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Chaeng Wattanna Overdose

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I am on an ED visa and I live East of Bangkok, still Bangkok though ...

I was wondering if there are ANY other immigration bureau that I could patron every 3 months instead of wasting a day every time I need to extend my visa & report for 90 days.

Somewhere local, somewhere small, if possible without/less queues, somewhere without recorded voice telling you numbers in that horrible tone, somewhere that is not a huge city flooded by neon lights, somewhere where the officer does not see 5000 farangs per day ..

In a nutshell, NOT Chaeng Wattanna !

Cheers !smile.png

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To answer your immediate question, no you can't. You live in Bangkok province that's where you report.

You can avoid the trip to CW by mailing in your report or paying a courier to do it for you..

You can also avoid the above by leaving the country around the time your report is due...

But really, CW is a breeze compared to my nearest immigration station - Samut Sakhon - I drive past at least once a day before 9am and the place is flooded - with migrants - every day. Fortunately I don't have to report there, and even though CW is on the other side of town and deals with three times as many people as Samut Sakhon I'd wager I'd get processed quicker at CW.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Read my previous post. GrantSmith's post was referring to 90 day reports not your 90 day extensions.

Apologies OP I got caught up on the 90 day report thing.

Sounds like you'd have to move outside of BKK to a nearby province i.e Nonthaburi, Samut Prakan or Samut Sakhon (but as mentioned, I wouldn't do it) that has relatively good access to BKK...

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Seriously ? I could send a courier ?

They do take my picture every time on ED visa, is it still possible to send someone else ?


This is not possible. Also, officer can talk with you in Thai to understand, do you really study or not. Because, extension of stay can be denied by officials, regardless of any paperworks from schools... This is why you must apply in person.

Just come to CW 10 min before they open, so you can't spend more than a hour or even less if TM's was filled already. Just take a couple of blank TM's and fill them at home before your next trip.

Every 2 weeks "vacationeers" runs to Cambodia

Every 3 or 6 months "tourists" runs to Laos and one trip to Cambodia in the middle of this 6 months

So... trip to CW one time in 3 months is not so painfull, really.


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You are making life complicated

I am also on an ED visa and report to CW every 3 months. The longest I have waited there is about one hour. Nothing could be simpler.

I believe you reside in Bangna. I'm in Bang Khae from where I take a couple of buses to CW. Waste a morning but not a day.

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Nonthaburi Immigration faster located middle of rice field near Bang Yai city but since your record in Cheang Wattana you cannot change, try to go after 2.30 p.m where to crowded were less as it close at 5 p.m avoid Monday and Friday as the

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You are making life complicated

I am also on an ED visa and report to CW every 3 months. The longest I have waited there is about one hour. Nothing could be simpler.

I believe you reside in Bangna. I'm in Bang Khae from where I take a couple of buses to CW. Waste a morning but not a day.

last time it took from 8am to 3.30pm

- going there 2h - 10am

- queuing for both queues of visa extension and 90 days report : 2h until lunch + 1h lunch + 1.5h queue (again)

- 2h back

After that you feel dead

That's a day

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You are making life complicated

I am also on an ED visa and report to CW every 3 months. The longest I have waited there is about one hour. Nothing could be simpler.

I believe you reside in Bangna. I'm in Bang Khae from where I take a couple of buses to CW. Waste a morning but not a day.

last time it took from 8am to 3.30pm

- going there 2h - 10am

- queuing for both queues of visa extension and 90 days report : 2h until lunch + 1h lunch + 1.5h queue (again)

- 2h back

After that you feel dead

That's a day

The answer is simple move elsewhere and hope the queues are shorter !

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Only way is to officially move to Nonthaburi.

Gosh I used to live in Nonthaburi on the very same Changwattanna horrible road and was still going to Chaeng Wattanna Immigration office which is very close.

To think I could have avoid that !



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You are making life complicated

I am also on an ED visa and report to CW every 3 months. The longest I have waited there is about one hour. Nothing could be simpler.

I believe you reside in Bangna. I'm in Bang Khae from where I take a couple of buses to CW. Waste a morning but not a day.

last time it took from 8am to 3.30pm

- going there 2h - 10am

- queuing for both queues of visa extension and 90 days report : 2h until lunch + 1h lunch + 1.5h queue (again)

- 2h back

After that you feel dead

That's a day

Don't sound right. Never taken me that long?

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You are making life complicated


I am also on an ED visa and report to CW every 3 months.  The longest I have waited there is about one hour.  Nothing could be simpler.


I believe you reside in Bangna.  I'm in Bang Khae from where I take a couple of buses to CW.  Waste a morning but not a day.

last time it took from 8am to 3.30pm


- going there 2h - 10am

- queuing for both queues of visa extension and 90 days  report : 2h until lunch + 1h lunch + 1.5h queue (again)

- 2h back


After that you feel dead

That's a day

Don't sound right. Never taken me that long?

Yeah, if you get there around 10am, you're going to be in for a bad time.

Especially if you land on a heavy day - which I've heard is usually a Monday.

My first ever trip to CW to get a 7 day extension - to avoid the red stamp and it was cheaper than paying the potential overstay - took a fair chunk of the day. Don't believe it was a Monday though. Anyway, queue was quite long and just seemed to be a day where foreigners were being dicks with the IO's - which just adds to the time taken.

Anyway lesson learned.

Leave early (I live on the west side and a good run to CW is about an hour) I leave no later than 6.45am, arrive before 8.15am, gives you enough time to go over your stuff over a morning brew to relax and prepare.

The hardest part of that routine? Waiting in fricken line to get in!

Otherwise, wham, bam, thank you ma'am in and out and back in the CBD before the breakfast buffet at the hotel's finished!

Since that first lesson, I've not gone into double digit queue tickets.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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You are making life complicated

I am also on an ED visa and report to CW every 3 months. The longest I have waited there is about one hour. Nothing could be simpler.

I believe you reside in Bangna. I'm in Bang Khae from where I take a couple of buses to CW. Waste a morning but not a day.

last time it took from 8am to 3.30pm

- going there 2h - 10am

- queuing for both queues of visa extension and 90 days report : 2h until lunch + 1h lunch + 1.5h queue (again)

- 2h back

After that you feel dead

That's a day

Don't sound right. Never taken me that long?

Yeah, if you get there around 10am, you're going to be in for a bad time.

Especially if you land on a heavy day - which I've heard is usually a Monday.

My first ever trip to CW to get a 7 day extension - to avoid the red stamp and it was cheaper than paying the potential overstay - took a fair chunk of the day. Don't believe it was a Monday though. Anyway, queue was quite long and just seemed to be a day where foreigners were being dicks with the IO's - which just adds to the time taken.

Anyway lesson learned.

Leave early (I live on the west side and a good run to CW is about an hour) I leave no later than 6.45am, arrive before 8.15am, gives you enough time to go over your stuff over a morning brew to relax and prepare.

The hardest part of that routine? Waiting in fricken line to get in!

Otherwise, wham, bam, thank you ma'am in and out and back in the CBD before the breakfast buffet at the hotel's finished!

Since that first lesson, I've not gone into double digit queue tickets.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

I used to go at opening too, but found that everyone had the same idea then I realized not so many people arrived around 10.30. also they used to speed up before lunch break, so a couples of times I was lucky to get out in less than 2 hours.

But things changed again and 10am slot got busy too, so I got stuck at lunch break a couple of times - so tedious-

The worse is to come before or after a bank holiday, the all place is packed, children, grannies, couples, families, weirdos, you name it, everyone bored out of their mind...

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OP better the devil you know...

Like fashion trends, things will come and go, but the staple remains the same.

Always give the day following a public holiday a miss, that's just asking for trouble... And is not just limited to Immigration issues...

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OP better the devil you know...

Like fashion trends, things will come and go, but the staple remains the same.

Always give the day following a public holiday a miss, that's just asking for trouble... And is not just limited to Immigration issues...

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

I met an old american guy once.

He was married to a Thai woman.

He told me he has been coming to immigration every 90 days for 30 years!

Imagine that !

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Yes, well, more fool him for doing it. After being married for so long, the fact that he was doing such things as a 90 day report is simply ridiculous!

He could easily have citizenship or at the very least PR! Thus avoiding his sojourns to CW every 90 days.

I suspect, he somewhat enjoyed the experience...

As a farang married to a Thai and one who pays taxes, I look forward to the day where my citizenship application is signed off on and I no longer need to submit this, that and the other form to immigration and labour to continue to enjoy life.

I've actually made some fantastic connections at CW - in my limited experience with them. If they can help me, I'm happy to help them. Better still, it's open and honest.

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I'm in the other boat. My house is around 3 minutes by motorbike from CW yet my address is registered for Nonthaburi immigration. Lucky for me that my wife's school do everything for me every 3 months and I only go to immigration once a year for my visa extension.

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Yes, well, more fool him for doing it. After being married for so long, the fact that he was doing such things as a 90 day report is simply ridiculous!

He could easily have citizenship or at the very least PR! Thus avoiding his sojourns to CW every 90 days.

I suspect, he somewhat enjoyed the experience...

As a farang married to a Thai and one who pays taxes, I look forward to the day where my citizenship application is signed off on and I no longer need to submit this, that and the other form to immigration and labour to continue to enjoy life.

I've actually made some fantastic connections at CW - in my limited experience with them. If they can help me, I'm happy to help them. Better still, it's open and honest.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

That's what my friend said too but does this (acquiring Thai nationality) not mean giving up his own nationality as Thailand does not recognize dual citizenship ?

He was american I can totally understand people not ready to do the switch,... outside Thailand a Thai passport is not that great, compared to what you can do with an american one anyway

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That's what my friend said too but does this (acquiring Thai nationality) not mean giving up his own nationality as Thailand does not recognize dual citizenship ? 

He was american I can totally understand people not ready to do the switch,... outside Thailand a Thai passport is not that great, compared to what you can do with an american one anyway

Thailand permits dual citizenship and has for a few years now, do a search on TV here and you will see a number of threads about it. Pros, cons - not the human variety - of it, biggest pro for yanks seems to be giving up the yanky passport sees the IRS off your back..

From the horses mouths...



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That's what my friend said too but does this (acquiring Thai nationality) not mean giving up his own nationality as Thailand does not recognize dual citizenship ?

He was american I can totally understand people not ready to do the switch,... outside Thailand a Thai passport is not that great, compared to what you can do with an american one anyway

Thailand permits dual citizenship and has for a few years now, do a search on TV here and you will see a number of threads about it. Pros, cons - not the human variety - of it, biggest pro for yanks seems to be giving up the yanky passport sees the IRS off your back..

From the horses mouths...



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Actually Thailand's Nationality Act doesn't specifically permit dual nationality and never has. It doesn't make it specifically illegal either but it does provide for revocation of Thai nationality from citizens who were not born to Thai parents in certain circumstances.

The older American man who has been reporting to Immigration every 90 days for 30 may not be qualified for Thai citizenship. Anyway 90 day reporting was based on an old military dictatorship regulation that fell into abeyance for about 20 years and was only revived about 5 years ago. So his story makes little sense.

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The 90 day report requirement is in the immigration act of 1979 not a regulation. The enforcement of it started again around 97 or 98 not 5 years ago but only at some locations.

Most that know the rules for PR or citizenship are aware that it requires you to be working here.

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As someone who has been here for years on a retirement extension (as stated - we're not eligible for PR), I too have been faithfully doing my 90 day reports myself since the regulation was re-activated. Being retired, its hardly an issue, and I've reported at numerous different Immogration offices over the years, rarely has it taken long than a few minutes. I can't see why any retiree would be upset by doing the reports; we're not allowed to work and its once every 90 days. Not exactly a hardship. If its really too much hassle, it can be done by post in many cases, or you can employ a messenger, or ask a friend to do it.

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Yes bless them.

She also helps with our extensions of stay based upon having her as my wife also. I just let her take charge and handle it other than than putting the paperwork together.

We choose to follow the "retirement " route but my wife still makes sure that the paperwork is in order !

She is also popular with the immigration ladies/gents ! I am sure I would be "done and dusted" sooner if it were not for the extended conversations smile.png

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