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Noisy B*******ds


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Yep, Thais are loud adn fairly inconsiderate when it comes to noise a lot of the time. The way in the tropics it seems. I love it.

I believe the concept of 'noise' doesn't exist in third world countries...

Very true. Hence, earplugs. Use 'em.

I carry a pair wherever I go.

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Yep, Thais are loud adn fairly inconsiderate when it comes to noise a lot of the time. The way in the tropics it seems. I love it.

I believe the concept of 'noise' doesn't exist in third world countries...

Very true. Hence, earplugs. Use 'em.

I carry a pair wherever I go.


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I live out in the sticks, but someone within half a mile has died and the music, huge loudspeakers with low bass thumping starts at 5 am ! Stops just before midday, had it for 3 days now, oh the joys of village life!

Exactly the same thing when someone gets married but that goes on all day for several days!

Then there is the weekend guys with loudspeakers on their pick up's selling everything from fish to vegetables and curry, or wanting to fix things, they start cruisin around 6 am, great! Just love to wake up to that on a weekend.

Edited by CharlieH
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I got a bit fed up with a little boy reviing his toy car outside the pub opposite the other night. I think it was a full moon; there was fireworks outside earlier as well - possibly outside the pub, or one of the neighbours' houses. I din't get up to look. Where I live now is one of the quietest places I've stayed during the day, but one of the noisiest of a night time. And then the mosque starts up with the call to prayers - timely reminder of the need for serenity and spirituality.


Take the boy some gingersnaps ...

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I live out in the sticks, but someone within half a mile has died and the music, huge loudspeakers with low bass thumping starts at 5 am ! Stops just before midday, had it for 3 days now, oh the joys of village life!

Exactly the same thing when someone gets married but that goes on all day for several days!

Then there is the weekend guys with loudspeakers on their pick up's selling everything from fish to vegetables and curry, or wanting to fix things, they start cruisin around 6 am, great! Just love to wake up to that on a weekend.

I take it you havent seen a flatbed truck with a humungous PA system and a dozen working girls weaving its way around the Beach Road circuit at 11pm ? You know those girls have to be partly deaf when you can hear it from a kilometre away ....

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The other morning he was out there real early with a drill, putting holes in his exhaust manifolds trying to make his pickup sound like a clapped out Ferrari (Yes, he's one of those idiots) Then sits there revving the engine constantly with a big stupid smile on his face. Now when he drives down the street he drops the revs, puts the clutch in and revs up like he is in a hot rod.

Hey! I didn't realized there was a fellow westerner living in Rhek Thum!

Kidding aside, I actually thought my town was unique for this.

They drill holes or, in the case of one guy, come home with a brand new pickup, and proceed to cut off the exhaust, including the catalytic converter. The same goes for motor bikes.

Thais generally, as another poster put it, don't see beyond the end of their noses. Something in the culture prevents them from thinking anything they do, might disturb another human.

Please don't label this as culture. Its just plain inconsiderate behavior, simple as that. They know it will upset someone but as long as its not immediate family , they don't give a toss.

How come I can't label it as culture, and you can?

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What makes you think that Sunday is a day off in Thailand. Where I live, Saturday is the "low" day where some businesses are closed. Sunday is full bore except for the government offices and banks. Rant on, but get busy living rather than complaining because nobody really gives a rats ass about your problem, and you know it!.

Strange how my wife and her entire family work Mon to Fri jobs and have Sat and Sun off..... I just think you live in a weird place.

Don't really give a rats ass that you don't give a rat's ass. I started the thread because I wanted my rant and felt entitled to my rant.

But you are obviously a hypocrite, because you feel entitled to rant about the fact that I am having a rant.

Me thinks it may be thee who needs to get 'busy living' (hypocritical comment 2).

Sunday morning rant No2 over.

According to many of our klubex99 previous threads, he certainly seems to have had much to gripe about and is not having a good time of it here. His daily struggles with the Thai people and Thailand continue.

Down my way most of the neighbors retire to bed early and wake up early, it`s the way of life in these communities, and has been probably for hundreds of years. I certainly would not expect them to change their habits of a lifetime just to appease me.

Back in Farangland, I once complained to a neighbor regarding his frequent late night parties. Ended up with his mates vandalising my car and throwing eggs at my windows. Nothing like this has ever happened to us in Thailand. Making some noise in the morning is not an extreme in my opinion.

My advice is, chill out, get used to it, buy some earmuffs or try to adapt into the culture and ways of the Thai people or move on. This is Thailand and perhaps Thailand is not for him?

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You've got it tough. I live in a moo baan in Jomtien. The "camp mother" is related to Hitler and takes all complaints from residents seriously so she shuts all these things down before they become a problem. She even has the security guards follow the rubbish collection truck around on a pushbike to make sure they pick up anything they drop from the truck.

Had some Russians making too much noise so after a few tellings off she padlocked them INSIDE their 6 foot high fence/gate. They soon got the message.

She sounds great, seriously.

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Thailand is not Germany, where the police comes when you mow the lawn on Sunday.

If you like the increased freedom in Thailand than you must also swallow the disadvantages.

If you start a party on Saturday at 9PM when he wants to go sleeping he can't do anything when you sing karaoke into his window till midnight.

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It made me crazy for a long time.

A village full of noise at 4:30 am, every day!

Then my wife pointed out to me that since Thailand is so hot, people get up while it is still dark and a little cooler to do chores and anything else that needs doing.

Then they sleep in the heat of the afternoon.

They assume everyone does the same.

Now I get up at 4:30 am too.


Thailand is not a Christian country. Sunday is no different than any other day here.

My wife as well wake up at 3-4 AM, but sleeps 12-2PM and is than active again. It is very logic in a hot country.

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What makes you think that Sunday is a day off in Thailand. Where I live, Saturday is the "low" day where some businesses are closed. Sunday is full bore except for the government offices and banks. Rant on, but get busy living rather than complaining because nobody really gives a rats ass about your problem, and you know it!.

Strange how my wife and her entire family work Mon to Fri jobs and have Sat and Sun off..... I just think you live in a weird place.

Don't really give a rats ass that you don't give a rat's ass. I started the thread because I wanted my rant and felt entitled to my rant.

But you are obviously a hypocrite, because you feel entitled to rant about the fact that I am having a rant.

Me thinks it may be thee who needs to get 'busy living' (hypocritical comment 2).

Sunday morning rant No2 over.

According to many of our klubex99 previous threads, he certainly seems to have had much to gripe about and is not having a good time of it here. His daily struggles with the Thai people and Thailand continue.

Down my way most of the neighbors retire to bed early and wake up early, it`s the way of life in these communities, and has been probably for hundreds of years. I certainly would not expect them to change their habits of a lifetime just to appease me.

Back in Farangland, I once complained to a neighbor regarding his frequent late night parties. Ended up with his mates vandalising my car and throwing eggs at my windows. Nothing like this has ever happened to us in Thailand. Making some noise in the morning is not an extreme in my opinion.

My advice is, chill out, get used to it, buy some earmuffs or try to adapt into the culture and ways of the Thai people or move on. This is Thailand and perhaps Thailand is not for him?

I don't think it is a Thai thing, It is nothing to do with the culture or Thailand in general. The Thais in my street ( I am the only farang) Seem to live the same lifestyle as myself. As a matter of fact the wife just told me the neighbour on the other side of him was complaining about it also. The Thais in the street seem to have the same attitude as me, it is nothing to do with Thainess. It is to do with a thoughtless individual pissing 'everyone' off.

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By your reply/attitude YOU MUST be the neighbor he is talking about!

What makes you think that Sunday is a day off in Thailand. Where I live, Saturday is the "low" day where some businesses are closed. Sunday is full bore except for the government offices and banks. Rant on, but get busy living rather than complaining because nobody really gives a rats ass about your problem, and you know it!.

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I agree with your post.

What makes you think that Sunday is a day off in Thailand. Where I live, Saturday is the "low" day where some businesses are closed. Sunday is full bore except for the government offices and banks. Rant on, but get busy living rather than complaining because nobody really gives a rats ass about your problem, and you know it!.

Strange how my wife and her entire family work Mon to Fri jobs and have Sat and Sun off..... I just think you live in a weird place.

Don't really give a rats ass that you don't give a rat's ass. I started the thread because I wanted my rant and felt entitled to my rant.

But you are obviously a hypocrite, because you feel entitled to rant about the fact that I am having a rant.

Me thinks it may be thee who needs to get 'busy living' (hypocritical comment 2).

Sunday morning rant No2 over.

According to many of our klubex99 previous threads, he certainly seems to have had much to gripe about and is not having a good time of it here. His daily struggles with the Thai people and Thailand continue.

Down my way most of the neighbors retire to bed early and wake up early, it`s the way of life in these communities, and has been probably for hundreds of years. I certainly would not expect them to change their habits of a lifetime just to appease me.

Back in Farangland, I once complained to a neighbor regarding his frequent late night parties. Ended up with his mates vandalising my car and throwing eggs at my windows. Nothing like this has ever happened to us in Thailand. Making some noise in the morning is not an extreme in my opinion.

My advice is, chill out, get used to it, buy some earmuffs or try to adapt into the culture and ways of the Thai people or move on. This is Thailand and perhaps Thailand is not for him?

I don't think it is a Thai thing, It is nothing to do with the culture or Thailand in general. The Thais in my street ( I am the only farang) Seem to live the same lifestyle as myself. As a matter of fact the wife just told me the neighbour on the other side of him was complaining about it also. The Thais in the street seem to have the same attitude as me, it is nothing to do with Thainess. It is to do with a thoughtless individual pissing 'everyone' off.

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What makes you think that Sunday is a day off in Thailand. Where I live, Saturday is the "low" day where some businesses are closed. Sunday is full bore except for the government offices and banks. Rant on, but get busy living rather than complaining because nobody really gives a rats ass about your problem, and you know it!.

Strange how my wife and her entire family work Mon to Fri jobs and have Sat and Sun off..... I just think you live in a weird place.

Don't really give a rats ass that you don't give a rat's ass. I started the thread because I wanted my rant and felt entitled to my rant.

But you are obviously a hypocrite, because you feel entitled to rant about the fact that I am having a rant.

Me thinks it may be thee who needs to get 'busy living' (hypocritical comment 2).

Sunday morning rant No2 over.

According to many of our klubex99 previous threads, he certainly seems to have had much to gripe about and is not having a good time of it here. His daily struggles with the Thai people and Thailand continue.

Down my way most of the neighbors retire to bed early and wake up early, it`s the way of life in these communities, and has been probably for hundreds of years. I certainly would not expect them to change their habits of a lifetime just to appease me.

Back in Farangland, I once complained to a neighbor regarding his frequent late night parties. Ended up with his mates vandalising my car and throwing eggs at my windows. Nothing like this has ever happened to us in Thailand. Making some noise in the morning is not an extreme in my opinion.

My advice is, chill out, get used to it, buy some earmuffs or try to adapt into the culture and ways of the Thai people or move on. This is Thailand and perhaps Thailand is not for him?

I don't think it is a Thai thing, It is nothing to do with the culture or Thailand in general. The Thais in my street ( I am the only farang) Seem to live the same lifestyle as myself. As a matter of fact the wife just told me the neighbour on the other side of him was complaining about it also. The Thais in the street seem to have the same attitude as me, it is nothing to do with Thainess. It is to do with a thoughtless individual pissing 'everyone' off.

No problem then.

If it`s a case of one person wee wee ing everyone off, than why not all band together and make an official complaint to the local authority?

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No problem then.

If it`s a case of one person wee wee ing everyone off, than why not all band together and make an official complaint to the local authority?

Funnily, I have had a couple of conversations with wifey about making an offer to buy the house off him. Would love to expand our own and add some offices for the company. worth a thought.

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I'm quite tolerant of noise during the day, even on a Sunday. I'm actually living opposite a building site at the moment and I'm accepting if people need to work.

The only time I'll complain is noise at nighttime. There used to be a group of skateboarders outside (horrifically annoying) and the worst was pick ups playing loud bass music as even ear plugs can't block the vibrations.

My only two observations of watching the building work at the moment 1) Thai laborers are really skilled and 2)They love (like the skateboarders and pick up owners) making noise for noises' sake. I watched two guys today throw steel molds for concrete out of the back of a truck. One could have passed them to the other silently, but no, making noise is more fun!

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Agree with Jackr. Move, but this time plan your location around avoiding noise traps.

Noise traps:

Any ramshackle Thai housing in the area = roosters crowing, the midnight bark, cats clawing your motorbike seat or shedding all over it or your car paint job, karaoke boom boom music and off-key lunatics, general riff-raff cruising around, teenage hoodlums scouting the area for trouble, food hawkers at all hours, slow-moving pickup trucks blaring out advertisements, the ever-present woman at 5am in the morning sweeping the dirt off the dirt right under your window, etc.

The thing is, either live a minimum 1600 meters from any of that, or get a room in a very tall building and at the top-most tier so those noises stay below you and all you hear is an occasional, distant honk.

I really sympathize with you, but with a bit of planning this can be accomplished to a satisfactory result.

Good luck

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Yep, Thais are loud adn fairly inconsiderate when it comes to noise a lot of the time. The way in the tropics it seems. I love it.

I believe the concept of 'noise' doesn't exist in third world countries...

Very true. Hence, earplugs. Use 'em.

I carry a pair wherever I go.



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You've got it tough. I live in a moo baan in Jomtien. The "camp mother" is related to Hitler and takes all complaints from residents seriously so she shuts all these things down before they become a problem. She even has the security guards follow the rubbish collection truck around on a pushbike to make sure they pick up anything they drop from the truck.

Had some Russians making too much noise so after a few tellings off she padlocked them INSIDE their 6 foot high fence/gate. They soon got the message.

She sounds great, seriously.

Yeah - I'd like to rent her services for a month in my neighborhood. I would have nothing left to complain about.

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At least it is not every morning. I bought a home a few kliks out of Chiang Mai. A small, "high- quality"estate designed by a foreign- trained trained architect/ developer. I did several pre- purchase inspections. I specifically directly asked the architect whether there was any source for potential noise pollution. I asked "Are there any schools, churches, temples, mosques, town- halls, fire-stations nearby that have bells, sirens, loudspeakers calling children to classes, christians to church, muslims to mosque etc.....The architect looked me in the eye and said, I paraphrase: No, nothing of the kind, very quiet here. Being from a foreign and respected architectural school and a respectable sorta chappy, I unreservedly accepted that answer and bought. The first evening after move- in, a very loud broadcast of what turned out to be " the local news" invaded my space. Intrusive gibberish, unintelligible even to Thai- speakers because of the static and screeching. Next morning promptly at 06.15 hours, similar rant for 30 minutes. And so on every nite from between 19.00 and 20.00 and every morning between 06.00 and 07.30 ( duration depending on the volume of news and energy-boredom of the broadcaster) I am bombarded by utterly incomprehensible news. Outrageous misrepresentation by the architect? Turns out the loudspeaker is a mere 200 yards from my house, mounted on a pole about 200 feet up and this is a commonly used system to pass the news around. My BH likes the place so much and is a very patient sorta lady that we stayed. I could write a book about the quality of " high-end" construction but I won't. I think one has to drop the concept " professional" when looking for good design, construction and committment here in Thailand. Don't get me going on "professional" landscapers, puleeze.

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At least it is not every morning. I bought a home a few kliks out of Chiang Mai. A small, "high- quality"estate designed by a foreign- trained trained architect/ developer. I did several pre- purchase inspections. I specifically directly asked the architect whether there was any source for potential noise pollution. I asked "Are there any schools, churches, temples, mosques, town- halls, fire-stations nearby that have bells, sirens, loudspeakers calling children to classes, christians to church, muslims to mosque etc.....The architect looked me in the eye and said, I paraphrase: No, nothing of the kind, very quiet here. Being from a foreign and respected architectural school and a respectable sorta chappy, I unreservedly accepted that answer and bought. The first evening after move- in, a very loud broadcast of what turned out to be " the local news" invaded my space. Intrusive gibberish, unintelligible even to Thai- speakers because of the static and screeching. Next morning promptly at 06.15 hours, similar rant for 30 minutes. And so on every nite from between 19.00 and 20.00 and every morning between 06.00 and 07.30 ( duration depending on the volume of news and energy-boredom of the broadcaster) I am bombarded by utterly incomprehensible news. Outrageous misrepresentation by the architect? Turns out the loudspeaker is a mere 200 yards from my house, mounted on a pole about 200 feet up and this is a commonly used system to pass the news around. My BH likes the place so much and is a very patient sorta lady that we stayed. I could write a book about the quality of " high-end" construction but I won't. I think one has to drop the concept " professional" when looking for good design, construction and committment here in Thailand. Don't get me going on "professional" landscapers, puleeze.

if you want western quality design and construction, hire and pay for western quality tradesmen. Hilton, Mandarin and Marriot do.

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You are not going to win that's for sure.

It is not a question of Thais trying to bloody minded , it is just that they are completely unaware that this type of noisy activity disturbs other people.

If you were the one grinding , your neighbour would simply sleep through it and so he, quite naturally, expects you to be able to do the same.

I have been out here since 1984 and it has always been like that.

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Very quiete in my moo ban in Hang Dong, end of the road no passing traffic, occasionally neighbour constructing metal roof structure and has not got the brains to turn off the hammer action when drilling steel and apart from one of my female companions asking if I could stop the f---Ing birds making a noise in the morning, I would not want to be anywhere else but as I am renting if things get noisey I would not think twice about moving somewhere else.

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Maybe he thinks it's fair enough to make a noise after daybreak because his neighbours disturb his sleep when they come home late Saturday/early Sunday morning and make a fair amount of noise slamming car doors, parking bikes, talking loudly, generally having no respect for his early to bed and early to rise lifestyle. whistling.gif

I don't hear many of those noises at night., maybe dogs barking. You can't help making a sound when you close a car door, and I don't hear any loud voices here at all. But even if there were, I think angle grinding at 7AM is unacceptable.

But here is another strange brand of behaviour from a different neighbour (not noise related).

A family from down the road (about 6 houses away) used to have a dog that they would just allow to roam the street and crap outside every one else's gate, as a matter of fact, it crapped outside almost every house apart from its own. Some neighbours complained about it, but this <deleted> wasn't even fazed.

Up the other end of the street, a new family moved in, and as soon as they did, the dog crapped outside their gate, and within 3 days the dog was dead in the road. The new guy openly admitted to all us neighbours that he poisoned it. I am no dog lover, especially here, so I actually felt quite good about it. No more cleaning up dog shit. I don't feel bad about that at all.

A week later, the guy who poisoned it, went and acquired 2 dogs that bark almost constantly and they leave the gate open for them to wander around crapping all over the street.

You couldn't make it up.

You've got it tough. I live in a moo baan in Jomtien. The "camp mother" is related to Hitler and takes all complaints from residents seriously so she shuts all these things down before they become a problem. She even has the security guards follow the rubbish collection truck around on a pushbike to make sure they pick up anything they drop from the truck.

Had some Russians making too much noise so after a few tellings off she padlocked them INSIDE their 6 foot high fence/gate. They soon got the message.

What moo baan are you in? Might be nice to live in a place where nonsense and rudeness is not much tolerated.

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I used to have a next door neighbor, very nice person, ex builder. Used to help me with some projects too. One day he told me in the course of a conversation that when he went on holiday he used to turn the refrigerator off if he was staying in a motel as he could not sleep with the noise.

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