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Son got bitten


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The injections will be a preventative course for rabies. Chances are one in a million where you are but better safe than sorry.

Your comment re. poisoning the dogs and your other comment re. Maybe, I don't know which injections he had, as I couldn't go to the hospital with him, because the aircon technicians were at my place for the fifth time. But that 's from another topic.

Shows I think the concern you have for your son. If you know there is a danger why do you continue to let him out on his own. The dogs will no doubt be owned dogs who will be looking to protect their property. Yes owners should keep them in their gardens or yards. Give your son some biscuits when he goes out if you can't be bothered to watch him. If he stops cycling and offers the dogs in question a biscuit will be friends for life. What sort of example are you setting?

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10 - What I would do if that had happened (god preserves) to my child: I would have cleaned the wound myself and let him recover by himself. No doctors, no hospital, and especially no threatening the neighbors of killing their dogs (!), would still have killed the dog secretly. If after a few days or a week the child shows any unusual symptoms I would research on the Internet about those symptoms, if helpless I would make an appointment with a doctor at a convenient time (not the emergency service). That's what I WOULD DO, now you're free to live your life your way wink.png

Sorry, but the comment above is one of the most ignorant posts regards self care for treatment of dog bites in Thailand. Whilst rabies deaths in Thailand is only reported as 20 deaths a year, it is crucial to recieve anti rabies course of injections immediately as a safety precaution. If symptoms manifest it's already too late, as if rabies did develop, death would be inevitable

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By Thai law all dogs must be vaccinated against rabies and be microchipped ( believe it or not sigh ).

if there are a lot of dogs loose in your Soi as mentioned above go to the tessaban and complain ( if you actually expect them to act a small gift normally gets them to). Shame that you let everyone know your intent to poison the dogs cause thats the best way.. trick is to just kill one or two to start with to make it look like an epidemic them bam do the lot.

Before I get flamed i would like to state that I am a dog owner ( but a responsable one). The truth is there are to many strays and uncared for animals here.

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This is crazy story!

1 - Poisoning street dogs has a positive impact on safety and confidence for anyone willing to take a walk at night and even during the day, however:

2 - Poisoning animals is probably illegal, and more than likely to be reprehended by most Thai people, therefore you should have done it secretly. Now that you told a neighbors you can't do it anymore, or you'll have to face their anger.

3 - In case of emergency, air-cons technicians can be put outside. Obviously this wasn't an emergency (the child wasn't dying or blooding to death), however:

4 - I would NEVER let anybody touch my child without my presence and my confirmed consent.

5 - I would EVEN MORE NEVER let anybody take my child to any medical institute!

6 - I would NEVER allow doctors to inject ANYTHING to me or my child without my EXPRESS CONSENT, which I give only after understanding the product to be injected and after making some researches about it online (government websites, university websites, wikipedia, others resources).

7 - You should know that antibiotics, vaccines, synthetic nutriments/vitamins and medicines have all undesired side effects, sometime the side effects (permanent allergies, strong illness, death) are more dangerous than what you're trying to cure/avoid in the first place.

8 - Those antibiotics/vaccines/medicines are still on the market because the pharmaceutic industry is so powerful that it dictates the rules and finance the "independent" researches and testings of their own products.

9 - When your child is bitten by a dog, it's time for a drastic change in your life.

10 - What I would do if that had happened (god preserves) to my child: I would have cleaned the wound myself and let him recover by himself. No doctors, no hospital, and especially no threatening the neighbors of killing their dogs (!), would still have killed the dog secretly. If after a few days or a week the child shows any unusual symptoms I would research on the Internet about those symptoms, if helpless I would make an appointment with a doctor at a convenient time (not the emergency service). That's what I WOULD DO, now you're free to live your life your way wink.png

However i concur with most of the points you make above I have a few remarks.

6 - I would NEVER allow doctors to inject ANYTHING to me or my child without my EXPRESS CONSENT, which I give only after understanding the product to be injected and after making some researches about it online (government websites, university websites, wikipedia, others resources).

So you would suggest I go to the hospital see the doctor and ask what he's gonna inject, then step outside and go to an internet shop to research what he has told, then go back to have some further discussions or eventually allow him to do what he suggest ?

10 - What I would do if that had happened (god preserves) to my child: I would have cleaned the wound myself and let him recover by himself. No doctors, no hospital, and especially no threatening the neighbors of killing their dogs (!), would still have killed the dog secretly. If after a few days or a week the child shows any unusual symptoms I would research on the Internet about those symptoms, if helpless I would make an appointment with a doctor at a convenient time (not the emergency service). That's what I WOULD DO, now you're free to live your life your way wink.png

The wound had already been cleaned by the woman before she brought the boy home. I have no experience whatsoever with rabies or tetanus, so I considered it best to send him to the doctor as soon as possible to have the necessary injections. I don't think that there is any financial interest from the doctor since he was taken to the government hospital.

I have this evening done some research on rabies, after I got the first reply in this thread, and found out that no humans are known who survived from rabies. So waiting until he showed symptoms would be probably too late

There have been several rabies survivers all in the USA but given that the local medical care is not as good I would say that here your dead!

Also ot can take up to 6 months to show any signs of infection.

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Since he's your son, maybe you should pay some attention to what the doctors are doing. I'm shocked that you don't even know what kind of injection they gave him. Sounds like you've been living here too long and have stopped caring about the important details.

And I agree with the other poster that announcing your plan to wipe out all of the dogs on your street was a bad idea too. You're not going to just kill her dogs but those belonging to others too. You'll have the whole neighborhood at your door with pitchforks.

ON an aside, I really don't understand this notion that THais have that they should let their dogs roam freely in the neighborhood. I've confronted my neighbors about it by telling them to keep their dog in their yard or it will disappear.

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I think you're showing complete disregard for the person who took your son to hospital if indeed the offending dog was hers. Don't do it.

Worse, I think it was dumb to advertise that you're going to poison a dog/s. You're setting yourself up for violence, and you will be the recipient.

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It's also asinine that you knew the dog problem existed previously and yet still allowed your son to ride unsupervised without addressing the problem. Father of the year material!

I can notice the drunk trolls with a chip on their shoulder have woken up . Must be the time of the night I guess. have a good night.

Most people, me also, have the issue with you not taking your kid yourself to the hospital...if the lady up the road is responsible enough to take your kid to see a doctor and issue medical treatment on your behalf....why would she not be competent enough to baby sit the aircon repair crew ?

The most serious issue is though you let someone else do it and you had no idea what was administered....what was the answer from the lady up the road if the doctor asked is he allergic to anything ?

Except in extreme emergency, ie I in an accident and injured and cannot function, would I let anyone make a medical decision here for my kids. Overcharging, over prescribing medicines and incompetence is the order of the day here in many medical facilities.

Leaving her in the house to watch the technicians, would just add one complete stranger to the other five isn't it.

The kid has a file at named hospital, so his allergic history is known.

There had not to be made any medical decisions in this case, it was important that he as soon as possible was vaccinated against a dog bite.

The doctor would definitely know better than me or anyone else on this forum what the kid needed in this situation, and if the doctor had any questions concerning the health situation of the dog, the lady in question would be in a much better position than me to answer those questions.

I don't give a damn if the doctor overcharged, as the bill was to be carried by the dog owner anyway, but I said already that a doctor at a government doesn't have much to gain by prescribing unnecessary medication .

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And I agree with the other poster that announcing your plan to wipe out all of the dogs on your street was a bad idea too.

I've confronted my neighbors about it by telling them to keep their dog in their yard or it will disappear.

Aren't you contradicting yourself here ?

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you post a rant about killing dogs then accuse me of being drunk? thats rich.

i have far better things to do while drunk than thaivisa. do you?

My apologies, but your post shouldn't have been included in my response. After reading it again, I think it was quite sensible, but at that time it was too late to edit my post.

I think I let myself carry away when reading the posts of those other two members, who from their post history have a custom to sign in only to have a go at the OP.

There is another one 2 posts above this post with that habit, who's previous post was removed for that reason already, but he has decided not to give up yet.

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Its bad that the boy got bitten but as for the poison?

I agree that the dogs shouldn't always been roaming free but I reckon your setting yourself up for problems by doing that. No need for it.

If a dog bit me, and I knew what dog did, I would take may revenge in some way, just as I would if a person assaulted me, but I would be reluctant to put poison down in case any innocent dogs took it. In saying that ,if it was possible to give the guilty dog poison meat without affecting other dogs, the I would do it.

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I believe the required course to protect for Rabies is around 6 injections over a period of 6 weeks.

After the course a person would have immunity to Rabies for a period of time. I understand at least 12 months.

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I think that you need to know for certain what injections your son received, it is actually a priority. Rabies is a killer, there is a window of opportunity in which the vaccine can be administered successfully, once that is missed, if your son is actually infected, then it is too late and rabies is fatal.

I have been bitten twice, the second time by a cat that I was saving from the jaws of my German Shepherd. I was too late the cat bit me and died (maybe it caught something from me). I took the cat to the vet and asked him to have it tested for rabies (7% of rabies deaths in the USA are from cat bites), it would appear that he could not find any labs that could, or would do the test.

I asked him (vet not doc, so he was not trying to sell me anything) should I go and get rabies shots, he said absolutely, much better to be safe than dead.

At the hospital I thought that they would take the mickey, big farang worried about a little cat bite, however, the opposite was true, they were very concerned. The nurse cleaned the wound, gave me injections and made a schedule of injections over the coming weeks.

Please take my advice, go and see the doctor and be sure that you know what they did and be sure that he is being vaccinated against possible rabies infections, do it now if you are still inside the window of opportunity.

Do not rely on comments by people on here, they are only guessing what happened at the doctors, you need to know for certain.

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Yes please do that with the poison-however-you should not have told anyone what you intend to do-some of these people are very crazy and violent and might not hesitate to attack you-as I have been attacked over dog issues,and I hadnt even poisoned any of them,unfortunately,and please let us know which is the best poison.Now that you have said what you intend to do you had best not do it yet.Wait some time otherwise some idiot may come after you.The so-called Buddhists who make a show of loving dogs and protecting mosquitoes simiultaneously feed their faces with the flesh of all other animals, which is obviously crazy and against the real teachings of Lord Buddha but thats what we are dealing with here,there are many crazy and violent people so be careful Dude,there are many pseudo Buddhists here in Thailand.

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I wouldn't have told the lady about the poison. That could lead to repercussions.

I'd have executed your plan, but kept quiet about it.

Good luck with both outcomes

I really hope there will be repercussions, someone should put poison in the OP food as he plans to do. They should show the same regard for life as you shown, that would be just fair.

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Target the dogs that bite or attack, not all of them.

By announcing it you have really screwed up.

Throwing a small snack to the individual dog of concern disretely as you ride a bike past would have been best.

Yes, the injections are for rabies and according to many, they hurt like hell. I am a tad perplexed you did not take your child yourself and find out exactly what and how he was treated....allowing 'someone' up the road to take your kid to hospital and get injections is somewhat beyond me.

I agree. Have you not heard the expression that discretion is the better part of valor? Some things just do not need to be said. Sometimes it is better to not reveal your hand. Waging open battle with Thai people can be a very risky endeavor. The Thais have alot of wonderful qualities. But, I am not sure I would want to openly declare war on them (by threatening their animals, it is essentially a declaration of war). Diplomacy, strategy, discretion, and cunning would be a better and more effective approach.

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If you have told the woman you are going to poison her dog and then you go ahead and do it then you will have more to worry about than a Aircon man and a few injections

Take some photos of your son's bite marks and take them to the Tessaban, that's what they are there for, they will resolve the problem in the way it should be resolved

I am not having a go at you over this by the way but Thais will not take to kindly to you killing their dog, you could be letting yourself in for some big problems if you actually do do it, ranging from a visit from the Police to a good kicking

I will definitely visit the local Obortor tomorrow to discuss this event. As I said already, I'm not anxious to kill the dogs, that is if they take care of the problem themselves. That is also why I explained to the woman that she has to keep her dog on her property.

However I also have no intention live in fear every time my son goes visit his friends down the road if I will come back in one piece or not.

So again, they take care of the problem themselves or I do, and anyone who thinks different has no conscience in my opinion.

No problem with you doing it, I would do the same....but for lords sake don't announce it to the world...thats just giving them permission for a lynching.

Don't want some foreigner in your area starting a thread 'what happened to jbrain"

Just like back in the UK. If someone committed a crime against me (and they have), I would report it to the police, If the court then lets him off, (which they did) then I take care of it myself. Simples.

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Shame that the dog will have to suffer for its owner's neglect.

I hope your son gets over this trauma and does not grow up with a fear of dogs.

As I said in the OP already, he isn't confident when there are a couple of dogs roaming around, and dogs feel that fear.

The other day It took him 15 minutes to travel 2 km on his bike, and when I asked him what happened he told me that the dog wouldn't let him pass.

It probably wasn't the same one as i said that there are several around. Too many.

It would also be a shame that the dog had to suffer for his owners neglect, especially after I have given her the option to keep the dog of the street.

Rather than starting a dog-bating program I think you had better move house.

Not many Thais would put up with your twisted lack of understanding.

As for the aircon people, why did you not lock up house & tell them to come back the next day.

You sound like a very arrogant & foolish farang. Don't be surprised if you receive a knife in your back if you go on like that. (just a warning)

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I think that you need to know for certain what injections your son received, it is actually a priority. Rabies is a killer, there is a window of opportunity in which the vaccine can be administered successfully, once that is missed, if your son is actually infected, then it is too late and rabies is fatal.

At the hospital I thought that they would take the mickey, big farang worried about a little cat bite, however, the opposite was true, they were very concerned. The nurse cleaned the wound, gave me injections and made a schedule of injections over the coming weeks.

Please take my advice, go and see the doctor and be sure that you know what they did and be sure that he is being vaccinated against possible rabies infections, do it now if you are still inside the window of opportunity.

Do not rely on comments by people on here, they are only guessing what happened at the doctors, you need to know for certain.

For the reasons you state above, I'm pretty sure he received the right medication, he also got the schedule for the additional injections.

However I will speak with the doctor when I take the kid to the hospital the day after tomorrow for his scheduled injection.

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1. Nothing in your house is more valuable than your child's health and well being. The tv set can be replaced.

2. You can return to the hospital and ask if there is a doctor or nurse that speaks English. Normally there will be someone who can at least speak rudimentary English and explain what vaccinations your child had and how many more he needs. Even my veterinarian in the country speaks enough English to communicate what vaccines she must give my dogs. I wouldn't count on responses to your post on thaivisa. See the doctor ASAP.

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Can sympathise with wanting to get rid of the dogs. Poison is a particularly nasty way of doing it mind you.

I have had some, limited success with the dog catchers in Bangkok - 2 visits, one half hearted and one mildly competent attempt to round up the dogs, for a total of about 7 dogs removed.

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It's also asinine that you knew the dog problem existed previously and yet still allowed your son to ride unsupervised without addressing the problem. Father of the year material!

Did I miss something, did anyone say how old the son is?

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I wouldn't have told the lady about the poison. That could lead to repercussions.

I'd have executed your plan, but kept quiet about it.

Good luck with both outcomes

I really hope there will be repercussions, someone should put poison in the OP food as he plans to do. They should show the same regard for life as you shown, that would be just fair.

Can't wait until you or someone of your family get bitten by a roaming dog, to see if you still would have the same vision on it.

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OK - son got bit by dog - lot's of dog in LOS & not all friendly........Dog owner did the right thing by immediately tend to the wound soothing your son's fear, taking him to the hospital and getting him proper treatment ..... she didn't have to do anything - sounds like a neighbor I would like to have.....

Aircon more important than dog bite - got that

Big bad farang probably gets really upset and probably nasty toward neighbor and makes a fool out of himself by threatening to poison street dogs.....got that

Big bad farangs wife is probably a long suffering lady

Big bad farang makes other farangs look bad yet again & alienates himself (and probably his son) from rest of neighborhood - got that - big bad farangs wife has now lost face through his actions.....probably not the first time

Lady with dog saves face

Big bad farang loses faces and looks stupid doing it.....

If big bad farang is dumb enough to now poison the dogs big bad farang will have to find another village to live in.....I doubt very much that his old/current village will miss him.....

Hilarious! clap2.gif

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