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Older Men – Attitude and Personality


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mate, I am 60 and although I am no longer able to my trade one thing I always stood by is that you are never too old to learn something new. We may have a shitload of knowledge in our own specialties but there are a\lways new methods being developed/found and everyone has to weigh them up. That doesnt mean just accepting them but they should at least try them and discuss the outcomes otherwise something that is good for the business will go astray. Sounds just like ignorant old pricks to me with closed minds, if you think your way is better then go for it.smile.png

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"It is all a state of mind not the age". This is it exactly, you are only as old as you feel. I am much more at home with younger people because they keep you going. Even when I was involved in coaching sport I found that I was able to go down to the kids levels and associate easily with them and get them to play a much better quality of game than other coaches. When you think old you become old, I am still not believed when people find out my age, most take me as much younger. Just that my body doesnt realize this, bugger, bugger, bugger............

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I saw this happen to my father as he aged.

He went from one of the nicest, most courteous people you could ever meet to a very rude and grumpy old man.

When I asked him why, he told me he just didn't care what others thought anymore!

I think part of it is that as some reach the end of their life they realize they will never achieve all they wanted to in life and get bitter about it.

As I get older ( 60 now) I sometimes find myself slipping into this attitude, think of my father and try to snap out of it.

At 60, I do have a 5 yer old daughter..I think that helps me try to think like a younger man.....I hope!.....

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Funnily enough i think being a real Grandfather helps us to become more 'Grandfatherish' in our attitude to younger people. I have nine Grandchildren between the ages of three and sixteen and i love spending time with them all and having fun with them. Sadly these days i don't see them as often as i used to because they are in three different countries well away from Thailand. However; i also have two Thai Nieces aged two and four who call me Grandad and i see them almost weekly.

I would also say that older peoples health plays a large part in their moods and i do everything i can to remain healthy and active; good diet, exercise daily and so on. When people are in pain for one reason or another or just physically uncomfortable they will soon become 'angry old men'.

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An aching body or just a lower physical energy level could be a large part of the grumpy mental stage, but some physical fit old guys can still be a challenge at times.

We can all have an odd bad day, but I like the idea of being conscious of the old man mood trap and snap out of it when needed.

Being close to your family and allowing and accepting them to make comments like lighten up old man could also help. The feeling of being there for somebody, by actually being a Grandfather or like some having young kids late in life also sound like a great stimulus.

Like many things in live it might come down to self-awareness and education. Interesting enough, of the 3 guys I came across the easy going grandfather is the only one with a college degree, the other 2 have a more blue collar background.

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I met an elderly man on the streets of Blackpool, he didn't look happy.sad.png

Conclusion: British men in the agegroup 50-70 are bitter and twisted!coffee1.gif

And about as Thailand related as the OP.

It was originally posted in the health forum when I commented and moved into the general forum by the time you came up with your conclusion.

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I'm an old guy (60)...and my thoughts on this subject are.....people are who they are...Some grumpy, some nice, some stupid (and I think their the happiest because they don't know any better), some ignorant (ignorance is having the chance to learn but not taking it and stupidity....well your just born that way and can't help it), some a--holes, some pacifists, some loners, some loud, some quiet and shy....and the list goes on.

IMHO....you meet these guys in all ages....young and old....

Sooooo there are guys who are old (young at heart) who are great to be around....(others may not think so because they are jealous and don't want to be around this type because they think him arrogant)

And there are young guys who are miserable because they were the High School captain or some kinda jock, who never achieved the greatness they thought they deserved (get that word ...."deserved")...and well some of this young guys grow old and become miserable old grumps telling stories of yesteryear and all they can do is repeat it ....boring!

the examples go on.......

Live life as though this is your last day, have no regrets, and treat others as you wish to be treated.....SIMPLE

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Grumpy old man syndrome is really a biological fact.

With falling testosterone levels men naturally become grumpy.

And if you add to that life experience and dealing with idiots all your life and trying to be patient with them well it all becomes to much for many.

Of course I dont fall into that category....smile.png

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Grumpy old man syndrome is really a biological fact.

With falling testosterone levels men naturally become grumpy.

And if you add to that life experience and dealing with idiots all your life and trying to be patient with them well it all becomes to much for many.

Of course I dont fall into that category....smile.png

Now lets all go to supplement that test ill supply the needles the world would be a better place cheesy.gif

I am not sure you are right there as I am quite sure my good old dad does not ad any testosterone to his body. But it is known that testosterone has an impact on mood.

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Grumpy old man syndrome is really a biological fact.

With falling testosterone levels men naturally become grumpy.

And if you add to that life experience and dealing with idiots all your life and trying to be patient with them well it all becomes to much for many.

Of course I dont fall into that category....smile.png

Now lets all go to supplement that test ill supply the needles the world would be a better place cheesy.gif

I am not sure you are right there as I am quite sure my good old dad does not ad any testosterone to his body. But it is known that testosterone has an impact on mood.

It doesnt have to be one thing or the other.

I mean you can be a grumpy type but still active, intelligent, good company etc but just have a grumpy nature.

And you can be grumpy, mean spirited unhappy, bad company etc

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From my experiences of old people, all the bad points about their characters back when they were young become exaggerated when they get old and then as the years go by it becomes impossible to reason with them.

When it comes to technology and what is considered appropriate in this day and age, I am never ashamed to take advice from my kids and the younger generations, as I fully realise that what may have been acceptable in my heyday is considered as outdated and archaic today. I also try to avoid the urge to give younger people advice when they don`t ask. All I can do is discretely give my opinions and pass on the benefits of my life experiences to my kids and then just leave what they do up to their own discretion. Providing us oldies keep to these golden rules, than we will never be regarded as cranky old has beens and will be given more credibility and be more accepted by the younger generations.

Edited by Beetlejuice
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How old is old for this topic? to a 20 year old anything above 40 is old and anything above 50 is ancient. Over 60 and why are you not dead yet???

If a person is old and set in their ways let them be or simply accept they are that way. They have had many years to mould themselves into their lifestyle and attitude.

I am nearing 60 but do not feel that way. I have hung out with older and younger people. Neither have been perfect. Many of the older people I meet and I'm talking 70+ years, are quite normal and relatively happy people. Some are really grumpy old b*stards, yet they can be happy in their grumpiness. The grumpy ones I leave to themselves.

Set in their ways? Why not? Is there any need to change what they know, have learned and been taught by others and by life?

Not everyone is perfect, young, old or inbetween.

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