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PM Yingluck: Amnesty bill not to include returning 46 billion baht to Thaksin


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PM: Amnesty bill not to include returning 46 billion baht to Thaksin

BANGKOK, 23 October 2013 (NNT) - Prime Minister and Defense Miniser Yingluck Shinawatra has reassured that the amnesty bill to be proposed to congress will not include returning 46 billion baht to former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra. She has also claimed that she is not required to sign and approve the bill as it is not a financial one.

Pheu Thai party member and member of the House ad hoc committee Prayuth Siritpanit claimed the bill would benefit the nation and promote peace. The bill, he said, wass not a proposal to test the water for public approval.

He also added that the amendment of section 3 in the bill had been discussed within the Pheu Thai party and with his colleagues in the committee - stating, however, that Prime Minister Yingluck and former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra were not aware of the matter.

-- NNT 2013-10-23 footer_n.gif

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Anyone want to be that he won't be getting his money back? He will be getting that money back, plus interest! Of course, when people complain, he will just say that he really doesn't want the money, but the law says that he has to take it back, so he has no choice. bah.gif

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First, the Thaksin method of operation seems to involve a multitude of lawyers and a little influence on court decisions.. If and/or when he is granted a unlawful pardon to return home, the legal route for return of "His" money will be there. that is one way of looking at the PM's declaration.

Second, now look at the good deal you get, keep the money and bring the criminal home, what no promise of his retirement from politics?

The PM has no idea what is in nor attached to this proposal,(I doubt she has read it nor if she did she would comprehend what the legal ramrafications are) she is repeating what she is told to say and the people doing the telling are as trustworthy as her brother.

How does this bill promote pease in the non peaceful area of Thailand? Is the spokesman admitting that Thaksin is/was responsible for non peaceful activities (loss of life, property, etc) of groups in Thailand?

Put names to those individuals not included in this public untruth, formally and legally write them into the bill, then come back and try to convience the public.

Last, if this is not or could not develop into a financial bill, why would the PM even point out her need to sign or not to sign same?

Edited by slapout
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Again, Yingluck must think everyone is as stupid as the red shirts, thinking that if she promises Thaksin will not get his money back, then noone will notice that he will indeed get amnesty, which is the main issue.

At this stage noone on either side cares about 46 billion, it is peanuts compared to what the PTP have already stolen and will continue to steal from the public.

It is kinda like a bank robber going into a bank yelling "you can all keep your vallets, I am only after the vault", thinking this somehow makes him Robin Hood!

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stating, however, that Prime Minister Yingluck and former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra were not aware of the matter.

total and absolute crap!

PM: Amnesty bill not to include returning 46 billion baht to Thaksin

the bill does not have to include the return of funds, once he is cleared, or whitewashed if you prefer, he will seek his money in court. This is a disaster in the making.

Why would he waste his time in court to maybe get the relatively small amount of 46 billion? He could simply tell the farmers/red shirts that he plans a new law. For every baht he gives to them, he will keep one for himself, and they would love him for it. His sister is already doing it on his behalf, and see how much they love her for it!

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Prime Minister and Defense Minister Yingluck Shinawatra has reassured that the amnesty bill to be proposed to congress will not include returning 46 billion baht to former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra


Ah little Sister, did you clear that with Big Brother by a Skype call to Dubai.

I'll only believe it when I hear from the real Prime Minister, not his temporary place-holder substitute.

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A lady who has studiously avoided parliamentary sessions etc on amnesty claiming it would be improper because of her brother she has suddenly found her voice.

This and information, quotes and so on contained in other news items would suggest that big brother is cracking the " get on with it " whip.

No question she will be thrown under the bus.

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Yeah, yeah, yeah, whatever. While it might not be explicitly part of the Amnesty. If he is no longer a criminal I am sure they will find a way to say that is reason enough to justify the 'returning' of the money.

Edited by Katipo
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