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Which foods are you neurotic about "needing" every day? (If any)


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Are there are any FOOD ITEMS that you make a special effort to consume each and EVERY day?

Foods, not stimulant drinks like coffee or alcohol drinks like beer.

Thinking about this, I think for me there is only ONE. I reckon for many people there are NONE, and perhaps some have SEVERAL.

Stereotypically Asian people often say they don't feel right if they don't have at least one portion of rice daily.

For me the food is BANANA. Yes, I have one large or a group of small BANANAS every day, with breakfast.


Sometimes it's a bit of a challenge to always have banana ready to eat. I buy them green. Sometimes they ripen slowly, sometimes too fast, so I tend to overstock. Some go rotten and sometimes I'll be eating a firm one or a soft one (don't really mind, actually prefer the firm ones).

I do have it in my head that the potasium in bananas is good for me, but this is actually a neurosis at this point. I don't want to face my day without my banana and happily I don't have to!

I was not nearly so hooked on them back in the U.S.

Previously in Thailand I was ALMOST as hooked on oranges as I am on bananas but curiously that has gone away. I do stock oranges but I can go days without eating one though I do eat some other kinds of fresh fruit daily.

So ... do you have any foods that you "need" like this?

Edited by Jingthing
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Well, three or four times a week, the three pack sesame ones from The Avenue's Villa. Dry, with butter or jam or cream cheese and jam, topped with egg and some kind of sauce and best, with cream cheese, capers, red onions, ripe tomatoes, smoked salmon, sliced little cukes, black pepper, dill and lemon juice. But I do need them.

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My wife always tries to keep me supplied with bananas as that is also my favorite. When I buy them myself, I get one bunch that is still green and one that is just ripening. Don't know if this counts but I can't go a day without having apple sauce with my dinner. I must have 20 jars sitting in the cabinet right now and panic when they are nearly gone. biggrin.png

//edit - Just saw Garry mentioned milk. It's a daily must have for me too.

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My wife always tries to keep me supplied with bananas as that is also my favorite.  When I buy them myself, I get one bunch that is still green and one that is just ripening.  Don't know if this counts but I can't go a day without having apple sauce with my dinner.  I must have 20 jars sitting in the cabinet right now and panic when they are nearly gone. Posted Image


//edit - Just saw Garry mentioned milk.  It's a daily must have for me too.

I must drink easy 2 liters of plain milk a day. If its flavored even better. The colder the better :)
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My wife always tries to keep me supplied with bananas as that is also my favorite. When I buy them myself, I get one bunch that is still green and one that is just ripening. Don't know if this counts but I can't go a day without having apple sauce with my dinner. I must have 20 jars sitting in the cabinet right now and panic when they are nearly gone. biggrin.png

//edit - Just saw Garry mentioned milk. It's a daily must have for me too.

The colder the better smile.png

I keep large glasses in the freezer and pour the milk in and put the glass in a beer condom to keep it cold. Yes, I like it very cold also. thumbsup.gif

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Guess so as have the same for breakfast 360 days a year for years.. Cornflakes, Banana and milk, followed by a Yoghurt, and 7 mugs of black coffee, everything No sugar, on my 3rd coffee this morning.. about 5 x year will have toast mostly with a banana sliced on it.

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Alcohol isn't a food group? Dammit LOL But seriously, I can't live without my morning toast. I have over the years of being here (dammit again, this sounds Oh so Girly) turned myself into a pretty accomplished baker. Various breads are now part of my daily staple diet

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A large bowl of fruit every morning, then up the road for fresh coffee. Of late, I have taken to drinking several glasses of tomato juice a day....this is definitely becoming habit-forming.

And now to blow the healthy image, my lady had just walked in with a bag of kad moo.... (addictive!)

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