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Work permit working with Thai wife?

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Funnily enough I am just watching UK Border Force.

You should get proper legal advice perhaps, but my opinion is that with your wife being Thai and with her basically controlling everything, you having a proper visa in place, i.e. a marriage visa. No one will really bat a proverbial eyelid if you're simply residing at the address so long as you do all the reporting and go there once a year to extend your visa.

There was some law sometime ago about not being able to front the money for a Thai wife but I think that has pretty much been done away with through too much backlash probably. It was something to do with Thai wives of foreigners losing their rights to own land in Thailand. Anyway it was abolished as I am to believe.

If however you want be more hands on in your business then, yeah, go about getting the proper documentation, basically immigration office and then the labour office, you need a letter from your employer stating that she really needs you to work there, plus business registration documents I guess.

When I had a work permit, the school was well known so I just needed a letter from the school and then they stamped my passport and then told me to go to the labour office to get the work permit. It's going to take a lot of initial work but after that if you are just renewing then it will get easier.

Still a lot of work to do though to basically sweep floors and do accounts or what not.

I really want the path of least resistance while sticking to the immigration/labour law:

"Work" means engaging in work by exerting energy or using knowledge whether or not in consideration of wages or other benefits (Alien Working Act).

Although a visa company said just move things round with the shutter down & a lawyer said no need to be paranoid....while then going on to tell me a French man got deported for 5 years watering the plants of his Mrs' flower shop, Doh!!!

Funnily both said something like don't upset the police or your competitors as a previous poster implied, so looks like it could come down to circumstance rather than black and white legal, exactly what I'd like to avoid.

It's exactly that, if you piss people off then you're going to get your just deserves so to speak, ok so jealousy is something which is pandemic in Asia but it's something which is usually not worth worrying over.

Uthai Thani is a relatively small town and it has a US air force base there, plenty of local woman from as far away as Chainat have gotten married to US servicemen and moved to Laos so I doubt there will be that much resentment and usually just being friendly and adopting to Thai culture somewhat goes a long way.

To be honest, my opinion is, you don't really need to worry a great deal but if you were interested in working then go about and do all the paperwork.

In my experience, it takes a lot to piss off Thai people anyway to the point that they will start protesting to get you out of the country.

Examples: That german fella who stabbed a neighbour's dog to death because it attacked his pit bull. I don't even think that he got deported for that, he just had to pay a 500 baht fine to which he retaliated by suing the owner of the dog he killed, because whilst stabbing the dog, the dog bit his arm, something like 100,000 baht in medical costs or such nonsense, that pissed people off but I mean come on, of course it's going to get on people's nerves right?

Anyway, if all you will be doing is doing some accounting and sweeping floors, lifting a few boxes etc, I doubt it's worth the hassle of going to get all the paperwork to be honest or even worth the cost for that matter.

Anyway good luck with it, hope it works out for you

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I still confused about.

My Thai wife owns several business. A real estate management company, a coffee/ice cream shop, and a small resort, and thinking in get into retail and export of diet supplements. I am helping in all that when is necessary to speak English, using the Internet doing marketing, writing e-mails, etc...nothing like a full time labor job. Will I need to get a work permit for every business??? What about if I am a 48% shareholder of her company?? Will we need to hire employees, even if we do not need it, to get my work permit if I need it?

About the asset need it to open a company....Needs to be money in cash or her commercial property value of 4 millions will be enough?

I am not very inclined in use a lawyers, visa service, or any middle man if not absolutely necessary to get documentation if I can do it myself. When I was new here and asking for advise, I got many lies in return just convenient for them. I did all my retirement visa stuff by myself without any problem, and without trowing money away, but I know that many foreigners pay a lot of money even to get things they can get for free.

I have an American friend, retired, that paid 30,000thb for a visa agency for them to get her visa....and she had everything in hand and in order to do it easily, without any help. They even told her, that for every 90 day report she will pay only 2000, and only 10000 for the yearly extension...

Some time ago, I asked a lawyer about cost of open a limited partnership company. He said 15000thb to 30000thb. I went to the city office and they give me all the info and fees cost, not more than 2000...........I really do not like that kind of greedy "services"....

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If you have the income to do it, your best choice is to get a work permit. I myself went through the same thing, My best advice would be to get legal.

Anything can happen here in Thailand, if your legal you stand a better chance of beating the odds. If you illegal you stand a good chance of being beat by the law.

With that said, I was harassed more after I became legal people in the same business turned me in, so they came to my home and to my office to shake me down.

I wasn't doing anything illegal and everything above the law. I seem to pay more for certain services, along with consuming my time trying to get it done properly, because

the Thai's seem to believe it isn't right unless they can make it confusing for you. I guess it also depends a lot on level of patients and understanding. If your not dependent on

the money that comes in seems to help as well. If you don't have money then it can get a bit stressful.

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If you have the income to do it, your best choice is to get a work permit. I myself went through the same thing, My best advice would be to get legal.

Anything can happen here in Thailand, if your legal you stand a better chance of beating the odds. If you illegal you stand a good chance of being beat by the law.

With that said, I was harassed more after I became legal people in the same business turned me in, so they came to my home and to my office to shake me down.

I wasn't doing anything illegal and everything above the law. I seem to pay more for certain services, along with consuming my time trying to get it done properly, because

the Thai's seem to believe it isn't right unless they can make it confusing for you. I guess it also depends a lot on level of patients and understanding. If your not dependent on

the money that comes in seems to help as well. If you don't have money then it can get a bit stressful.

You are totally right. What it is frustrating is to deal with people you cannot trust, or worst, they do not know or are just guessing. Information vary too much and at the end I get lost. I know about corruption and jealousy, and about people with bad nature, and for that reason I want to be very legal and out of trouble at all cost. I even do not drive here to avoid any accident or conflict with police or other drivers. I retired with a minimum income and have to be very careful with my money. I got very lucky to become part of an honest, loving and supporting Thai family. Simple people with a simple life, and big heart. They never ask me for any money. They do not want even for me to work. They do not want me to get into trouble because I want to help them in what I can....and I not want to get them in trouble because me. If I can work I will..if not... I will just be the funniest English teacher for all the kids in the family......They are learning English with a Spanish tone...

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I still confused about.

My Thai wife owns several business. A real estate management company, a coffee/ice cream shop, and a small resort, and thinking in get into retail and export of diet supplements. I am helping in all that when is necessary to speak English, using the Internet doing marketing, writing e-mails, etc...nothing like a full time labor job. Will I need to get a work permit for every business??? What about if I am a 48% shareholder of her company?? Will we need to hire employees, even if we do not need it, to get my work permit if I need it?

About the asset need it to open a company....Needs to be money in cash or her commercial property value of 4 millions will be enough?

I am not very inclined in use a lawyers, visa service, or any middle man if not absolutely necessary to get documentation if I can do it myself. When I was new here and asking for advise, I got many lies in return just convenient for them. I did all my retirement visa stuff by myself without any problem, and without trowing money away, but I know that many foreigners pay a lot of money even to get things they can get for free.

I have an American friend, retired, that paid 30,000thb for a visa agency for them to get her visa....and she had everything in hand and in order to do it easily, without any help. They even told her, that for every 90 day report she will pay only 2000, and only 10000 for the yearly extension...

Some time ago, I asked a lawyer about cost of open a limited partnership company. He said 15000thb to 30000thb. I went to the city office and they give me all the info and fees cost, not more than 2000...........I really do not like that kind of greedy "services"....

You need a WP for any Business you are actally working in whether part time, renumerated or not - just choose which business you are working for and organise the structure to clearly separate your work activities from the other companies

The company captilisation required for a company need to be registered (you pay a few thousand per million THB to register on company formation, don't make it larger than necessary as the Revenue Dept will expect to see bigger profits/tax the higher the register capital is and if you go over board on registration. Capitalisation must be accounted for in annual accounts being shown as the difference between capital assets and capital liabilities, assets can be shown for example as on going loans to a director (you/your wife). Long tall and short, when you start a business you don't need to show x million in the bank or in fixed assets.

Shop around for services, registering a company is a little trickier than getting a retirement extension. An accountancy firm should be able to help naviaget your way through the various agncies, plus you will need someone to produce annual accounts and to help calculate/file taxes, etc.

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I still confused about.

My Thai wife owns several business. A real estate management company, a coffee/ice cream shop, and a small resort, and thinking in get into retail and export of diet supplements. I am helping in all that when is necessary to speak English, using the Internet doing marketing, writing e-mails, etc...nothing like a full time labor job. Will I need to get a work permit for every business??? What about if I am a 48% shareholder of her company?? Will we need to hire employees, even if we do not need it, to get my work permit if I need it?

About the asset need it to open a company....Needs to be money in cash or her commercial property value of 4 millions will be enough?

I am not very inclined in use a lawyers, visa service, or any middle man if not absolutely necessary to get documentation if I can do it myself. When I was new here and asking for advise, I got many lies in return just convenient for them. I did all my retirement visa stuff by myself without any problem, and without trowing money away, but I know that many foreigners pay a lot of money even to get things they can get for free.

I have an American friend, retired, that paid 30,000thb for a visa agency for them to get her visa....and she had everything in hand and in order to do it easily, without any help. They even told her, that for every 90 day report she will pay only 2000, and only 10000 for the yearly extension...

Some time ago, I asked a lawyer about cost of open a limited partnership company. He said 15000thb to 30000thb. I went to the city office and they give me all the info and fees cost, not more than 2000...........I really do not like that kind of greedy "services"....

You need a WP for any Business you are actally working in whether part time, renumerated or not - just choose which business you are working for and organise the structure to clearly separate your work activities from the other companies

The company captilisation required for a company need to be registered (you pay a few thousand per million THB to register on company formation, don't make it larger than necessary as the Revenue Dept will expect to see bigger profits/tax the higher the register capital is and if you go over board on registration. Capitalisation must be accounted for in annual accounts being shown as the difference between capital assets and capital liabilities, assets can be shown for example as on going loans to a director (you/your wife). Long tall and short, when you start a business you don't need to show x million in the bank or in fixed assets.

Shop around for services, registering a company is a little trickier than getting a retirement extension. An accountancy firm should be able to help naviaget your way through the various agncies, plus you will need someone to produce annual accounts and to help calculate/file taxes, etc.

Thank you. I know will take time and luck..but I will look for an honest professional to get my papers in order.

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  • 2 weeks later...

After reading the Alien Working Act and discussing with the wife, we've agreed I'll try to avoid ALL work in the new shoe shop.

Where there is potential overlap, such as cleaning at the shop floor level, I will do this with the shutter down. Whilst I haven't yet squared taking shelves in/out each day & getting stock from the mezzanine floor with my wife's SLE/high CK results, we'll work something out,

But if I did decide to incorporate so that I could help with the business, I wonder what special skills could fulfill the WP as 'controlling, auditing and accounting servicess' (my background) and shop attendant (how I'd actually be helping!) are both prohibited.

What kinds of job roles have members used for small businesses with the wife? And all those farang run bars and coffee shops etc, what special skills would they be providing.

Many thanks.

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After reading the Alien Working Act and discussing with the wife, we've agreed I'll try to avoid ALL work in the new shoe shop.

Where there is potential overlap, such as cleaning at the shop floor level, I will do this with the shutter down. Whilst I haven't yet squared taking shelves in/out each day & getting stock from the mezzanine floor with my wife's SLE/high CK results, we'll work something out,

But if I did decide to incorporate so that I could help with the business, I wonder what special skills could fulfill the WP as 'controlling, auditing and accounting servicess' (my background) and shop attendant (how I'd actually be helping!) are both prohibited.

What kinds of job roles have members used for small businesses with the wife? And all those farang run bars and coffee shops etc, what special skills would they be providing.

Many thanks.

Yes...I have the same question. Bars, coffee shops, hotels, real estate agents, restaurants, you name it....How the foreigners working in those businesses got the work permit? At least I know 2 foreign managers for big real estate companies in Bangkok and many foreign coffee shop owners in Chiang Mai. I believe that at least half of the export companies in Thailand are owned by foreigners....I have now a lawyer taking care of all that, but I just will like to understand.....

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I've given this some thought from my personal experience Thai people love to watch me working, I would never have any problems with or without a work permit. This is my honest opinion.

I doubt helping out in a store is going to warrant an arrest and even if it did, I reckon you could pretty much argue the toss.

Also, to add, if you do annoy people though then any old excuse will be used to get rid of you in one way or another, so just keep friendly, don't show off your riches (jealousy and all that) and to be honest I doubt you'd have any problems.

Police visiting for a piece of pie, you just have to give about 500-1000 per month and that is for everyone basically in Thailand. Some people probably don't make charitable donations as in buy the tickets that are offered for sale but it's good to buy a ticket or two anyway.

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I've given this some thought from my personal experience Thai people love to watch me working, I would never have any problems with or without a work permit. This is my honest opinion.

I doubt helping out in a store is going to warrant an arrest and even if it did, I reckon you could pretty much argue the toss.

Also, to add, if you do annoy people though then any old excuse will be used to get rid of you in one way or another, so just keep friendly, don't show off your riches (jealousy and all that) and to be honest I doubt you'd have any problems.

Police visiting for a piece of pie, you just have to give about 500-1000 per month and that is for everyone basically in Thailand. Some people probably don't make charitable donations as in buy the tickets that are offered for sale but it's good to buy a ticket or two anyway.

Thanks Ben. I know my wife is disappointed as this was to be a joint venture upon giving up her career that also rescued her from the shame of an 'idle' husband. But if she stays put in the shop I'm sure I'll be kept busy enough running errands etc smile.png I've added some new life skills as well such as driving in Thailand, masonry painting & reading Thai so enforced idleness is more a legal requirement than bone idleness! biggrin.png

Following up on your earlier advice re not rocking the boat, fitting in etc, I did mention it might be worth cultivating some contacts that could help out in a future pickle, although the insinuation that friendships were anything but wholly natural was quite seriously frowned upon (I said it might be nice to see the village leader's new restaurant, an old high school friend, for instance) as we won't have the fall back of 'professional' services/admin of Bkk in a small town.

She's also against any form of corruption so will need to be flexible for any 'visits' (as a novice myself, would it be illegal if I misconstrued the intent of a visit and over enthusiastically offered any reimbursal of their costs?).

I do have a slight concern about about the reaction of a couple of existing shops that sell shoes (among other things) with arrival of a farang and his wife setting up a nice, new shoe shop, especially as farang are not normal there. Mmm, will have to play it nicely/nicely, which is our wont anyway smile.png.

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Unless I've missed something in this thread, there has been no mention of the setup whereby the Thai Wife can register self employed at the Amphur (I'm sure someone can chime in with the correct term) and then "hire" the husband for 50,000 Baht per month + salary and have a work permit issued without the necessity for Registered capital etc (although WHT tax must be submitted each month and VAT must be registered in order to apply for the WP).

I have read this many times on various forums, including TV, over the years. Doesn't someone have more info?

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Unless I've missed something in this thread, there has been no mention of the setup whereby the Thai Wife can register self employed at the Amphur (I'm sure someone can chime in with the correct term) and then "hire" the husband for 50,000 Baht per month + salary and have a work permit issued without the necessity for Registered capital etc (although WHT tax must be submitted each month and VAT must be registered in order to apply for the WP).

I have read this many times on various forums, including TV, over the years. Doesn't someone have more info?

I will like to know the same. Somebody said that is only possible if your "foreign" skills are necessary for the business....I cannot believe that also will apply for spouses...and still confuse about...

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Unless I've missed something in this thread, there has been no mention of the setup whereby the Thai Wife can register self employed at the Amphur (I'm sure someone can chime in with the correct term) and then "hire" the husband for 50,000 Baht per month + salary and have a work permit issued without the necessity for Registered capital etc (although WHT tax must be submitted each month and VAT must be registered in order to apply for the WP).

I have read this many times on various forums, including TV, over the years. Doesn't someone have more info?

I haven't followed this up myself yet but in another thread two other options were suggested for anyone following this topic:

- minority partner of limited partnership with your wife to avoid the capital requirements

- wife tax registers the business which may overlap with self-employed above

Although for s start-up shoe shop in a small town we won't be in a position to 'hire' 4 Thais and takings will be nowhere near 50,000 per month.

I also need to negotiate the prohibited professions list for accounting/finance (my profession) and shop attendant (actual business).

For now 'mai tam ngang tenee khup' to any suspicious looking inquisitors/asking the wife to try & do everything at the shop level is my only line of defence.

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Unless I've missed something in this thread, there has been no mention of the setup whereby the Thai Wife can register self employed at the Amphur (I'm sure someone can chime in with the correct term) and then "hire" the husband for 50,000 Baht per month + salary and have a work permit issued without the necessity for Registered capital etc (although WHT tax must be submitted each month and VAT must be registered in order to apply for the WP).

I have read this many times on various forums, including TV, over the years. Doesn't someone have more info?

I haven't followed this up myself yet but in another thread two other options were suggested for anyone following this topic:

- minority partner of limited partnership with your wife to avoid the capital requirements

- wife tax registers the business which may overlap with self-employed above

Although for s start-up shoe shop in a small town we won't be in a position to 'hire' 4 Thais and takings will be nowhere near 50,000 per month.

I also need to negotiate the prohibited professions list for accounting/finance (my profession) and shop attendant (actual business).

For now 'mai tam ngang tenee khup' to any suspicious looking inquisitors/asking the wife to try & do everything at the shop level is my only line of defence.

If the turnover is less than 1,800,000 THB p.a. then VAT registration is not required for a WP.

Limited Partnerships can take two forms, one which still requires registered capitalisation and the other with no capitalisation, but where the Thai managing partner(s) has(have) unlimited liability.

Don't think you could get a WP without Registered Capital since it is legally possible to register capital with a Ltd Partnership.

If wife is registered as self employed and has registered to pay tax as such, then I am not sure that she could then also legally have direct employees.

Not sure how you 'negotiate' the fact that the work you wish to do is prohibited to non Thais.

Best solution is not to expose yourself to what would be a significant risk, i.e. being in public doing work reserved for Thais.

Only sure way would be to have a Thai sales assistant (or close the shop) for when your wife is not there, never deal with customers in a sales role yourself plus appoint an an accountancy firm do the books but supply them with the cash book data/spreadsheets.

Then you could, I guess, apply for a WP as a General Manager.

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When I started my company my turnover was 0 (obviously I guess!)

The list of requirements for the WP states that I must show the VAT registration in order to apply, although my turnover was nowhere near the threshold.

In my area VAT registration is only required for a WP if your company's annual turn over is > 1,800,000 THB p.a, plus there are certain categories of company that are also exempted from VAT registration by law.

I know one or two with WPs whose companies do not have VAT registration.

Doubtless there are some regional Labour Depts that insist on VAT registration, as it is a listed document for inclusion with WP applications.

Link to Revenue Dept VAT webpage. http://www.rd.go.th/publish/6043.0.html

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  • 2 months later...

Peergin asked me what kind of snacks we make.

I forgot to mark the 'follow' button, so I am a bit late. PM'ed him/her meanwhile.

Anyone interested in dutch snacks can PM me or check our Thaivisa classified under miscellaneous/goods for sale.

I am not a sponsor so no details given/allowed.

Ad number is 179206 or search for kroket frikandel.

Hope this is allowed by Admin or else please skip last two lines dear Admin.

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Funnily enough I am just watching UK Border Force.

You should get proper legal advice perhaps, but my opinion is that with your wife being Thai and with her basically controlling everything, you having a proper visa in place, i.e. a marriage visa. No one will really bat a proverbial eyelid if you're simply residing at the address so long as you do all the reporting and go there once a year to extend your visa.

There was some law sometime ago about not being able to front the money for a Thai wife but I think that has pretty much been done away with through too much backlash probably. It was something to do with Thai wives of foreigners losing their rights to own land in Thailand. Anyway it was abolished as I am to believe.

If however you want be more hands on in your business then, yeah, go about getting the proper documentation, basically immigration office and then the labour office, you need a letter from your employer stating that she really needs you to work there, plus business registration documents I guess.

When I had a work permit, the school was well known so I just needed a letter from the school and then they stamped my passport and then told me to go to the labour office to get the work permit. It's going to take a lot of initial work but after that if you are just renewing then it will get easier.

Still a lot of work to do though to basically sweep floors and do accounts or what not.

I really want the path of least resistance while sticking to the immigration/labour law:

"Work" means engaging in work by exerting energy or using knowledge whether or not in consideration of wages or other benefits (Alien Working Act).

Although a visa company said just move things round with the shutter down & a lawyer said no need to be paranoid....while then going on to tell me a French man got deported for 5 years watering the plants of his Mrs' flower shop, Doh!!!

Funnily both said something like don't upset the police or your competitors as a previous poster implied, so looks like it could come down to circumstance rather than black and white legal, exactly what I'd like to avoid.

It's exactly that, if you piss people off then you're going to get your just deserves so to speak, ok so jealousy is something which is pandemic in Asia but it's something which is usually not worth worrying over.

Uthai Thani is a relatively small town and it has a US air force base there, plenty of local woman from as far away as Chainat have gotten married to US servicemen and moved to Laos so I doubt there will be that much resentment and usually just being friendly and adopting to Thai culture somewhat goes a long way.

To be honest, my opinion is, you don't really need to worry a great deal but if you were interested in working then go about and do all the paperwork.

In my experience, it takes a lot to piss off Thai people anyway to the point that they will start protesting to get you out of the country.

Examples: That german fella who stabbed a neighbour's dog to death because it attacked his pit bull. I don't even think that he got deported for that, he just had to pay a 500 baht fine to which he retaliated by suing the owner of the dog he killed, because whilst stabbing the dog, the dog bit his arm, something like 100,000 baht in medical costs or such nonsense, that pissed people off but I mean come on, of course it's going to get on people's nerves right?

Anyway, if all you will be doing is doing some accounting and sweeping floors, lifting a few boxes etc, I doubt it's worth the hassle of going to get all the paperwork to be honest or even worth the cost for that matter.

Anyway good luck with it, hope it works out for you

I agree - I mean, how ridiculous does it have to get; like I'm going to get a separate work permit for doing some private gardening or washing the dishes when my fiance constantly gets angry that I do too little work around the house!

In the same way I usually don't bother obtaining import permits for plant material I import because it's too much hassle obtaining such documentation from the issuing country and each official, each border checkpoint interprets the rules differently, most of the time a few nice words, a smile and some knee towing to the official's line is all that's needed and across my materials come within only a few minutes. Thai officials are generally very pleasant.

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Sorry Ubonjoe, check out partner Sunbelt befor you say something like that.

Why do I have a workpermit and no personel in the Co Ltd my wife and me have?

You are confusing people. I advise everyone to read Sunbelt's pages thru and thru.

It is there and that most people don't know about it doesn't mean it don't excist.

Sorry if I step on toes.

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I just went to the whole process got my extension under marriage visa, at the same time opened a company with share capital 2Million, applied to get the work permit, had to go to the interview, had to proof that my position is beneficial to Thailand, show my educational background, described my role. Having 4 employees( on paper, a registered office which labour department visited and interviewed the employees, today I got my work permit took me from November until now.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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Sorry Ubonjoe, check out partner Sunbelt befor you say something like that.

Why do I have a workpermit and no personel in the Co Ltd my wife and me have?

You are confusing people. I advise everyone to read Sunbelt's pages thru and thru.

It is there and that most people don't know about it doesn't mean it don't excist.

Sorry if I step on toes.

I only quote what is written in the applicable acts and regulations.

If you can show any official document that says you don't need any Thai employees then I will change what I wrote.

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  • 2 months later...

All my replies were for getting a work permit for you or anybody else working.

The answer you got is this.

If there is no foreigner in the company that require a work permit you are not require to have staff.
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Here in Chiang Mai we had a Thai woman and her husband operating a restaurant he had a work permit. I asked her one day how did you get him a work permit. She says we filled out the paper work and I took everything to Labor department and told them I needed my husband to have a work permit and they gave her one. Sometimes easy

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All my replies were for getting a work permit for you or anybody else working.

The answer you is got is this.

If there is no foreigner in the company that require a work permit you are not require to have staff.

Sorry Ubonjoe, but the little dispute we had was about the need to have extra Thai personel or not when having a 1 mill company together with your wife and not about a work permit.

So believe it or not: NO extra Thai personel required in this case.

As far as I am concerned, end of discussion.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

All my replies were for getting a work permit for you or anybody else working.

The answer you is got is this.

If there is no foreigner in the company that require a work permit you are not require to have staff.

Sorry Ubonjoe, but the little dispute we had was about the need to have extra Thai personel or not when having a 1 mill company together with your wife and not about a work permit.

So believe it or not: NO extra Thai personel required in this case.

As far as I am concerned, end of discussion.

I wonder why a question was raised if the "answer" was already known ?

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Sorry Ubonjoe, check out partner Sunbelt befor you say something like that.

Why do I have a workpermit and no personel in the Co Ltd my wife and me have?

You are confusing people. I advise everyone to read Sunbelt's pages thru and thru.

It is there and that most people don't know about it doesn't mean it don't excist.

Sorry if I step on toes.

I only quote what is written in the applicable acts and regulations.

If you can show any official document that says you don't need any Thai employees then I will change what I wrote.

Duh...that was just to come back on this answer of him. Geez

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

All my replies were for getting a work permit for you or anybody else working.

The answer you is got is this.

If there is no foreigner in the company that require a work permit you are not require to have staff.

Sorry Ubonjoe, but the little dispute we had was about the need to have extra Thai personel or not when having a 1 mill company together with your wife and not about a work permit.

So believe it or not: NO extra Thai personel required in this case.

As far as I am concerned, end of discussion.

I wonder why a question was raised if the "answer" was already known ?

Read the whole thread please

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