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Am I
a) A grumpy farang
B ) naiive
c) Bad at maths or
d) none of the above?

So I've just had a bit of a run in with the manager of my apartment building in Bangkok over the rent and had to just give in to bad logic because it just wasn't worth it in the end. My Thai is fairly good, his and my Mrs' English is excellent.

Here's the thing (just let me know if you wanna add to the list above)...

I moved to a new flat on 7th October on a 6 month lease. Paid a security deposit and 10000 for the first month's rent up front, signed a contract in English stating the rent was payable monthly for contract period 7 Oct 13 to 6 Apr 14. Fine. All good.

19 Oct the A/C completely conks out so have to move rooms but only a 12000 a month room was available, negotiated it for 11000.

Got the bill for 2nd months rent today. I(naiivly?) expected this...

Pay an extra 266b...
13 days @ 10000b pm (or 323b a day)
+ 18 days @ 11000b pm (or 355b a day)
- 10000b rent 7/10-6/11)

11000b rent 7/11-6/12)

By 6 Nov 13.

After all if I hadn't moved rooms I'd just be paying the 10000b rent for Nov.

Apparently the contract doesn't count anymore because we moved flats and now the contract will run until 30 Apr 14 (because today is 1 Nov obviously).

It's not the end of the world granted but now I'm sort of locked in to a longer contract without much say and have to pay almost an extra months rent.
Maybe I needed to leave by the 6th Apr, or my visa was expiring, or I was up in court that day, or getting married in India. I would just lose that money. I just couldn't be bothered to argue, it is Friday after all.

Luckily I don't have to go anywhere. It's just the principle really, I like the place and the new flat is much better but I didn't have a choice to move, so why not just make the adjustments to the rental price in the original contract? I just don't get it really. Am I missing something here?

I know there's much more important things to worry about but i just can't help it sometimes. You know?

People are just weird, sometimes, by being so illogical. I am weird, I know that already, but is it me being illogical here?

Anyway its Beer O'clock now...laters.

We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.

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None of the above, you just tried applying western logic to an Asian situation, as you rightly say its not worth it, go with the flow, you are in a better apartment anyway and the amount is negligable, go enjoy your beer, smile, put it down to where you are and just roll with it.

Atleast they didnt try to charge you for the dead a/c unit as has happened elsewhere.

Edited by CharlieH
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None of the above, you just tried applying western logic to an Asian situation, as you rightly say its not worth it, go with the flow, you are in a better apartment anyway and the amount is negligable, go enjoy your beer, smile, put it down to where you are and just roll with it.

Atleast they didnt try to charge you for the dead a/c unit as has happened elsewhere.


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So, you think the landlord should throw away 200 per month by giving you a better place for no increase in rent?

He could have easily let you sit in the old room and sweat it out until the AC was repaired?

Wouldn't it be nice if we could all up grade for no additional cost???

This is Thailand.

You are very lucky to have a landlord who even cares that your AC went tits up!

What I add to your list is "ungrateful" and " myopic" .

Enjoy that AC in that nicer room while drinking that beer!

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