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One Day On The Water.....

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God was sunning himself on a cloud over the Midlands (I know it's never sunny there, but this is God). He was just getting nicely relaxed when he heared a croaky voice singing below him.

"Row row row yer boat.... gentlay dun t'stream...."

"Why did I ever create poms?" God thought to himself, "That singing is horrible!"

Just then an Idea occured to him.

"I know! I'll take away the side of his brain that allows him to sing."

Sure enough that this would allow him some peace and quiet, the almighty one twitched his finger and let a thunderbolt fly, instantly zapping half the englishman's brain away.

"Now I can get some..."

"..merrily merrily merrily...."

"Son of a... how does he do it without half a brain?" God wondered. "Maybe if I took away another quarter of his brain it will work?" ZAPPPP! Another thunderbolt let loose, and the brit was left with a quarter of a brain.

A long period of silence followed and the lord felt contented enough to begin drifting off to sleep. He would give the man back his brain after he had gotten some rest.

" life is bud a dream...... row row row yer boat.."

"That's it! I've had it! What does a god have to do to get some bloody sleep around here?" In a fury he let loose a barrage of thunderbolts, zapping what was left of the englishman's brain.

"Ha! Now I've got you!" God yelled. "Don't have much to say now do..."

"Waltzing matilda, waltzing Matilda...."


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God was sunning himself on a cloud over the Midlands (I know it's never sunny there, but this is God). He was just getting nicely relaxed when he heared a croaky voice singing below him.

"Row row row yer boat.... gentlay dun t'stream...."

"Why did I ever create poms?" God thought to himself, "That singing is horrible!"

Just then an Idea occured to him.

"I know! I'll take away the side of his brain that allows him to sing."

Sure enough that this would allow him some peace and quiet, the almighty one twitched his finger and let a thunderbolt fly, instantly zapping half the englishman's brain away.

"Now I can get some..."

"..merrily merrily merrily...."

"Son of a... how does he do it without half a brain?" God wondered. "Maybe if I took away another quarter of his brain it will work?" ZAPPPP! Another thunderbolt let loose, and the brit was left with a quarter of a brain.

A long period of silence followed and the lord felt contented enough to begin drifting off to sleep. He would give the man back his brain after he had gotten some rest.

" life is bud a dream...... row row row yer boat.."

"That's it! I've had it! What does a god have to do to get some bloody sleep around here?" In a fury he let loose a barrage of thunderbolts, zapping what was left of the englishman's brain.

"Ha! Now I've got you!" God yelled. "Don't have much to say now do..."

"Rule Britannia, britannia...."


Original Version :o

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