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Got arrested on overstay for years, it was never mentioned

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If this is true I would seriously recommend that you keep quiet, I would imagine government employees do read TV posts. xw00t.gif.pagespeed.ic.Fk8xTuMtRw.webp alt=w00t.gif width=18 height=20>

"Obviously" my friend has since left the country and is back in Farangland

Which clearly proves this is all nonsense !

You said previously

" Because there is such thing as an IP adress and one would be stupid enough to share his illegal activities on a website watched over by Thai police and government."

smile.png Maybe "they" are watching the posts here !

Edited by thaiexpat21
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Not trying to "offend" anyone here, but here's the plain truth!

So what else is news. No bribes paid? Huh? Obviously, he's a white man. If he were black, then just on the "work permit" violation alone, his arse would spend the next 12-months @ the Bangkok Hilton, or he'd pay a 50,000+ baht fine. In addition, he'd be deported for 5-years, after that. GUARANTEED!

But of course, there's members reading this quote who will reply with, "oh, you're just hyper-sensitive about your black skin color". Well, I'm not black, but I have seen the "hell" that several (law-abiding, hard-working) blacks have gone thru, in this Land of Smiles, compared to their white "colleagues".

For example, among the "English Teaching" community, many whites have been in Thailand (literally) for years, teaching @ both public and private schools, who have NEVER been issued a work permit, and many of whom have no (required) degree, or even TEFL or CELTA certification. Go figure that!

Whereas any black or brown-skinned person must "verify" their Teaching credentials and come from an English (first language) speaking country. There are whites, from European countries, teaching English to Thai school children, who have no degree, do not speak Thai, have no work permit, but they are white-complexioned people in Asia. They seem to have ALL the sociological credentials they need, to be accepted as a feather in the School Director's cap.

Welcome to "Negro_Phobic" Asia, and the world where most skin lotion brands have "skin-whitening ingredients" clearly marked on the labels. Tragic, for a people who have a cultural history that pre-dates both the Greek & Roman Empires, whistling.gif

I hope this reply answers your question, of how that bloke managed to get away with pulling those farang "shenanigans" in Thailand, for so many years..

Otherwise, Thailand is the best location, for living in an Asian nation.

Cheers smile.png

Edited by lopburi3
Abusive language/flame
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Not trying to "offend" anyone here, but here's the plain truth!

So what else is news. No bribes paid? Huh? Obviously, he's a white man. If he were black, then just on the "work permit" violation alone, his arse would spend the next 12-months @ the Bangkok Hilton, or he'd pay a 50,000+ baht fine. In addition, he'd be deported for 5-years, after that. GUARANTEED!

But of course, there's members reading this quote who will reply with, "oh, you're just hyper-sensitive about your black skin color". Well, I'm not black, but I have seen the "hell" that several (law-abiding, hard-working) blacks have gone thru, in this Land of Smiles, compared to their white "colleagues".

For example, among the "English Teaching" community, many whites have been in Thailand (literally) for years, teaching @ both public and private schools, who have NEVER been issued a work permit, and many of whom have no (required) degree, or even TEFL or CELTA certification. Go figure that!

Whereas any black or brown-skinned person must "verify" their Teaching credentials and come from an English (first language) speaking country. There are whites, from European countries, teaching English to Thai school children, who have no degree, do not speak Thai, have no work permit, but they are white-complexioned people in Asia. They seem to have ALL the sociological credentials they need, to be accepted as a feather in the School Director's cap.

Welcome to "Negro_Phobic" Asia, and the world where most skin lotion brands have "skin-whitening ingredients" clearly marked on the labels. Tragic, for a people who have a cultural history that pre-dates both the Greek & Roman Empires, whistling.gif

I hope this reply answers your question, of how that bloke managed to get away with pulling those farang "shenanigans" in Thailand, for so many years..

((edit)) Otherwise, Thailand is the best location, for living in an Asian nation.

Cheers smile.png

I agree with you, the skin whitening lotion and the teacher cred, ... black have it tougher here.

But in this case I believe it's more a question of his wife pulling shenanigans

Also slightly off topic

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If this is true I would seriously recommend that you keep quiet, I would imagine government employees do read TV posts. w00t.gif

"Obviously" my friend has since left the country and is back in Farangland

Many farangs like to boast about about how much they've managed to get away with, here in Thailand. The government knows full-well who they are. Law inforcement in Thailand, same as anyplace else (on the planet), including Amerika, is arbitrarily enforced. There are several "crucial" things about Thailand that I don't like, but I also give credit, where that credit is due.Thailand is one of the least corrupt countries in the world. Just the factssmile.png

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Not trying to "offend" anyone here, but here's the plain truth!

So what else is news. No bribes paid? Huh? Obviously, he's a white man. If he were black, then just on the "work permit" violation alone, his arse would spend the next 12-months @ the Bangkok Hilton, or he'd pay a 50,000+ baht fine. In addition, he'd be deported for 5-years, after that. GUARANTEED!

But of course, there's members reading this quote who will reply with, "oh, you're just hyper-sensitive about your black skin color". Well, I'm not black, but I have seen the "hell" that several (law-abiding, hard-working) blacks have gone thru, in this Land of Smiles, compared to their white "colleagues".

For example, among the "English Teaching" community, many whites have been in Thailand (literally) for years, teaching @ both public and private schools, who have NEVER been issued a work permit, and many of whom have no (required) degree, or even TEFL or CELTA certification. Go figure that!

Whereas any black or brown-skinned person must "verify" their Teaching credentials and come from an English (first language) speaking country. There are whites, from European countries, teaching English to Thai school children, who have no degree, do not speak Thai, have no work permit, but they are white-complexioned people in Asia. They seem to have ALL the sociological credentials they need, to be accepted as a feather in the School Director's cap.

NBo, it was not off-topic. In fact, it was very much on topic, especially when you consider ALL social parameters in place, that allowed a farang to get away with such a visa status, and for years, at that. Sometimes a little verbose detail is required to paint a complete picture of the realities. Just my considered opinions, of course.

Welcome to "Negro_Phobic" Asia, and the world where most skin lotion brands have "skin-whitening ingredients" clearly marked on the labels. Tragic, for a people who have a cultural history that pre-dates both the Greek & Roman Empires, whistling.gif

I hope this reply answers your question, of how that bloke managed to get away with pulling those farang "shenanigans" in Thailand, for so many years..

((edit)) Otherwise, Thailand is the best location, for living in an Asian nation.

Cheers smile.png

I agree with you, the skin whitening lotion and the teacher cred, ... black have it tougher here.

But in this case I believe it's more a question of his wife pulling shenanigans

Also slightly off topic

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I would like to say I am NOT advocating in any way this type of lifestyle.

My friend lived in fear and permanent stress while in that illegal state although he could not change things at that time.

I think you guys are right: it was probably a case of miscommunication/ lack of training between police departments and/or plain greed and they knew they could not get more.

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I'm slow OK?

30K was not presented as bribe.

Now I understand it was.

Also it sounded not alot of money for 2 offences, and they never mentioned it to him

Difficult as it may be for someone with a curious mind you may have to accept that you will never know what really happened and live with the guesses posted here by members based on their knowledge of the "Thai way" of things being done. You were not there in person and did not hear what was being said, did not read the official documents, if there were any, related to the case. My impression is also that it happened the way that other members have been suggesting here, ie that the case never went to court, that it did not proceed the way that the terminology you used implied. Most likely, he was not arrested, ie there was no arrest warrant, but he was "held for questioning" by the police, and his case was never passed on to the public prosecutor. Your limitation to the consistent use of the pronoun "they" did not help with the guessing game.

"My friend told me he got arrested": Who signed the arrest warrant? Normally, this document is signed by a judge.

"They chucked him in jail for a week or so": Who signed the order to send him to prison? Normally, the police cannot hold a suspect for questioning longer than 48 hours without a permission signed by a judge.

“His charges were”: Who filed the charges? Normally, the police passes the evidence to the prosecutor, who then files the charges with the court.
The all time they had his passport”: Who had his passport? Normally, it is a judge who orders the passport to be held and usually it is the court that holds it, or perhaps the prosecutor’s office.
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