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Ah Sir khun mai Thai its Farang price for you!


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Nope, we all show our Thai DL, and get in for the Thai price.

Really? First of all dual pricing is laughable even when it comes to people not paying taxes. After all 80% of the Thai people are not paying tax. Secondly it is an intrusion in the personal and social life of people. In any developed country it would be reason for a revolution. But in Thailand which is a racist country they look to the color of your skin. I am paying 150K taxes per month still when I take the shortcut from Korat to BKK and I use the Khao Yai road, I always need to take care that my driver is behind the wheel. If I drive I pay an outrageous amount for my car on top of what I pay for myself. Arguing is useless. Go to Chiangmai National parks and it is the same bullshit. The rationale is: You are richer than they are, so you can pay more. It has hardly anything to do with you being legal or paying tax and exceptions confirm the rule.

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I was at the casino in Singapore's Marina Bay Sands today where foreigners enter for free and locals pay 100$!!! This is to discourage the locals from gambling while encouraging visitors to go in.

In Manila on my first visit, went to a casino in the bay, but the locals were not allowed in! Swings & round abouts.

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Nope, we all show our Thai DL, and get in for the Thai price.

Wrong, it doesn't work everywhere, in fact I was in Chiang Mai only 3 weeks ago, and twice charged the "farang" price at National Parks... after showing my Thai drivers licence.

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Boring,been done to death.

Live with it.a whopping Bht 100.

Oh my.

It is NOT the money, it is the attitude which bothers. And believe me, it bothers me too.

It never is.

Is it for you, 100THB? Well that's great! Then you are probably at the wrong place.

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We in Austria also charge the Germans and Japanese double, triple than the locals.

If my parents ordering a schnaps (some high alcohol drink) they pay less than foreigner and the waiter takes the other bottle which is not watered down.

rip off here rip off there.....same same

Not quite same same everywhere, in The UK all visitors are charged the same as UK Citizens,it's against the law to discriminate in this manner!

Majic, same in Oz, if someone charged a different price for tourists/foreigners they'd be in trouble very quickly, it is a pity Thailand doesn't treat us the same, and that goes for a lot more than mere entry fees.

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I find it less offensive with national parks and monuments, as there is the argument that tax payers fund it, Thais are generally not as well off as those who come on holiday here, and these things form part of their cultural heritage which the government feels they should promote. i'm pretty sure last time I went to the parthenon in Athens the admission was free for Athenians (all Greeks?) and extra for others.

Besides I'm not the least bit bothered about temples and I can take or leave most waterfalls dependent on being able to see them for a reasonable price.

When it comes to private businesses simply operating a two tiered pricing policy and trying to cover it up by writing the numbers in Thai then I simply will not give them my business.

Edited by NBD
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So much for western expats bringing too much money into Thailand, here the OP wants to pay 20 baht.

I bet you can't speak a word of Thai, and you want to pay Thai rates.

Many of the Asian horde that have invaded the UK are not too clever in grasping the essentials of the English language yet the UK Government shovels heaps of money in their direction.

I cannot see any correlation between language ability and fair play.

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We in Austria also charge the Germans and Japanese double, triple than the locals.

If my parents ordering a schnaps (some high alcohol drink) they pay less than foreigner and the waiter takes the other bottle which is not watered down.

rip off here rip off there.....same same

Not quite same same everywhere, in The UK all visitors are charged the same as UK Citizens,it's against the law to discriminate in this manner!

Absolutely right, the UK is equally unfair to everyone wink.png

My wife was quite surprised that I had to pay to go into Buckingham Palace, she accepted that she should pay, but said "but you've paid already, this is your country".

The next time that Betty Windsor goes walkabout why not invite her in for a cuppa? Entrance fee only 50 quid. tongue.png

Buck House was donated to the country by the Duke of Buckingham to allay fears that he was more powerful than the monarchy who lived in nearby St. James Palace. Preposterous that you are charged to enter a building that you part own.

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Their country, their rules. If you don't like it you can always leave.

I think it is some what justified since most westerners don't pay taxes or otherwise contribute to the development of this country.

And the disposable income of farangs and that of Thais is, on average, what? Ever hear of VAT and petrol tax? I have contributed to the welfare and well being of my Thai family far in excess of what successive Thai Governments have managed to do. Furthermore I do not arrange for them to be flooded out every so often.

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@ sustento reply to Post No 41

Did I say Eton was a University? (but it is considered amongst the finest and the epitomy of education,which was my point,as you well know) and as for rants,the last Labour Party brought in students having to pay for their own University Education,which was unfair on that generation,small wonder there was riots.You also chose to ignore the following,considering the Topic.

And finally do you really expect this tiny Island of ours to foot the bill to Educate the World? you are comparing entry fees of Universities to entry costs to Tourist attractions, apples and pears!

The point you miss is Thailand doesn't give equality on entrance fees,the UK does! that's what the Topic is about!

So there's another chance for you to answer!
And also some facts to support your claims and figures would be welcome,although why you think British and EU Students should be compared with Foreign Students in the UK,and prices for entrance fees to Tourist attractions and Events is beyond me!

Eton is far from being the very epitome of higher education, but it does have snob value and a valuable plus is that you make the acquaintance of people who may become useful later on in life. The British establishment is riddled with cronyism and patrimony.

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Their country, their rules. If you don't like it you can always leave.

I think it is some what justified since most westerners don't pay taxes or otherwise contribute to the development of this country.

Completely wrong.....! Westerners who live here are all subject to income tax on income. I pay more than most Thais in income tax and VAT, plus myself and many of my friends have contributed much to the development of this country in many ways, including infrastructure, development and institutional reform.

I hope you are not evading tax. Better leave if you don't play by the rules. When did you last submit a tax return in Thailand?

in no way am I judging you, but I am curious how you have contributed to the development of this countries infrastructure, development and institutional reform? Seriously, just curious? any examples would be great as I am a permanent resident here and would like to see how I too could contribute to the betterment of this country.

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I am semi-sympathetic when we are talking about state run venues. I accept that a tourist does not pay tax and hence their entry should not be subsidised by the taxpayers. However the key point being tax payers. Higher fees based on the colour of your skin or your language should be abolished. Residency or tax status should be the determining factor. That would be fair. But alas asking the powers that be to find a fair way of levying fees and taxes is a whole discussion in itself.

Btw most government venues accept my thai drivers licence. Oddly its the private venues that seem to give me a hard time.

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I've gone many times with Thai gals that have gotten me a free pass to go (I don't exactly blend in)......Once I got my first Thai license - bang - no more double fees.....

Recently had some visitors here from another asean country but not Thai - I went to the window & showed my license - clerk glanced at those with - behind waiting for me - let us all through.....

The Thai license has really proven useful.....

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Nope, we all show our Thai DL, and get in for the Thai price.

No we all show our DL and get in at a reduced price at some places.

While all the non tax paying Thais who contribute nothing walk in at 10 baht.

Bit harsh don't you think. How do you come to the conclusion that Thai people contribute nothing?

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We in Austria also charge the Germans and Japanese double, triple than the locals.

If my parents ordering a schnaps (some high alcohol drink) they pay less than foreigner and the waiter takes the other bottle which is not watered down.

rip off here rip off there.....same same

Not quite same same everywhere, in The UK all visitors are charged the same as UK Citizens,it's against the law to discriminate in this manner!

Unless you're a foreign student where you'll be expected to pay up to £16,000 a year for an undergraduate degree rather than the £9000 that UK and EU students pay.

Doesn't just happen to foreign students, my son had to pay the full amount also and he's a British citizen.

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We in Austria also charge the Germans and Japanese double, triple than the locals.

If my parents ordering a schnaps (some high alcohol drink) they pay less than foreigner and the waiter takes the other bottle which is not watered down.

rip off here rip off there.....same same

Isn't it illegal in Austria to water down drinks and sell them as the real thing?

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I didnt know you could show you Thai DL or yellow Tambien book...new one for me....will try it next time for sure.

Its nothing to do with the 100 baht Hedgehog...I can well afford it more than most Farang living in Thailand its the fact that we dont have special prices

for any race or religion in Ireland and I feel its disgusting that because we are a different race we pay a different price....***k the amount just the principle of having to pay.

This is Thailand not Ireland....Thailand is not the only country with such practices....if it is about principle you should not pay and not go in....

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We in Austria also charge the Germans and Japanese double, triple than the locals.

Also when those Germans are married to an Australian wife and have Australian children ?

Austria not Australia. Australia is a small island just off the coast.

Australia is the worlds largest Island... Its not small.. :/

We in Austria also charge the Germans and Japanese double, triple than the locals.

If my parents ordering a schnaps (some high alcohol drink) they pay less than foreigner and the waiter takes the other bottle which is not watered down.

rip off here rip off there.....same same

No h90...that's far from being the same--- What you are doing is ripping off a customer, & as an Australian I can say that if you--or your employer were found out, then action would be taken. So please do not talk about we in Australia when all your talking about is some hole in the wall joint taking advantage of some tourist that wanders in there for a drink---- What the OP is complaining about, is a state ordered policy to charge another fee because of Race / origin ---No we don't have that in Australia, if you get into a line to enter sea world , go to dive the great barrier reef, you would pay the same amount that a Japanese person next to you pays.

As someone that has worked in the Australian Tourist industry ---the place you are talking about.....If it ever existed...... would be a disgrace to Australia and to any fair minded person that worked there.

I think you better re-read his post...
Edited by x0r1987
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We in Austria also charge the Germans and Japanese double, triple than the locals.

If my parents ordering a schnaps (some high alcohol drink) they pay less than foreigner and the waiter takes the other bottle which is not watered down.

rip off here rip off there.....same same

Btw i am curious how do the austrians differentiate germans? I can understand how they can tell the japanese apart but aren't austrians and germans rather similar?

I also wonder if they have japanese ppl complaining like the farang in forums like this on discrmination.

I would fanthom the japanese ppl just accepted it and didn't make a fuss out of it.

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So much for western expats bringing too much money into Thailand, here the OP wants to pay 20 baht.

I bet you can't speak a word of Thai, and you want to pay Thai rates.

Many of the Asian horde that have invaded the UK are not too clever in grasping the essentials of the English language yet the UK Government shovels heaps of money in their direction.

I cannot see any correlation between language ability and fair play.

Why do you even care about what the UK does and compare it to thailand?

It's obvious that different countries have different ways of handling things and you cannot blame the thais or any other country if the UK or other western european countries somehow don't discriminate foreigners or immigrants.

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At many places the prices are much more for a Western looking person. I believe the difference at Ocean World in Siam Paragon is 500 baht more per person. And like most dual pricing establishments they conveniently put the Thai price in Thai numerals. Funny that.

I heard it was more. Not funny but pretty clever. Unless you are a tourist, and can't read the number 1-10, you are really disrespecting your adopted country.

A 2 year old kid can learn 1-10.

I know a TEACHER, been here for 17 years and can't even tell me what month it is!!I must ask him if he can write 1-10. I wouldn't be surprised if he could't.

Because someone is working in Thailand on assignment and contributing to the economy by paying far more income tax than a local even earns does not make Thailand their adopted country. And even if it did would you treat your adopted children worse than your biological ones?

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Is SinSot more if I Farang?

Is price less if I have Thai Licence?

Maybe I can get discount.

Yes Honey, your Brother is hansum man

I can see your son even look like him little bit.

The force is strong within your brother..

Jing Jing.


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