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Police ex-chief Chalor freed after 19 years jail

Lite Beer

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NOTHING says more about the operations of the " Royal" Thai police than the actions of this man. When you have

the chief of police for an entire country having people killed over money, you know the country has some serious


And yes soi41, anyone who has been in Thailand for a while knows exactly where the blue diamond is...

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NOTHING says more about the operations of the " Royal" Thai police than the actions of this man. When you have

the chief of police for an entire country having people killed over money, you know the country has some serious


And yes soi41, anyone who has been in Thailand for a while knows exactly where the blue diamond is...

I don't. Where?

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"Bang Kwang central prison commander Wasant Singkhaselit said yesterday that he had approved the suspension of punishment for Chalor. "

The prison commander decided to release him? Am I reading that wrong? Is that who decides these things?

A committee under the Dept of Justice approved his release on parole, along with hundreds of other inmates who appealed for leniency. The prison Commander would have been involved in the decision.

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What's wrong with this place?

He shouldn't have seen the light of day again..... in any CIVILIZED country!

In a "civilized" country like Sweden he probably would be out in 5 years as he "was abused as a child" which lead him to do such horrendous things.

19years in a Thai prison is like 38 in a "civilized " one. I think he has done his time, time to move on

Nineteen years is a long time, in a hell hole like that. Doubt he would have been imprisoned that long in the US. Is that "civilized" enough for you? He's 70, he's hurting, and he did his time. Welcome back to the world. Freedom is precious. Enjoy what life you have left.

PS: Where's the rock?

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I wonder what ever happened to his farang wife, as the article didn't mentioned

her as being present on his release? could it be she got tired of waiting???

I didn't know he had a farang wife, but if he did, I think it would be rather hard for him to apply for a visa on her behalf from prison.

Why would he have to apply for a visa for his wife?

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After 19 years that Blue Diamond is now worth a whole lot more than it was back then. My guess is that someone higher up the order has done a deal with this guy and he gets out on the proviso that the spoils are shared. Discussion probably went something like this...'' Of course, being locked up until you die you will never have the chance to enjoy the fruits of your indiscretions but; should you choose to reveal the items whereabouts and share a certain percentage, then strings can be pulled and you will get a get out of jail free card ''.

Downside of such a deal for me would be the bullet waiting as soon as you spill the beans to the 'friends' that have 'helped' you !

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After 19 years that Blue Diamond is now worth a whole lot more than it was back then. My guess is that someone higher up the order has done a deal with this guy and he gets out on the proviso that the spoils are shared. Discussion probably went something like this...'' Of course, being locked up until you die you will never have the chance to enjoy the fruits of your indiscretions but; should you choose to reveal the items whereabouts and share a certain percentage, then strings can be pulled and you will get a get out of jail free card ''.

Downside of such a deal for me would be the bullet waiting as soon as you spill the beans to the 'friends' that have 'helped' you !

Good to see no meaningless speculation going on today.

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It is common knowledge, where the blue diamond is now!!

If you were to search through the photo ops from senior police balls social events you will see that a number of claims were made and people were able to identify a number of gems that went missing.

Not so cried those who were captured in the images these are just paste copies you know .whistling.gif

No doubt now with some re-cutting those gems are all but unrecognizable but as said the value has indeed increased much to the pleasure of the ''investors''

Such a shame that the innocent mother and child of the accused thief are not able to appreciate and enjoy the freedom that this parole order has given the convicted felon.

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It is common knowledge, where the blue diamond is now!!


Really? Where?

Lucy has it. She, Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton were all seen having lunch with Elvis in Chiang Mai yesterday.





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A lot of questions remain as to the whereabouts of the blue diamond and some of the other jewels. One person who did attempt to answer the question is now on a long suspension.

Speculation which breaches the forum rules is not permitted.

Exercise care in what you post.

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To release any prisoner short of his full term on the grounds of good conduct is normal in many countries, and also if the prisoner is sick and/or of advanced age. In the case of Chalor, and given the Thai justice system, it is incredibly good that he was convicted and that he served as long as 19 years. The real issue is all the other people in the case who got away with no penalty and all the other people of high social standing in all the other criminal cases in Thailand who get away with their crimes. Chalor is in fact a mark of what should happen to the guilty in this country and rarely does.

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He must have been the fall guy! Unheard of police being in jail for that length of time. And where is the blue diamond? Would make a great film,

His health will probably improve greatly once he is out of prison and removes from that big blue diamond from one of his orifice. It probably gets crowded with a big diamond and a mobile phone in there.

I wonder if he has actually been in a jail cell for all those years or whether he was replaced by someone else.

From what I understand the blue diamond was passed on to a certain V V V VIP who was actually photographed wearing it. Not the kind of person you talk about such things though. Shhhhh.

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He must have been the fall guy! Unheard of police being in jail for that length of time. And where is the blue diamond? Would make a great film,

His health will probably improve greatly once he is out of prison and removes from that big blue diamond from one of his orifice. It probably gets crowded with a big diamond and a mobile phone in there.

I wonder if he has actually been in a jail cell for all those years or whether he was replaced by someone else.

From what I understand the blue diamond was passed on to a certain V V V VIP who was actually photographed wearing it. Not the kind of person you talk about such things though. Shhhhh.

Exactly correct.......

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He has got off lightly for the heinous crime he committed while a senior police officer. Details of the crime are not even mentioned by The Nation. He abducted Santi's wife and son in order to get the jeweller to give himself up and tell Chalor where some of the stolen Saudi jewellery was, so he could steal it himself. He tortured them for a couple of weeks in a "safe" police house and when he gave up hope of using them to get what he wanted from Santi, he beat them unconscious and left them in a bend in an isolated road to be run over by the next vehicle that came along.

His American wife defended him for years, until the penny finally dropped and she divorced him and p*ssed off.

This sort of filth should never be allowed to walk the streets again.

So where is the diamond?

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Sentenced to death, reduced to a 57 years by nibbsy .. serves 19 .. <deleted> ridiculous

The article says he served two thirds of his sentence. That would be 38 years if sentenced to 57 years. How did 19 get to be two thirds?

Went through the Thai school system. Same teachers conduct the math and ethics classes.giggle.gifgiggle.gifgiggle.gif

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Sentenced to death, reduced to a 57 years by nibbsy .. serves 19 .. <deleted> ridiculous

The article says he served two thirds of his sentence. That would be 38 years if sentenced to 57 years. How did 19 get to be two thirds?

Went through the Thai school system. Same teachers conduct the math and ethics classes.giggle.gifgiggle.gifgiggle.gif

I thought the same thing. The OP got it wrong according to 'the paper that shall not be named', it was one third served that was required to meet the criteria. In fact looking at the criteria, over 70, ill, served a third of sentence, it could almost have been written for this guy. Ha, funny that!

Edited by Bluespunk
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He has got off lightly for the heinous crime he committed while a senior police officer. Details of the crime are not even mentioned by The Nation. He abducted Santi's wife and son in order to get the jeweller to give himself up and tell Chalor where some of the stolen Saudi jewellery was, so he could steal it himself. He tortured them for a couple of weeks in a "safe" police house and when he gave up hope of using them to get what he wanted from Santi, he beat them unconscious and left them in a bend in an isolated road to be run over by the next vehicle that came along.

His American wife defended him for years, until the penny finally dropped and she divorced him and p*ssed off.

This sort of filth should never be allowed to walk the streets again.

So where is the diamond?
I have it.

You want a peek.

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