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Old wives tales fact or fiction?


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We've been planning to take the SIL to Nakhon Phanom for 2weeks now for an election

In her village leaving tomorrow and returning Saturday but the plans were thrown into

Disarray when the wife mentioned to her mother that she had spotted a dead bird on the

Side of the road yesterday,the MIL informed her that we weren't to go on our trip because

Of the bad luck.

The wife then came and informed me of this latest development and I replied that I

Would take her with the FIL,problem solved or so I thought after talking with her mother

Again it has been decided a gentleman from the village is coming in the morning before

Our trip to perform some sort of rite/ exorcism for 200 baht and that will make it all good

Again,I've been here 5 years and had some strange experiences but this one wins hands

Down. Any body had similar experiences ?

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If I thought for a minute that a dead bird would keep me from having to make one of these endless trips to some remote temple, I would cover the village in them.

Nothing can keep my wife and MIL from one of those trips.

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yes l have something similer. my wife pregnant she would not kill anything, fly ,mosquitto,chicken for dinner. she and ma ma say very bad luck. hey l just go with the flow. don't argue.

My wife asked me not to kill anything while she was pregnant with our daughter, said it was bad luck as well! Poor bil got stuck with killing everything for 10 months....

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Would not worry too much. Some 500 years ago the same hokus-pokus was part of daily life in Europe. As we have, Thais will outgrow it also eventually.

But today, don't be surprised to see ghost houses in front of the mansions of high ranking government officials and top-managers. Clearly, Thailand is on the way to enter the new millennium with plenty of ghosts at their side to assist them by making important decisions. What can go wrong?


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Your lucky. I have gotten in trouble for putting the bamboo pointing in the wrong direction while building a fence thus bring bad luck on the whole family. Had to redesign the porch on for my new house because the posts did not lineup with the posts in the house--more bad luck. Dreams telling of future sickness, lucky numbers written on cucumbers. Anyway as long as the ML is alive, I also just go with the flow. Sometimes living here reminds me of Carlos Castaneda books.

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We were both in the UK while our house was being buit in my wifes village, we used a company from Bangkok and everything went fine. we put stainless fencing on top of a low wall for part of the border and at the front a matching sliding electrical operated gate for car entry and next to it a gate to walk in and out. Everything went to plan...until the positioning of the Buddha house. MIL went to the village head monk and he said that the Buddha House had to go immediately in the corner right in front of the gate so the gate could not be used. Many discussions followed which resulted in me saying the house could stay there until We returned and then I would move it with a big hammer if necessary and would not dicuss it any more. After a few days and discussios betweem wife MIL and Head Monk it was decided that after recalculating the position the Buddha House could be sited two metres from the gate. Everybody happy including me. Strange how such things can be altered when a stubborn farang was not moving! Even Buddha can be flexible when a gentle request is made!:-)

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Your lucky. I have gotten in trouble for putting the bamboo pointing in the wrong direction while building a fence thus bring bad luck on the whole family. Had to redesign the porch on for my new house because the posts did not lineup with the posts in the house--more bad luck. Dreams telling of future sickness, lucky numbers written on cucumbers. Anyway as long as the ML is alive, I also just go with the flow. Sometimes living here reminds me of Carlos Castaneda books.

I has similar experience when building. My ensuite bathroom and walk in robe became a Buddha room, bedroom configuration has to be changed so feet don't point a certain way, I even had to change the entire bathroom layout because the dunny was pointing the wrong way. Oh and everyone was an expert at determining which direction things should face. Trying times, but well worth it. A lot of respect for people with faith. I'm just a fence sitter.

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yes l have something similer. my wife pregnant she would not kill anything, fly ,mosquitto,chicken for dinner. she and ma ma say very bad luck. hey l just go with the flow. don't argue.

My wife asked me not to kill anything while she was pregnant with our daughter, said it was bad luck as well! Poor bil got stuck with killing everything for 10 months....

Your wife was pregnant for 10 months w00t.gif

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The merit ritual to prevent the ghost of the deceased living on as a zombie (celebrated on the 100 day anniversary of death) makes me smile. My wife goes to them all.

She still hasn't answered my question as to why she sees no zombies anywhere, despite there being a significant godless section of the community even in Thailand.

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The merit ritual to prevent the ghost of the deceased living on as a zombie (celebrated on the 100 day anniversary of death) makes me smile. My wife goes to them all.

She still hasn't answered my question as to why she sees no zombies anywhere, despite there being a significant godless section of the community even in Thailand.

I thought everybody know those types of Zombies were Invisible wink.png

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my wife and me take baby to monk he spit 3 time on baby head and we give monk 200 baht and some food. wife ma ma say we have to do this because ghost come see my baby.

he cry too much she say. in australia baby cry same maybe we have ghost in west to.

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The most Auspicious date and time for Engagement and Marriage is often a contentious issue.

Usually the Engagement is at 'silly O'clock' in the morning on a day specified by a fortune teller.

My Wife and I don't go in for this superstition, but my MIL does.

My Wife and I chose our Marriage date based around the UK School holidays so family and friends were free to travel over.

We also decided that nothing would be done before 10am as by the evening the bride is dead on her feet. We also didn't want the Engagement ceremony (ring ceremony) to be on a different day from the Evening Wedding Reception as this is simply way too inconvenient for all concerned.

MIL spoke to the Fortune teller - Amazing - The Date and Times we had chosen were perfect !!! All happy.

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