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Suthep vows to fight Thaksin regime from the streets


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The proposed action by Suthep is exactly the action that will draw the teeth of this current puppet government, Thaksin and his puppets are not going to be overly happy at this reaction (nor am I ether) however it seems as if the old adage ''Fight fire with fire'' may well become the deciding factor as to the future of this country and its peoples.

The occupation of city halls and disruption of daily life have been used with effect by all sides over time here and with varying degree's of success. I am in agreement with the points jayboy makes and if that course of action was to be followed there may well be a great chance of success in the matter.

Suthep is looking like a reverse Joan of Arc in this matter and as such it will be interesting to see what support is given from the public at large and the political sector..

The cause is admirable however the route proposed is not as yet a made adopted highway thus the pitfalls and potholes may well pose many problems for all sides in trying to reach the final destination.

Has Suthep got the courage to act, is the puppet master going to be able to face this somewhat unexpected action and what about the delightful politicians here, are they willing to show their true colours ?

Interesting times are coming

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Yes he offers them the wonderful opportunity to return to decades of servitude to the elite.

If these pesky underclass could just get back in their position and we could get rid of TS and his clan then status quo can be restored- next time we will keep our noses out of the trough sufficiently to see a TS type problem coming along. No doubt they will probably reduce the minimum wage again so they don't have to fork out 300 baht a day for their issan house slaves. (Not that they would even pay them that anyway).

Was it not just the other day that there were a number or reports both local and international about slavery etc in Surathani province. Should Suthep the great hope for freedom of the Thai person not clean his own back yard first?

I would be all for getting rid of TS and his clan and happy for the Democrats to be back in power if i was confident they would actually change things. But they have shown repeatedly that despite the rhetoric they to do nothing about corruption etc when in power. Actually they do nothing really about anything- which is why big business vote PTP.

It would help if you read the previous posts in this thread.

Servitude to the elite - you don't mention which elite - the Shin or Plod style or what.

Do you really have to raise straw men about your futile mind reading of what Suthep 'wants'.

Yes, slavery & servitude exists - far more in the fishing industry than anywhere else & I agree if it exists in Surat Thani, Suthep should be trying to clean it up. Just as the wonderful government should be cleaning it up all along the Gulf & Andaman coastline. Possibly a non-corrupt police force could be a start (especially at the top).

When you have a festering sore, you lance it and then clean it up. Suthep is calling for the lance to remove the Shin pus - he hasn't spelled out his clean-up alternative which could be a coalition between between an actually democratic PTP & the Dems.

Big business votes PTP? Total crap. Big business - especially of the family type - is just about split down the middle between PTP & the Dems. That last comment rather shows your ignorance of the subject.

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Yes he offers them the wonderful opportunity to return to decades of servitude to the elite.

If these pesky underclass could just get back in their position and we could get rid of TS and his clan then status quo can be restored- next time we will keep our noses out of the trough sufficiently to see a TS type problem coming along. No doubt they will probably reduce the minimum wage again so they don't have to fork out 300 baht a day for their issan house slaves. (Not that they would even pay them that anyway).

Was it not just the other day that there were a number or reports both local and international about slavery etc in Surathani province. Should Suthep the great hope for freedom of the Thai person not clean his own back yard first?

I would be all for getting rid of TS and his clan and happy for the Democrats to be back in power if i was confident they would actually change things. But they have shown repeatedly that despite the rhetoric they to do nothing about corruption etc when in power. Actually they do nothing really about anything- which is why big business vote PTP.

It would help if you read the previous posts in this thread.

Servitude to the elite - you don't mention which elite - the Shin or Plod style or what.

Do you really have to raise straw men about your futile mind reading of what Suthep 'wants'.

Yes, slavery & servitude exists - far more in the fishing industry than anywhere else & I agree if it exists in Surat Thani, Suthep should be trying to clean it up. Just as the wonderful government should be cleaning it up all along the Gulf & Andaman coastline. Possibly a non-corrupt police force could be a start (especially at the top).

When you have a festering sore, you lance it and then clean it up. Suthep is calling for the lance to remove the Shin pus - he hasn't spelled out his clean-up alternative which could be a coalition between between an actually democratic PTP & the Dems.

Big business votes PTP? Total crap. Big business - especially of the family type - is just about split down the middle between PTP & the Dems. That last comment rather shows your ignorance of the subject.

I am not sure where you work, but at the company I work which has in excess of 100,000+ employees globally and 2,000 in Thailand, most of the Directors who come from what you would say are traditional democrat leaning families, all reluctantly support the PTP when it comes to be beneficial for business. The simple fact of the matter is that the PTP are good for big business, they are forward thinking and get things done, whereas the Democrats have the tendency to dither a lot.

Most people in other companies when the topic does come up tend to agree, happily or reluctantly. I don't think that's a particularly outrageous claim.

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Yes he offers them the wonderful opportunity to return to decades of servitude to the elite.

If these pesky underclass could just get back in their position and we could get rid of TS and his clan then status quo can be restored- next time we will keep our noses out of the trough sufficiently to see a TS type problem coming along. No doubt they will probably reduce the minimum wage again so they don't have to fork out 300 baht a day for their issan house slaves. (Not that they would even pay them that anyway).

Was it not just the other day that there were a number or reports both local and international about slavery etc in Surathani province. Should Suthep the great hope for freedom of the Thai person not clean his own back yard first?

I would be all for getting rid of TS and his clan and happy for the Democrats to be back in power if i was confident they would actually change things. But they have shown repeatedly that despite the rhetoric they to do nothing about corruption etc when in power. Actually they do nothing really about anything- which is why big business vote PTP.

It would help if you read the previous posts in this thread.

Servitude to the elite - you don't mention which elite - the Shin or Plod style or what.

Do you really have to raise straw men about your futile mind reading of what Suthep 'wants'.

Yes, slavery & servitude exists - far more in the fishing industry than anywhere else & I agree if it exists in Surat Thani, Suthep should be trying to clean it up. Just as the wonderful government should be cleaning it up all along the Gulf & Andaman coastline. Possibly a non-corrupt police force could be a start (especially at the top).

When you have a festering sore, you lance it and then clean it up. Suthep is calling for the lance to remove the Shin pus - he hasn't spelled out his clean-up alternative which could be a coalition between between an actually democratic PTP & the Dems.

Big business votes PTP? Total crap. Big business - especially of the family type - is just about split down the middle between PTP & the Dems. That last comment rather shows your ignorance of the subject.

I am not sure where you work, but at the company I work which has in excess of 100,000+ employees globally and 2,000 in Thailand, most of the Directors who come from what you would say are traditional democrat leaning families, all reluctantly support the PTP when it comes to be beneficial for business. The simple fact of the matter is that the PTP are good for big business, they are forward thinking and get things done, whereas the Democrats have the tendency to dither a lot.

Most people in other companies when the topic does come up tend to agree, happily or reluctantly. I don't think that's a particularly outrageous claim.

Anecdotal 'evidence' from a multinational company is just not good enough and the companies who support PTP are mainly those that benefit from their corrupt policies. The rice millers, warehouse companies, land owners of poor rice farmers (more servitude) & some of the Japanese car manufacturers who benefitted from the ridiculous car subsidy scheme - all are happy with PTP for obvious reasons.

There are many who are not so happy: CP for example, whose True subsidiary together with DTAC are not happy with the AIS bias from the telecoms body. Singha, Bangkok Bank, Kasikorn are certainly not PTP supporters.

I'm retired but I follow the business (& political) news very closely - both here & internationally. Saying that companies who gain benefits from a government are anything but temporary supporters is not a very clever argument.

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Politicians are irresponsible. We have a system of democracy and law and politicians should be leading the way to respecting them.

Personally I'm tired of this constant focus on Thaksin. The economy is in tatters and we need to get some perspective. Thaksin isn't important, the economy is. Suthep is a dangerous idiot fanning flames of hate while the economy is tanking.

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Politicians are irresponsible. We have a system of democracy and law and politicians should be leading the way to respecting them.

Personally I'm tired of this constant focus on Thaksin. The economy is in tatters and we need to get some perspective. Thaksin isn't important, the economy is. Suthep is a dangerous idiot fanning flames of hate while the economy is tanking.

The reason the focus is on Thaksin is because he would appear to be in charge of the PTP and hence the government. The state of the economy is in large part but not entirely due to the government. I don't think it's in tatters although it's direction doesn't seem too good. There is also an apparent move to rid Thaksin of his past and possible future convictions and as part of that an amnesty has been proposed which would cover many others as well. This would include Abhisit and Suthep. This then links to the deaths in 2010 which as far as I can see they weren't directly responsible for. If they get an amnesty (against their wishes) there will be trouble with some red shirts. If they go to court and as seems likely are proven innocent as it seems that the military are at fault then again there will be problems. The current government doesn't seem too keen on holding the military responsible and many would say that is Thaksin's decision. Then there is the unknown of what will happen if he comes back.

Thaksin and the government can avoid all this by just having an amnesty for the average red shirts, which won't be a problem as the Democrats have already agreed to that. If he stands back from politics as he said he would normal parliamentary arguing can resume and we'll be able to get a better idea of how good or otherwise the current government is.

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His endeavor is justifiably valid but I do not think he will be very successful. He is tarred with the recent political mess along with all the other main players of the last 13 odd years. The only person currently in view out of all the main players that has the peoples following that could lead a major change in Thailand for the better is  the forked tongue of a Dubai convicted criminal. Great leaders or game changers do not need to be professionally efficient. Sometimes all they need is a vision of something that could be a lot better. However the pretty drama queen puppet would need to find the strength and wisdom that water views clearer than that of blood.  


Yes he is tarred, but in the South he still is respected. And the southern people are so angree with the government that they can be mobilized easily.

If he can do something in Bangkok is a complete different question.

people can change

Sent from my RM-892_apac_laos_thailand_219 using Tapatalk

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Just another version of Thaksin bad vote for us, not likely to win to many new supporters, how about getting across a workable impressive manifesto for the next election, one that will address and improve the areas highlighted so often for attention and attract the votes.....coming up with fresh new ideas to harness the power and ability to move Thailand forward


Public not convinced? Not achievable.....Oh well


Thaksin bad.... democrats good..... it is then......

should the west have sat idly by whilst the nazzis did as they wanted because they had the vote and the power? Oh scream at me you may people but their vote was with violence whilst Thaksin and company,use bribery corruption and keeping people under a feudal code. The difference?. NONE. BOTH WERE AND ARE TYRANTS. if one man stands against tyranny even if he has done wrong ley him be judged for the good intentions he now tries

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Excellent news, time for the people to turn against this rubber stamp government-  by the way, is it true they're going to increase VAT to 10%?

May all those who believe in the rule of law turn out to oppose this blatant whitewash of corruption and violence.

Suthep is not a saint, but then neither was Winston Churchill nor Sonthi Limtongkun.

In times of a crisis like this the brave must stand against injustice, whatever the personal cost.



No politician is a saint, but that's not really the point.The comparison you make of Suthep, Sondhi and Winston Churchill (WSC) is a little bizarre.


Nevertheless WSC said that he would make a pact with the devil himself to defeat Hitler - perhaps this is what you were thinking of.Unfortunately those who make pacts with the devil have a tendency to end up inside the devil's maw.Seriously I still however think that such a campaign would be more effective if led by someone of genuine moral stature.


Anyway I don't think in principle there is anything too untoward about what Suthep proposes though he is very vague about tactics and strategy - and even ultimate objectives.There are laws to deal with the situation if protests get out of control and in a free society demonstrations are allowed.


But the question remains.What happens if the government does fall? What then?


Another question.Can Thai opinion be mobilised by this kind of action to make a Democrat election victory more likely? Or will it have the opposite effect? The sheer stupidity and myopia of the old elites, epitomised by this old crook, make it more likely a Thai style Chavez will emerge.


Wouldn't it be easier and more effective to re-energise the Democrat Party, detoxify its tainted leadership - and then campaign in parliament and the country (in the streets if needs be) to convince the Thai people there's another way.

yes it would... But it is too late

Sent from my RM-892_apac_laos_thailand_219 using Tapatalk

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The proposed action by Suthep is exactly the action that will draw the teeth of this current puppet government, Thaksin and his puppets are not going to be overly happy at this reaction (nor am I ether) however it seems as if the old adage ''Fight fire with fire'' may well become the deciding factor as to the future of this country and its peoples.

The occupation of city halls and disruption of daily life have been used with effect by all sides over time here and with varying degree's of success. I am in agreement with the points jayboy makes and if that course of action was to be followed there may well be a great chance of success in the matter.

Suthep is looking like a reverse Joan of Arc in this matter and as such it will be interesting to see what support is given from the public at large and the political sector..

The cause is admirable however the route proposed is not as yet a made adopted highway thus the pitfalls and potholes may well pose many problems for all sides in trying to reach the final destination.

Has Suthep got the courage to act, is the puppet master going to be able to face this somewhat unexpected action and what about the delightful politicians here, are they willing to show their true colours ?

Interesting times are coming

If he really start it in the South it is a very explosive game. Lets say Surat, they block the city halls and Thaksin import some of his border police thugs. When you some old woman get hurt there it might result in an uprising of the south.

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The proposed action by Suthep is exactly the action that will draw the teeth of this current puppet government, Thaksin and his puppets are not going to be overly happy at this reaction (nor am I ether) however it seems as if the old adage ''Fight fire with fire'' may well become the deciding factor as to the future of this country and its peoples.

The occupation of city halls and disruption of daily life have been used with effect by all sides over time here and with varying degree's of success. I am in agreement with the points jayboy makes and if that course of action was to be followed there may well be a great chance of success in the matter.

Suthep is looking like a reverse Joan of Arc in this matter and as such it will be interesting to see what support is given from the public at large and the political sector..

The cause is admirable however the route proposed is not as yet a made adopted highway thus the pitfalls and potholes may well pose many problems for all sides in trying to reach the final destination.

Has Suthep got the courage to act, is the puppet master going to be able to face this somewhat unexpected action and what about the delightful politicians here, are they willing to show their true colours ?

Interesting times are coming

I don't think it's so difficult to comprehend, but Democrat principles are not favored all over the world, because sometimes they require some surrendering of acquired benefits to get the system back on it's feet.

The nature of people worldwide is to get as much benefit as possible.

However in a civilized world where people are educated, they see when the hit-the-fan.gif.pagespeed.ce.6UelFDbFNJ.and will vote Democrat at that time, but they have a tendency to return their votes to the party that makes some unrealistic promises as soon as the system has recovered .

The difference with a country like Thailand is that the majority of the population isn't in a position to see when the country is in deep shit, because they only think about today, and tomorrow is far away.

They have no idea about the consequences the hundreds of billions in losses from the rice pledging, of which they profit today, gonna have on their future life.

Most of the PTP voters have never been further than their village borders, and don't see how their country is deteriorating because there is no money anymore to maintain public services.

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The proposed action by Suthep is exactly the action that will draw the teeth of this current puppet government, Thaksin and his puppets are not going to be overly happy at this reaction (nor am I ether) however it seems as if the old adage ''Fight fire with fire'' may well become the deciding factor as to the future of this country and its peoples.

The occupation of city halls and disruption of daily life have been used with effect by all sides over time here and with varying degree's of success. I am in agreement with the points jayboy makes and if that course of action was to be followed there may well be a great chance of success in the matter.

Suthep is looking like a reverse Joan of Arc in this matter and as such it will be interesting to see what support is given from the public at large and the political sector..

The cause is admirable however the route proposed is not as yet a made adopted highway thus the pitfalls and potholes may well pose many problems for all sides in trying to reach the final destination.

Has Suthep got the courage to act, is the puppet master going to be able to face this somewhat unexpected action and what about the delightful politicians here, are they willing to show their true colours ?

Interesting times are coming

I don't think it's so difficult to comprehend, but Democrat principles are not favored all over the world, because sometimes they require some surrendering of acquired benefits to get the system back on it's feet.

The nature of people worldwide is to get as much benefit as possible.

However in a civilized world where people are educated, they see when the hit-the-fan.gif.pagespeed.ce.6UelFDbFNJ.and will vote Democrat at that time, but they have a tendency to return their votes to the party that makes some unrealistic promises as soon as the system has recovered .

The difference with a country like Thailand is that the majority of the population isn't in a position to see when the country is in deep shit, because they only think about today, and tomorrow is far away.

They have no idea about the consequences the hundreds of billions in losses from the rice pledging, of which they profit today, gonna have on their future life.

Most of the PTP voters have never been further than their village borders, and don't see how their country is deteriorating because there is no money anymore to maintain public services.

No it is not true, also in civilized countries people vote complete nonsense. The only difference is that the courts work and sometimes take the worst wrong doer into jail.

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Both factions are under an illusion that they alone hold the key to the nations political and democratic problems.

Both Thaksin and now Suthep are attempting to play god in a political sense, however neither of them nor their allies either own heaven politically or otherwise.

What fellowship has righteousness with unrighteousness? And what communion has light in the darkness?

Edited by siampolee
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Suthep of course would not say he would resign his seat as he would lose his parliamentary immunity. Likewise he claims to be acting alone.

Well let him go to Surat Thani and chew betel nut with his rubber farmer mates

Perhaps they can dig some more canals to smuggle in palm oil like they did under abhisit.

He's an untouchable or has been up to now.

I predict low turnout in the south and virtually none in Bangkok.

Wow, this grass fire topic has really flushed the snakes Democrat bashers out of the long grass !

Your paltry comment reminds me of an old worn out farm horse - lame.

Hey, perhaps they can see the irony of a MP (who had previously set the Army loose on people demonstrating for political ends on the street) who has chosen to demonstrate for political ends on the street. Do you have a viewpoint on this or just getting the post number count up (now where have I heard that before whistling.gif )

Please feel free to discuss my post (not me).

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Suthep of course would not say he would resign his seat as he would lose his parliamentary immunity. Likewise he claims to be acting alone.

Well let him go to Surat Thani and chew betel nut with his rubber farmer mates

Perhaps they can dig some more canals to smuggle in palm oil like they did under abhisit.

He's an untouchable or has been up to now.

I predict low turnout in the south and virtually none in Bangkok.

Wow, this grass fire topic has really flushed the snakes Democrat bashers out of the long grass !

Your paltry comment reminds me of an old worn out farm horse - lame.

Hey, perhaps they can see the irony of a MP (who had previously set the Army loose on people demonstrating for political ends on the street) who has chosen to demonstrate for political ends on the street. Do you have a viewpoint on this or just getting the post number count up (now where have I heard that before whistling.gif )

Please feel free to discuss my post (not me).

The PTP will set the army or police onto them as they have done in previous anti-government protests. And when the protesters start throwing grenades and shooting at the army or police, I am sure the army or police will respond in kind. When the unarmed protesters amongst the armed protesters start getting killed or injured, then PM will be charged with murder.

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Suthep of course would not say he would resign his seat as he would lose his parliamentary immunity. Likewise he claims to be acting alone.

Well let him go to Surat Thani and chew betel nut with his rubber farmer mates

Perhaps they can dig some more canals to smuggle in palm oil like they did under abhisit.

He's an untouchable or has been up to now.

I predict low turnout in the south and virtually none in Bangkok.

Wow, this grass fire topic has really flushed the snakes Democrat bashers out of the long grass !

Your paltry comment reminds me of an old worn out farm horse - lame.

Hey, perhaps they can see the irony of a MP (who had previously set the Army loose on people demonstrating for political ends on the street) who has chosen to demonstrate for political ends on the street. Do you have a viewpoint on this or just getting the post number count up (now where have I heard that before whistling.gif )

Please feel free to discuss my post (not me).

The PTP will set the army or police onto them as they have done in previous anti-government protests. And when the protesters start throwing grenades and shooting at the army or police, I am sure the army or police will respond in kind. When the unarmed protesters amongst the armed protesters start getting killed or injured, then PM will be charged with murder.

When I said please feel free to discuss my post I meant it.

Incidentally my post didn't include hypothesising on future behaviour of the existing peaceful crowd/s in a vain attempt to link or highlight individual events of 2010. Try again.

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Hey, perhaps they can see the irony of a MP (who had previously set the Army loose on people demonstrating for political ends on the street) who has chosen to demonstrate for political ends on the street. Do you have a viewpoint on this or just getting the post number count up (now where have I heard that before xwhistling.gif.pagespeed.ic.FVjgnKnWS1.p )

Please feel free to discuss my post (not me).

"Hey, perhaps they can see the irony of a MP (who had previously set the Army loose on people demonstrating for political ends on the street)"............................blah blah blah !

If the redshirt scumbags had not invaded the city and held it to ransom for months the army would have stayed in their barracks playing cards, and nobody would have been hurt. Every problem has a source, in this case an evil criminal despot set on revenge, at any cost.

There you are, I have discussed what I regard as pointless, one-eyed, lame brained dribble. Comments like yours are a dime a dozen.

The thing that scares me most about living in Thailand is not the violence, dangerous roads, bed bugs, hippies wearing fisherman pants, drugs, corruption, getting ripped off by jet ski renters, my wife leaving me and taking everything I own, food poisoning, barking dogs, ladyboys, signs posted in bus shelters, diabetes or tuk-tuk drivers. It is the thought of living in the same town as people who come here from another country and openly support an evil regime such as the Shinawatra dynasty.

Not sure who I dislike more, the band or the fans. bah.gif

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Hey, perhaps they can see the irony of a MP (who had previously set the Army loose on people demonstrating for political ends on the street) who has chosen to demonstrate for political ends on the street. Do you have a viewpoint on this or just getting the post number count up (now where have I heard that before xwhistling.gif.pagespeed.ic.FVjgnKnWS1.p )

Please feel free to discuss my post (not me).

"Hey, perhaps they can see the irony of a MP (who had previously set the Army loose on people demonstrating for political ends on the street)"............................blah blah blah !

If the redshirt scumbags had not invaded the city and held it to ransom for months the army would have stayed in their barracks playing cards, and nobody would have been hurt. Every problem has a source, in this case an evil criminal despot set on revenge, at any cost.

There you are, I have discussed what I regard as pointless, one-eyed, lame brained dribble. Comments like yours are a dime a dozen.

The thing that scares me most about living in Thailand is not the violence, dangerous roads, bed bugs, hippies wearing fisherman pants, drugs, corruption, getting ripped off by jet ski renters, my wife leaving me and taking everything I own, food poisoning, barking dogs, ladyboys, signs posted in bus shelters, diabetes or tuk-tuk drivers. It is the thought of living in the same town as people who come here from another country and openly support an evil regime such as the Shinawatra dynasty.

Not sure who I dislike more, the band or the fans. bah.gif

Oh dear what a litany!

Try obsession.

How does brainwashing work?

The mantra has to be constantly repeated like prayers before bed to remain effective.

Like pyramid selling, cults, motivational seminars etc the message has to be endlessly repeated.

Like in the uk "boom and bust" mantra from the now disappeared ex chancellor Gordon brown.

Whenever there was bad news he went AWOL not wishing to be associated.

It's a clever trick.

Here the trick is in order to justify the failed coup the former pm has to be demonized (compared say to Hitler.) nonsense. Every coup has been about removing corruption.

Odd it never goes away.

It just looks like 2 opposing forces unwilling to compromise.

Abhisit in his book accused the redshirts of attempting to turn Thailand into a failed state through chaos and here again his former deputy and the dem party are attempting the same.


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Hey, perhaps they can see the irony of a MP (who had previously set the Army loose on people demonstrating for political ends on the street) who has chosen to demonstrate for political ends on the street. Do you have a viewpoint on this or just getting the post number count up (now where have I heard that before xwhistling.gif.pagespeed.ic.FVjgnKnWS1.p )

Please feel free to discuss my post (not me).

"Hey, perhaps they can see the irony of a MP (who had previously set the Army loose on people demonstrating for political ends on the street)"............................blah blah blah !

If the redshirt scumbags had not invaded the city and held it to ransom for months the army would have stayed in their barracks playing cards, and nobody would have been hurt. Every problem has a source, in this case an evil criminal despot set on revenge, at any cost.

There you are, I have discussed what I regard as pointless, one-eyed, lame brained dribble. Comments like yours are a dime a dozen.

The thing that scares me most about living in Thailand is not the violence, dangerous roads, bed bugs, hippies wearing fisherman pants, drugs, corruption, getting ripped off by jet ski renters, my wife leaving me and taking everything I own, food poisoning, barking dogs, ladyboys, signs posted in bus shelters, diabetes or tuk-tuk drivers. It is the thought of living in the same town as people who come here from another country and openly support an evil regime such as the Shinawatra dynasty.

Not sure who I dislike more, the band or the fans. bah.gif

I think that says more about you than I needed to know, explains a lot though. My, you do have issues. Good to see you managed to discuss my post and not me. You just couldn't help yourself could you?

Edited by fab4
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