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Thailand: Minor pleasures, petty annoyances


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These are mine. What are yours?

This I like:


Politeness. Thai people very polite to each other. Not necessarily to foreigners.

Pride in appearance. Hardly ever see a Thai not well turned out

Confident. Men and Women

Instant Service,. Order, say, a water heater, they are trying to install it before you get home

Most things efficient, if slow.

ATMs. Can transfer money and pay bills anywhere. Not Europe!!

Can set up shop anywhere

Open 24 hours. Even ‘resorts’ if that’s what you need!

This I don't


I hate coins put on top of the change

Impatient people, Cannot wait for anything, on the road, in a shop. No idea about the queue. 7-11 will always serve a Thai first who pushes to the front.. Get over it!!

ATMs back to front. Money comes before card so you forget card!

Complete failure to signal roadworks

Inability to progress with green roadlights, foot on brake .Ignore red ones!

Uniforms. What’s with uniforms? My daughters have a different one every day of the week. Never mind government employees

Strip lights and bulbs in hotels. Can’t read!

Food in plastic bags

‘Helpers’ in shops. Just let me browse!

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Beautiful scenery

Quiet ciuntryside

Mostly gentle peaceful people

No rules and regulations forced down your throat.

No constant harrasment for taxes in one form or another.

Live and let live attitude.

Dont like:

Not being able to get some food stuffs.

Being dismissed as not even there by Officials.

Not respecting privacy when talking in bank or similiar and just barging in.

Same for queues.

Dual pricing.

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Still has charm

Polite children

Easy to go about my daily life & ease into retirement

MIL & family

Far enough away from my family and friends :)

Dont like

Too far from my family & friends :)

People cutting the queue

Low white trash tourists

Brown bread - awful stuff

No recycling


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"Politeness. Thai people very polite to each other. Not necessarily to foreigners."

I would say, beside tourist areas it is the reverse:

Polite to foreigners, but often very rude to each others.

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I added some from previous posts and added a few of my own.


The weather

Beautiful scenery

Respect, especially toward the elderly

Live and let live attitude

Most things efficient, if slow

Tasty Thai food at a good price


Too far from my family & friends

People cutting the queue

High cost of cheese, butter, and bacon

I hate coins put on top of the change

Pizza in Thailnd - This ain't pizza!

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I hate coins put on top of the change

Yeah that sucks xhuh.png.pagespeed.ic.6VcCaNwNXg.png

I prefer them underneath the notes so I can't see them, or even better, coin, note, note, coin, note, coin so they fall on the floor, anything but on top, of the notes.

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I should have added one of my pet peeves here in Thailand.

Whenever my g/f and I go to a restaurant and place our order and it includes an appetizer, invariably the meal will come first. This happens mostly in Thai, but also in Western restaurants.

I have trained myself to ask for the appetizer first. If I forget, of course the meal will arrive first! angry.gif

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I totally enjoyed reading the likes and dislikes of living in Thailand and most put a big smile on my face. As one said, the likes are too many to name and I agree. But a few of the habits that annoy me beside putting coins on top is the inattention some cashiers give to the customers. For example, many times as I'm making a purchase in Tesco, the cashier continues to chat with another cashier instead of paying attention to me and my goods. Besides, how many times must they count your change before handing it to you. It would also be nice if you could read the Tesco cashier machines as the light seems very weak and hard to read the amount.

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I totally enjoyed reading the likes and dislikes of living in Thailand and most put a big smile on my face. As one said, the likes are too many to name and I agree. But a few of the habits that annoy me beside putting coins on top is the inattention some cashiers give to the customers. For example, many times as I'm making a purchase in Tesco, the cashier continues to chat with another cashier instead of paying attention to me and my goods. Besides, how many times must they count your change before handing it to you. It would also be nice if you could read the Tesco cashier machines as the light seems very weak and hard to read the amount.

They count change back several times because when earning 300baht a day you can not make a mistake.....and afford to pay it back. And unlike the West (in most places) they are required to replace any lost amounts. In Canada a cashier claims they were not trained properly, calls in a union rep and starts crying....before you know it they not only do not have to make up the loss their union rep has gotten them a raise!

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Coins should be handed to you first..allows you to pocket them. Then notes should be counted out to you...receipt handed to you next.

I hate coins put on top of the change

Yeah that sucks xhuh.png.pagespeed.ic.6VcCaNwNXg.png

I prefer them underneath the notes so I can't see them, or even better, coin, note, note, coin, note, coin so they fall on the floor, anything but on top, of the notes.

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I hate coins put on top of the change

Yeah that sucks xhuh.png.pagespeed.ic.6VcCaNwNXg.png

I prefer them underneath the notes so I can't see them, or even better, coin, note, note, coin, note, coin so they fall on the floor, anything but on top, of the notes.

I like it better when all the change is in five Baht coins. Then I can leave a large tip and not be bothered lugging that pocketful of metal around. Very considerate, really.

Edited by marell
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Really..coins on top of change? So many people commenting on this. Numerous things annoy me here but not this.

How about the inability for Thai's to walk in straight line coupled with the uncanny ability to zig zag to whichever side your trying to pass or when driving around a corner a Thai must cut the corner?

Oops got carried away on the rant. Too many good things about life here!

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I hate coins put on top of the change

Yeah that sucks xhuh.png.pagespeed.ic.6VcCaNwNXg.png

I prefer them underneath the notes so I can't see them, or even better, coin, note, note, coin, note, coin so they fall on the floor, anything but on top, of the notes.

Yeah, there needs to be 40-50 baht in coins hidden under a few notes to help you 'tip' well.

Better weather has to be up there.

Easy to get things done.... probably more efficient than Europe.

(If you have toothache at 9am, you can be having a post treatment beer at 1pm with a 1000 baht bill. In the UK you would still have toothache.)

People leave you alone.

Outside of the tourist areas it is safe and people are polite.

A few things niggle.

The driving.

The gorgeous receptionist at the hospital or hotel picking her nose.

My own stupidity at being unable to get my head around the language.

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The people.

The smiles.

The ease of the life style.

The peace and quiet (except for my insane neighbors).

The culture (even with all its faults... in my eyes).

The differences.

The ability to be yourself.

The interest in where you come from that I am always coming across.

The early mornings when the country is just waking up.

The fact that when I get off the plane in BKK I always feel that I am 'home' again.


The belief that the only reason you have any money is to spend it here ... on them.

The drivers and that the yellow line down the middle of the road that is nothing more than a 'suggestion'.

10 year old scooter drivers with no helmets.

The 'helper' in the store that follows you around.

The drunk tourist that actually thinks that they are having fun and everyone around enjoys the fact that they are here.

Visa Runs!

The pricing system.

Complaining is just not done and will get you nowhere ...fast.

Watching 300lbs men with huge stomachs walking with the 100 (if soaking wet) Thai girl to the hotel.

"Red Label" in huge bottles.

Beer with a straw and ice (I mean what is up with the straw for God's sake!).

I could go on.

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