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Ice Cream War -Caused by Double Pricing


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I don't usually complain about double pricing but an incident last week has caused a situation.

I was out in my new garden with my kids when some ice-cream guy tooted his horn and shouted "you you". From experience, I was on the defensive after hearing these words. He is the kid of guy who has been around tourists before and has annoying way of talking to you as if you were retarded. Anyways, he gave us ice-cream and asked a ridiculous price. I said no way and told him how much I was willing to pay. He then cut the ice creams in half and went away in a huff. My eldest daughter told me that he still ripped us off, charging the price of a full ice cream but only giving us halves.

I told the kids never to buy from this AH again and if he appeared again to tell me as I wanted to ask for my money back.

Another guy appeared who gave the kids ice creams and gave us 6 for the price of 5 and gave us free toppings.

My kids have been playing in our garden with neigbouring kids. The original guy came back and I told the neighbours' kids that he was a bad man and not to buy from him also. The nice guy came at the same time and we bought from him.

A huge argument erupted between these two vendors and I explained the situation - he cheated us and charged us more than our neighbours. I told the good guy he was welcome anytime and told the bad guy to stay away from our house. As it turns out, the bad guy is not from the area and trying to take business from the local guy. I live on a new residential area. I spoke with the good guy yesterday, and he said that the bad guy was still hovering around and wouldn't stay away.

I hope I haven't started a full scale war like the Glasgow Ice cream wars in the 80s.

Eagerly awaiting today's happenings.

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Have had a similar situation with pork stick vendors in the neighborhood. One lady sold them regularly from the month we moved in. Then, a couple months later, someone right across the street from her started selling slightly different pork sticks. Then, a few weeks later, another person started selling slightly different ones on the next soi.

I used to buy from them all, usually from all 3 on the same day (so as to help them and to have variety for all the people at home....was a win-win for me). Then my wife told me she had overheard them arguing about their stalls and what they were selling. I stopped buying from them all and just let them duke it out. Now they are all gone except the one on my street, who sells in the AM. No more afternoon pork sticks for me....

Good luck, and try to stay out of the way as they "negotiate" this, would be my advice.

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Thai Mr Whippy's Vs Glaswegian Mr Whippy's, whatever happens it's not going to be pretty!facepalm.gif

I've told my three kids from an early age that the ice-cream van that pulls up outside out house every day is the bogey man of Chitty, Chitty Bang Bang.

Also he has pissy fingers on account of peeing in a local field and not washing his hands. Worked for ten years and saved a fortunethumbsup.gif

2 Pakistani ice cream vans go toe to toe for the lucrative Bradford ice-cream market....


Free ice-cream and the Bogey Man



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Oh the Glasgow Ice Cream Wars, that takes me back. 6 members of the same family killed and two guys framed for the murder. They served about twenty years before being released. The guy that actually did it confessed on his death bed, that guy was a category one animal. Messing with him would guarantee a death sentence for you as well. The real dangerous guys in Glasgow fly below the radar.

Don't worry Neeranam it won't get as bad as that I'm sure smile.png

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