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President Obama announces health law fix


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The sign up deadline of March 31 is three-plus months out, so people aren't committing yet or they're still comparing plans.

The RomneyCare medical insurance program started sparsely then had a surge of enrollment as the deadline approached.

Forty-four million visits is a lotta hits no matter how you jiggle the numbers.

The fact remains all citizens in almost every Republican Party governed state who are eligible for ObamaCare and for the expanded Medicaid program are being denied access to either or both at the state level due to Republican rulers not establishing state insurance exchanges or refusing the expanded Medicaid.

This is active Republican Party sabotage and unrelenting resistance to the ACA.

Even now, only one Republican US Senator, Ron Johnson, alone says the Republican Party has to transition into the ACA. Republican Governor John Kasich of Ohio has established an online state exchange for ObamaCare and has accepted the expanded Medicaid program.

After those two, who've you got?

Mitt Romney??? cheesy.gif

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Who was it that said Americans always do the right thing (after they try everything else.) I think Obama's intent is good: make sure everyone has adequate health care. His implementation is crap, far below crap since obvious, visable before-hand problems came up, but the administration is learning, people will fight for ehat they want, and it will all even out in about 20 years.

Sent from my MyPhone A919 Duo using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Buffett: Scrap Obamacare and Start All Over

By Money Morning Staff Reports

When asked, "Are you in favor of scrapping [Obamacare] and going back to start over?", famed investor Warren Buffett said on CNBC March 1, 2010, "I would be — if I were President Obama.” Buffett insisted that without changes to America's health system average citizens will suffer. "We have a health system that, in terms of costs, is really out of control," he added. "And if you take this line and you project what has been happening into the future, we will get less and less competitive. So we need something else."

Three debate-ridden years later, millions of Americans still agree. But now that the exchanges are open, Obamacare has finally kicked off.

The government program, which some economists call the biggest tax increase ever in the United States, is also one of the most hated bills in history. Ask millions of Americans what they think about the new law, and chances are they're ready to pop a jugular.

Critics heavily oppose the mandate requiring them to purchase health insurance. They're also furious at all the new taxes, fees, and higher premiums they'll be stuck paying, thanks to Obamacare.

Yet, while millions of Americans loathe every facet of The Affordable Care Act, as it's officially titled, another group of Americans see it as a once-in-a lifetime opportunity to get rich: Investors.

(emphasis mine.)

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It's refreshing to see that the tales based in the long train of possible horrors have subsided concerning ObamaCare and that the country is now focused on the realities of what ObamaCare does or doesn't do based in the reality it is a medical insurance program rooted in the private sector.

Urban legends and instant mythologies, the opposite of reality, that have been proliferated against ObamaCare are giving way to the central inquiries concerning what exactly and precisely ObamaCare is in respect to my health and medical insurance needs and preferences, each of us.

For instance, I'd been unsure how the ACA might impact me and my long standing medical insurance program. Now I know it does not impact me at all, that my long relationship with my medical insurer will continue because the insurer not only meets the standards of the ACA, it exceeds the standards, but without being anything remotely near a cadillac program.

Although I'm certainly in the company of a vast majority of others in this respect, I'm talking about myself and myself only

The two links below present, for anyone interested, some urban legends and instant mythologies against ObamaCare. The myths are corrected, the urban legends are shot down. The links together expose mythmaking and also discuss the nature of tall tale telling.

The psychology of such blown-up 'horrors' and mythmaking is well known, as indicated by the following quote from one of the two links:

It's a lack of information coupled with these fears that tends to give rise to new legends. When demand exceeds supply, people will fill in the gaps with their own information … they'll just make it up.

The ACA is undergoing changes, modifications, time extensions, as always has been the case when major new legislation comes online. There are glitches so the glitches are being addressed.

Republican Party sabotage continues however, both in Washington and among Republican governors and by certain state legislatures controlled by the Republican Party in certain populous states. Almost every Republican Party governor also has repugnantly deprived their general population access to the highly successful expanded Medicare provisions of the ACA.

Despite this spiteful opposition that adversely deprives citizens in these states, we can say mission accomplished concerning the ObamaCare website.

So presently and for the next several months, Americans will be finding out the facts and the realities of ObamaCare and will be making choices and decisions in respect to their real medical insurance needs and preferences.

Remember all those Obamacare horror stories?

Not looking so bad now

Inflammatory personal testimony has been a staple of bad debating since humans first started arguing with each other


Urban Legends: How They Start and Why They Persist


"It's refreshing to see.......that the country is now focused on what obamacare does or does not do" It is indeed refreshing to get down to the bottom line and get the political partisanship out of this discussion! Now on to what obamacare does- obamacare raises the premiums and massivly increases the deductibles for most working Americans, obamacare also kicks many millions (perhaps in the tens of millions before the dust settles) of hard working Americans off their existing policies despite promises from the the "empty suit" in the White House that if you like your policy you can keep it, also obamacare takes many GP physicians and specialists away from millions of Americans despite promises that if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor period! Obamacare also brings millions more into medicaid thereby stressing and already flawed, fraud ridden and bankrupted system to the limitsad.png I could go on for days with the flaws in this 2007 page partisan legislative boondoggle, but I really don't need to since obamacare will fail on its own merits (or lack there of!)wai2.gif

It's good to see we're finally getting the political partisanship out of the discussion, as in your opening and closing sentences.

It is indeed refreshing to get down to the bottom line and get the political partisanship out of this discussion! I could go on for days with the flaws in this 2007 page partisan legislative boondoggle

Republican saboteurs can't ever get the partisanship out of their rantings a ragings.

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If Buffett means scrap it and go Canadian, I'm all for it!

Actually, Buffett is typically a voice of reason and very level headed. He knows numbers and has the money to hire the best when it comes to business models, forecasting, viability and numbers. His saying it has now failed, whether due to sabotage by opposition party or just poor planning and implementation, should resonate loud and clear.

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The President's name is OBAMA. Not Bama. I find the use of Bama very disrespectful.

Now we agree. I too find the linking of "President" and "Obama" very disrespectful to all thinking Americans. smile.png

At least he didn't steal the office like Bush in 2000. coffee1.gif

Edited by Jingthing
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The President's name is OBAMA. Not Bama. I find the use of Bama very disrespectful.

You are too sensitive. Type his full name over and over again on the net and you too will be in their little data base . . . Has nothing to do with respect. Even when I defended him and kind of liked him I used Bama so the only list I make is the red neck Crimson Tide list.

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The President's name is OBAMA. Not Bama. I find the use of Bama very disrespectful.

You are too sensitive. Type his full name over and over again on the net and you too will be in their little data base . . . Has nothing to do with respect. Even when I defended him and kind of liked him I used Bama so the only list I make is the red neck Crimson Tide list.

Sounds like a serious condition.


Edited by Publicus
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The President's name is OBAMA. Not Bama. I find the use of Bama very disrespectful.

You are too sensitive. Type his full name over and over again on the net and you too will be in their little data base . . . Has nothing to do with respect. Even when I defended him and kind of liked him I used Bama so the only list I make is the red neck Crimson Tide list.

Sounds like a serious condition.


Haha, yep. It is, but I am hopeful that will find a cure. What do you think gets tagged? Is it not key words.

BTW, I just read that Harvard dude made his little get out if test threat through TOR. Guess that isn't so secure any more.

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The rules are quite specific about using the correct name of politicians, especially aberrant spellings. It probably isn't too hard to put type the extra O....but let's stick to the topic of the thread, for now.

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The rules are quite specific about using the correct name of politicians, especially aberrant spellings. It probably isn't too hard to put type the extra O....but let's stick to the topic of the thread, for now.

I suppose the big "O" is out of the question?

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The rules are quite specific about using the correct name of politicians, especially aberrant spellings. It probably isn't too hard to put type the extra O....but let's stick to the topic of the thread, for now.

I suppose the big "O" is out of the question?

That probably wouldn't make the cut.

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