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Does Your Wife Or Partner Gamble ?


Does Your Wife Or Partner Gamble?  

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Having been married to a Thai for over 40 year and being around them even longer; I have to question the results of this poll. Right now it is showing 71% - never?

In my experience the top three passtimes for Thai people are gambling, eating and sex. Those vary in importance depending on the time of day and the age of the people. But those three are always the top.

the 71% is only 30 people, give it time :)

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She took a gamble when she first met me.

She took a larger gamble when she gave up her job of 12 years with an International Firm to come and stay in my country for an extended period.

We are both winners ... thumbsup.gif

So I'll click yes ... she's gambler ... not often ... she picks her bets wisely.

I'll get my coat ...

Nice, smooth. No flame from me and happy it worked out for you smile.png

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No, Mrs Powers does not gamble. She has seen the damage it does to families and how the addiction tasks hold in a similar way to those who get hooked on drugs. In my experience, just as it is back home or anywhere else, generally, the kind of Thai girls that gamble are not the ones you want to partner up with.

That said if it's just 100 Baht on a card game for a bit of fun once in a while that's quite different.

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No, Mrs Powers does not gamble. She has seen the damage it does to families and how the addiction tasks hold in a similar way to those who get hooked on drugs. In my experience, just as it is back home or anywhere else, generally, the kind of Thai girls that gamble are not the ones you want to partner up with.

That said if it's just 100 Baht on a card game for a bit of fun once in a while that's quite different.

Does she drink alcohol? I've seen many people get hooked on that and it causing a lot more damage than gambling or drug addicts.

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Gambling, alcoholism, obesity are not diseases they are choices. The 'disease' concept is simply a convenient excuse for people who can't face up to their own addictions or lack of self control. Seems unfair to those people suffering from serious diseases to refer to it as such, particularly if said condition was in no way self-inflicted.

My Wife has been known to gamble down at he cock fighting stadium but that's all just part of the fun.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Are you a doctor? So you think you know better than lets see - The American Medical Association, The World Health Organization, American Psychiatric Association, the American Hospital Association, the American Public Health Association, the National Association of Social Workers, the American College of Physicians , Joint Committee of the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence and the American Society of Addiction Medicine Edited by Neeranam
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Neeranam....Sorry but Gambling is an addiction ! Its a well known and publicised documented fact.

I dont gamble and neither does the wife, if she had or had I known about it I wouldnt be with her. Gambling out of control ruins lives just like any other addiction. Having said that, each to his own, if thats what you want to do with your life and your money thats your choice.

We used to have a house opposite ours a few years ago, always loads of motircycles and cars outside, people coming and going all hours, I asked the wife what was so popular, she said "casino", the best part is it was owned and run by a Policeman !!

Big money changed hands there including cars and motorcycles apparently.

Sorry, but I disagree. In that case, would you say drinking alcohol is a disease? Is having sex a disease? Is eating a disease? Do you see where I'm going? All these 3 have 12 step recovery groups - AA, OA, SA etc. For SOME people it causes addiction. Just because some gamblers end up in GA, doesn't mean that all gamblers have a disease/addiction.
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No, Mrs Powers does not gamble. She has seen the damage it does to families and how the addiction tasks hold in a similar way to those who get hooked on drugs. In my experience, just as it is back home or anywhere else, generally, the kind of Thai girls that gamble are not the ones you want to partner up with.

That said if it's just 100 Baht on a card game for a bit of fun once in a while that's quite different.

Does she drink alcohol? I've seen many people get hooked on that and it causing a lot more damage than gambling or drug addicts.

alcohol IS a drug

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Thankfully, my wife has never gambled. However, I know several expat. husbands who have gambling wives. In some cases, their wives have lost several million baht but they still cannot see that it's a disease and the problem will recur after every bail out. Other husbands are blissfully unaware that the property they have paid for is in hock.

Gambling is not a disease same as say drinking alcohol is not a disease. Alcoholism is a disease as is some people gambling addiction.

My wife gambles - loves the casino. She plays the lottery regularly. I gamble for a living(not in Thailand)and go to the horse racing in Khon Kaen,Korat, Bangkok. It is not a problem, in fact the opposite, it pays the bills and our new house.

It seems that all members on his forum that ever post that they poker players, horse race gamblers or casino players are always big winners. I wonder where the losers stay.

I lose money at the horse racing but never more than 500 baht a time. Sometimes I win a lot but overall I lose, as is to be expected. It's just entertainment/a social thing for me.

Last casino we went to in Australia,The Crowne in Melbourne, I won a lot of money playing poker and gave my wife $100 to basically lose and have fun with.

Some gambling involves skill and some is pure chance. Boxing, for example is not considered gambling but when 2 boxers get in the ring for example, and the winner takes all, is this not the same as 2 poker poker players playing for a cash sum? Both are games of skill.

I have friends who make a living as stockbrokers - are they gamblers? I thinks so, but they use their knowledge and skill to take advantage of the market as do many of my friends who are good poker players.

My wife plays slot machines - these are pure luck, although she seems to think she is good at it.

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No, Mrs Powers does not gamble. She has seen the damage it does to families and how the addiction tasks hold in a similar way to those who get hooked on drugs. In my experience, just as it is back home or anywhere else, generally, the kind of Thai girls that gamble are not the ones you want to partner up with.

That said if it's just 100 Baht on a card game for a bit of fun once in a while that's quite different.

Does she drink alcohol? I've seen many people get hooked on that and it causing a lot more damage than gambling or drug addicts.

alcohol IS a drug
No it isn't.
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Gambling, alcoholism, obesity are not diseases they are choices. The 'disease' concept is simply a convenient excuse for people who can't face up to their own addictions or lack of self control. Seems unfair to those people suffering from serious diseases to refer to it as such, particularly if said condition was in no way self-inflicted.

My Wife has been known to gamble down at he cock fighting stadium but that's all just part of the fun.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Are you a doctor? So you think you know better than lets see - The American Medical Association, The World Health Organization, American Psychiatric Association, the American Hospital Association, the American Public Health Association, the National Association of Social Workers, the American College of Physicians , Joint Committee of the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence and the American Society of Addiction Medicine
No, jaffacakes probably isn't a doctor but like myself, he's probably a life-member of the Association of Adults Accepting Responsibility for Yourself and avoids anyone and anything affiliated the American National Blame Everyone But Yourself Organization. I would go further to suggest he is a paid-up member of the No to the Nanny State Brigade in the UK.

A lot of people need crutches but only a few of them actually have broken limbs.

(afternoon tea, time for jaffa cakes!)

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Gambling, alcoholism, obesity are not diseases they are choices. The 'disease' concept is simply a convenient excuse for people who can't face up to their own addictions or lack of self control. Seems unfair to those people suffering from serious diseases to refer to it as such, particularly if said condition was in no way self-inflicted.

My Wife has been known to gamble down at he cock fighting stadium but that's all just part of the fun.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Are you a doctor? So you think you know better than lets see - The American Medical Association, The World Health Organization, American Psychiatric Association, the American Hospital Association, the American Public Health Association, the National Association of Social Workers, the American College of Physicians , Joint Committee of the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence and the American Society of Addiction Medicine
No, jaffacakes probably isn't a doctor but like myself, he's probably a life-member of the Association of Adults Accepting Responsibility for Yourself and avoids anyone and anything affiliated the American National Blame Everyone But Yourself Organization. I would go further to suggest he is a paid-up member of the No to the Nanny State Brigade in the UK.

A lot of people need crutches but only a few of them actually have broken limbs.

(afternoon tea, time for jaffa cakes!)

What I quoted aren't crutches, they are medical experts.

So you agree with jaffa cakes?

Try looking in the DSM 4, the ultimate authority on mental disorders.

But of course if you are immune to such a malady and think they only happen to 'weak' people, there's not much chance of that.

Mental illness can happen to anyone at any point in their lives and to make a joke about it is the same as making a joke about someone with AIDS or cancer. Shame on you.

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Gambling, alcoholism, obesity are not diseases they are choices. The 'disease' concept is simply a convenient excuse for people who can't face up to their own addictions or lack of self control. Seems unfair to those people suffering from serious diseases to refer to it as such, particularly if said condition was in no way self-inflicted.

My Wife has been known to gamble down at he cock fighting stadium but that's all just part of the fun.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

It seems you know a lot about physiology. Have you published your theory? Can you cite your sources here? I think it would be fascinating and beneficial for readers to see the evidence that there is no endocrine pathology present in alcoholics, the obese, and problem gamblers, for example. Since you are so sure of yourself, I believe you, but your unequivocal conclusion is surely supported by MRI studies that show similar brain activity in alcoholics and non-drinkers, that the human genome does not present any patterns that could predict gambling addiction, that there are similar rates of mental illness among the obese and normal-weight people, and so on.

I am also curious to know your thoughts on how we can convince the neurologists, psychiatrists, endocrinologists, geneticists, sociologists, et al, that the mountains of evidence they have been piling up for generations that tells us drinking, eating, and gambling can be linked to disease processes is entirely wrong, and that the vast body of questions for which they don't yet have answers in this poorly understood field have all been settled by you. If we can do that, because your discovery is one of the most important in our lifetimes, I have little doubt that you will win a Nobel prize. I am amazed that I am learning about this on Thai Visa rather than in the British Medical Journal or the New England Journal of Medicine.

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Gambling, alcoholism, obesity are not diseases they are choices. The 'disease' concept is simply a convenient excuse for people who can't face up to their own addictions or lack of self control. Seems unfair to those people suffering from serious diseases to refer to it as such, particularly if said condition was in no way self-inflicted.

My Wife has been known to gamble down at he cock fighting stadium but that's all just part of the fun.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Are you a doctor? So you think you know better than lets see - The American Medical Association, The World Health Organization, American Psychiatric Association, the American Hospital Association, the American Public Health Association, the National Association of Social Workers, the American College of Physicians , Joint Committee of the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence and the American Society of Addiction Medicine
No, jaffacakes probably isn't a doctor but like myself, he's probably a life-member of the Association of Adults Accepting Responsibility for Yourself and avoids anyone and anything affiliated the American National Blame Everyone But Yourself Organization. I would go further to suggest he is a paid-up member of the No to the Nanny State Brigade in the UK.

A lot of people need crutches but only a few of them actually have broken limbs.

(afternoon tea, time for jaffa cakes!)

What I quoted aren't crutches, they are medical experts.

So you agree with jaffa cakes?

Try looking in the DSM 4, the ultimate authority on mental disorders.

But of course if you are immune to such a malady and think they only happen to 'weak' people, there's not much chance of that.

Mental illness can happen to anyone at any point in their lives and to make a joke about it is the same as making a joke about someone with AIDS or cancer. Shame on you.

Neither jaffacakes or myself have commented on mental illness. You brought that up.

Neither jaffacakes or myself have joked about AIDS and cancer. You brought that up.

So let's stick to the gambling habit (the OP), and only debate the lifestyle choices that lead to alcoholism and obesity (if we must) in the context of the OP subject matter.

Let me start that discourse. I am not a gambler but I have been to Las Vegas a couple of times and saw a whole lot of drunk people behaving insanely and some of them were fat.

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No, Mrs Powers does not gamble. She has seen the damage it does to families and how the addiction tasks hold in a similar way to those who get hooked on drugs. In my experience, just as it is back home or anywhere else, generally, the kind of Thai girls that gamble are not the ones you want to partner up with.

That said if it's just 100 Baht on a card game for a bit of fun once in a while that's quite different.

Does she drink alcohol? I've seen many people get hooked on that and it causing a lot more damage than gambling or drug addicts.

alcohol IS a drug
No it isn't.

You're hilarious.

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I said "Never", but she does like to buy Lotto and Euro-Lotto tickets when in the UK - only one ticket at a time though. She once bought a Thai lottery ticket, because it had the numbers of our anniversary and it was our anniversary - we didn't win.

Some of her relatives do though - some have lost incredible amounts doing so - one Uncle lost about 40 million baht (his inheritance) gambling!

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The gambling games they play here are nuts too. I guess because they believe generally that it all luck brought about by karma/descendant spirits/or whatever, that they ignore the basic mathematics!

One game I watched Thai friends play at a party - some neighbour turned up (and left as soon as the "game" was over!) with a sheet of paper and a bag of folded up paper slips. The sheet had the 12 signs of the Chinese zodiac on it. Each person bet on one or more of the signs and then someone picked a slip, opened it, to reveal the winning sign. The winners had their money doubled, the losers lost it all of course. So, 1 in 12 chance of winning at evens - <deleted>? They were happily placing 1,000baht notes, some betting on several (as only one slip is pulled per game, what sense is there to bet on more than one????) - the neighbour left a wealthier person, everyone else went back to their drinks subdued. Great way to ruin a party if you ask me! They tried to get me betting, but I refused - I explained the maths as simply as I could to the host's wife, but she carried on betting anyway.

I have played that card game a few times - 2 or 3 summed cards, units only count (not 10's), 9s win, 8s win unless dealer pulls a 9 - other than that beat the dealer. Thai blackjack I guess. Only for coins - I usually win that at that too as they tend to take silly chances rather than comparing wins to losses and going for small margins rather than outright wins. Easy to clean up as the deal based on simply that - aim for the centre ground and win more than half gives you a small pot - aim for 8 or 9 each time will cost you big time as the reliance is then on chance. It is also possible to card count too - as often then don't shuffle until, the end of the pack.

It is simply madness to play in illegal casinos though - with no governance, check and balances from the state, then nothing stops them cheating the crap our of you! Casinos here should be legalised, licensed, taxed and checked; there are just too many underground ones for it not to make sense - and not along the borders, but in town.

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Gambling, alcoholism, obesity are not diseases they are choices. The 'disease' concept is simply a convenient excuse for people who can't face up to their own addictions or lack of self control. Seems unfair to those people suffering from serious diseases to refer to it as such, particularly if said condition was in no way self-inflicted.

My Wife has been known to gamble down at he cock fighting stadium but that's all just part of the fun.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Are you a doctor? So you think you know better than lets see - The American Medical Association, The World Health Organization, American Psychiatric Association, the American Hospital Association, the American Public Health Association, the National Association of Social Workers, the American College of Physicians , Joint Committee of the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence and the American Society of Addiction Medicine
No, jaffacakes probably isn't a doctor but like myself, he's probably a life-member of the Association of Adults Accepting Responsibility for Yourself and avoids anyone and anything affiliated the American National Blame Everyone But Yourself Organization. I would go further to suggest he is a paid-up member of the No to the Nanny State Brigade in the UK.

A lot of people need crutches but only a few of them actually have broken limbs.

(afternoon tea, time for jaffa cakes!)

What I quoted aren't crutches, they are medical experts.

So you agree with jaffa cakes?

Try looking in the DSM 4, the ultimate authority on mental disorders.

But of course if you are immune to such a malady and think they only happen to 'weak' people, there's not much chance of that.

Mental illness can happen to anyone at any point in their lives and to make a joke about it is the same as making a joke about someone with AIDS or cancer. Shame on you.

Ah the DSM, the ultimate book of twaddle, it even surpasses Keynes’ The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money.

However, under the radar, one of the great psychiatric stars, who has been out in front inventing mental disorders, went public. He blew the whistle on himself and his colleagues.

Dr. Allen Frances is the man who, in 1994, headed up the project to write the latest edition of the psychiatric bible, the DSM-IV. This tome defines and labels and describes every official mental disorder. The DSM-IV eventually listed 297 of them.

Long after the DSM-IV had been put into print, Dr. Frances talked to Wired’s Greenberg and said the following:

“There is no definition of a mental disorder. It’s bullshit. I mean, you just can’t define it.”


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Gambling, alcoholism, obesity are not diseases they are choices. The 'disease' concept is simply a convenient excuse for people who can't face up to their own addictions or lack of self control. Seems unfair to those people suffering from serious diseases to refer to it as such, particularly if said condition was in no way self-inflicted.

Correct sir, although the apologists will tell you the world health organisation says alcoholism is a disease so it must be. You don't catch, or organically develop an addiction to drink any more than you do an addiction to herion, gambling or cakes. This -it's a disease makes it sound almost respectable- 'it's not my fault it's a disease you know', no it's not.

Can you please tell me your credentials for saying this.

You see I think have the disease of alcoholism but if you are right then, as I haven't had a drink for many years, maybe I could out for one or two cold ones tonight and have a good time. I'd like to know asap as it's Friday night and my mates are down the pub as I type/

Many people said to me to use my willpower to stop drinking - I couldn't as it is impossible as every alkie knows. I'd reply, the next time you have diarrhea, use your willpower to stop it.

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She took a gamble when she first met me.

She took a larger gamble when she gave up her job of 12 years with an International Firm to come and stay in my country for an extended period.

We are both winners ... thumbsup.gif

So I'll click yes ... she's gambler ... not often ... she picks her bets wisely.

I'll get my coat ...

Nice, smooth. No flame from me and happy it worked out for you smile.png

It is not gambling when you are on a sure thing. Winners are grinners!

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Gambling, alcoholism, obesity are not diseases they are choices. The 'disease' concept is simply a convenient excuse for people who can't face up to their own addictions or lack of self control. Seems unfair to those people suffering from serious diseases to refer to it as such, particularly if said condition was in no way self-inflicted.

Correct sir, although the apologists will tell you the world health organisation says alcoholism is a disease so it must be. You don't catch, or organically develop an addiction to drink any more than you do an addiction to herion, gambling or cakes. This -it's a disease makes it sound almost respectable- 'it's not my fault it's a disease you know', no it's not.

Can you please tell me your credentials for saying this.

You see I think have the disease of alcoholism but if you are right then, as I haven't had a drink for many years, maybe I could out for one or two cold ones tonight and have a good time. I'd like to know asap as it's Friday night and my mates are down the pub as I type/

Many people said to me to use my willpower to stop drinking - I couldn't as it is impossible as every alkie knows. I'd reply, the next time you have diarrhea, use your willpower to stop it.

these guys have no clue about brain chemistry!

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