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My way are the Thai way


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Hmmm......methinks she's saying to herself.......If I'm going to have to endure the sight of him in his undies, at least I can make sure they are smart and clean.

I'll get my coat.

Do Farangs here in Thailand actually wear undies, if undies means underwear then I don't. Yes, I know it is against Thai law, but I don't care. No Blether, I am not going to start a thread about who wears undies and who doesn't, it tends to attract the odd weirdo.

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As I indicated earlier....this was not meant to be a Thai-women bashing post. I was just pointing out some frustrating idiocracies that my Thai wife has. Maybe, in my frustration, I was hoping she would listen to my suggestions of which sometimes she does....BUT I wouldn't have it any other way. She is a fantastic lady, one who when I met her spoke no English ....I told her before we could date she would have to learn English if she wanted to get to know me.....AND you know what....even though she only has a 3rd grade education....She did learn English and we've been together over 10 years....Heck ...she has a Phd in LIFE. Glad I found her.....sometimes in life things are meant to be....This was one

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When I was a kid, sometimes I was reluctant to wear underwear, and my mum used to always say.... 'get some underpants on.... You might get hit by a car or something.... Oh the shame'.....

In Thailand, there is a very strong possibility you might be in an accident each time you step out the door wink.png

If what I see on TV quite regularly about strange laws, one is that it is against the law in Thailand to go out without wearing your underwear! Is this true? I always do now but remember when I was young and in my prime, I very seldom wore undershorts when I wore jeans - easier to get ready for certain activities rolleyes.gif ! .

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l say pick your battles. If she wants to iron your underwear, let her.

Fight for it.....it is a nice distraction from other topics and if you loose it doesn't matter.

Or find a compromise....she is allowed to iron the underwear and in exchange you are allowed to come home complete drunk every saturday from the karaoke bar.

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Went to get my thai driverslicense.

Had to sit at a chair with the fake trafficlight in front of me to say the colours it showed, I guess to show i know red means stop, and green means go. The thing was. It didn't show the yellow light, instead it showed a light green light and a darker one. So when they asked me what colour is the light? I said GREEN. Ok again what colour is the light.? GREEN. Ok again What colour is the light? GREEN. No the guy said it is a yellow light. I explained to him, i clearly see a green light. Response was. Yes i know, but this is a very old machine. You have to say yellow.Ok YELLOW. And i passed

I don't try to understand this. It's the thai way i guess. Trying to change this is a waste of time.

Edited by myluckythai
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Hmmm......methinks she's saying to herself.......If I'm going to have to endure the sight of him in his undies, at least I can make sure they are smart and clean.

I'll get my coat.

Do Farangs here in Thailand actually wear undies, if undies means underwear then I don't. Yes, I know it is against Thai law, but I don't care. No Blether, I am not going to start a thread about who wears undies and who doesn't, it tends to attract the odd weirdo.

And if the police makes an underwear checkpoint and you found guilty.....will they put you in jail?


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Very hard to get anyone to change, but it can be done. I have changed things since getting married, and so has my wife. The problem is, it usually requires anger or something negative to make a breakthrough.

My wife is very big on cleaning, but sometimes messes with things I would prefer she didn't mess with. What can you do? I have things that I have become really upset over and then she got the message. On my part, I have done things that upset her and then thought....oh, I am an idiot; I have to change. So, I changed that. Every relationship is an ongoing negotiation.

As for the ironing of the underwear, let her (unless it really drives you crazy). I am assuming it makes her feel like she is being a good woman for you. Mine is the same way and even apologizes if she isn't around to iron my clothes before work (if she is out of town, for example).

If you want to have some fun, wait for family to come over--the more the better--and just bust out a load of laundry, load the machine, hang it up and then iron and fold it. See how far you get! Usually, I get 2 reactions: the older ladies go absolutely nuts and say things like "sit down" or (to my wife) "what is your husband doing?!?!?!?). The younger ones or the lesbians go "I like this guy!" hahahahaha Good fun.

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I've been married twice and both farang "ladies" would always scream and shout at me to shut the toilet seat.

My Thai gf always leaves it up.......I'm happy smile.png

My wife once revealed to me that she does this too. I never noticed until she mentioned it in passing once, something like "oops, I forgot to leave the seat up for you". This was one of my biggest "things are really different over here" moment.

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When in Rome, .....

sent by skyaslimit using thaivisa forum mobile app.

Normally I would agree with the saying when in Rome ..., but in this particular case, I simply can not agree that thishas anything to do with being Thai or Farang. I am sure that there are a lot of European couples facing the same or similar difficulties. You'll find Thai women who are very pedantic and European women, who leave their things lying around. The same goes for men. So let's not get nationalities involved!

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I guess I should have figured that the "Underwear ironing" thing would get blown out of proportion....Its not that I mind that she does it,,,its just she works so hard already ....why should she waste her time ironing my Undies....I was trying to save her time........I bought her a dishwasher (which at first she didn't know what it was) ...but even now ...she washes the dishes before she puts them in the dishwasher....(can't get it through to her just need to rinse).......

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Hmmm......methinks she's saying to herself.......If I'm going to have to endure the sight of him in his undies, at least I can make sure they are smart and clean.

I'll get my coat.

Do Farangs here in Thailand actually wear undies, if undies means underwear then I don't. Yes, I know it is against Thai law, but I don't care. No Blether, I am not going to start a thread about who wears undies and who doesn't, it tends to attract the odd weirdo.

And if the police makes an underwear checkpoint and you found guilty.....will they put you in jail?


Regretfully, for many farangs, they would say........."Move along, nothing to see here".


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My wife and I have our own way of doing things. When we first got married I thought I would teach her the "right way". Needless to say, when I showed her how to do things she just smiled and nodded approvingly and went back to doing it her way. At first it pissed me off, but then I realized she was teaching me something important. Now I just do what I'm doing the way I want to do it. When she corrects me by showing me the "right (Thai) way", I just smile and nod approvingly and go back to doing what I was doing.....MY WAY! Surprisingly, we have both slowly started to learn from each other over time and we have realized that neither one of us has the totally right way.

One of my expat friends here in town jokingly said something that cracked me up about our way and the Thai way. He said, "Just remember that any idea you come up with, any suggestion you make or any way you do something, is totally wrong because you are a falang! If you can live with that, you'll do fine here. Just go about your business and ignore the chatter regardless, and a happy man you'll be."

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Hmmm......methinks she's saying to herself.......If I'm going to have to endure the sight of him in his undies, at least I can make sure they are smart and clean.

I'll get my coat.

Do Farangs here in Thailand actually wear undies, if undies means underwear then I don't. Yes, I know it is against Thai law, but I don't care. No Blether, I am not going to start a thread about who wears undies and who doesn't, it tends to attract the odd weirdo.

To late he is already here.

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Hmmm......methinks she's saying to herself.......If I'm going to have to endure the sight of him in his undies, at least I can make sure they are smart and clean.

I'll get my coat.

Do Farangs here in Thailand actually wear undies, if undies means underwear then I don't. Yes, I know it is against Thai law, but I don't care. No Blether, I am not going to start a thread about who wears undies and who doesn't, it tends to attract the odd weirdo.

And if the police makes an underwear checkpoint and you found guilty.....will they put you in jail?


Regretfully, for many farangs, they would say........."Move along, nothing to see here".


So that's why some BiB guys carry binoculars.

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Hmmm......methinks she's saying to herself.......If I'm going to have to endure the sight of him in his undies, at least I can make sure they are smart and clean.

I'll get my coat.

Do Farangs here in Thailand actually wear undies, if undies means underwear then I don't. Yes, I know it is against Thai law, but I don't care. No Blether, I am not going to start a thread about who wears undies and who doesn't, it tends to attract the odd weirdo.

And if the police makes an underwear checkpoint and you found guilty.....will they put you in jail?


You mean the BiB might ask you to drop your drawers? Perverts.

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Hmmm......methinks she's saying to herself.......If I'm going to have to endure the sight of him in his undies, at least I can make sure they are smart and clean.

I'll get my coat.

Do Farangs here in Thailand actually wear undies, if undies means underwear then I don't. Yes, I know it is against Thai law, but I don't care. No Blether, I am not going to start a thread about who wears undies and who doesn't, it tends to attract the odd weirdo.

And if the police makes an underwear checkpoint and you found guilty.....will they put you in jail?


You mean the BiB might ask you to drop your drawers? Perverts.

Airport when arriving in Thailand customs wanted to put their fingers into my suitcase. I told here to feel free to put her fingers into my dirty old underwear (and that was really the content.......maybe the guy on the XRay played a bad joke on her.

She didn't look happy and the it needed just 5 seconds.....

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My Mother irons everything. Socks, underwear, jeans. If she washes it she irons it unless it specifically says

not to on the "care" tag. That is just the way it is. She is not Thai

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mate, I am constantly losing everything around the house, I put it where I can find it and my wife moves it then when I try to find it she cant remember where it was she put it. Still trying to find things that she "put away" 6 months ago, we now have a do not touch my things policy in the house, if it is mine you dont touch itbiggrin.png, I did try the boomerang policy(it returns to where it was) but that didnt work too goodw00t.gif

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