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Aussie arrested in Pattaya for sexually assaulting 11-year-old girl

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What a ugly disgusting creep. I hope the Judge let's whole inmate population know what he has done, whatever prison they send him to. Too bad the little girl did not have an uncle or relatives who could of caught this disgusting excuse for a human being before the police did.

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Where is the MOTHER in all of this?

Parenting has taken a nosedive in many parts of Asia lately, not just Thailand of course.

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This Guy doesn't look Australian but I suppose these days who can tell. The name Ofar originates from Armenia, so possibly an immigrant from that country or descendant??


Pol.Lt.Col.Ohmsin Sukkarnkha, Pattaya Investigative Police Officer, said that the investigation confirmed that Mr. Ben had raped his stepdaughter, despite the fact that he had only been with her mother for 6 months.

<deleted>? Does that mean that it wouldn't have been that bad when he'd been together for a longer period of time with her mother???

God, my students are mostly that age, If this would be my daughter, I'd solve this my way that he could never do that again. I swear.-wai.gif


This Guy doesn't look Australian but I suppose these days who can tell. The name Ofar originates from Armenia, so possibly an immigrant from that country or descendant??

Then a Aboriginal wouldn't be considered as an Australian citizen, or what? "He doesn't look Australian,' , what does that mean?

Do you have to be white to look like an Aussie, maybe with various tattoos on your forehead....wai.gif .


What a ugly disgusting creep. I hope the Judge let's whole inmate population know what he has done, whatever prison they send him to. Too bad the little girl did not have an uncle or relatives who could of caught this disgusting excuse for a human being before the police did.

So he's ugly- has to be guilty then! No need for a trial.

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These sick pervs give the regular dirty old men a bad name.

That's what I say. There nothing like a clean, dirty old man.

If this is all fair dinkum, no b/s, then what . . .

somebody did say a bullet . . . it certainly removes some problems quickly.

The worst thing is that this guy is not only depraved, but a bully of the worst kind.

I am sure that sooner or later, his karma will come home . . .

I think we all are experiencing a lot of frustration and rage at the system, and when something like this is dropped in our laps in the irresponsible way that it was, we are easily moved to let off steam at a knee-jerk instance.

Automatically assuming and responding (in our minds eye) in a knee-jerk fashion to the conditional, "If..." with swift judgment reveals to me that a lot of posters are experiencing frustration and disgust with the system. It's so easy to do, and let's face it; it feels good, because we become a part of group consciousness; knowing that we can walk proud today knowing that there are others who would condone our actions, but only were that "IF" in our minds eye were indeed true.

But that isn't the way life works, is it; especially in Thailand?

This kind of charge is about as serious as it gets in the life-span of one human being. To be singled out and charged with this crime - and to possibly be innocent - is something I would only wish upon my enemies, yet even at that, with reservations and regret to my own sense of what the truth really is and the effort of diligence given towards it.

Why do I hate a lot of Thais? Because this kind of occurrence is not rare here. The truths that we find out about afterwards, as well as through our own personal experience, by which manner and methods they accept as their own sense of conduct and behavior towards foreigner leaves little room for nothing more than disgust, condemnation and anger.

This man is being singled out on the charges of molesting an eleven years old girl. The amount of effort, due diligence and consideration over this matter are criminal in themselves. It makes a mockery of the seriousness of the charge. It truly is a demonstration of the oft read accusation that Thais have no respect for human life and its well-being; that they would carelessly slap someone with an accusation which bears such a social schism and not give a dam_n about the consequences to that human being in light of the lack of evidence beyond a preponderance of a doubt whilst letting their own Thai criminals roam the streets and deal drugs, death and destruction to the very ones they purport to protect: the children.

dam_n them and their hypocrisies, and that is how I honestly view it at the moment.

Then again. False accusations, wrongful imprisonments, undeserved guilt and shame and lives ruined without guilt of any sort, happen everywhere. I could only surmise that where there is so little accountability, as in Thailand, it probable happens more frequently.

It is a wonder why a guy accused like this is not trying to cover his head.


Where is the MOTHER in all of this?

Parenting has taken a nosedive in many parts of Asia lately, not just Thailand of course.

Perhaps out with the neighbors trying to figure out a plan to take the guy for all he's worth then get him to leave the country?

Not saying it's true, but it's as likely as the story in the article here, given the lack of depth in background.

Maybe the guy needs a .357 implant. I'll wait for the rest of the story before deciding.


This Guy doesn't look Australian but I suppose these days who can tell. The name Ofar originates from Armenia, so possibly an immigrant from that country or descendant??

Then a Aboriginal wouldn't be considered as an Australian citizen, or what? "He doesn't look Australian,' , what does that mean?

Do you have to be white to look like an Aussie, maybe with various tattoos on your forehead....wai.gif .

For your information...a typical (looking) Australian is either Aboriginal or descendents of mostly European ethnicity . The last 50 years have seen migration from Asia. Africa and Middle eastern countries who have their own distinctive appearances. It would be similar to saying that the British people from the West Indies, India Pakistan etc, don't look British.. What's your problem ??


this aussie has given us aussies bad name f***ing creep. if it is true. put him in worst jail ever

What if it is not true? Too many have already gone over the deep end. If it is not true, then the character will find it a hard road to redemption from guilt over these remarks. These kinds of remarks are usually tucked away for remembrance when one finds one's self in a similar predicament, and looks out at the faces of those former hang-em high mates, which one thought would come to their rescue at times like that, but rather instead are holding the gun to their head and the blunt knife to their testicles. Riff-raff usually have a way of eliminating their own species in this manner. The unreasoning man is lower than the beasts of the field and to be given a wide berth. I'm just saying... "IF". Odd that people whole-heartedly choose the worst possible outcome of a mere accusation and follow it up with a sordid epithet; like fabricating (yes, fabricating) a civilization on the discovery of a tooth and getting all worked up over it.

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I was under the impression (perhaps wrongly) that the AFP monitored these types overseas, it will be interesting to hear what they have to say, particularly with claims of previous history.

I also feel it worth saying that Thai ladies should be careful what they wish for. They all seem to think that having a farang is the answer to all problems and rarely care for anything other than money and the elevation in status that money seems to bring.


this aussie has given us aussies bad name f***ing creep. if it is true. put him in worst jail ever

An 11yo has been abused and raped...repeatedly so it seems and all you are concerned about is your bad name by country association.


He has not been found guilty yet. He could have been framed. Or threatened with blackmail. Why do these cases bring out such venom in people wishing him horrific violence. It could be something deep in their mind that is triggered off and a sense of guilt that they might have the same tendency ,otherwise why the terrible venom. If it is true then I feel sorry for the little girl. But do not wish all hell onto this man until he is found guilty. Do you have the same outlet for your frustrations when thousands of people are killed in a war?

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Judging by his name, it sound like he's a 'new' Australian, not that it makes any

different, a pedophile is a pedophile under any name, and he be found guilty,

I hope they throw the book at him.. literally..

You figure this from the name "Ben"? A very good mate of mine is called Ben and he is 5th generation Aussie.

Regardless, it does not matter if he is an Aborigine or jumped the ship yesterday, he is vermin.

I would guess the reference is to "OFAR" as recently landed in OZ. Also guess that he was "never" attracted to the mother.


this aussie has given us aussies bad name f***ing creep. if it is true. put him in worst jail ever

An 11yo has been abused and raped...repeatedly so it seems and all you are concerned about is your bad name by country association.

As an Ozzie I have to admit we have got plenty of em at home, very few countries do not. mother no doubt thought he was a nice guy and daughter was safe. Surely she has left him now ?


He has not been found guilty yet. He could have been framed. Or threatened with blackmail. Why do these cases bring out such venom in people wishing him horrific violence. It could be something deep in their mind that is triggered off and a sense of guilt that they might have the same tendency ,otherwise why the terrible venom. If it is true then I feel sorry for the little girl. But do not wish all hell onto this man until he is found guilty. Do you have the same outlet for your frustrations when thousands of people are killed in a war?

The "hang 'em high" brigade is alive and kicking. Having said that, as a father of a 14-year old daughter I also wish anyone like that a life in hell if convicted.

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He has not been found guilty yet. He could have been framed. Or threatened with blackmail. Why do these cases bring out such venom in people wishing him horrific violence. It could be something deep in their mind that is triggered off and a sense of guilt that they might have the same tendency ,otherwise why the terrible venom. If it is true then I feel sorry for the little girl. But do not wish all hell onto this man until he is found guilty. Do you have the same outlet for your frustrations when thousands of people are killed in a war?

The "hang 'em high" brigade is alive and kicking. Having said that, as a father of a 14-year old daughter I also wish anyone like that a life in hell if convicted.

u get my vote, i have a 20 year old and a 4 year old daughter.still i feel the need for due process.u cant just go round lynching people on hearsay and without u true and fair process in court. that would mean anarchy, uhhhh tit.??? ohh i rest my case. im sure the good judges of the peace on tv will pass sentence in due course.

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to all the posters who want killing. google mr klischco a inocent man in the uk spent 17 years in jail for the same accusation and he was inoccent.

uk government paid him 600,000 in compesation. within 2 year of being FREE he was dead.


I wonder why the girl felt it impossible to tell the mother??

Think about that.

Afraid that the mother is biased as she is in love with that nice Aussie?


to all the posters who want killing. google mr klischco a inocent man in the uk spent 17 years in jail for the same accusation and he was inoccent.

uk government paid him 600,000 in compesation. within 2 year of being FREE he was dead.

as u say it in the uk, he was stiched up like a kipper. so u see , it doesnt only happen in the land of scams.

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