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Amnesty bill change by panel 'to benefit' Thaksin


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Yeah, right. He wasn't the elected leader when he was forcibly removed, he'd dissolved parliament and was illegally holding on to power. He has been convicted in a scandalous fraud case where his government siezed a plot of land and then allowed his then wife to buy it at far less than the market price. He has other more serious criminal charges outstanding.

He wasn't elected to anything, because he is a convicted criminal fugitive who is trying very hard to change laws and the constitution, via his puppet sisters regime, which he selected, to whitewash these criminal offences under the umbrella of political amnesty and reconciliation. The problems is he's arrogant enough to try and do it openly, which creates even more tension.

If you think he's good for Thailand, and is the rightful elected leader then you probably think the same about Hun Set, Mugabe , the crackpot North Korean and all the other criminal dictators who line their own and their families' pockets at the expense of their country.

"He has been convicted in a scandalous fraud case where his government siezed a plot of land and then allowed his then wife to buy it at far less than the market price"

You couldn't be more wrong if you tried. Everything, apart from the word "scandalous". but even then it was scandalous in a different way to the way you mean.

The government did not "seize a plot of land". A subsidiary of the Bank of Thailand, the FIDF had bought some land off a Finance Company,the Erawan Trust and were auctioning that land off in 3 parcels. Far from buying it at under market price, Thaksin's wifes bid was the highest of the three accepted on the 33 rai parcel of land.

The rest of your rant is not worth answering.

In fact the bank had the land independently valued at 750 million having failed to get a single offer when they set the asking price too high in a previous e-auction.

She narrowly outbid land and house and paid 775 million baht.

Narrowly outbid?

The three bids were

Pojaman Shinawatra - 772,000,000 baht

Land & Houses Plc - 730,000,000 baht

Noble Development - 750,000,000 baht

I think 22 and 42 Million baht more for a property is a bit more than narrowly outbidding them. But I agree with you that the FIDF did well out of the sale, even if the Junta appointed judges didn't think so.

Has Pojaman ever lost an government `auction`? whistling.gif

So just to be clear are you suggesting that land and house and noble development acted in collusion with pojaman, despite the valuation to keep their bids below hers?

To me all 3 bids are fairly close together perhaps indicating that the bids were realistic.

Were not the dems in control of the BMA then?

I don't know but would they have intended to favour her by changing the height restriction which were changed? The 2 other plots were already apparently bought by government departments at a lower price per rai.

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A newspaper poll is not history.

When Dr. Thaksin was PM, he dissolved Parliament because of protests over his tax free sale of 49% of his telecom business to Singapore's Sovereign Wealth Fund. During the new elections, his TRT party broke the election law that states when a party has no opposition candidate in a district, they must win 40% of the electorate (not 40% of the votes cast). The Democrat Party boycotted the elections and TRT was running unopposed in many districts. It is difficult to get enough turnouts to get 40% of the electorate so the TRT party paid other, smaller parties to run against them and got caught and the election was nullified by the EC. Thaksin had 60 days to hold new elections after the previous elections were voided but failed to do so. At the end of those 60 days, his mandate to govern was over and he moved out of Government House and a caretaker PM was installed to facilitate new elections. After a couple of weeks, Dr. Thaksin moved back into government house and there was no power to stop him. Though Dr. Thaksin was in Government House acting as PM, he had no legal authority to be there. When the Army moved in, they did not oust a sitting PM but they did oust a pretender and power grabber. Who else was going to enforce Constitutional rules that should be enforced by the Executive Branch of Government? In this case, The Executive Branch had been coopted by a pretender (Dr. Thaksin) who was not following the Constitution that he was sworn to obey. The Army is the Last Resort to prevent dictatorship and abuse at the highest levels. I repeat, Dr. Thaksin was not a legal PM when the Army moved in and in fact, when the Army held elections, they did not prevent the installation of a government by Dr. Thaksin's nominee, K. Somchai after he won. Now you can see why so many people can never trust an undemocratic figure as Dr. Thaksin has proved himself to be.


January 23 - The Shinawatra family announce the sale of its controlling stake in telecom company Shin Corp. to Singapore's state-owned Temasek Holdings for a tax-free $1.9 billion.

February 24 - Thaksin dissolves parliament, calls for snap elections on April 2 amid protests and mounting criticism over his family's sale of shares in Shin Corp.

March 5 - Tens of thousands attend rally by newly formed People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) to call for Thaksin's resignation for alleged abuse of power, corruption and business conflicts of interest.

April 3 - Thaksin claims victory after snap election, which opposition parties boycotted over corruption allegations. Thaksin's Thai Rak Thai party was the only major party to participate.

May 8 - Constitutional Court rules April election invalid.

September 19 - Military seizes power in a bloodless coup following series of PAD rallies, while Thaksin is at the U.N. General Assembly in New York.

Actually the coup was more than four months AFTER the judgment and he STILL hadn't held new elections.

source: Thailand timeline 2001-2011 http://www.cnn.com/2...line/index.html

Oh, well. No point trying to convince you any further

Since the only link you came up with was a newspaper poll, you're right, I will believe CNN's version before I believe your undocumented propaganda every time. Why can't you supply links to history. where's your proof? It's not like you are some recognized authority on the subject. Whether it's me or someone else, this forum will challenge anyone trying to subvert the truth; we're not convinced by undocumented hearsay. We are not gullible Red Shirts who drink the Thaksin Kool-Ade

See post 82


for "undocumented propaganda"

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A newspaper poll is not history.

When Dr. Thaksin was PM, he dissolved Parliament because of protests over his tax free sale of 49% of his telecom business to Singapore's Sovereign Wealth Fund. During the new elections, his TRT party broke the election law that states when a party has no opposition candidate in a district, they must win 40% of the electorate (not 40% of the votes cast). The Democrat Party boycotted the elections and TRT was running unopposed in many districts. It is difficult to get enough turnouts to get 40% of the electorate so the TRT party paid other, smaller parties to run against them and got caught and the election was nullified by the EC. Thaksin had 60 days to hold new elections after the previous elections were voided but failed to do so. At the end of those 60 days, his mandate to govern was over and he moved out of Government House and a caretaker PM was installed to facilitate new elections. After a couple of weeks, Dr. Thaksin moved back into government house and there was no power to stop him. Though Dr. Thaksin was in Government House acting as PM, he had no legal authority to be there. When the Army moved in, they did not oust a sitting PM but they did oust a pretender and power grabber. Who else was going to enforce Constitutional rules that should be enforced by the Executive Branch of Government? In this case, The Executive Branch had been coopted by a pretender (Dr. Thaksin) who was not following the Constitution that he was sworn to obey. The Army is the Last Resort to prevent dictatorship and abuse at the highest levels. I repeat, Dr. Thaksin was not a legal PM when the Army moved in and in fact, when the Army held elections, they did not prevent the installation of a government by Dr. Thaksin's nominee, K. Somchai after he won. Now you can see why so many people can never trust an undemocratic figure as Dr. Thaksin has proved himself to be.


January 23 - The Shinawatra family announce the sale of its controlling stake in telecom company Shin Corp. to Singapore's state-owned Temasek Holdings for a tax-free $1.9 billion.

February 24 - Thaksin dissolves parliament, calls for snap elections on April 2 amid protests and mounting criticism over his family's sale of shares in Shin Corp.

March 5 - Tens of thousands attend rally by newly formed People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) to call for Thaksin's resignation for alleged abuse of power, corruption and business conflicts of interest.

April 3 - Thaksin claims victory after snap election, which opposition parties boycotted over corruption allegations. Thaksin's Thai Rak Thai party was the only major party to participate.

May 8 - Constitutional Court rules April election invalid.

September 19 - Military seizes power in a bloodless coup following series of PAD rallies, while Thaksin is at the U.N. General Assembly in New York.

Actually the coup was more than four months AFTER the judgment and he STILL hadn't held new elections.

source: Thailand timeline 2001-2011 http://www.cnn.com/2...line/index.html

Oh, well. No point trying to convince you any further

Since the only link you came up with was a newspaper poll, you're right, I will believe CNN's version before I believe your undocumented propaganda every time. Why can't you supply links to history. where's your proof? It's not like you are some recognized authority on the subject. Whether it's me or someone else, this forum will challenge anyone trying to subvert the truth; we're not convinced by undocumented hearsay. We are not gullible Red Shirts who drink the Thaksin Kool-Ade

See post 82


for "undocumented propaganda"

The democrats through boycotting the general election instigated this mischief.

Thaksin's party were caught out because they couldn't muster the votes but they still won and the election commissioners were jailed for 6 months after the coup.

Thaksin wouldn't go. They tried blowing him up but were shown to be incompetent so the tanks rolled and 7 years on....

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A newspaper poll is not history.




When Dr. Thaksin was PM, he dissolved Parliament because of protests over his tax free sale of 49% of his telecom business to Singapore's Sovereign Wealth Fund. During the new elections, his TRT party broke the election law that states when a party has no opposition candidate in a district, they must win 40% of the electorate (not 40% of the votes cast). The Democrat Party boycotted the elections and TRT was running unopposed in many districts. It is difficult to get enough turnouts to get 40% of the electorate so the TRT party paid other, smaller parties to run against them and got caught and the election was nullified by the EC. Thaksin had 60 days to hold new elections after the previous elections were voided but failed to do so. At the end of those 60 days, his mandate to govern was over and he moved out of Government House and a caretaker PM was installed to facilitate new elections. After a couple of weeks, Dr. Thaksin moved back into government house and there was no power to stop him. Though Dr. Thaksin was in Government House acting as PM, he had no legal authority to be there. When the Army moved in, they did not oust a sitting PM but they did oust a pretender and power grabber. Who else was going to enforce Constitutional rules that should be enforced by the Executive Branch of Government? In this case, The Executive Branch had been coopted by a pretender (Dr. Thaksin) who was not following the Constitution that he was sworn to obey. The Army is the Last Resort to prevent dictatorship and abuse at the highest levels. I repeat, Dr. Thaksin was not a legal PM when the Army moved in and in fact, when the Army held elections, they did not prevent the installation of a government by Dr. Thaksin's nominee, K. Somchai after he won. Now you can see why so many people can never trust an undemocratic figure as Dr. Thaksin has proved himself to be.








January 23 - The Shinawatra family announce the sale of its controlling stake in telecom company Shin Corp. to Singapore's state-owned Temasek Holdings for a tax-free $1.9 billion.


February 24 - Thaksin dissolves parliament, calls for snap elections on April 2 amid protests and mounting criticism over his family's sale of shares in Shin Corp.


March 5 - Tens of thousands attend rally by newly formed People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) to call for Thaksin's resignation for alleged abuse of power, corruption and business conflicts of interest.


April 3 - Thaksin claims victory after snap election, which opposition parties boycotted over corruption allegations. Thaksin's Thai Rak Thai party was the only major party to participate.


May 8 - Constitutional Court rules April election invalid.


September 19 - Military seizes power in a bloodless coup following series of PAD rallies, while Thaksin is at the U.N. General Assembly in New York.


Actually the coup was more than four months AFTER the judgment and he STILL hadn't held new elections.


source: Thailand timeline 2001-2011  http://www.cnn.com/2...line/index.html





Oh, well. No point trying to convince you any further


Since the only link you came up with was a newspaper poll, you're right, I will believe CNN's version before I believe your undocumented propaganda every time. Why can't you supply links to history. where's your proof? It's not like you are some recognized authority on the subject. Whether it's me or someone else, this forum will challenge anyone trying to subvert the truth; we're not convinced by undocumented hearsay. We are not gullible Red Shirts who drink the Thaksin Kool-Ade



See post 82 




for "undocumented propaganda" 


The democrats through boycotting the general election instigated this mischief.

Thaksin's party were caught out because they couldn't muster the votes but they still won and the election commissioners were jailed for 6 months after the coup.

Thaksin wouldn't go. They tried blowing him up but were shown to be incompetent so the tanks rolled and 7 years on....

"They tried blowing him up".


Sent from my HTC Desire HD A9191 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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I get trired of Taksin he son was saying that others have comitted corruption too and did not have lost their money. Then if so why don't they go after those too and get their money. Its actually good that his money was taken and it should be a precedent and everyone that commits corruption needs his money impounded no mater if they are Democrat of PTP.

That would be a huge step forward so instead of whitewashing Taksin go after all the corrupt officials and go after their money. The whole whitewashing things is a scam, just uphold the law and if Mr T feels it is an injustice then go after Democrats with money who are corrupt. Let them take revenge that way. The ones that will benefit then are the Thai people and corruption will get less.

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Yeah, right. He wasn't the elected leader when he was forcibly removed, he'd dissolved parliament and was illegally holding on to power. He has been convicted in a scandalous fraud case where his government siezed a plot of land and then allowed his then wife to buy it at far less than the market price. He has other more serious criminal charges outstanding.

He wasn't elected to anything, because he is a convicted criminal fugitive who is trying very hard to change laws and the constitution, via his puppet sisters regime, which he selected, to whitewash these criminal offences under the umbrella of political amnesty and reconciliation. The problems is he's arrogant enough to try and do it openly, which creates even more tension.

If you think he's good for Thailand, and is the rightful elected leader then you probably think the same about Hun Set, Mugabe , the crackpot North Korean and all the other criminal dictators who line their own and their families' pockets at the expense of their country.

"He has been convicted in a scandalous fraud case where his government siezed a plot of land and then allowed his then wife to buy it at far less than the market price"

You couldn't be more wrong if you tried. Everything, apart from the word "scandalous". but even then it was scandalous in a different way to the way you mean.

The government did not "seize a plot of land". A subsidiary of the Bank of Thailand, the FIDF had bought some land off a Finance Company,the Erawan Trust and were auctioning that land off in 3 parcels. Far from buying it at under market price, Thaksin's wifes bid was the highest of the three accepted on the 33 rai parcel of land.

The rest of your rant is not worth answering.

In fact the bank had the land independently valued at 750 million having failed to get a single offer when they set the asking price too high in a previous e-auction.

She narrowly outbid land and house and paid 775 million baht.

Narrowly outbid?

The three bids were

Pojaman Shinawatra - 772,000,000 baht

Land & Houses Plc - 730,000,000 baht

Noble Development - 750,000,000 baht

I think 22 and 42 Million baht more for a property is a bit more than narrowly outbidding them. But I agree with you that the FIDF did well out of the sale, even if the Junta appointed judges didn't think so.

Has Pojaman ever lost an government `auction`? whistling.gif

So just to be clear are you suggesting that land and house and noble development acted in collusion with pojaman, despite the valuation to keep their bids below hers?

To me all 3 bids are fairly close together perhaps indicating that the bids were realistic.

Were not the dems in control of the BMA then?

I don't know but would they have intended to favour her by changing the height restriction which were changed? The 2 other plots were already apparently bought by government departments at a lower price per rai.

No I am not. I am implying that she was given an unfair advantage of knowing the other bids, so she could put in an appropriate bid to win the `auction`. She was caught with her hand in the cookie jar, its not as if its a surprise.

She is as greedy as anyone, but no-one has ever accused her of being stupid.

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You won't convince fab4 or whoever he was in a previous life.

He is an ardent believer that Thaksin NEVER did anything wrong or broke any law in his life.

He lives and dies by the truths in Thaksins little red book.

A bit presumptous of you isn't it, thinking you know me and how I think. If you want to believe that is how I regard Thaksin, fair enough, but take a good look at your "truths" just once in awhile and see if they are really true.

Where did I say that I think I know you.

I don't know you at all nor would I want to.

That is my opinion how I believe you think about Thaksin and if you don't accept it please don't assume that I care one way or the other.

And FYI I do look and what I write and I do research it to check my memory before I post.

You remind me of Thaksin in one way.

Just like Thaksin you believe that only you are right and everybody else is wrong.

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