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Foreigner !


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I moved to Switzerland at the age of 24 and found out all about racism. I reserve the right to talk about different peoples in racist terms, but I am not obsessed about it. As an employer I got to the point that I was asking which part of Portugal or Spain people came from, some regions were populated by stubborn, lazy and unfriendly people. You get like that after a bit, it makes life easier for you even though you may be causing injustice to some.

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i have to show 800000 Baht every year, otherwise I have to leave immediately.

If they would do the same in our home countries, there would be much less problems.

And a second thing i have learned: foreigners never integrate. It is a leftist myth. The best you could demand that foreigners follow the rules and have a proper attitude. That's what i do here. That's what people in our home countries should demand from foreigners as well.

Of course, the situation is different in the US and Europe, but in the US I would definitely say they integrate, but it takes a generation or two. It is easy to forget the hatred of the Irish and the Italians (among others) when they came to the US all those year ago. Now people who barely have any trace of it declare themselves Irish or Italian and the real descendants would have to tell you their origins for you to know.

Hating Mexicans seems to be all the rage in some places in the US now, but if you look around, you will meet a lot of people who are second generation and, other than possibly having a nice tan, you wouldn't know they were Mexican at all.

I'll never forget when, on a trip to Mexico, a guy asked me where I was headed. I said Mexico City and he (Mexican-American guy) said, in accent-less (American) English "Mexico?!?! Mexico!?!?!? I wouldn't take a bus, train, plane, taxi or boat in that country! Why would you go there?" One generation or two and he wouldn't even consider going to his family's place of origin.

As for going abroad changing how I interact with foreigners at home, I would say definitely, since I have some idea of what they are going through. However, this happened way before I came to Thailand.

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i have to show 800000 Baht every year, otherwise I have to leave immediately.

If they would do the same in our home countries, there would be much less problems.

And a second thing i have learned: foreigners never integrate. It is a leftist myth. The best you could demand that foreigners follow the rules and have a proper attitude. That's what i do here. That's what people in our home countries should demand from foreigners as well.

For a foreigner to retire in the UK you must at a minimum be 60 years of age & an annual income of £25,000 (without working) and to prove "close connections" to the UK. The upside is that after meeting the criteria the applicant will usually be granted a four year visa. Once you have spent four years in the UK, as long you still have the requisite income, the Home Office will normally grant indefinite leave to remain.


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I don't take social housing,healthcare,state handouts,from Thailand.

Unlike the ever increasing amount of migrants to the UK, some legal,many alleged asylum seekers.

They bring nothing with them and abuse every avenue available to them to gain financially.

They are slowly bringing the country to its knees.

That you dont accept state help from Thailand is commendable, but hardly the point given you aren't an asylum seeker here

asylum seekers by their very nature have nothing to bring with them, (if you mean material things)

that they supposedly "abuse" every avenue?-these avenues are legal and necessary-wouldnt you seek financial help too given you were in the same position?

They are bringing the country to its knees? That sort of hyperbole just doesnt stack up with the facts.

Joseph Heller wrote in his celebrated novel "Catch 22" when in the middle of a bombardment in WW2 an old man was telling the young man about why he wouldnt stand and fight;

"Because it's better to die on one's feet than live on one's knees," Nately retorted with triumphant and lofty conviction. "I guess you've heard that saying before."

"Yes, I certainly have," mused the treacherous old man, smiling again. "But I'm afraid you have it backward. It is better to live on one's feet than die on one's knees. That is the way the saying goes."

"Are you sure?" Nately asked with sober confusion. "It seems to make more sense my way."

"No, it makes more sense my way. Ask your friends."

Asylum seekers think like that too-they have nothing left to lose.

Go stand on the French side of the "chunnel" and see them queuing up to sneak into lorries etc, if they just wanted a safe haven they could stay in France, many bleed the benefit system dry in the UK, all they have to do is destroy their passports ( they knpw exaclty how to beat the system) , sneak in on a lorry jump out hand them self in at a police station and get many things, claim they are under attack in their own country etc, they get released immediately and told to report back weekly..........guess what MANY dont. The Uk has no idea how many illegal immigrants it has, I dont care as long as they dont ask for any handouts.

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i have to show 800000 Baht every year, otherwise I have to leave immediately.

If they would do the same in our home countries, there would be much less problems.

And a second thing i have learned: foreigners never integrate. It is a leftist myth. The best you could demand that foreigners follow the rules and have a proper attitude. That's what i do here. That's what people in our home countries should demand from foreigners as well.

The integration part is interesting in your comment. When you went to live in LOS, assume you do, did you ask the thais about info or your fellowcountrymen, about whatever ? When you live in a place with plenty of foreigners, do you hang out more with them than with the thais ? The overwhelming majority of foreigners living in "our countries" obey the law, same as the expats do in LOS. The majority of foreigners in our countries hang out with their own lot. Same as the expats in LOS.

Apart from the moneyside, wealth/choice, its same same but no different for everybody. Anyway, just my take on it.

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Interesting choice of topic,benalibina.

It could be, but not so if it continues with & ends up just being yet another topic being deluged with content containing asylum seeker/refugee bashing posts.

I have faith in people. Reread the OP and reply/comment accordingly.

Have not read anything yet about the thai partners influence regarding, possible, change of view on the posters homecountry.

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