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Bangkok police arrest Nigerian in 1 million baht Cocaine bust


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Drugs dealers...should give the drugs to the farang with racist mentality. who are upset, because they're now experiencing second class status in Thailand. They're oppose to racism, when it's the focus of their beautiful dark complexion Thai wife /girlfriend..Because of the difficult to achieve a relationship with the lighter complexion Thai female, due to cultural differences. They can no longer implement their superiority complex behaviour. Therefore, they're experiencing delusion. However, the basis of their historical existence precedes essence :-)

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Same everywhere, a Nigerian tried to scam me out of my iPhone I had for sale on done deal one also hacked my yahoo account and tried to access my bank account they also go around robbing all the clothes banks here in my country they are just greedy B's. Execute him that's what I say save the tax payers allot of money her too she is just as bad, been with him for a year and only just found out he is a drug dealer tell that to a horse and he'd kick you.

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Amateur hour psychologist award for most pretentious post in this thread goes to..clap2.gif

Drugs dealers...should give the drugs to the farang with racist mentality. who are upset, because they're now experiencing second class status in Thailand. They're oppose to racism, when it's the focus of their beautiful dark complexion Thai wife /girlfriend..Because of the difficult to achieve a relationship with the lighter complexion Thai female, due to cultural differences. They can no longer implement their superiority complex behaviour. Therefore, they're experiencing delusion. However, the basis of their historical existence precedes essence :-)


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I am all for freedom of speech, but I am getting a little tired of the racism exhibited by a few bigots on this site. Usually it is the wonderful Thai people who are subject to racism, but if a black person from Nigeria comes a cropper then they (and apparently all Nigerians) are a bad lot. I can assure you that the majority of Nigerians are decent God fearing people. As with any nation, the few who gain publicity for their wrongdoing bring the country a bad name. Having spent all my working life dealing with criminals I am well aware of the problems caused by the use of illicit drugs and legal alcohol. Both victims and low level dealers who are often users trying to pay for their own habit, can come from any country and any walk of life and should be pitied rather than vilified. Drugs and alcohol are no respecters of upbringing, class ( I had a Lord on my case load) or culture. So please let's discuss drug and alcohol problems without the racism!

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Drugs dealers...should give the drugs to the farang with racist mentality. who are upset, because they're now experiencing second class status in Thailand. They're oppose to racism, when it's the focus of their beautiful dark complexion Thai wife /girlfriend..Because of the difficult to achieve a relationship with the lighter complexion Thai female, due to cultural differences. They can no longer implement their superiority complex behaviour. Therefore, they're experiencing delusion. However, the basis of their historical existence precedes essence :-)

Not sure I understand your post. What exactly is your point and how is it relevant to this thread?

Edited by Bluespunk
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Drugs dealers...should give the drugs to the farang with racist mentality. who are upset, because they're now experiencing second class status in Thailand. They're oppose to racism, when it's the focus of their beautiful dark complexion Thai wife /girlfriend..Because of the difficult to achieve a relationship with the lighter complexion Thai female, due to cultural differences. They can no longer implement their superiority complex behaviour. Therefore, they're experiencing delusion. However, the basis of their historical existence precedes essence :-)

Not sure I understand your post. What exactly is your point and how is it relevant to this thread?

Sounds like they gave the drugs to you

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Drugs dealers...should give the drugs to the farang with racist mentality. who are upset, because they're now experiencing second class status in Thailand. They're oppose to racism, when it's the focus of their beautiful dark complexion Thai wife /girlfriend..Because of the difficult to achieve a relationship with the lighter complexion Thai female, due to cultural differences. They can no longer implement their superiority complex behaviour. Therefore, they're experiencing delusion. However, the basis of their historical existence precedes essence :-)

A very intelligent clear post - refreshingly on topic. whistling.gifclap2.gif

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I love the quote in one certain prohibition movie, where the cop said to the Mountie " you are not from Chicago"

One Nigeria caught, all nigerians are now scammers and drug peddling bunch.

Personally I do no think that all white men over 50 like sleep with little underaged boys and girls even though, every pedophile arrested in SEA has been white, male, about 50, and butt ugly.

I'll excuse your English language mistakes, but please try to do better in future since you make an interesting point. The fact is though that as a white male aged about 50 and, by my own admission, butt ugly - I think most (not all but MOST) - paedophiles do fit that precise demographic, they really are white 50 something butt ugly shits. So here's the thing, not ALL African males aged 20 something and up are drug dealers, really, they're not. I would really love to know what the growing number in the Bangkkok Sukhumvit area are though?

Edited by bobnuts
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Mrs. Nittaya further stated to the police that she had been with ,Paul for a year, but only just found that he was a drug dealer, so they quarrelled and then she used crystal meth from her husband to lower her stress.

What luck the police arrived the same day she found out about Paul's dirty business.

It's like all this bar girls I used to meet who'd only been there a week...

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Nigerians sell all sorts of drugs at Sukhumvit, while cops are busy to find foreigners who smoke cigarettes and drop them on the street.

" Hey...UUuuuuuuu wanna by sammm Koukainnn? Maaan."-There're just too many of them here, wai2.gif

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Drugs dealers...should give the drugs to the farang with racist mentality. who are upset, because they're now experiencing second class status in Thailand. They're oppose to racism, when it's the focus of their beautiful dark complexion Thai wife /girlfriend..Because of the difficult to achieve a relationship with the lighter complexion Thai female, due to cultural differences. They can no longer implement their superiority complex behaviour. Therefore, they're experiencing delusion. However, the basis of their historical existence precedes essence :-)

A very intelligent clear post - refreshingly on topic. whistling.gifclap2.gif

Great to see such "intelligent posts". Hope it will be self destroyed in ten seconds..-coffee1.gif

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As an individual of Caribbean Heritage living and working in Bangkok, it's really sad when all black people are categorized as drug dealers. Yes, as bad as it is with Nigerians here, there are many who are educated and work legally for their money.

I am automatically categorized as a Nigerian because am Black........ I often laugh.

Drug dealers should be punished irrespective of nationality. The crime is the issue not the individual.

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I love the quote in one certain prohibition movie, where the cop said to the Mountie " you are not from Chicago"

One Nigeria caught, all nigerians are now scammers and drug peddling bunch.

Personally I do no think that all white men over 50 like sleep with little underaged boys and girls even though, every pedophile arrested in SEA has been white, male, about 50, and butt ugly.

tell me chief..why then is one of four girls raped under the age of 15,...unwed mothers average 80% in africa.....personally i lost respect for most africans after oj simpson cried and said ''i din do nufin'',....but ...thats just me ''dude''...dont start ...its a debate you will never win.....

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Same everywhere, a Nigerian tried to scam me out of my iPhone I had for sale on done deal one also hacked my yahoo account and tried to access my bank account they also go around robbing all the clothes banks here in my country they are just greedy B's. Execute him that's what I say save the tax payers allot of money her too she is just as bad, been with him for a year and only just found out he is a drug dealer tell that to a horse and he'd kick you.

The official budget received by the 'Department of Corruptions' for keeping this man in prison is 33 baht per day, a large proportion of which will be creamed off by the brass at DOC headquarters in Nonthaburi and never filter down to actually be used for its purpose of keeping this man alive during his stay in prison. On reflection one imagines it's hardly going to make a dent in tax revenues either. This man is going to suffer beyond most peoples comprehension I can assure you so maybe that will sate your thirst for seeing him executed?

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Tell you what, next time a white man is arrested in Thailand for child sex offences - I'm sure it won't be long - I'm gonna come on here and have a freakin' field day.

Well that's the way to show people who hold bigoted and offensive views, by replicating the exact same behaviour.

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Tell you what, next time a white man is arrested in Thailand for child sex offences - I'm sure it won't be long - I'm gonna come on here and have a freakin' field day.

Well that's the way to show people who hold bigoted and offensive views, by replicating the exact same behaviour.

Well obviously I wouldn't do that because I'm not a bigot. I was just making the point to the Klan members on here.

I love Thailand.

Yep, me too.

Still, better to be barred than have your lights banged out, eh??!!


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Tell you what, next time a white man is arrested in Thailand for child sex offences - I'm sure it won't be long - I'm gonna come on here and have a freakin' field day.


Well that's the way to show people who hold bigoted and offensive views, by replicating the exact same behaviour.

Well obviously I wouldn't do that because I'm not a bigot. I was just making the point to the Klan members on here.



I love Thailand.

Yep, me too.

Still, better to be barred than have your lights banged out, eh??!!

He asked for it. That would happen anywhere in the world if you carry on like that and being aggressive.

I love Thailand's freedoms. Can have a poster like that without the flag wavers of equality in the west sticking their noses in and using the racist card.

It has nothing to do with skin color, its to do with how civilized they are.

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He asked for it. That would happen anywhere in the world if you carry on like that and being aggressive.

I love Thailand's freedoms. Can have a poster like that without the flag wavers of equality in the west sticking their noses in and using the racist card.

It has nothing to do with skin color, its to do with how civilized they are.

And yet, every time a "is the word 'farang' racist" thread starts on the forum, an entire legion of so-hard-done-by white people cry blue freakin' murder and play . . . wait for it . . . the race card.

And yet, every time a white man is charged extra at a Thai national park, they chuck their toys and play . . . wait for it . . . the race card.

"Oh boo-hoo, the Thais are racist to us" as if they're being spat on or beaten to a pulp in the streets.

No bloody mention of Thailand's freedoms then, is there?

Pure, unadulterated hypocrisy seems to be woven into their very DNA.

It's only PC when it doesn't affect you directly, right??

Edited by HardenedSoul
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As an individual of Caribbean Heritage living and working in Bangkok, it's really sad when all black people are categorized as drug dealers. Yes, as bad as it is with Nigerians here, there are many who are educated and work legally for their money.

I am automatically categorized as a Nigerian because am Black........ I often laugh.

Drug dealers should be punished irrespective of nationality. The crime is the issue not the individual.

The real issue is, should it even be considered a crime at all?

Civilized countries such as Portugal and Czech Republic decriminalized drugs long ago. The drug war is nothing more than an excuse to create government jobs, give the government more power, and make easy work for themselves. The drug war keeps millions of people employed, and keeps opportunistic gangsters employed as well. You need to get educated on what the real situation is here.

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