fried occupants.

Edited by aguy30
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Setting aside the sensationalist journalism, it's another example of how electrical safety is a real and present danger to human life in Thailand.

I think we all get astounded at how lax it is. An unseen killer mixed with water.....potent.

ps. I thought a car would have been relatively insulated even in a crash like this? Could it be he was killed by the force of impact and not the electricity?

You are joking, right? Car bodies are mostly steel covered with paint. Guess you don't know much about electricity.

verb: blether
  1. 1.
    talk long-windedly without making very much sense.
    "she began blathering on about spirituality and life after death"
    synonyms: prattle, babble, chatter, twitter, prate, go on, run on, rattle on, yap, jabber, maunder, ramble, burble, drivel, blabber, gab;
    informalyak, yatter, yammer, bloviate, talk a blue streak
    "he just blathered about his old girlfriends"
noun: blether
  1. 1.
    long-winded talk with no real substance.
    synonyms: prattle, chatter, twitter, babble, prating, gabble, jabber, rambling;

Oh wow, look at that.....only the 200th time someone has googled blether. Why do you think I picked the name? jerk.gif.pagespeed.ce.TMGfqs4Lzz.gif

I was under the impression that the Faraday cage effect insulated drivers from shock. Drivers are normally surrounded by non conductive materials. If the car is sitting in a pool of electrically charged water that would obviously have an effect. Would anyone of knowledge care to comment and avoid making stupid comments. smile.png

Let me guess, you picked the name because it accurately describes your contributions. Much more polite than some other equally appropriate names.

Edited by aguy30
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Amazing how a reporter can make us laugh at a tragic accident. "The driver was suspected to have lost control of the vehicle making the car collide into a electricity post, which fatally killed him." The mind boggles!

I know the English is not perfect but the mind boggles at how you can find anything to laugh at in that quote.

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Amazing how a reporter can make us laugh at a tragic accident. "The driver was suspected to have lost control of the vehicle making the car collide into a electricity post, which fatally killed him." The mind boggles!

I know the English is not perfect but the mind boggles at how you can find anything to laugh at in that quote.

why are criticising this particular poster ? the PDN made a p*ss poor attempt at humour in the head line...Car Driver Shockingly Dies From Flash-Flood.... so put your mock outrage away or complain to the PDN as well

but your right there isnt anything to laugh at in that quote....its very sad the English language is butchered day in, day out, by the so called English languge jouro's at the PDN

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Again this is bad journalism at the get go "Car Driver Shockingly Dies From Flash-Flood"

First off there was a death so trying to make a joke out of the headline is just very poor taste. Secondly there is no evidence that he died from electrocution

From what can be extrapolated from this story is "he hit a pole and died from the impact. Now I am guessing this so why didn't the writer state this rather than

try and be cute about someone dying and write a headline that was offensive and very inaccurate.

The answer is simple They are not real journalists they are hacks


You cater to the Expat community and they speak English as their mother tong so why not report properly

Your news posts are a joke and everyone knows that . You are thinking you save money my not hiring someone to do proper writing. Imagine how many more users you would have if you had real journalists

WOW if I reported like that when I worked for ABC news years ago I would have been fired in a heart beat

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You cater to the Expat community and they speak English as their mother tong so why not report properly

Your news posts are a joke and everyone knows that . You are thinking you save money my not hiring someone to do proper writing. Imagine how many more users you would have if you had real journalists

WOW if I reported like that when I worked for ABC news years ago I would have been fired in a heart beat

As a network reporter, did you ever pay attention to things like, oh, I don't know, maybe "attributed sources"?

ThaiVisa.com does not write those reports. In case the link embedded in the opening post: http://www.pattayadailynews.com/en/2013/10/05/car-driver-shockingly-dies-from-flash-flood/ wasn't enough of a clue, The final "--PATTAYA DAILY NEWS 2013-10-06" leaves a small clue to the source.

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Setting aside the sensationalist journalism, it's another example of how electrical safety is a real and present danger to human life in Thailand.

I think we all get astounded at how lax it is. An unseen killer mixed with water.....potent.

ps. I thought a car would have been relatively insulated even in a crash like this? Could it be he was killed by the force of impact and not the electricity?

You are joking, right? Car bodies are mostly steel covered with paint. Guess you don't know much about electricity.

verb: blether
  1. 1.
    talk long-windedly without making very much sense.
    "she began blathering on about spirituality and life after death"
    synonyms: prattle, babble, chatter, twitter, prate, go on, run on, rattle on, yap, jabber, maunder, ramble, burble, drivel, blabber, gab;
    informalyak, yatter, yammer, bloviate, talk a blue streak
    "he just blathered about his old girlfriends"
noun: blether
  1. 1.
    long-winded talk with no real substance.
    synonyms: prattle, chatter, twitter, babble, prating, gabble, jabber, rambling;

Oh wow, look at that.....only the 200th time someone has googled blether. Why do you think I picked the name? jerk.gif.pagespeed.ce.TMGfqs4Lzz.gif

I was under the impression that the Faraday cage effect insulated drivers from shock. Drivers are normally surrounded by non conductive materials. If the car is sitting in a pool of electrically charged water that would obviously have an effect. Would anyone of knowledge care to comment and avoid making stupid comments. smile.png

The tyres offer some protection from grounding, but if the voltage is high and they're wet; then there's little chance.

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Setting aside the sensationalist journalism, it's another example of how electrical safety is a real and present danger to human life in Thailand.

I think we all get astounded at how lax it is. An unseen killer mixed with water.....potent.

ps. I thought a car would have been relatively insulated even in a crash like this? Could it be he was killed by the force of impact and not the electricity?

You are joking, right? Car bodies are mostly steel covered with paint. Guess you don't know much about electricity.

You can't get electrocuted while sitting inside a car. It's called a Faraday Cage. Guess nobody knows much about electricity here.

The story doesn't say he died from electrocution. Looking at the photos, there's no damage to the front of the car and a big dent across the roof. Looks like he slid sideways into the pole which then fell on him.

A better headline would have been "Car driver dies as a result of bad driving".

I'm sure the driver's family and friends will be glad to hear that he couldn't be electrocuted.

Touch the metal after the accident when the car is a mangled mess of metal and see how much that "faraday cage" will protect you from electricity. An ideal Faraday cage consists of an unbroken, perfectly conducting shell. This ideal cannot be achieved in practice, but can be approached. An absurd assumption in this instance. This is no longer a fully isolated and intact vehicle that had a hot wire drop on it, an lightning strike or EMF. A really good chance the car is in a reasonably broken condition and thus affords many opportunities for electrical paths between voltage, occupants and ground. Result: fried occupants.

An absurd failure to understand the physics of a Faraday cage. Check out this photo of the 'ideal being achieved in practice' with some simple wire mesh and lots of holes.


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I guess it's sad that the reaction is to the poor journalism rather than concern for the guy who died. But, sadly, that is the thing that struck me too (no pun intended).

Speaking of puns I wonder if the writer used the word "shockingly" in this sense because it was an electricity pole. If yes, the taste is questionable.

I used to work on "proper" newspapers. My old chief sub told me never to refer to a sudden death (as it always is). I thought this a little pedantic as death can arrive unexpectedly such as in a crash (sudden) or after a long period of illness (not so sudden). I wonder what he would have made of "fatally killed". I'm sure he would have said: "Is there any other type of killed?"

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Amazing how a reporter can make us laugh at a tragic accident. "The driver was suspected to have lost control of the vehicle making the car collide into a electricity post, which fatally killed him." The mind boggles!

And the boggling doesn't stop there.

It was the rain, the floods, you can't blame the driver. The floods came so unexpected, so no blame for the driver for speeding no weather what....

I hate being sarcastic here, but if you know the drivers' mentality of the majority of Thai people know what I'm talking about.

In other words, how much common sense doesn't a person understand that during heavy rain one should drive carefully...

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Spalpeen-Your simplistic world of a neat wire mesh cage hardly applies to an auto wreck and live wires. It would seem that you don't have the ability to think beyond one simplistic idea of an intact faraday cage to that of an auto wreck and how the car frame could be touching ground, in a wet condition and there could be a live wire that would allow for an electrical path through an occupant. Whatever, the electric pole impact, not the electricity is what killed him. It was the rescue workers that were afraid they might be electrocuted when they saw sparks.

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Setting aside the sensationalist journalism, it's another example of how electrical safety is a real and present danger to human life in Thailand.

I think we all get astounded at how lax it is. An unseen killer mixed with water.....potent.

ps. I thought a car would have been relatively insulated even in a crash like this? Could it be he was killed by the force of impact and not the electricity?

You are joking, right? Car bodies are mostly steel covered with paint. Guess you don't know much about electricity.

verb: blether
  1. 1.
    talk long-windedly without making very much sense.
    "she began blathering on about spirituality and life after death"
    synonyms: prattle, babble, chatter, twitter, prate, go on, run on, rattle on, yap, jabber, maunder, ramble, burble, drivel, blabber, gab;
    informalyak, yatter, yammer, bloviate, talk a blue streak
    "he just blathered about his old girlfriends"
noun: blether
  1. 1.
    long-winded talk with no real substance.
    synonyms: prattle, chatter, twitter, babble, prating, gabble, jabber, rambling;

Oh wow, look at that.....only the 200th time someone has googled blether. Why do you think I picked the name? jerk.gif.pagespeed.ce.TMGfqs4Lzz.gif

I was under the impression that the Faraday cage effect insulated drivers from shock. Drivers are normally surrounded by non conductive materials. If the car is sitting in a pool of electrically charged water that would obviously have an effect. Would anyone of knowledge care to comment and avoid making stupid comments. smile.png


I googled it a long time back...

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I actually thought the driver died because they were speeding not because it flooded. This is the thai way, make an excuse so that the person involved isnt blamed due to doing something idiotic in the first place. Weather kiiled the indian tourist paraglider, not the idiot boat driver that turned the boat at her, flooding caused the car to hit a powerpole not the idiot driver speeding and losing control in a dangerous situation, I mean we cant have thais lose face because of what they do can we. This is what is idiotic, the way they try to make out the person responsible wasnt responsible, this is what thainess is all about, you have to blame something/someone else. Sympathy for the driver, not really, its called karma, you do something stupid,be prepared for the consequences of your own actions.

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