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Thai woman forces pet kitten to smoke weed


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My cats loved cat nip in their toys. One also used to sit very close to a friend who smoked wackybaccy. They just got a bit kittenish and then went to sleep. All lived to a ripe old age. They were never forced to partake.

Look at him in my AV, does he look like he continued down the devilish road to heroin and meth addiction?

Did your cat get the munchies often? I would always get hungry when I was smoking weed and there was some pussy in the room.

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Ladies and gentlemen, please be seated and enjoy the forthcoming discussion on swastikas, Hindu history, Nordic history, Nazi atrocities, Thai ignorance and insensitivity etc etccoffee1.gif

Told you. Didn't take long did it. We have a dumb girl giving weed to get cat.

And we end up discussing the dumb girls t shirt.

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Her shirt says it all whistling.gifblink.png

The Swastika stands for peace, most people do not know, the Germans took the sign from the Indians and today it has bad connotations, nothing bad about it.

i think you will find the greeks had it first

The Chinese I think you will find. That is according to my wife. That should be confirmation enough.wink.png

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Twenty something years ago while in Aranyaprathet I bought a small powder puff style bowl which had a swastika image on the lid. My daughter had it valued by Christies in London who said it was from the Chinese Qin dynasty. A few hundred years before the infamous corporal abused it and made it a symbol of hate.

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So, smoking drugs is safe, has no effect on intellect, is perfectly safe and upright citizens should have the choice-this woman puts all of the nonsense illegal drug users peddle about the safety of drug use into perspective. Another nail in the coffin for potheads and druggies and anyone trying to justify their dreary druggy behaviour. The woman should be in jail.

BTW- before the druggy morons start sprouting statistics including that alcohol causes more harm blah blah...

illegal drugs are illegal...get it? got it? good!

Dr Robert is absolutely correct (for once!) Pussies are unique in the animal world in that they have a low tolerance for weed and rapidly develop raging addictions. We all know marijuana is a "gateway drug". It all starts like this...

attachicon.gifcat smokes joint.jpg

And then they become lethargic...


And lose all self-esteem...


Then, as the addiction progresses, they develop identity crises'...

attachicon.gifgroucho katz.jpg, attachicon.gifhasidic seymour.jpg, attachicon.gifsister katz.jpg

Until the delusions are out of control and they are convinced they are Willie Nelson...

attachicon.gifwillie katz.jpg

By then, it's all over for our furry friends and they move on to the hard stuff...


RIP little pussy...

i think Dr robert does not get sarcasm if he did he would not have pressed the like button.

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First of the Basic Tenets of Universal Buddhism:

  1. Buddhists are taught to show the same tolerance, forbearance, and love to all men, without distinction; and an unswerving kindness towards members of the animal kingdom.

Guess it's your personal call as to whether stuffing a kitten's face into a smoke filled plastic bottle a 'kindness', or not.

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Well I guess it says everything about the level of education in Thailand!!sad.png

Posters are reacting to her making the poor cat inhale weedfumes>

But to wear a t-shirt glorifying the genocide of 6 million people, is considered "normal"??bah.gif

I thought you knew Thai people...smile.png

...most don't even know there was an holocaust

sorry most don't even know the word Nazi

sorry most don't even know there was a World War II facepalm.gif

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Whats all the crap about, its only a cat which is one of the worlds worst killer of wild life anyhow, i usually shoot the vermin.

Up to you... thumbsup.gif But you will not complain if in your next life you will reborn as a toad facepalm.gif

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this is in fact common although most Thai tokers like to inhale the smoke themselves first then blow it in kitty or doggy face believing animals have equal rights to humans when it comes to getting high, some experiment giving amphetamine to cats and dogs so they can watch then go beserk chasing farangs - if u think this story is strange then u r obviously new in the Land of Stoner Smiles

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