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Farang-Thai road accident and discrimination

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I am in Nakhon Sawan, this might be different to other locations. My wife and I on a motorbike missed the lights so had to wait for the lights to change for us make a right turn, we are number 1 in the right position to turn when the lights change. Coming from the left but turning right to come round us is a pick up, the angle was wrong, they were coming straight towards us and we could not move for traffic behind us, it hit us, I got off our motorbike and pulled open the the drivers door, baby in the front passenger seat, driver with hand on phone! Police man arrived on the button, spoke to the driver, turned to me and said " she will take you the hospital, you choose, she pays, any problems see me" She took me to the hospital of my choice and paid for everything. I suspect it was a new truck and the insurance was compulsory, still have the scars but am ok, I think we get a fair crack of the whip here, but I may be proved wrong in the future.

Location is important.

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Off topic perhaps but the fact that even if you marry a Thai not just a party but through the legal system you still do not get permanent residence, I understand there might be some sham marriages but in most countries the earnest would be on the government to investigate. Even if you have children with a Thai a foreigner does not get PR neither mind citizenship. I think this fact shows really what the government and people think of foreigners. We are only let in for our money, how many jobs are we allowed to do! Need I go on. Having been here nearly six years I have recently thought there is little genuine future here, the chances of finding true love are so low.

What you are saying is incorrect. I really don't know much about being naturalized in Thailand (I can't do this, as my own country does not allow dual citizenship), if you are married to a Thai, but it most certainly is not as automatic as you seem to imply in most European countries and in the US, or Australia. . Most European countries and the US make it difficult, or at least subject to a lengthy procedure, for Thai spouses to enter their countries to join their husbands/wives. In most countries (see UK) the UK citizen has to show substantial financial means and satisfy other requirements to allow his/her spouse to join him/her. I personally do not agree and abhor these practices, as also poor people should have the right to unite with their families in their own country, but here you are. Here in Thailand, the requirements for a non Thai spouse are not that onerous. One can get a year's permit, which can be extended for as many years as one wishes (a year at a time), if one can prove an income of baht 40,000 (less that GDP 1,0000!) or have in the Bank in Thailand Baht 400,000. Compared to the UK, we are talking here about pennies!

The other possibility is for the non Thai spouse to apply for permanent residence, after a certain qualifying residence period and subject to other requirements.Admittedly, it is difficult, takes years and is expensive, but it is possible. In my own country, the requirements are different, but they still exist - 5 years residence and a test in the language, history and customs of my country. I am not criticizing this ,as it has its merits, but lets stop criticizing Thailand. How does the saying go - the one who sits in a glass house should not throw stones....

There are approx 16000 Thai living in the UK, I don't know if this No includes students, far less then the No of Brits living in Thailand, yet thousands of these UK Thais have managed to obtain a UK passport, unlike the very small No of Brits who hold a Thai passport. There was a tread running on TV just over 3 yrs ago when it was proven that the No of farangs who are successful in obtaining Thai citizenship is on average 6 per yr.

In saying this I'm not criticizing Thailand, probably the British government are at fault in treating the British passport as confetti.

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Invest in a good lawyer, I think this is the only way to sort out problems here.

Good luck with that! Finding a GOOD lawyer here, is harder than working out the problem on your own, in most cases, and might well create a lot of new problems.

Yes, IF you have a GOOD lawyer, one who actually advocates on YOUR behalf, and if you have had a serious accident only ...I don't think it would be necessary for the average accident/farang here.

But if you feel better that way, I guess it might seem like a good thing to do.

I sense some cynicism in your comment. Correct ?

Hi Dear Benalibina,

Cynical ...well yes I am ...but I think not in this case.

I am simply relalistic in this case based on my educated experience with lawyers here, one of my most horrific and educational experiences (in and about Thailand), that I did experience, over and over, and over, and over again! As I kept trying new people. My opinion is that there might be some good lawyers (some good at mafia-ish situaions/solutions, some not good at anything, some I would only hire the big BKK international names, depending on the subject, and at first world rates, etc.)

There probably/surely? are SOME lawyers, I think very few, who might be okay, depends on the subject again ...but there are a lot more terrible ones, especially for farangs let us say? This in an area of weakness for us farangs, trying to get legit, good, legal help, at regular prices for this country.

I have personally seen some real horror shows in this area, here in Thailand, which has made me think I would do most things in life, to avoid having to use one here.

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just responded to your attack on my post that was not in reference to your post what so-ever.

I realise that you perceive it as an "attack" when someone questions anyones decision in terms of transportation. in your case I did nothing but note your decision. What did you expect, that I should send a raspberry pie to celebrate your decision? This is discussion forum, perhaps you shouldn't post if you perceive differences in opinions as "attacks".

Trust me, I feel your frustration, I would probably do the same if I ever have to justify actions like that. I appreciate there's a certain risk involved when driving in the first place, however, I couldn't care less about any financial risk related to an accident. If there's anyone out there in LOS - other than Thais - who is prepared to replace the financial risk with the risk for health and safety I am the first to feel sorry for that person if that person even exist, I actually find it hard to believe. Your argument, how strange it may be, is that am making the wrong assumptions..?

If you dont want to talk about it, dont, I never addressed you personally even though you certainly behave as if my remarks hit your absolute self-regret sweet spot for your choice of transportation. But again, and I cant be clear enough about this; I dont care what you do, what you did or how you move from A to B, the fact is that transportation in Thailand is a dangerous and statistically speaking you're making it far more dangerous by choice of transportation.

You know you are wrong as your way of dealing with people, lead to you having placed your family in harms way (your words,not mine) clearly stated in your post, that you had to leave Thailand , sells your properties in 48 hours due to your involvement in a fender-bender and your shoot from the hip approach that resulted in you having to turn tail and run. Leaving Thailand in 48 hours!

Please feel free to point out where I have claimed to put my family in harms way, where I have claimed to sell my property due to a fender-bender and leaving Thailand in 48 hours du to a fender bender? If you read my post (in case you only glanced at it) you'll notice that I clearly state that there are events that followed the fender bender that caused my decision. I also stated that I have opted not to share details of these events, and since you don't know anything about what it is I suggest you just leave it there, knowing that you dont have a clue.

I think we're much better of focusing on the issue which is road accidents and potential (and perceived discrimination).

(My way) Kikoman has been here for 11 years and in those 11 years use public and private transportation for his traveling needs,great transportation system and inexpensive, no problem at all.

Well, here's the egg if you ask me, you appear to be incapable of appreciating that statistically speaking your choice of transportation is one of the most dangerous options there is. But apparently you're prepared to take this risk to mitigate a possibility of ending up in a financial issue. Similarly, I am prepared to go to any extent possible in order to minimise exactly that very risk you so gladly advocate as the best option. This is a decision of yours that caused myself - and most certainly others - to raise an eyebrow or two. Perhaps even utter a confirmation of resignation.


But if you're happy with it, wear yourself out! And it's not an "attack", it's a confirmation that I have fully recognised your choices, how remarkable they may be.

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Some people go at great lengths to defend themselves and question others. This all without reading properly and therefore make assumptions. Often the wrong 1s. At an anonymus forum ?!?!?!


Some people go at great lengths to defend themselves and question others. This all without reading properly and therefore make assumptions. Often the wrong 1s. At an anonymus forum ?!?!?!

From there to start screaming "I am under ATTACK", "it's a TROLL" and you are a LIAR, and a LIAR" because people don't agree with your ideas it's close to a light-year if you ask me. When one reach that stage it's probably time to leave the sticks behind and move back to civilsation.

Personally, I dont object if posters feel like wiping out any type of credibility they may have, but I got the impression there was a completely other issue to discuss here.


Some people go at great lengths to defend themselves and question others. This all without reading properly and therefore make assumptions. Often the wrong 1s. At an anonymus forum ?!?!?!

From there to start screaming "I am under ATTACK", "it's a TROLL" and you are a LIAR, and a LIAR" because people don't agree with your ideas it's close to a light-year if you ask me. When one reach that stage it's probably time to leave the sticks behind and move back to civilsation.

Personally, I dont object if posters feel like wiping out any type of credibility they may have, but I got the impression there was a completely other issue to discuss here.

Indeed, it’s a shame when these underdeveloped minds destroy a reasonable thread simply because their ego is greater than their intelligence….

Hopefully we can get back on topic with some interesting examples of how the foreigner has been treated fairly or poorly when involved in an accident in Thailand…

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Some people go at great lengths to defend themselves and question others. This all without reading properly and therefore make assumptions. Often the wrong 1s. At an anonymus forum ?!?!?!

From there to start screaming "I am under ATTACK", "it's a TROLL" and you are a LIAR, and a LIAR" because people don't agree with your ideas it's close to a light-year if you ask me. When one reach that stage it's probably time to leave the sticks behind and move back to civilsation.

Personally, I dont object if posters feel like wiping out any type of credibility they may have, but I got the impression there was a completely other issue to discuss here.

Only pointed out that many cant read properly what another has written down. Sometimes better to let go. No point in discussing things with i......ts. You cant win. More woorysome though, they cant accept others point of view. Ignorance is a bliss.

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Some people go at great lengths to defend themselves and question others. This all without reading properly and therefore make assumptions. Often the wrong 1s. At an anonymus forum ?!?!?!

From there to start screaming "I am under ATTACK", "it's a TROLL" and you are a LIAR, and a LIAR" because people don't agree with your ideas it's close to a light-year if you ask me. When one reach that stage it's probably time to leave the sticks behind and move back to civilsation.

Personally, I dont object if posters feel like wiping out any type of credibility they may have, but I got the impression there was a completely other issue to discuss here.

Only pointed out that many cant read properly what another has written down. Sometimes better to let go. No point in discussing things with i......ts. You cant win. More woorysome though, they cant accept others point of view. Ignorance is a bliss.

Point taken.


Anyone have any remarks about that point I made about motorbike insurance only covering damage to people and not to property, so I'm being told by those in the know....can this be true? So if a motorbike that is insured damages my car and admits they were at fault, I cannot claim from their insurance for any damage done to my car?......or wall or bicycle or anything other than damage to the body or bodies of those at the receiving end.

It would be nice to get back on track here.........at the end of the day life is very short so.''' let's "kiss and make up".


similar thing happened to me in chiang mai. i turn a corner in a small soi, see a young thai boy heading right too me - too fast and out of control. with the deer in the headlights look he just slams into the right side of me - me now stopped on the far left side of the road next to a wall.

he bounces off me and my bike after lacerating the top of my foot as his footpeg tears into my foot. police arrive and talk to me and the thais. thais all agree that i was going to fast on my big, fast, red, new motorcycle. i was stopped.

the kid who hit me was 14, no license, no helmet.

go to police station where the boy's father has now arrived. after a lengthy explanation (several times) about how the boy needs to ride his motorcycle to school becasue the mother and father don't want to take him, or the boy does not want to walk or take a taxi - or any other way. so...these good parents buy him a motobike, let him drive without a license.

after the police finish confirming that i have a thai license and that i own the motorcycle i am riding - trying in some way to prove that i had no right riding - i point out that no matter what people claim were the events of the accident the boy was guilty from the time he got on his bike.

after all this the police officer said to me, "o.k.? everything o.k.? now you understand?" i said sure, "i understand that i need to go talk to my lawyer". immediately the officer gave the father citations, the father paid a fine and signed a document to pay for my hospital cost and fix my motorcycle.

the cops may not be sympathetic to the farlang and most willing to help out the thai friend, neighbor. the cop may not receive such a good view by a judge when this case is brought before the court. you have a chance that a judge will be removed a bit from the local influences. you may have a better chance that the judge will realize that the cop is not follwing their own traffic laws - especially that a license is required to drive. on the books at least - thailand has traffic laws similar to the west.

my experience. worked for me and this what i expect was happening as this is how it turned out.

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similar thing happened to me in chiang mai. i turn a corner in a small soi, see a young thai boy heading right too me - too fast and out of control. with the deer in the headlights look he just slams into the right side of me - me now stopped on the far left side of the road next to a wall.

he bounces off me and my bike after lacerating the top of my foot as his footpeg tears into my foot. police arrive and talk to me and the thais. thais all agree that i was going to fast on my big, fast, red, new motorcycle. i was stopped.

the kid who hit me was 14, no license, no helmet.

go to police station where the boy's father has now arrived. after a lengthy explanation (several times) about how the boy needs to ride his motorcycle to school becasue the mother and father don't want to take him, or the boy does not want to walk or take a taxi - or any other way. so...these good parents buy him a motobike, let him drive without a license.

after the police finish confirming that i have a thai license and that i own the motorcycle i am riding - trying in some way to prove that i had no right riding - i point out that no matter what people claim were the events of the accident the boy was guilty from the time he got on his bike.

after all this the police officer said to me, "o.k.? everything o.k.? now you understand?" i said sure, "i understand that i need to go talk to my lawyer". immediately the officer gave the father citations, the father paid a fine and signed a document to pay for my hospital cost and fix my motorcycle.

the cops may not be sympathetic to the farlang and most willing to help out the thai friend, neighbor. the cop may not receive such a good view by a judge when this case is brought before the court. you have a chance that a judge will be removed a bit from the local influences. you may have a better chance that the judge will realize that the cop is not follwing their own traffic laws - especially that a license is required to drive. on the books at least - thailand has traffic laws similar to the west.

my experience. worked for me and this what i expect was happening as this is how it turned out.


That is an excellent point you make and it hadn't occurred to me before you wrote it....a policeman would look mighty stupid allowing a situation to go to court when he is aware that one of the parties involved (the one in the wrong in this case) had no papers what-so-ever to be legally on the road.....thanks for pointing that out. GB and good luck.


Interesting post, and some good advice. I have driven a Honda Jazz for three years in S Thailand and never had anything more than a parking ticket fine (my fault). Maybe I was lucky. Now I live in Pattaya, and having seen the crazy bike riders of all nationalities putting their lives at risk every day, I hope driving my new Brio will not turn out to be something I regret...


I agree with your post, one must be very careful on the streets of Thailand and in fact if it results in Falang's being treated unfairly., To me that is an added reason why I made my own personal decision not to drive in Thailand!

Has worked for me for over a decade!



I am sure that some Thais take advantage of the fact that a Farang is certainly more loaded than the average Thai on a motorbike and provoke a situation, they will apparently take personal injury in a bid to extract money then and there before the law arrives and unfurls. I have heard of cases in Pattaya where students run through red lights and crash their motorbike into a Farang and then require 20,000bts to go away, 3 on a motorbike, one in a car.

Then there are the motorbikes coming towards you ( they are on the wrong side of the road) the motorbike will get priority, you should have seen them coming! I doubt if any motorbike owners/riders have any insurance, any crash provides an opportunity for some unexpected funds, this is I would suggest far more prevailent in the "tourist"areas where there is a higher proportion of Farang.

Go slow, drive defensively and keep your eyes peeled.

As far as lawyers are concerned how would you know who to go to, they might be screwing you for a fee and in cawhoots with the other party with a cut there as well for failing, ho would you know?

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I guess nobody has any comments on the issue of motorbike coverage for people only..... and does not cover property belong to the victim of an accident .......I guess it got swallowed up in all the fighting that's going on....I hope you can both bring it to an amicable end soon...


I agree with your post, one must be very careful on the streets of Thailand and in fact if it results in Falang's being treated unfairly., To me that is an added reason why I made my own personal decision not to drive in Thailand!

Has worked for me for over a decade!


I am flabbergasted reading your comment.

My decision has been a very good one, no problem with the BIB, After a 45 years driving history in the old country, that did not have a good alternate transportation system in place as Thailand has.

No problems with the boys in brown, only traveling i do is monthly doctors visit and a monthly shopping visit to Nakhon Sawan, A yearly trip to Bangkok for Embassy visit. In The case of an emergency my driver lives right across the street from me.

Such little travel does not necessitate the cost of purchasing a car, issuance, gas and upkeep, All local travel is by motor bike.

Again more than meets my personal needs.



Perhaps dash cams are a good idea. They seem common in Russia after watching the car wrecks on YouTube. Video evidence may prove useful in determining who is at fault.


Mine is a long drawn out story but you can read it as I posted it on Thai visa also. Basically your lucky they're letting you even have your truck

For me the took my truck away made me pay for towing. After three weeks or four weeks, the police said if I said I was at fault they would release my truck

the owner of the truck was a local businessman without insurance. The driver was a local kid. While the Thai driver had all the motorcycle taxi's as witnesses

I had a restaurant full of witnesses as well. The police came out with in an hour even though they were 2 minutes from the accident. I had A plus insurance so it wasn't

an issue for me only a bit nervous with all the Thai motorcycle taxi's screaming at me" You Pay!" , " You Pay! ". Which made me walk across the six lanes and sit at a restaurant

where all the farrang said they saw what happened and would be a witnesses for me. Police didn't want to talk with them. Three weeks later the police agreed to speak with them, only one

could show up and then the police said he was to busy to talk with him. But, the police managed to take the reports of all the Thai's. Just be happy you got your truck. They will make you pay her

the problem is whether are not to go offer her money or wait and see what the police come up with for compensation. While I wish you the best of luck I believe it will be you that sad.png will pay based on my experience.

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When I use the term 'farang' in Thai conversation t is usually in the context of: Well what do you expect? I'm a farang.

And this is exactly the attitude that makes it easier for Thais to discriminate us. We simply love to be their dancing monkey.

I used to do this myself for many years. Before I realized even though it is fun and harmless on a surface level, it indeed also creates a lot of unnecessary trouble for us as well...


Some off-topic posts and replies have been deleted. Please restrict your comments to the discussion of the OP and not about other posters.


One of my falang office colleagues was hit by a Thai motorcycle rider in front of the office with 3 of our security guards watching. My falang colleague is a lawyer and very aware of protocol with anything documented. He was in the far lane with turn indicator on and just starting to turn across the oncoming lane. The Thai motorcycle rider was approaching from behind and decided to gun it and try and pass in front of my colleague in the oncoming traffic lane. The motorcycle bounced off of his right front fender and the rider and bike lost balance and came to a crashing halt in 2 places further down the oncoming lane. The police were called and an ambulance took the rider to the hospital. The rider had a broken wrist and some road rash.

My colleague was brought to the cop shop and he gave his statement. One of our security guards and an HR staffer also went and the cops agreed it was the riders fault.

Not so. A week later, my colleague is called to the cop shop again. The rider insists it was the falangs fault. The cops say, the rider is very poor, falang pay hospital bill and lost wages now that rider is at home recovering. My colleague insists that all agreed already that it was clearly the riders' fault and nothing to do with the rider's poverty.

The HR staffer takes him aside and says, this will not go away and will get worse unless it is closed out today. My colleague says, he will pay no money for this! The HR staffer tells the police, our company will give Bht 1,000 and my colleague will agree to 50/50 fault.

Case Closed!

What a load of uneducated, undeveloped losers these cops were. It will never change for us here. I think the last paragraph of the OP makes a good point.....


I got hit on the highway by a van who drove off. I was entering the highway from a slip road and the markings indicated I had right of way but he came into my lane and scraped the side of my wing. I chased him and got him to stop. We called the police who told us to call the insurance and sort out between ourselves.

We both blamed each other, so the insurance said we should both claim on each others insurance or we would have to go to the police station to sort it out. Believeing ThaiVisa wisdom, I thought I would get stitched up at the station, so agreed. He initially agreed, then changed his mind so off we went to the cop shop.

The first policeman listened to both of our stories and agreed with me. He knew the slip road and that I had right of way. The Thai guy was having none of it, so we called in a senior officer, which would cost Bt 500 to the loser. He listened and agreed with me also. The guy still wasn't having it so the police drove us to the slip road and showed the markings and that I had right of way.

Back at the police station the guiy still wouldnt have it and the senior office got pretty angry with him. The guy refused to sign the form admitting fault so the office threatened to send it to the court to adjudicate. He pointed out he would still lose and it would cost him a lot more than Bt 500. In the end I paid the Bt 500 for him and the copper made him wai and thank me.

On the way out the copper thanked me for my patience and was extremely professional and polite throughout. It would have been very easy to blame me, but he didnt and applied the law without fear or favour.

In other words, íts not a given that you will be stitched up in the event of an accident.

Not stiched up,but 500baht out of pocket,5555.


Firstly, I'm surprised you don't know the way things work here after living here for 11 years. Also, you need your wife to do the talking?

This is not a Thai farang issue. When an accident happens the 2 parties size each other up. It is to do with how much 'power' you have. Granted, at first most Thais will see a foreigner, especially white one, and think they know nothing/nobody, especially if they are in Pattaya or tourist area. These stupid farang can't even speak the language - of course they won't know 'the law' or the procedure. I wouldn't be surprised if the OP didn't know what 'Boon Khun' is, for example.

I've had accidents here - one time the pick up was on the wrong side of the road and had a head on with me. As I was limping about with a broken foot I heard them say that I was at fault. What to do? Boon Khun time! I called someone and they came and I ended up getting 1 months salary compensation, my car fixed and hospital costs. The guy was also fined 400 baht.

But, my car took 3 months to get fixed and the insurance didn't pay for my rented car so what now? Sue the pricks. A police friend was going to help. Delay - my friend became senator of the region so wait a month until he's in office. Delay, Taxsin and his government is booted out. Plan 2 - settle for half the money by bribing someone in the insurance company.

Usually the bigger vehicle pays. It has all to do with positioning on the social ladder. Thais look at the woman that foreigners are with and know instantly if the farang could have any power.

I hear people talking about having a get out of jail card. I have used these before and can't stress the importance of getting to 'know' people here if you plan on living happily for years. Learn the language, have Thai friends, join clubs etc.

I can't believe that some people leave the country because another car hits theirs.

I do have a buddy who was hit from behind by an off duty soldier. The soldier attacked him with a machete as he lost face when he approached my friend's car and said it was his fault and tried to grab his keys. My mate grabbed his hand and would give them. He said if he hadn't been a black belt in karate and ex army, he'd have been dead as the machete weilder was trying to kill him. Warning - never toot your horn to show someone is in the wrong. It could cost you your life. 3 months ago In khon kaen central street a man was shot dead for hooting his horn. I have a friend who's son's friend was shot in the head for tooting his horn.

Integrate, learn the language, learn the ways to get out of trouble. Don't think it of them and us. I can't emphasize how important it is to learn the language - how the hell are you going to know what's going on if you don't?

And let bullies keep on bullying!,

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Many years ago (30 actually) I had a mate who worked for Australian Department of Foreign Affairs in the AUSTEMB BKK. I was staying with him, briefly, when he explained to me the Thai logic when it comes to Motor Vehicle Accidents involving farangs.

Put simply. As a farang you are only a visitor in Thailand, it is not your country, so, if you weren't here in the first place, like you're not meant to be, then the accident would never have occurred. Whether you be in the 'right' or in the 'wrong'. This 'logic' has been compounded even further over the years by the lead from the top attitude of, rich farang, fair game concept.

Naturally I was pretty appalled when he told me this, and I never forgot it.

Armed with that knowlege I have avoided buying or driving a car in the LOS ever since, and choose to live in a place where I can get away with not owning one, where transport and taxis are plentiful.

My Thai friends jibe me sometimes they think I can't drive a car. When I explain this to them, and tell them I was driving a car when they were riding around on buffalos in the provinces, they understand and cannot help but agree with me. Some even voice their disdain for it.

I have often thought about whether or not I should get a car. But it is what I say about understanding the rules of the game before you play. I choose not to play.

I am certainly not defending the Thais, I think it is a disgraceful attitude, but most unfortunately it is the way it is. God I hate thieves and people who are unable to take responsibility for their own actions.

I am glad it is not me. I feel for you, and all the others who have been ripped. I wish you luck OP.

This logic is an urban myth.He're is my logic.His Royal Highness gave me a visa to live in Thailand.A government department gave me a license to drive in Thailand.So there for I have a right to be here and drive here.Let them dispute that.


It is not just foreigners that have this problem. In my wifes village, an old guy ran into her uncle who was stopped. Everybody agreed it was the old guys fault. Except the old guy. The court begged him to plead guilty. He wouldn't. Finally, after 2 years of court cases, the uncle gave in and negotiated 100k...feeling sorry for the old man.

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After two years of court and he gave in,feeling sorry,you gotta be joking.


One day I was riding with my Thai GF and a couple of kids. We were going to drop the GF off on the way to take the kids home. When the taxi pulled to the side of the road to let the GF out, when she opened her door it was immediately hit by trwo people passing the stopped taxi between the curb and the taxi. As soon as the accident happened I could tell there was no serious damage to motor cycle or passengers. I told her to stay in the car and not say anything, (Thinking that in the US if someone even says they are "Sorry" it can be used in court as an admission of guilt.As more and more people arrived they all pointed at me in the front seat and said "Farang, Farang did it" They were saying they saw the Farang open the door. I never touched the door. When the police came, which was right away, the first thing they asked was if she was my wife. The taxi driver told them he didn't think so as we were dropping her off so she could grab another taxi and go to a near by mall. I reiterated that she was the Nanny and not my wife. But I had to laugh about all the eye witnesses that saw me open the door into the motor cycle.After some time in the police station and never admitting guilt we were let go to come back on another day. About a week later we went back to the police station. Our appointment was at 1:00 pm. We arrived at 12:00 pm and we arrived after the insurance adjuster for the motor cycle. When we arrived the police said he had thought about it and decided it was all the GF's (Nanny) fualt. I then produced the driving manual and showed him where it said that it was illegal for a motor cycle to overtake a car on the curb side. He read it a couple of times and told the insurance adjuster that it was his clients fault. With lots of protest and dramatics the guy would not have it that it was his fault. After he realized he did not have a leg to stand on he started in with that the GF (Nanny) was a bad Thai as she didn't even get out of the car to say she was sorry. I explained very calmly that she stayed in the car at my request to keep the children calm as they were scarred with all the commotion. After that didn't work, he went on to say that his passenger was loosing income as a singer as she could not go to work as she was recovering from the accident and that no one offered to help with the expenses. Remember if he had been following the law there wouldn't have been any expenses. Then he started in on her being a bad Thai not wanting to help. That is when the GF, (Nanny as everyone still thought that was who she was) lost it. She went off on the guy saying that he was irresponsible and didn't know anything about her. She then pulled out a sealed envelope with the lady that got hurts name on it. Handed it to the police and told him to please open it. When the police opened it he found a very nicely written letter to the lady saying that she hoped that the enclosed 2,000 Baht would help her while she recovered.The police thanked her very much and let us go while he proceeded to fine and lecture the motor cycle driver.My conclusion to this whole thing. Throw out anything you learned in the USA or UK about not helping a victim at a scene of an accident or saying your sorry. Keep your cool at all times. Have something to refer to show your innocence, rule book, photos etc.... Never believe an eye witness. Never be the only Farang at an auto accident.

The bike rider who caused the accident paid nothing,so that makes him a smart Thai.It's a try on all the time,you just gotta play the game and wait em out.


I had a similar type of scenario in pattaya 3 days ago. I was driving a bit fast on sukhumvit towards sattahip on my ducati. No traffic so i could go 120-150km/h without a problem. I was in the total right lane and out of nowhere, some old guy drives from the sidewalk straight across the road without looking left or right. Needless to say i crashed right into him at full speed. Sure i was going to fast but the old thai guy didn't bother turning his head left or right for a second to check for oncoming traffic. Once i picked myself up, i went to the old thai guy laying on the floor and moved him off the street, then moved the bikes off the street so traffic could pass.

An SUV full of russians stopped, got out of their car and yelled at me without even knowing what happened.. simply assuming the young idiot on the big bike must have caused this mess. I didn't respond to avoid further drama and cause more harm to myself. A few minutes later the emergency truck and police arrived. Police requested 3,000 baht for not filling a report and the emergency guy told me to give the old guy 3,000 baht so he could go to hospital.

Now i am all busted up, destroyed a 500k motorbike (ducati) and have to life with the consequences that i can never ride a bike again. TIT.

Sure I was going too fast but.Happy to here you can't ride again,may save some bodies life in the future.

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