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Whites Only: European-owned Citra offers cash to 'whitest' students in Thailand


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"Whites Only: European-owned Citra offers cash to 'whitest' students"

Racism is alive and well in Thailand, at least it would seem so at a corporate level anyway. Is this for real or some sort of coconuts spoof? It seems even more bigoted than the usual ads, which is saying a lot.

It's NOT racism. While the Thais have a preference for the 'lighter' skin, this isn't the usual black white thing they have going on in Europe and the United States.

Sorry, but I have to call BS on that one. They discriminate against Thais with dark skin. This even goes as far as dark skinned university graduates not getting a proper job despite having the qualifications because they're not "presentable". While this might technically speaking fall into the category of discrimination rather than racism Thais clearly think of themselves as better in comparison to people from Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, India and Africa. So, yeah, they are racist. I'm fully aware that this is too general a statement and it certainly doesn't apply to all Thais, but it does apply to a lot of them.

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The definition of Racism is

The belief that all members of each race possess characteristics, abilities, or qualities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races"

As Thais are the same race how can this be described as Racism?

Yet again the PC brigade are on their high horse, I left the UK to get away from people who jump on the bandwagon at even a hint of racism,

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"Whites Only: European-owned Citra offers cash to 'whitest' students"

Racism is alive and well in Thailand, at least it would seem so at a corporate level anyway. Is this for real or some sort of coconuts spoof? It seems even more bigoted than the usual ads, which is saying a lot.

It's NOT racism. While the Thais have a preference for the 'lighter' skin, this isn't the usual black white thing they have going on in Europe and the United States.

It is racism. It is a disdain verging on contempt for someone based on their skin hue. That is racism and racist behaviour. It is bigoted, it is wrong, it is contemptible.

With what information i have, i see it as a move to lighten ones skin with a topical cream, not to change ones race, which as far as I know is impossible. The western mind may look at things differently and the tolerant mind looks beyond perceptions in search of truth.

I may not like it either, but I'm not going to stick a label on it until I am certain what it is. At this point it looks to me like some tacky, tasteless movement, and which the manufactures of this goop are undoubtedly making Big Baht.

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"Whites Only: European-owned Citra offers cash to 'whitest' students"

Racism is alive and well in Thailand, at least it would seem so at a corporate level anyway. Is this for real or some sort of coconuts spoof? It seems even more bigoted than the usual ads, which is saying a lot.

Seems like having to have all Thai's learn English isn't good enough. Now they have to be white.

Racism imported into Thailand. I hope the company goes broke. Not likely but I still hope they do.

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Bigotry, racism... a rose is a rose. I taught at a black high school. They were the same "race" plenty of slurs depending on depth of hue. Anyone who says people can't be racist against their own race needs to spend a bit of time in the real world.

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"Whites Only: European-owned Citra offers cash to 'whitest' students"

Racism is alive and well in Thailand, at least it would seem so at a corporate level anyway. Is this for real or some sort of coconuts spoof? It seems even more bigoted than the usual ads, which is saying a lot.

Seems like having to have all Thai's learn English isn't good enough. Now they have to be white.

Racism imported into Thailand. I hope the company goes broke. Not likely but I still hope they do.

So learning English is a form or racism? Please behave

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Unilever whitening brand defends cash prize for Thai students

BANGKOK, October 22, 2013 (AFP) - A Thai company owned by consumer goods giant Unilever on Tuesday rejected accusations of discrimination after its competition featuring a skin whitener and offering university "scholarships" was seen as favouring paler-skinned students.

Citra Thailand, which describes itself as a leading brand for "white skin products", has aired a television advert set on a university campus in which two presenters ask female students what would make them "outstanding in uniform".

The first girl to be asked, who has a darker complexion, appears confused by the question and says she does not know. But a much whiter-skinned girl judged by presenters to have "beautiful" skin answers with the Citra product slogan.

Posts on social media criticised the company for apparently linking education with whiter skin -- which is already widely associated with higher economic status because it suggests not having to be exposed to the sun.

"Now, you can get a scholarship because of white skin not because of good studying, not if you are poor and dark," said one post on the well-known Thai online comment website pantip.com.

Another complained that the advert had "clearly compared" the darker and lighter-skinned students, with the first girl appearing "glum", while whiter students laughed and had "big shining smiles".

Citra, which is part of Unilever Thailand, said the advert was in no way promoting racial discrimination.

"Our company has good consumer responsibility standards... We welcome all opinions and comments, but we are sincere and do not have any intention to have skin discrimination," said a Unilever Thailand spokeswoman on behalf of Citra.

The "Citra Search for clear, soft and glowing skin", which runs throughout October, asks female students to send pictures of themselves in their uniforms holding a Citra product.

The competition has a prize fund of around 100,000 baht ($3,200), with individual winners taking home between $320 and $1,600.

"We want to give the scholarship because the contestants are university students -- but we will not check whether the winners actually spend it on their education," said the spokeswoman.

Unilever, which has more than 400 brands sold in over 190 countries, has its main offices in Britain and the Netherlands.

Skin whitening creams abound in Thailand, helped by the popularity of white-skinned models and actors on billboards and the television.

In September, US firm Dunkin' Donuts said it was pulling an advertisement in Thailand featuring a woman with black face make-up after a human rights group described it as racist.

The "charcoal donut" ad caused little controversy in Thailand, however, while on social media sites there were differing views about whether the ad was offensive.

-- (c) Copyright AFP 2013-10-22

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Bigotry, racism... a rose is a rose. I taught at a black high school. They were the same "race" plenty of slurs depending on depth of hue. Anyone who says people can't be racist against their own race needs to spend a bit of time in the real world.

They are not racist against their own people, they look down on them but that doesn't mean they are racist does it?

Again do most of the posters here actually understand the meaning of the word racism?

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You can discriminate against your own race for example from what part of the country they come from, but how on earth can you be racist against your own race?

I think people are confusing discrimination with racism here

Not surprising really considering how much we all get brainwashed in the west about all this racism nonsense

Edited by darrendsd
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""Our company has good consumer responsibility standards... We welcome all opinions and comments, but we are sincere and do not have any intention to have skin discrimination," said a Unilever Thailand spokeswoman on behalf of Citra." Did they have Brit embassy deliver this, just after their report about reducing services? Really amazing how anyone can deliver this load of manure without the smell gagging them. This is akin to saying "We don't judge based on skin color, just on how well they show up in the dark". Choosing based on whiteness is discrimination by definition. Idiots!

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I fail to see how this sort of thing within a single "race" can be called racist, as all Thais are arguably of the same race (allowing for the Chinese influence and centuries of cross border interaction with the rest of Asia obviously). Is there even such a thing as a pure Thai?

It may be splitting hairs in some TV'ers opinions, but I'd be inclined to describe this whole dark/white thing as ethnic discrimination as opposed to racial discrimination.

Let's see if a lily white Russian student wins the prize, but I'm sure they'll be excluded from entering........now that's racial discrimination.

You're applying the term "race" as if it has some sort of precise scientific meaning, which it doesn't. The concept of race is a holdover from a time when humans were grouped into categories based purely on their physical characteristics (skin color, facial features), and the perceived cultural and psychological differences that went with them. As we now know these perceptions were false (skin color has no bearing on intelligence, behavior, or cultural practices), and the old racial categories have been shown to be unwieldy, scientists and social scientists have thrown "race" out.

Even if we were to apply the old racial categories here, then Thais, Chinese, Burmese, and for that matter Koreans, Papua New Guinea "Negritos," and hell, all native North and South Americans would be part of the same race (Mongoloid). I think this illustrates how absurd the antiquated racial categories were.

To answer your question, no there is no such thing as pure Thai, but then there's no such thing as "pure" anything--the genetic differences between individuals of the same race are often greater than those between "races," proving that race is a social construct with no scientific merit.

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You can discriminate against your own race for example from what part of the country they come from, but how on earth can you be racist against your own race?

I think people are confusing discrimination with racism here

Not surprising really considering how much we all get brainwashed in the west about all this racism nonsense

Things are a LOT more complicated than you think.

You see, racism is a SOCIAL CONSTRUCT that varies radically between societies (and also subgroups within societies).

The SAME PERSON, the same "race" the same color, can be perceived as a different race (and treated differently because of it) just depending where they happen to be living.

Here's another example of how different things are in different countries:

RIO DE JANEIRO -- An old adage comes to mind: ‘‘If you're white, you're all right. If you're brown, stick around. If you're black, get back."

It was a folk saying -- property of no one, property of everyone -- that we African Americans used to encompass defining realities of our lives. Meaning not just the fact that some white men would think themselves better than you because they were white, but the fact that some black men would, too, because they were light. This was a legacy of slavery, when light skin often meant less brutal treatment.

Basically, in my view, your understanding of the scope of racism is much more NARROW than the reality.

I use "race" with quotes here because many modern mainstream anthropologists don't accept that there are even different human races from a biological point of view.

(The fact of different ETHNICITIES is not under debate but of course people often express racism towards ethnicities, racism is very flexible that way.)

But people do recognize races whether they exist biologically or not, it's just very different in different cultures how they perceive it.

Edited by Jingthing
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Many northern Europeans (especially younger women) spend much money each year to darken their skin, despite very real cautions about skin cancer? They do this because they are subverted by advertising and mis-guided peer pressure. Whereas many northern European men find the darker skinned ladies more attractive (Is that racism?)

The opposite is frequently the case in countries such as Thailand or China. This isn't racism, but I am not sure what it is (except folly !), and a confirmation of the power of advertising. Maybe lack of self-confidence and the "follow my leader" instinct ? But, surely it cannot be classified as racism.

One part of it is about chasing a beauty ideal - many of us do that to a certain extent, although some go to greater lengths (fake boobs, plastic surgery, steroids etc.) The hunt for a darker skin among westeners is about a beauty ideal.

In Thailand (and other countries) the color of your skin implicitly places you in a hierachy. It determines in many cases the jobs you can get, your position in society.

That's racism. Discrimination not on your race, but on your skin color, the conditions under which you were born. While normal marketing campaigns for whitening products relies on this mechanism, I do find that this specific campaign turns it one tasteless notch up.

Edited by Zumteufel
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You can discriminate against your own race for example from what part of the country they come from, but how on earth can you be racist against your own race?

I think people are confusing discrimination with racism here

Not surprising really considering how much we all get brainwashed in the west about all this racism nonsense

Things are a LOT more complicated than you think.

You see, racism is a SOCIAL CONSTRUCT that varies radically between societies (and also subgroups within societies).

The SAME PERSON, the same "race" the same color, can be perceived as a different race (and treated differently because of it) just depending where they happen to be living.

Here's another example of how different things are in different countries:


Basically, in my view, your understanding of the scope of racism is much more NARROW than the reality.

I use "race" with quotes here because many modern mainstream anthropologists don't accept that there are even different human races from a biological point of view.

(The fact of different ETHNICITIES is not under debate but of course people often express racism towards ethnicities, racism is very flexible that way.)

But people do recognize races whether they exist biologically or not, it's just very different in different cultures how they perceive it.

Yes of course some people have dark skin, some people have slanted eyes, but the question here does that actually translate into race.

Which is exactly the point I made, people are DISCRIMINATED against for where they live, for example here it may be Issan in the UK it may be Liverpool

So for example I don't have much time for people from Liverpool, does that make me a racist? How can I be a racist about people who have the same colour skin as me and come from the same country

I may DISCRIMINATE against them but that doesn't make me a racist does it?

Discrimination and Racism are to different words and have 2 different meanings

Jesus it's not enough for some people to jump on the racist bandwagon about people who have different colour skin, now they are doing it to people who have the same colour skin and are from the same country

I guess that's what the brainwashing of the west does to you

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"Whites Only: European-owned Citra offers cash to 'whitest' students"

Racism is alive and well in Thailand, at least it would seem so at a corporate level anyway. Is this for real or some sort of coconuts spoof? It seems even more bigoted than the usual ads, which is saying a lot.

It's NOT racism. While the Thais have a preference for the 'lighter' skin, this isn't the usual black white thing they have going on in Europe and the United States.

It is racism but more so capitalism to a point of cltural fear and ignorance. Disgusting, but effective and probably lead buy a local advertising agency.

Right or wrong many peoples across the world of all races. Have over the recent ages equated white people with intelligence and a higher standard of living. Mostly due to the advance weaponry and ability to conquer others due to this advantage. Aa colder climate was also a spring bard for white europeans. Necessitating and inspiring more innovative inventions. Leading to a seemingly more civilized structured society . Whether this spurred evolution of the isolated species I would argue. Usually it is environmen, necessity, and opportunity that allow all humans to escape from a supposed ethnic liability.

Thailand having always been a seclusive country still harbors many society induced beliefs and superstitions that have somewhat faded elsewhere

This capitalistic advertisement is basic and may even appeal to some who ackwoledge the racist view an/or with an inferiority mindset and does still conform to a fading world view of white supremacy. Thank the British expansion of the empire and the magic inventions they brought that were inspired by constant invasions and the introduction of many different peoples who were displaced inciting new ways of thinking.

It's racism but more so capitalism to a point of a total lack of ethics. Disgusting but effective

Right or wrong many peoples across the world of all ethincs .Have over the civilized human ages equated white people with intelligence and a higher standard of living. Mostly due to the advance weaponry and ability to concquerothers due to this advantage. A colder climate was also a spring bard for white europeans Necessitating and inspiring more innovative inventions.

I have often been amazed at women who want a white man so they can have a whiter baby and otherwise very intelligent people who feel they are undesirable because of a dark skin color gsand structure of thinking they brought to many countries

I have often been amazed at women who want a white man so they can have a whiter baby and otherwise very intelligent people who feel they are undesirable because of a dark skin color. If so that's ok. more for me.

I for one have "Never seen a stupid white person with my eyes closed. Hopefully as the internet brings more knowledge and communication it will be realized that knowledge and waking up to ones true self has little to do with actual race but more so social culture, economic, and spiritual ritual retarding personal growth

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Regarding whether racism is the right term or not: The sources on Wikipedia DOES mention discrimination by skin color alone being a candidate for the term racism, BUT it seems that most of the sources relies on actual racial differences.

Colorism seems a much more accurate term in this case.

Not that it makes it the least bit better, to be honest...

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I may DISCRIMINATE against them but that doesn't make me a racist does it?

Discrimination and Racism are to different words and have 2 different meanings

Jesus it's not enough for some people to jump on the racist bandwagon about people who have different colour skin, now they are doing it to people who have the same colour skin and are from the same country

I guess that's what the brainwashing of the west does to you

From Wikipedia:

Racial discrimination

Racial discrimination refers to the separation of people through a process of social division into categories not necessarily related to races for purposes of differential treatment(...)

Institutional racism (also known as structural racism, state racism or systemic racism) is racial discrimination by governments, corporations, religions, or educational institutions or other large organizations with the power to influence the lives of many individuals. Stokely Carmichael is credited for coining the phrase institutional racism in the late 1960s. He defined the term as “the collective failure of an organization to provide an appropriate and professional service to people because of their colour, culture or ethnic origin”.[39]

Not so much brainwashing, more that the term spans quite wide, and that not everybody (even the experts) agrees to the same exact definition.

Edited by Zumteufel
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That's interesting however it is not what people are complaining about on this thread

People who are complaining on this thread are complaining about the Black and White skin aspects on this advert

I am not starting a argument about your post just saying what the majority of TV members here on here are posting about

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That's interesting however it is not what people are complaining about on this thread

People who are complaining on this thread are complaining about the Black and White skin aspects on this advert

The discussion was getting sidetracked by whether racism was the right term or not. I think the information is relevant.

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You can discriminate against your own race for example from what part of the country they come from, but how on earth can you be racist against your own race?

I think people are confusing discrimination with racism here

Not surprising really considering how much we all get brainwashed in the west about all this racism nonsense

Calling it racism is a misnomer anyway. We are all part of the human race.

Separating people on the basis of their physical appearance has generically become termed racism. Its all discrimination, and frankly for advertisers to be continuing to harp on about white skin is so boring, that by now, I am amazed that Citra hasn't started selling fake tan to give you that "break away in Europe" look.

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Racism is so difficult or so easy to define. As Lewis Caroll's character HD said "'When I use a word, it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less.'

Paler skin colour preference in the UK (if not other countries) goes back a long way in history, and it's origin had little to do with racial differences. It was a social difference.

Richer women spent most of their days inside out of the sunlight (and many may have been anaemic through dietary custom), with the effect of keeping their skin fair and pale, whereas poorer people were labouring outside in all weathers, giving them a tanned and coarse appearance.

The darker skin was associated with the labouring people in society and therefore, not something that the richer women aspired to.

This situation changed in the 20th centuary, when travel opportunities opened up for the richer european families, and the tanned skin colour then became associated with a richer elite.

So, the darker skin colour groups were the very rich and those who laboured outside. The aspiring middle grouping chose to ape the richer elite, and the "snake oil" purveyers were only too happy to oblige with their lotions and treatments.

In countries, such as China and,maybe Thailand, this 20th century phase never happened, so it remained that only those who laboured outside had the darker skin tone. And what aspiring young lady would choose that appearance?

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"Whites Only: European-owned Citra offers cash to 'whitest' students"

Racism is alive and well in Thailand, at least it would seem so at a corporate level anyway. Is this for real or some sort of coconuts spoof? It seems even more bigoted than the usual ads, which is saying a lot.

It's NOT racism. While the Thais have a preference for the 'lighter' skin, this isn't the usual black white thing they have going on in Europe and the United States.

You're right. It isn't the same as in Europe and the US because in those places an offensive advertisement of this nature would never get on the air, and the contest itself might well be illegal.

You may not call it racism but it certainly is some kind of prejudice, don't you think?

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