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Thai Police Colonel loses his post due to 'dirty' police station


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Police Colonel Lost His Post Due To 'Dirty' Police Station
By Khaosod Online


BANGKOK: -- Chief of the Royal Thai Police, Pol.Gen. Adul Saengsingkaew, terminated the command of Superintendent of Chachoengsao police station for his failure to keep the station tidy.

The order, labeled ‘Most Urgent’, was relayed to the provincial station from the Royal Thai Police Headquarter, detailing that Pol.Col. Sanan Boonphaen failed to keep the station performance in accordance with the police regulations.

In the statement, Pol.Gen. Adul alleged that the station had been ‘left dirty’, and ‘lacked of welcoming atmosphere to serve and provide justice to Thai people’.

The statement also complained that the walls in the holding cells at the station had been plastered with graffiti written by various detainees.

The order stated that from 8 October onward, Pol.Col. Sanan will be serving at the Royal Thai Police Operations Centre in Bangkok, until he is ordered otherwise.

Source: http://www.khaosod.co.th/en/view_newsonline.php?newsid=TVRNNE1USTBNakF5TlE9PQ==

-- KHAOSOD English 2013-10-09

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Dirty police, dirty money, dirty police stations all par for course in the R.T.P.

A more fitting punishment will be to make the superintended spend couple of nights

in his cells, that will teach him a lesson about preserving the human dignity

of his prisoners and staff...

Of such things dreams are made

Edited by siampolee
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I would think jail cells like this would be more of a deterrent to individuals having a propensity to break the law and end up in one of these welcoming cells.

Obviously you misunderstand the role of detention facilities at a police station.

Persons detained at police stations are unconvicted, hence they are assumed innocent... they deserve to be treated as humans.

On Planet Earth ...?

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I would think jail cells like this would be more of a deterrent to individuals having a propensity to break the law and end up in one of these welcoming cells.

Obviously you misunderstand the role of detention facilities at a police station.

Persons detained at police stations are unconvicted, hence they are assumed innocent... they deserve to be treated as humans.

So taking this to its logical conclusion, the police only arrest innocent people.

Hang on, TIT, that's probably true anyway, looking at how high-profile cases are solved instantly 'the butler did it' as it were.

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What an insult and loss of dignity, imagine losing a command over a few cobwebs and dust compared to what else will have been going on.

Nice touch throwing in the bit about " lacked of welcoming atmosphere to serve and provide justice to Thai people " !

Provide justice, the BIB ? !

I guess he lost command because of something different....maybe he wasn't red.....

Seems that dirty thing is the only wrongdoing they could find.

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A shambolic house is a sign of a shambolic mind.

This guy is supposed to be a professional police manager, allowing the place to get to that state is an indicator that he's not mentally fit for the job.

Correct decision.

Are some of your serious! Yes most of the intelligent comments relate to the need to 'clean up' the Police force, just as important to clean up the cells. Not everyone that is put in these cells are guilty - maybe they are just stitched up farangs!!!! Would you like to be put in such conditions - I doubt it. Drop the holier than thou attitudes..

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And This Is News...........

Since you have opted not to include a question mark may we assume that the above is a statement and not posing a question? It certainly is newsworthy, It is not every day a top cop get his.

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Normal for pigs.

Most Thai criminals these days are not even worthy of being called pigs!

Too many uneducated scum!

Perhaps they didn't have any opportunity to elevate their station in life. Your post reveals the inner you, suitable for consideration as a Thai MP of any stripe.

BTW Which university awarded you your PhD in Sociology and Criminal Justice?

"Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?

Given your superior attitude I assume that you will not be too ruffled if people better educated, better informed and of higher intellect now consider you as yet another common bogtrotter, fit only to dig trenches.

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From what I see on the photos, the colonel and his team

a ) were inventive and creative to provide a "home alike" atmosphere for the inmates to lessen the negative phsychological impact of being imprisoned

b ) provided inmates with the necesary freedom, material and media to express their artistic talents

c ) actively engaged in and encouraged inmates to take an interest in plastic and paper recycling

d ) saved the government a lot of money for unnecessary painting and cleaning materials

... this said, I don't see where the problem is - the colonel and his team should have been promoted!

Edited by catweazle
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I would think jail cells like this would be more of a deterrent to individuals having a propensity to break the law and end up in one of these welcoming cells.

Obviously you misunderstand the role of detention facilities at a police station.

Persons detained at police stations are unconvicted, hence they are assumed innocent... they deserve to be treated as humans.

So taking this to its logical conclusion, the police only arrest innocent people.

Hang on, TIT, that's probably true anyway, looking at how high-profile cases are solved instantly 'the butler did it' as it were.

As you well know: Innocent until proven guilty.

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