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Not sure I do have it wrong actually old chap.(not dude if you please)

Put it as you will, the French second world war effort was fairly ordinary, the southern vichy were bloody nazis weren't they?

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Along with the rest of the European Union aka Euroweenies, France sends millions of dollars to the Palestinian Authority every year. Sucking up to the PLO is one of their primary jobs aside from eating snails... :o

Boon Mee

Mini Mee, the USA has been financially supporting the IRA since near inception, pick a country for that matter, that the USA hasnt been involved with over thier glorious history of power and manipulation.

pick a country for that matter, that the USA hasnt been involved with over thier glorious history of power and manipulation.

The U.S.' glorious history of power and manipulation?? Sure the U.S. is strong and is the last remaining super-power. And thank God for it! Manipulation? Yes. We do manipulate world events--and again, thank God for it.

But let's just take a quick look at some of that "manipulation" and "use of power", shall we?

Here's a list of countries that were either threatened or ruled by communist, fascist or military dictatorships that U.S. military and technological power helped overthrow or else prevented from seizing power:

  • Afghanistan
  • Austria
  • Albania
  • Belgium
  • Bulgaria
  • Croatia
  • Czech Republic
  • Denmark
  • East Germany
  • El Salvador
  • Estonia
  • Finland
  • Germany
  • Greece
  • Grenada
  • Hungary
  • Italy
  • Japan
  • Latvia
  • Lithuania
  • Netherlands
  • Nicaragua
  • Norway
  • Philippines
  • Poland
  • Romania
  • Russian Federation
  • Singapore
  • Slovakia
  • Slovenia
  • South Korea
  • Soviet Union
  • Taiwan
  • Turkey
  • Ukraine

I wonder what would have happened to all those people in those countries if we just stopped caring and stopped trying to help--what kind of attrocities would we see then, hmmm?

So the next time you try to comment on how the U.S. uses it's power and manipulation, get your facts straight as how we use our power and how we manipulate world political events.


Along with the rest of the European Union aka Euroweenies, France sends millions of dollars to the Palestinian Authority every year.  Sucking up to the PLO is one of their primary jobs aside from eating snails... :o

Boon Mee

Mini Mee, the USA has been financially supporting the IRA since near inception, pick a country for that matter, that the USA hasnt been involved with over thier glorious history of power and manipulation.

Gent - the Boston Irish have been supporting the IRA - not the USA in general. Not a good comparison with the Euroweenie Government heaping $$$ on the PLO.

As far as the USA being involved with every other country - why not? We have business interests everywhere and we look out for our own. What's wrong with that? 'Splain that one to me... :D

Boon Mee


My vote , for whom to target next (that was the subject of this thread, I recall ?) , is Mugabe in Zimbabwe.

He has courageously led his people to the point where half of them are starving to death. And we get only words of condemnation, not actions.

Now if only they had oil there .... :o


Membrane - please try to remember that the US is not the savour of the world. Many of the governments (and people) of countries you mention would far prefer if the US kept its nose out of the affairs of those countries.

Your post makes me understand very rapidly why so many people hate the yanks...



People hate yanks because for all our warts, we are still willing to tell them to piss off if we need to. I think it is something we got from the French. The British surely never told anyone to take a flying whatever at the moon. The Aussies and New Zealand contingent are all very proper and extremely sensitive to such a faux pas. No way they would indulge in anything remotely like that. So I'm pretty sure it really has to be the French.

Well, maybe the Germans. We (people in the States) almost spoke German instead of English at one time. The Germans sometimes like to tell people what to do. Well, they used to. Wasn't it a pudgey brit bulldog of a politician that said, "Germans are either at your throat or your feet"? So maybe it is a German influence, or a German-French influence. Or maybe it is just unique in the human experience that Americans actually permit themselves viewpoints without seeking permission from everyone else on the planet. How very self-indulgent of us!


Or maybe it is just unique in the human experience that Americans actually permit themselves viewpoints without seeking permission from everyone else on the planet.

It is far from unique but also far from "long lasting", if history of the up and down of "superior" races (by birth, rights, evolution,...) is any indication,...


Superior, did I say anything about superior? I don't for a moment feel superior to anyone (except my boss when he's being really dense). If some Americans feel superior to other people, they are mistaken. We all feel justly proud of where we come from, that's normally a given. So I don't take it bad if someone really likes the fact they are from Queensland or the Lorraine or Milan or where ever you want to point your finger at on the world globe.

And I don't take it amiss if you don't agree with us all or any of the time. I might not send you a Christmas card, but that's about the extent of it. Heck, some people blame us for starting WWII because we wouldn't sell oil and steel to the Japanese so they could continue to assemble their "Co-Prosperity Sphere" in China. Viewpoints differ. The Chinese thought it was rather nice of us to cut the Japanese off. But others feel we forced those Japanese to attack us, drove them to it, if you will, because of our short sighted, self-oriented policies.

In the words of that great sage, "So it goes."

And yes, nothing is forever.



Perhaps he said "Superior firepower"? Was he referencing a military or war enviroment? We occasionally do have superior firepower in military engagements. Sometimes we don't. Normally, we prefer if we do.

Now, painting Americans as "superior" or rather "having a superiority complex" because the current political leader does this or that is, well, short sighted at best. Do I think every Frenchman is in lock step with Chirac? Does every Brit poodle walk in time with Blair? (Whom I like, by the way, poodle or not.)

And even if I agree with some things Bush does, do I then have to agree with every single thing he does or says?

If I can understand some of the concerns about western culture's effect on Arab society, does that make me a supporter of Al Quida?

If you are against the Iraq war and American intervention in the Middle East, does that mean you support the re-establishment of a Caliphate in Southern Spain?

"Wait, Wait!" you say. "These are long jumps of logic with little or no support. Baryshnivkov should be able to make such leaps!"

And I would be forced to agree. Bush might not.


or rather "having a superiority complex" because the current political leader does this or that is, well, short sighted at best.

Come on, Jeepz.

Believe me, I know a LOT of american people working abroad and a LOT of them have a superiority complex.


Really, I do not know. Is it that the Republicans (Bush clones,...) are the majority of american abroad? Maybe, can not comment or judge, I'm just telling you what I feel and see,... :o





Okay, sorry. I was feeling a bit catty there! Good gosh, I know Canadians with superiority complexes. I know Vietnamese that have them, Koreans that indulge. I've run across a Scot or two that seems to feel implicitly superior. I worked for Chinese guy that was known to lapse into the occasional bout of "Too <deleted> Good To Talk To".

Give me a break. You could (or at least I could) say that about any nationality you want to pick. Some people, a significant number, just seem to need to feel superior to those around them. Sometimes just a little bit superior, sometimes a whole lot superior.

There is a whole world of people out there that are barely civil. They seem to be scattered among all the races and nationalities on the face of the earth. But that how I see and feel. :o

Some people, a significant number, just seem to need to feel superior to those around them. Sometimes just a little bit superior, sometimes a whole lot superior.

Agree. That's the way it is.

Big countries "feel" it (show it?) compared to smaller countries, big cities feel it/ show it compared to smaller cities in their own countries,...

Where do we go go from here?

0.25 billion people in the States, 1.3 billion people in China, 1.1 billion people in India.

What do you think will happen?

Too late for us to feel the pinch, hopefully,... :o


I am glad to see that Jeepz is capable of a series of responses. I was starting to think that when one grew that old and wise, you could pop off one brilliant post, but then had to sleep for the next 36 hours!


Y A W N ... :D Well, now that you mention it Bluecat, yes. :o

Gee, thanks for the votes of confidence there guys. I'm humbled. :D


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