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Relax may be he is just testing how you Duke's lover would react. I want try that 645 bath spaghetti right away!

He knew if he gave a flyer with such prices someone would start a thread about on TV, and is enjoying the free promotion

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You obviously do not know that I am the big pain in the ass. I am tired of the crap that I see and the bullshit. Lite Beer let's crap this out.

So why do you continue to read it?


What a stupid reply. People are criticising him and his business on a forum that he advertises on and you think he shouldn't read it or respond?

Sorry. I guess my post was too complicated for you to understand. You may note that I did not say anything about whether he should or should not read or respond to what is posted here. I asked my why, if it bothered him as much as his quoted post seems to imply, that he continues to read the posts. Nothing there that says he shouldn't read them or reply.


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Because they perpetuate the idiots here.

Let's face it, this web site has become a haven for idiots and unhappy campers and those that are afraid to let people know who they are. Hiding and complaining behind what is ThaiVisa. I have already stopped advertising for The River Market but for some reason they think I am kidding and they still have us listed there. Soon I will cancel The Duke's because the demographic of the old male dominated customer is no longer. I've said it to them before and I will say it again. "Wake UP ThaiVisa."

George, Barry, I feel for you.

I'm not criticizing the sponsor or whoever, but I have always learned the following.

If one single person gives his opinion about any subject on a forum, you may take it or leave it.

If the majority of members on a forum is of the same opinion about a subject, there may be some truth in it .

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And yet Rim Ping manages to charge the same as everywhere else.

It's even bigger.

They have a low electricity bill

The rent must be murder there.

And yet Rim Ping manages to charge the same as everywhere else.

It's even bigger.

I don't think that's a fair comparison. Which restaurant to eat in is influenced by both the food on offer and the surroundings and the balance between the two is a very personal choice. I've had some rather average meals in expensive places and left feeling happy to have been treated to a special view or particularly great ambience. Promenada is presenting itself as an upmarket venue (with rents to match, no doubt) so the fact that prices are higher is in keeping with that image and the likely absence of low end fast food chains won't disappoint many of their prospective customers.

Buy some groceries at Rimping and, unless you place a value on the shopping bag, they have no more value than if you popped into any of the other branches. Harrods Food Hall and Fortnum & Mason can get away with it but not many others can.

I haven't seen The Duke's restaurant but would expect that they calculate that the admittedly steep prices are justified by the value that the location adds and that the customers that Promenada promises to deliver will be prepared to pay a premium to enjoy the surroundings. Time will tell if CM folk will stump up international prices.

The problem is that every one is comparing prices to the river side Dukes with his cheaper rent there. The Menu will be the same price as the Night Bazaar location where the rent is much higher. To be honest break the prices down on the combos and compare them to the price of the single item at the river side location and then the Night Bazaar location and I believe they will be a good deal for a Dukes meal not for a road side cart meal.

Besides for all we know they may not be a regular item just an initial promotion.m There is probably a whole new cliantele out in that area who have heard of Dukes but never came into town to try it.

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Life is short, so make as much money as you can!!! Cheese is super expensive, bread prices going up, labor costs through the roof, rent up 100000x every month (month-2-month contract) and insurance now 500x since 1990........just tell anyone anything to charge more.

I don't want this owner just to make enough to survive, I want him/her to get super rich!!! Make the food so expensive you have no competition, get people to think, "wow, this must be good at these prices". create the demand, and make a fortune!!!

look, aaple could give away iphones all day for a year and not lose too much cash......but they are in business to make real cash!!!

so....with that said.....i will open a soup shop and charge 5,000 baht a bowl. why? the water is from the pool of the divine!!! and the bowls were handmade in the temple of the gods.......if you drink this soup, your life will be blessed and heaven awaits!!!

Edited by puukao
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Hubby and I have dined at The Dukes in the Night Bazaar. Yes, we know it's more expensive than The Dukes by the river, but we were in the Night Bazaar for other reasons, tired, hot and hungry and wanted to eat NOW! We were prepared for the worst, after hearing everyone go on about how no resident expat would ever be caught dead at The Dukes at the Night Bazaar.

Guess what! The food was up to the same great standards as The Dukes by the River, the aircon blasted away welcome relief and we got our meals much, much faster than if we took the time to travel across the river. Plus, we saved on song thaew/tuk-tuk fare home.

It was excellent value for the money.

But in the Night Bazaar you can not get a large pizza. The oven is to small. I have dined there a few times and find the food just as good as across the river, All though I like the river side one better. Just a bit more homey feeling.

Wow, wow and more wow! 645 Baht is a lot huh, let us review, Greek Salad, Spaghetti Carbonara, Garlic Cheese Bread.... Hmmm plus a litre of free coke, which should not be called that, as it's part of the promotion... I think.

Well it's not clear yet. The spaghetti carbonara (for one) is usually about 300 THB including a large salad. Garlic cheese bread is 145 THB. So 445 THB. My guess is the 645 Baht promotion with a litre of coke is for 2 or more....but let's wait and see.

People seem to over look the fact that it is a Greek salad not the one you got with the 99 baht burger at the river side. I believe it is now 109 baht

I have met Dave a few times, as he walks around greeting customers at his restaurant. He's a fine gentleman, and a great asset to Chiang Mai. I especially like the Thanksgiving meal he puts on every November. I have also eaten at his Night Bazaar location several time, and was not aware that "no locals would ever eat there." maybe it was a bit more paeng, I didn't notice. The food was good.

I wish him well in his new place. If the prices are out of whack, I'm sure he'll notice soon enough, and do whatever is required

Chok dee, Mr. D.

BTW, in America, where Dave comes from, it's LITER. Nothing to get hung about.

Simply amazing the number of people who expect a new enterprise to have every thing perfect when they open and never have to make adjustments.

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I didn't see the post that was removed but I wonder if it was along the same vein as many of the posts here all ready. Not sure why a post is removed and replies to it are left on.

Yes, well worth passing on. A great reply, stating the obvious and letting the people that would probably never go there anyway know that their opinions aren't important. There are restaurants to fit all budgets in Chieng Mai so moaning about ones you can't afford or consider to be too expensive is futile. He knows what he's doing and is more than capable of getting it right every time.

He basically said, you run your mouth and I'll run my business. He may have been a bit blunt about it, but under the circumstances that's understandable. Nothing wrong with speaking your mind, and we're all adults here.

I wonder why he advertises here? I know I wouldn't.

Because they perpetuate the idiots here.

Let's face it, this web site has become a haven for idiots and unhappy campers and those that are afraid to let people know who they are. Hiding and complaining behind what is ThaiVisa. I have already stopped advertising for The River Market but for some reason they think I am kidding and they still have us listed there. Soon I will cancel The Duke's because the demographic of the old male dominated customer is no longer. I've said it to them before and I will say it again. "Wake UP ThaiVisa."

George, Barry, I feel for you.

I'm not criticizing the sponsor or whoever, but I have always learned the following.

If one single person gives his opinion about any subject on a forum, you may take it or leave it.

If the majority of members on a forum is of the same opinion about a subject, there may be some truth in it .

Well let us consider the type posters you get here. A flyer that needs work on but is easily understandable if you just think about it. People who are more concerned about price. Yes there is some thing in what they say. But how many posters mentioned the cleanliness in the kitchens. Or the quality of the food. Not having eaten in all the restaurants in town I don't know how many make sure you have a glass of water and continue to have it filled.

These are things that you get at Dukes and no body stops to think about them. Yes he could sell the rack of ribs cheaper just buy a cheaper rack that seems to be what many of these posters prefer.

I use ribs as just one example Dave could purchase all his food cheaper but that is not the way he is built. He takes pride in what he puts out and is open to any honest complaint. Also if any one has noticed he has no problem changing the dishes a little bit to suit your taste. Like for myself I like the chefs salad but am supposed to stay away from dark green vegetables so I ask for iceberg lettuce no problem.

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Ugh.. Stuck around to catch Duke's post but still missed it before it was nuked. What are epic super-powered mods like these doing on a grubby forum like this you'd wonder. wink.png

Anyway, I'll make do with the facsimile:

Yes, well worth passing on. A great reply, stating the obvious and letting the people that would probably never go there anyway know that their opinions aren't important. There are restaurants to fit all budgets in Chieng Mai so moaning about ones you can't afford or consider to be too expensive is futile. He knows what he's doing and is more than capable of getting it right every time.

This touches a little on a comment made by someone (I forgot who) in a previous discussion about how the old Farang demographic was very welcome while he was still growing his business and becoming successful, yet now that he doesn't really need them anymore they can get stuffed.

I didn't agree with that comment at the time, but I can understand the line of thought more clearly now.

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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Life is short, so make as much money as you can!!! Cheese is super expensive, bread prices going up, labor costs through the roof, rent up 100000x every month (month-2-month contract) and insurance now 500x since 1990........just tell anyone anything to charge more.

Cheese isn't all that expensive.

700bht for 2Kg ARO cheddar in Makro, 2.27Kg of American slices 630bht. Mozzarella a similar price.


Business owners never get anywhere by insulting potential clients, no matter how annoying the potential clients can be.

Edited by FiftyTwo
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Funny you should mention, this tactic works well in Thailand, the more expensive the more they think "this must be good". But as for the 645 THB spaghetti at the Duke I'll find out what it's all about soon enough.

Life is short, so make as much money as you can!!! Cheese is super expensive, bread prices going up, labor costs through the roof, rent up 100000x every month (month-2-month contract) and insurance now 500x since 1990........just tell anyone anything to charge more.

I don't want this owner just to make enough to survive, I want him/her to get super rich!!! Make the food so expensive you have no competition, get people to think, "wow, this must be good at these prices". create the demand, and make a fortune!!!

look, aaple could give away iphones all day for a year and not lose too much cash......but they are in business to make real cash!!!

so....with that said.....i will open a soup shop and charge 5,000 baht a bowl. why? the water is from the pool of the divine!!! and the bowls were handmade in the temple of the gods.......if you drink this soup, your life will be blessed and heaven awaits!!!

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Went to the new Mae Hia Rimping early today,7.45am.

Got everything I wanted including a ginger biscuit I had never seen before. ( I need ginger biscuits for early morning dunking- it is legal I believe)

Anyway, their new mini restaurant only had one table free the rest were occupied by Thai families. Perhaps that's the sort of market Dave is targeting now- not!

But I never see posts anywhere from Rimping basically telling their customers to piss off.

Good luck with your new venture Dave but 2 lunchtime visits to your Riverside put us off in the past, poor expensive food. But you never know perhaps a third attempt may prove us wrong?

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Because they perpetuate the idiots here.

Let's face it, this web site has become a haven for idiots and unhappy campers and those that are afraid to let people know who they are. Hiding and complaining behind what is ThaiVisa. I have already stopped advertising for The River Market but for some reason they think I am kidding and they still have us listed there. Soon I will cancel The Duke's because the demographic of the old male dominated customer is no longer. I've said it to them before and I will say it again. "Wake UP ThaiVisa."

George, Barry, I feel for you.

While I agree that there are many creepy characters on this site, my perception has been that a large number of resturant threads are loaded with praise and worship of The Dukes , yet Dave seems to focus on the critiques and gets all bent out of shape... this thread is an example, people are simply asking about the promotion posters.... he hasn't answered or clarified that. Dukes has grown to be big player here, Dave seems to be a winey lil guy, ... oh well.

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Yes, well worth passing on. A great reply, stating the obvious and letting the people that would probably never go there anyway know that their opinions aren't important. There are restaurants to fit all budgets in Chieng Mai so moaning about ones you can't afford or consider to be too expensive is futile. He knows what he's doing and is more than capable of getting it right every time.

He basically said, you run your mouth and I'll run my business. He may have been a bit blunt about it, but under the circumstances that's understandable. Nothing wrong with speaking your mind, and we're all adults here.

I wonder why he advertises here? I know I wouldn't.

A ''bit blunt''? Nothing understandable at all to reply as he did...totally unprofessional and downright disgusting...i and i figure many others have now vowed never to eat at any of his establishments again...

Was it a "Gerald Ratner moment"?

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Yes, well worth passing on. A great reply, stating the obvious and letting the people that would probably never go there anyway know that their opinions aren't important. There are restaurants to fit all budgets in Chieng Mai so moaning about ones you can't afford or consider to be too expensive is futile. He knows what he's doing and is more than capable of getting it right every time.

He basically said, you run your mouth and I'll run my business. He may have been a bit blunt about it, but under the circumstances that's understandable. Nothing wrong with speaking your mind, and we're all adults here.

I wonder why he advertises here? I know I wouldn't.

A ''bit blunt''? Nothing understandable at all to reply as he did...totally unprofessional and downright disgusting...i and i figure many others have now vowed never to eat at any of his establishments again...

Was it a "Gerald Ratner moment"?

He possibly was 'Doing a Ratner"..but in the fickle world that restaurants are, i don't think that displaying such contempt for customers is a smart move.

It proved to be Ratners downfall in the end.....

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Yes, well worth passing on. A great reply, stating the obvious and letting the people that would probably never go there anyway know that their opinions aren't important. There are restaurants to fit all budgets in Chieng Mai so moaning about ones you can't afford or consider to be too expensive is futile. He knows what he's doing and is more than capable of getting it right every time.

He basically said, you run your mouth and I'll run my business. He may have been a bit blunt about it, but under the circumstances that's understandable. Nothing wrong with speaking your mind, and we're all adults here.

I wonder why he advertises here? I know I wouldn't.

A ''bit blunt''? Nothing understandable at all to reply as he did...totally unprofessional and downright disgusting...i and i figure many others have now vowed never to eat at any of his establishments again...

Was it a "Gerald Ratner moment"?

He possibly was 'Doing a Ratner"..but in the fickle world that restaurants are, i don't think that displaying such contempt for customers is a smart move.

It proved to be Ratners downfall in the end.....

Actually it was rather the oposite.

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Because they perpetuate the idiots here.

Let's face it, this web site has become a haven for idiots and unhappy campers and those that are afraid to let people know who they are. Hiding and complaining behind what is ThaiVisa. I have already stopped advertising for The River Market but for some reason they think I am kidding and they still have us listed there. Soon I will cancel The Duke's because the demographic of the old male dominated customer is no longer. I've said it to them before and I will say it again. "Wake UP ThaiVisa."

George, Barry, I feel for you.

While I agree that there are many creepy characters on this site, my perception has been that a large number of resturant threads are loaded with praise and worship of The Dukes , yet Dave seems to focus on the critiques and gets all bent out of shape... this thread is an example, people are simply asking about the promotion posters.... he hasn't answered or clarified that. Dukes has grown to be big player here, Dave seems to be a winey lil guy, ... oh well.

People are simply asking about..... he hasn't answered..?

Starting with the OP and half of the first dozen or so replies, how can you say that? If the OP had politely asked something along the lines of " I hope you don't mind Dave, but I came across a sticker for your place and I don't quite understand, could you explain this for me....." Then I'm sure his answer would have been quite different. The OPs post was mocking and infantile. Some of the guys here know nothing about politeness or courtesy and then, surprise , surprise get all upset when someone tells them were to go. Boohoo.

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Hopefully the NGO crowd will be attracted by the new pricing and leave us in peace by the river...

Incredible, what is wrong with the NGO crowd?

I like to watch them eating at the original DUKES, it's really entertaining, they walk about speaking very loudly and laughing almost always, not sure why, all I know is they are really happy and never drunk, mean or obnoxious, they seem like good people, that sure like pizza!

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Because they perpetuate the idiots here.

Let's face it, this web site has become a haven for idiots and unhappy campers and those that are afraid to let people know who they are. Hiding and complaining behind what is ThaiVisa. I have already stopped advertising for The River Market but for some reason they think I am kidding and they still have us listed there. Soon I will cancel The Duke's because the demographic of the old male dominated customer is no longer. I've said it to them before and I will say it again. "Wake UP ThaiVisa."

George, Barry, I feel for you.

While I agree that there are many creepy characters on this site, my perception has been that a large number of resturant threads are loaded with praise and worship of The Dukes , yet Dave seems to focus on the critiques and gets all bent out of shape... this thread is an example, people are simply asking about the promotion posters.... he hasn't answered or clarified that. Dukes has grown to be big player here, Dave seems to be a winey lil guy, ... oh well.

People are simply asking about..... he hasn't answered..?

Starting with the OP and half of the first dozen or so replies, how can you say that? If the OP had politely asked something along the lines of " I hope you don't mind Dave, but I came across a sticker for your place and I don't quite understand, could you explain this for me....." Then I'm sure his answer would have been quite different. The OPs post was mocking and infantile. Some of the guys here know nothing about politeness or courtesy and then, surprise , surprise get all upset when someone tells them were to go. Boohoo.

IGetting upset when someone tells them to go is one thing...i couldn't give a rats, but when you are told to ''<deleted>> off" its a whole different ballgame.....

Dave is not the problem, so let us ask him this;

Dave please clarify the promotion, portion sizes, value of the regular price etc?

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Because they perpetuate the idiots here.

Let's face it, this web site has become a haven for idiots and unhappy campers and those that are afraid to let people know who they are. Hiding and complaining behind what is ThaiVisa. I have already stopped advertising for The River Market but for some reason they think I am kidding and they still have us listed there. Soon I will cancel The Duke's because the demographic of the old male dominated customer is no longer. I've said it to them before and I will say it again. "Wake UP ThaiVisa."

George, Barry, I feel for you.

While I agree that there are many creepy characters on this site, my perception has been that a large number of resturant threads are loaded with praise and worship of The Dukes , yet Dave seems to focus on the critiques and gets all bent out of shape... this thread is an example, people are simply asking about the promotion posters.... he hasn't answered or clarified that. Dukes has grown to be big player here, Dave seems to be a winey lil guy, ... oh well.

People are simply asking about..... he hasn't answered..?

Starting with the OP and half of the first dozen or so replies, how can you say that? If the OP had politely asked something along the lines of " I hope you don't mind Dave, but I came across a sticker for your place and I don't quite understand, could you explain this for me....." Then I'm sure his answer would have been quite different. The OPs post was mocking and infantile. Some of the guys here know nothing about politeness or courtesy and then, surprise , surprise get all upset when someone tells them were to go. Boohoo.

I am guessing you are nailed on for:


For life!

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People are simply asking about..... he hasn't answered..?

Starting with the OP and half of the first dozen or so replies, how can you say that? If the OP had politely asked something along the lines of " I hope you don't mind Dave, but I came across a sticker for your place and I don't quite understand, could you explain this for me....." Then I'm sure his answer would have been quite different. The OPs post was mocking and infantile. Some of the guys here know nothing about politeness or courtesy and then, surprise , surprise get all upset when someone tells them were to go. Boohoo.

I am guessing you are nailed on for:


For life!

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IGetting upset when someone tells them to go is one thing...i couldn't give a rats, but when you are told to ''<deleted>> off" its a whole different ballgame.....

It's much the same thing but if you're really pissed off you use the more colourful option. Did you have a sheltered upbringing? In my first job after leaving college that was exactly the greeting I got every morning when I walked into the foreman's office. After a while, when they came to appreciate the fact that I knew what I was doing and that I could take the abuse, things changed. They still greeted me with the same words, but with a change in tone it almost became a term of affection.

Dave's was only directed at the idiots so I wasn't offended. Why were you? I very much doubt that Dave uses this term with the people that are polite, nice and friendly with him. At least you know where you stand with him. If, like me, he doesn't suffer fools then this is the wrong place for him to advertise and he's probably decided that it isn't worth the hassle. Plenty of praise, sure, but the idiots ARE persistent and annoying.

Much like most people, I don't use that expression very often, but on occasion it can be a very good way of telling people exactly how you feel. As I've said before, ask the local expats what they think about the people who write on TVCM. The answer is a seven letter word that begins with W and ends with s ( I didn't type the word because I knew it would upset you). Since I now post here then that includes me too. The only difference is, I know that it's true ..... but only sometimes.

Edited by Chiengmaijoe
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Dave is not the problem, so let us ask him this;

Dave please clarify the promotion, portion sizes, value of the regular price etc?

That reminds me of the old Roy Rogers joke..... He returns home from a hard day on the ranch to be told that the Indians have killed his son, raped his wife and burnt his house down. As he's leaving someone says "Roy, before you go, give us a song".

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Hopefully the NGO crowd will be attracted by the new pricing and leave us in peace by the river...

Incredible, what is wrong with the NGO crowd?

I like to watch them eating at the original DUKES, it's really entertaining, they walk about speaking very loudly and laughing almost always, not sure why, all I know is they are really happy and never drunk, mean or obnoxious, they seem like good people, that sure like pizza!

That complaint about Duke's comes up periodically on ThaiVisa though those people are usually identified as being missionaries rather than NGO workers and after the initial salvo there usually are a multitude of follow-up posts explaining what horrible people missionaries are.

Edited by AngelsLariat
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