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i know one girl in my country who has a baby every 3 years she has 2 now and will have more just to get the deserted wive pension her boyfriend lives with his parents and he stays there for 4 night and the other 3 with his girlfriend and children he is on unemployment pension from the government who is paying for his children and girlfriend. do you think this is right i think the pension is there for honest people to get it when they need it because of their situation they have got themselves in for a short time.

Do you have their details? OP will be happy to report them for you.

I just said i know of them not to report them to anyone

Its the workers taxes she is paid, and thats ok by some !!! Report the bludger.

I'm not Australian so what's a Bludger?

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"Let he who is without sin cast the first stone"

Didn't the OP just cast the first stone?

And by the way:those that are on disability allowance, are allowed 13 weeks absence for holidays from the UK per Year.Are you really such a miserable Git,that you think everbody is scamming the system,and can't stand to see someone incapacitated have a little enjoyment in life,and no I don't have a personal interest in your tarring all with the same brush,no doubt some of the unfortunates amongst us would be glad to be able to work again.

A 13 week,per year, tax payer funded holiday overseas for those in disability pensions. Amazing.

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"Let he who is without sin cast the first stone"

Didn't the OP just cast the first stone?

And by the way:those that are on disability allowance, are allowed 13 weeks absence for holidays from the UK per Year.Are you really such a miserable Git,that you think everbody is scamming the system,and can't stand to see someone incapacitated have a little enjoyment in life,and no I don't have a personal interest in your tarring all with the same brush,no doubt some of the unfortunates amongst us would be glad to be able to work again.

A 13  week,per year, tax payer funded holiday overseas for those in disability pensions. Amazing.

Not funded you moron! ALLOWED!

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Do it to the wrong one or group and you can forget "grass", snitch or any other name, it will be..... "corpse"

So, according to you,social security and visa cheats are also murderers.

I don't think much of reporting visa cheats, as far as social security cheats go well what go's round comes round,

But then again I paid over 30 years of taxes back in OZ but now because I live here it seems I can not get a aged pension (when the time comes) unless I go back too OZ and live as a pauper like so many of the older Aussies do now, also the Aust gov are still taxing me on my savings, also the land and water rates (taxes) on an empty house, the taxes (GST) on house and contents insurance and the sale agents and settlement GST taxes, so is it fair that the Aust government are still taxing me but absolve themselves of any support come the time I could get an aged pension???

I think I've more than paid my fair share as I worked in the mining game for years so my taxes were quite large

You can get the old age pension,how much depends on your assets and income from other sources.

Not that easy for Australians, they must return to claim for Aged Pension & when returning they must prove their 'residency status" and remain for two years to qualify for overseas payment. However you would assume aussieinthailand would have been making the maximum permitted salary sacrifice payments for tax minimisation purposes, on top of the compulsory employer contributions for his private superannuation fund. Access to the funds is permitted after reaching 55.

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Snitches get stitches. Anyway dude, next time I get scammed, I'll get you on the case. Seems you have the time on your hands to get me some justice.

18 years in the military police, I dont get stitches. Ive always got the time to get justice done, just ask.

Are you the one that can read, or the one who can write?

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I'm not Australian so what's a Bludger?


lazy person, layabout, somebody who always relies on other people to do things or someone who gets out of work.

Unemployment or disability bludger Somebody on welfare [social assistance] when unjustified. I am sure there are some in this country

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A troll stool pigeon - now that's a new one. Congratulations.

If you dont know the difference between a stool pigeon and a law abideing person, then, get an education;.

Congratulations,,,,, You are Indeed the biggest Muppet on this forum coffee1.gif

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"Let he who is without sin cast the first stone"

Didn't the OP just cast the first stone?

And by the way:those that are on disability allowance, are allowed 13 weeks absence for holidays from the UK per Year.Are you really such a miserable Git,that you think everbody is scamming the system,and can't stand to see someone incapacitated have a little enjoyment in life,and no I don't have a personal interest in your tarring all with the same brush,no doubt some of the unfortunates amongst us would be glad to be able to work again.

A 13 week,per year, tax payer funded holiday overseas for those in disability pensions. Amazing.

wasnt going to comment but you are a <deleted>, I am on a dissability pension, I moved here because it means I can actually have some sort of life. Can you go to the loo by yourself all the time, wash below mid thigh, have sex, not suffer pain 24/7, walk without tears coming to your eyes after a few hundred yards, sit for long periods of time because I have trouble with all of them. You think this is some sort of <deleted>**ing holiday or bludge then you are a total crettin. Mp, what a load, I had several mates in there for years and they reckon that the majority of those that are in there are idiots that think they are real cops instead they are just <deleted> and try to make out they are important. Maybe thats the problem, all that wanna be cop crap you went through has addled your brain. You are pathetiic in the extreme, I know there are some people that rort the system but there are a hell of a alot of us that suffer pain you couldnt face on your best day, I suggest you pull your head in and change your outlook or you probably will have a major accident in the future with the crap you sprout. Sooner or late someone will take serious offence and you will be toast. You dont learn bugger all defence as an mp either, maybe you are just a good runner or simply hide behind your computer and sprook shit. You really need to get a life or a good root

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"Let he who is without sin cast the first stone"

Didn't the OP just cast the first stone?

And by the way:those that are on disability allowance, are allowed 13 weeks absence for holidays from the UK per Year.Are you really such a miserable Git,that you think everbody is scamming the system,and can't stand to see someone incapacitated have a little enjoyment in life,and no I don't have a personal interest in your tarring all with the same brush,no doubt some of the unfortunates amongst us would be glad to be able to work again.

A 13 week,per year, tax payer funded holiday overseas for those in disability pensions. Amazing.

wasnt going to comment but you are a <deleted>, I am on a dissability pension, I moved here because it means I can actually have some sort of life. Can you go to the loo by yourself all the time, wash below mid thigh, have sex, not suffer pain 24/7, walk without tears coming to your eyes after a few hundred yards, sit for long periods of time because I have trouble with all of them. You think this is some sort of <deleted>**ing holiday or bludge then you are a total crettin. Mp, what a load, I had several mates in there for years and they reckon that the majority of those that are in there are idiots that think they are real cops instead they are just wanke_rs and try to make out they are important. Maybe thats the problem, all that wanna be cop crap you went through has addled your brain. You are pathetiic in the extreme, I know there are some people that rort the system but there are a hell of a alot of us that suffer pain you couldnt face on your best day, I suggest you pull your head in and change your outlook or you probably will have a major accident in the future with the crap you sprout. Sooner or late someone will take serious offence and you will be toast. You dont learn bugger all defence as an mp either, maybe you are just a good runner or simply hide behind your computer and sprook shit. You really need to get a life or a good root

Nowhere in any of my posts have i critized anybody who has genuine disability . Learn to read. As for MPs being wanke_rs etc, why do think we were needed? ( when I was a primary school kid, I used to use a lot of naughty words too, then , i grew up)

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"Let he who is without sin cast the first stone"

Didn't the OP just cast the first stone?

And by the way:those that are on disability allowance, are allowed 13 weeks absence for holidays from the UK per Year.Are you really such a miserable Git,that you think everbody is scamming the system,and can't stand to see someone incapacitated have a little enjoyment in life,and no I don't have a personal interest in your tarring all with the same brush,no doubt some of the unfortunates amongst us would be glad to be able to work again.

A 13 week,per year, tax payer funded holiday overseas for those in disability pensions. Amazing.

wasnt going to comment but you are a <deleted>, I am on a dissability pension, I moved here because it means I can actually have some sort of life. Can you go to the loo by yourself all the time, wash below mid thigh, have sex, not suffer pain 24/7, walk without tears coming to your eyes after a few hundred yards, sit for long periods of time because I have trouble with all of them. You think this is some sort of <deleted>**ing holiday or bludge then you are a total crettin. Mp, what a load, I had several mates in there for years and they reckon that the majority of those that are in there are idiots that think they are real cops instead they are just wanke_rs and try to make out they are important. Maybe thats the problem, all that wanna be cop crap you went through has addled your brain. You are pathetiic in the extreme, I know there are some people that rort the system but there are a hell of a alot of us that suffer pain you couldnt face on your best day, I suggest you pull your head in and change your outlook or you probably will have a major accident in the future with the crap you sprout. Sooner or late someone will take serious offence and you will be toast. You dont learn bugger all defence as an mp either, maybe you are just a good runner or simply hide behind your computer and sprook shit. You really need to get a life or a good root

How did you manage to do all the work on your trees and also paint your house with all your disabilities? And you just got your disability pension. Amazing. ( who now is the "spook shit,crettin,cop crap,addled brain, etc etc. ")

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"Let he who is without sin cast the first stone"

Didn't the OP just cast the first stone?

And by the way:those that are on disability allowance, are allowed 13 weeks absence for holidays from the UK per Year.Are you really such a miserable Git,that you think everbody is scamming the system,and can't stand to see someone incapacitated have a little enjoyment in life,and no I don't have a personal interest in your tarring all with the same brush,no doubt some of the unfortunates amongst us would be glad to be able to work again.

A 13 week,per year, tax payer funded holiday overseas for those in disability pensions. Amazing.

wasnt going to comment but you are a <deleted>, I am on a dissability pension, I moved here because it means I can actually have some sort of life. Can you go to the loo by yourself all the time, wash below mid thigh, have sex, not suffer pain 24/7, walk without tears coming to your eyes after a few hundred yards, sit for long periods of time because I have trouble with all of them. You think this is some sort of <deleted>**ing holiday or bludge then you are a total crettin. Mp, what a load, I had several mates in there for years and they reckon that the majority of those that are in there are idiots that think they are real cops instead they are just wanke_rs and try to make out they are important. Maybe thats the problem, all that wanna be cop crap you went through has addled your brain. You are pathetiic in the extreme, I know there are some people that rort the system but there are a hell of a alot of us that suffer pain you couldnt face on your best day, I suggest you pull your head in and change your outlook or you probably will have a major accident in the future with the crap you sprout. Sooner or late someone will take serious offence and you will be toast. You dont learn bugger all defence as an mp either, maybe you are just a good runner or simply hide behind your computer and sprook shit. You really need to get a life or a good root

Probably one of those Jobsworth types who got some stripes tattooed on his dick, so he could pull rank everyday.

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"Let he who is without sin cast the first stone"

Didn't the OP just cast the first stone?

And by the way:those that are on disability allowance, are allowed 13 weeks absence for holidays from the UK per Year.Are you really such a miserable Git,that you think everbody is scamming the system,and can't stand to see someone incapacitated have a little enjoyment in life,and no I don't have a personal interest in your tarring all with the same brush,no doubt some of the unfortunates amongst us would be glad to be able to work again.

A 13 week,per year, tax payer funded holiday overseas for those in disability pensions. Amazing.

wasnt going to comment but you are a <deleted>, I am on a dissability pension, I moved here because it means I can actually have some sort of life. Can you go to the loo by yourself all the time, wash below mid thigh, have sex, not suffer pain 24/7, walk without tears coming to your eyes after a few hundred yards, sit for long periods of time because I have trouble with all of them. You think this is some sort of <deleted>**ing holiday or bludge then you are a total crettin. Mp, what a load, I had several mates in there for years and they reckon that the majority of those that are in there are idiots that think they are real cops instead they are just wanke_rs and try to make out they are important. Maybe thats the problem, all that wanna be cop crap you went through has addled your brain. You are pathetiic in the extreme, I know there are some people that rort the system but there are a hell of a alot of us that suffer pain you couldnt face on your best day, I suggest you pull your head in and change your outlook or you probably will have a major accident in the future with the crap you sprout. Sooner or late someone will take serious offence and you will be toast. You dont learn bugger all defence as an mp either, maybe you are just a good runner or simply hide behind your computer and sprook shit. You really need to get a life or a good root

How did you manage to do all the work on your trees and also paint your house with all your disabilities? And you just got your disability pension. Amazing. ( who now is the "spook shit,crettin,cop crap,addled brain, etc etc. ")

I am betting you wheely got picked on for many years. Now you discovered the interwebz and are exacting your revenge

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Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.

Not sure if this is a joke or not, but you should not let anyone know your real identity or location as it could drastically shorten your life expectancy.

Besides that, grassers are lower than snakes. Perhaps lizards is a better comparison in Thailand considering the connotation.

I'm curious as to what made the OP come here and bestow this revelation on TV?

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"Let he who is without sin cast the first stone"

Didn't the OP just cast the first stone?

And by the way:those that are on disability allowance, are allowed 13 weeks absence for holidays from the UK per Year.Are you really such a miserable Git,that you think everbody is scamming the system,and can't stand to see someone incapacitated have a little enjoyment in life,and no I don't have a personal interest in your tarring all with the same brush,no doubt some of the unfortunates amongst us would be glad to be able to work again.

A 13 week,per year, tax payer funded holiday overseas for those in disability pensions. Amazing.

wasnt going to comment but you are a <deleted>, I am on a dissability pension, I moved here because it means I can actually have some sort of life. Can you go to the loo by yourself all the time, wash below mid thigh, have sex, not suffer pain 24/7, walk without tears coming to your eyes after a few hundred yards, sit for long periods of time because I have trouble with all of them. You think this is some sort of <deleted>**ing holiday or bludge then you are a total crettin. Mp, what a load, I had several mates in there for years and they reckon that the majority of those that are in there are idiots that think they are real cops instead they are just wanke_rs and try to make out they are important. Maybe thats the problem, all that wanna be cop crap you went through has addled your brain. You are pathetiic in the extreme, I know there are some people that rort the system but there are a hell of a alot of us that suffer pain you couldnt face on your best day, I suggest you pull your head in and change your outlook or you probably will have a major accident in the future with the crap you sprout. Sooner or late someone will take serious offence and you will be toast. You dont learn bugger all defence as an mp either, maybe you are just a good runner or simply hide behind your computer and sprook shit. You really need to get a life or a good root

How did you manage to do all the work on your trees and also paint your house with all your disabilities? And you just got your disability pension. Amazing. ( who now is the "spook shit,crettin,cop crap,addled brain, etc etc. ")

You are a <deleted>**wit, I havent painted my house, I am paying someone else to do all the work because I cannot do it. The trees are watered by me(only when it doesnt rain for a week or so) and cross pollinated(4 or 5 flowers every month), again any heavy work needed is done by locals. I suppose you think the aussie doctors and scans of my spine are all crap too, yes I know how to make a scan show a buggered spine and imagine the pain I suffer. I havent just got it, I have been on it for 20 years but had to be re-assesed back in Australia earlier this year, you really need to read better or get better information. You simply dont have a clue, again I repeat you are an idiot.

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"Let he who is without sin cast the first stone"

Didn't the OP just cast the first stone?

And by the way:those that are on disability allowance, are allowed 13 weeks absence for holidays from the UK per Year.Are you really such a miserable Git,that you think everbody is scamming the system,and can't stand to see someone incapacitated have a little enjoyment in life,and no I don't have a personal interest in your tarring all with the same brush,no doubt some of the unfortunates amongst us would be glad to be able to work again.

A 13 week,per year, tax payer funded holiday overseas for those in disability pensions. Amazing.

wasnt going to comment but you are a <deleted>, I am on a dissability pension, I moved here because it means I can actually have some sort of life. Can you go to the loo by yourself all the time, wash below mid thigh, have sex, not suffer pain 24/7, walk without tears coming to your eyes after a few hundred yards, sit for long periods of time because I have trouble with all of them. You think this is some sort of <deleted>**ing holiday or bludge then you are a total crettin. Mp, what a load, I had several mates in there for years and they reckon that the majority of those that are in there are idiots that think they are real cops instead they are just wanke_rs and try to make out they are important. Maybe thats the problem, all that wanna be cop crap you went through has addled your brain. You are pathetiic in the extreme, I know there are some people that rort the system but there are a hell of a alot of us that suffer pain you couldnt face on your best day, I suggest you pull your head in and change your outlook or you probably will have a major accident in the future with the crap you sprout. Sooner or late someone will take serious offence and you will be toast. You dont learn bugger all defence as an mp either, maybe you are just a good runner or simply hide behind your computer and sprook shit. You really need to get a life or a good root

Posted 2013-10-31 11:42:59 by Seajae.( Whos the idiot, liar?)

I knew we had white ant problems but until this just didnt realize how bad as I had presumed the exterminator had it under control. There were just large sections of gyprock completely stripped of covering and the plaster reamining was just very brittle. Like you I was surprised at the wiring, didnt think they would touch that at all. Electricians are doing the new wiring now, plasterer put up new suspension work yesterday and will finish sheeting once the sparky is finished then I will do my bit and paint it all(glad I am a tradesman), should look good when its all done. ......... Is loss of memory also one of your disab ilities? Hows the fishing? My cousin knows your wife. Im getting my camera ready. Aveagoodday.

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A troll stool pigeon - now that's a new one. Congratulations.

If you dont know the difference between a stool pigeon and a law abideing person, then, get an education;.

Congratulations,,,,, You are Indeed the biggest Muppet on this forum coffee1.gif

heh i like the muppets.

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Have you ever had to turn in any of your close mates?

Only my mum, not actually a mate. She had kept claiming child endowment payments for me when i got a paperround when I was 11. As I told her as she got let away, "Dont do the crime if you cant do the time."

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