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Briton, 76, found dead in Pattaya

The Nation

PATTAYA: -- Smith Peter Derick, 76, was found dead in his rented house in Pattaya after falling in his bathroom.

There were no signs of physical assault but the body of the British man was transferred for the usual autopsy, police said yesterday.

According to his friends, Derick rented the house nearly nine months ago. Paralysed on the right side of his body, he seldom left home but usually welcomed visits by a friend living nearby.

On Saturday night, he slipped in the bathroom but told his friend that he was alright and would not seek medical attention. The neighbour found him dead on his bed the next morning.

-- The Nation 2013-11-18

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Why the Nation even bothers is beyond me. Why the police even bother is even more proof of their incompetence and lack of concern for foreigners. Show up at the scene > get the information from strange Thais > decide that this is clearly enough proof to close the case > move on. What utter idiots.

Every death should have a standard order of operations which are carried out, whether it appears suspicious or not; whether one Thai says this or not. But they do not, and that is a crime in itself.

His "friend". Who in Hell is his "friend? We read every day where Thais cull their own family members over the most stupid arguments. Fathers murder their sons. Children murder taxi drivers. It goes on and on. So, who in Hell is this "friend", and why is he or she not being questioned?

His "neighbor". Who in Hell is his "neighbor"? and why is his "neighbor" showing up at his house and going in to his house? Aren't the doors supposed to be locked? What compelled the "neighbor" to go over to his house and enter without permission?

This piss poor reporting only adds to the chaotic and often times brutal outcomes of fraternizing with Thais when those outcomes result in a death.

But it is a foreigner. So, apparently the word of a Thai (sound of vomiting) is good enough for the police to show up, listen, and then pack their bags and head back to the office.

I really hate these people sometimes; and I have no words for the multiple-personality reporters.

'Simply expressing how I feel about this.

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this is pure genious, no more suspect fall from balconies, but also falling in bathrooms. the police must be finding it hard to profile the crims


Why the Nation even bothers is beyond me. Why the police even bother is even more proof of their incompetence and lack of concern for foreigners. Show up at the scene > get the information from strange Thais > decide that this is clearly enough proof to close the case > move on. What utter idiots.

Every death should have a standard order of operations which are carried out, whether it appears suspicious or not; whether one Thai says this or not. But they do not, and that is a crime in itself.

His "friend". Who in Hell is his "friend? We read every day where Thais cull their own family members over the most stupid arguments. Fathers murder their sons. Children murder taxi drivers. It goes on and on. So, who in Hell is this "friend", and why is he or she not being questioned?

His "neighbor". Who in Hell is his "neighbor"? and why is his "neighbor" showing up at his house and going in to his house? Aren't the doors supposed to be locked? What compelled the "neighbor" to go over to his house and enter without permission?

This piss poor reporting only adds to the chaotic and often times brutal outcomes of fraternizing with Thais when those outcomes result in a death.

But it is a foreigner. So, apparently the word of a Thai (sound of vomiting) is good enough for the police to show up, listen, and then pack their bags and head back to the office.

I really hate these people sometimes; and I have no words for the multiple-personality reporters.

'Simply expressing how I feel about this.

I think you have watching too many television police dramas.

The guy was 76.

He appeared to have died from natural causes.

He most probably died from natural causes.

An autopsy is being held - it will most probably confirm that he died from natural causes.

No drama there.

  • Like 1


Why the Nation even bothers is beyond me. Why the police even bother is even more proof of their incompetence and lack of concern for foreigners. Show up at the scene > get the information from strange Thais > decide that this is clearly enough proof to close the case > move on. What utter idiots.

Every death should have a standard order of operations which are carried out, whether it appears suspicious or not; whether one Thai says this or not. But they do not, and that is a crime in itself.

His "friend". Who in Hell is his "friend? We read every day where Thais cull their own family members over the most stupid arguments. Fathers murder their sons. Children murder taxi drivers. It goes on and on. So, who in Hell is this "friend", and why is he or she not being questioned?

His "neighbor". Who in Hell is his "neighbor"? and why is his "neighbor" showing up at his house and going in to his house? Aren't the doors supposed to be locked? What compelled the "neighbor" to go over to his house and enter without permission?

This piss poor reporting only adds to the chaotic and often times brutal outcomes of fraternizing with Thais when those outcomes result in a death.

But it is a foreigner. So, apparently the word of a Thai (sound of vomiting) is good enough for the police to show up, listen, and then pack their bags and head back to the office.

I really hate these people sometimes; and I have no words for the multiple-personality reporters.

'Simply expressing how I feel about this.


The Nation bothers because it's a newspaper, it's what newspapers do!

The police bothers because it's their job!

The case hasn't been closed yet because the autopsy results aren't back yet.

They DO have a standard procedure which includes an autopsy, questioning neighbors, forensics etc.

Who says the friends is not to be questioned and that the police aren't aware of his identity?

His neighbor probably showed up because he wanted something, maybe rang the doorbell or called his name and when the guy didn't answer he went in to see if he's alright. It's what concerned neighbors do. I don't see anything wrong with that. It's not like in Europe, where neighbors don't even greet each other and the only reason they notice that something is off is when the stench of the rotting corpse next door finally alerts them.

Who said the Thais caused his death? That's first of all poor speculation on your part and secondly ridiculous. I'm not denying that sometimes people get killed because someone wants their money, but that's certainly not the most common cause of death, not in Thailand and not anywhere else!

The police have to show up when someone calls in and reports a dead person.

They obviously had forensics there which is also standard procedure!

It's not uncommon for people to fall and sustain a head injury and then die some time later. It happened to Liam Neeson's wife Natasha Richardson. She had a skiing accident in which she hit her head. When the paramedics arrived she said she's fine and that it won't be necessary to go to the hospital. She died a few hours later. The autopsy report stated that she had sustained a epidural hematoma.

Maybe next time you should inform yourself first to get the whole picture instead of posting a useless rant that's based on whatever hatred you have accumulated against the Thais since you've moved here because then you won't look like a completely clueless fool. By the way, if it pisses you off that much it's maybe time to go home to wherever it is you came from!

Very much expressing how I feel about you!

  • Like 2

Why the Nation even bothers is beyond me. Why the police even bother is even more proof of their incompetence and lack of concern for foreigners. Show up at the scene > get the information from strange Thais > decide that this is clearly enough proof to close the case > move on. What utter idiots.

Every death should have a standard order of operations which are carried out, whether it appears suspicious or not; whether one Thai says this or not. But they do not, and that is a crime in itself.

His "friend". Who in Hell is his "friend? We read every day where Thais cull their own family members over the most stupid arguments. Fathers murder their sons. Children murder taxi drivers. It goes on and on. So, who in Hell is this "friend", and why is he or she not being questioned?

His "neighbor". Who in Hell is his "neighbor"? and why is his "neighbor" showing up at his house and going in to his house? Aren't the doors supposed to be locked? What compelled the "neighbor" to go over to his house and enter without permission?

This piss poor reporting only adds to the chaotic and often times brutal outcomes of fraternizing with Thais when those outcomes result in a death.

But it is a foreigner. So, apparently the word of a Thai (sound of vomiting) is good enough for the police to show up, listen, and then pack their bags and head back to the office.

I really hate these people sometimes; and I have no words for the multiple-personality reporters.

'Simply expressing how I feel about this.

Forget to take our medication this morning did we? You profile pic kinda explains it though.

I thought it was a great news report so that people like us can at least express our thoughts and say RIP

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I suggest a poster on here put Brain in gear before putting keyboard in DRIVE.

I have attended several deaths over the years & I will never forget one in particular in Texas of an elderly Gent who had choked on a lump of Cantelope causing a fatal heart attack & his Son (mid 40s) turned up as the Medics were loading the body.

His grief was incredulous to behold & we had to physically restrain him.

It bought it back to me that there are people feeling great pain from a passing. I thought I had become immune to feelings at death scenes , until then.

I am first to criticize some of the antics of so called Law Enforcement officers in Thailand , particularly in Pattaya

BUT , wait for the results before passing judgement. There is an S.O.P. in all deaths even in Pattaya.



cup-of-coffee..certainly went in all guns blazing.perhaps he did mis-judge his post.death is usually sad.sometimes a relief..but re-reading his rant.he has got a point.with the amatuerish way of things here..hes probably had his caffeine fix now..inhale/exhale..


Sad, but as already stated; a post-mortem should reveal all. I do understand some people ranting about the police, I bet the house has not been secured until the PM result and any forensics already trampled on.


It's not uncommon for people to fall and sustain a head injury and then die some time later. It happened to Liam Neeson's wife Natasha Richardson. She had a skiing accident in which she hit her head. When the paramedics arrived she said she's fine and that it won't be necessary to go to the hospital. She died a few hours later. The autopsy report stated that she had sustained a epidural hematoma.

Very true. Classic example: William Holden. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Holden#Death He evidently didn't die immediately but couldn't help himself and soon expired.

A male renter, early 40s, in my building died after a slip in the shower and hitting his head. 'Course, now, he did have 5 Viagra pills shortly before--to meet the Pattaya challenge, I suppose.

I once knew a Brit pensioner dying in Pattaya, no family here, only lady friends. I suggested he go back to Surrey where he had a brother and sister-in-law. He could have spent his last Christmas with them. He strongly preferred to stay here: "Pattaya's given me a lot." The "given" was an obvious impossibility, but still he loved it here. (Quite in contrast to our constant complainers.) And he soon departed Pattaya, via Banglamung Hsp, without so much as showing his expired passport to Immigration. That bit must have given him a smile.

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Why the Nation even bothers is beyond me. Why the police even bother is even more proof of their incompetence and lack of concern for foreigners. Show up at the scene > get the information from strange Thais > decide that this is clearly enough proof to close the case > move on. What utter idiots.

Every death should have a standard order of operations which are carried out, whether it appears suspicious or not; whether one Thai says this or not. But they do not, and that is a crime in itself.

His "friend". Who in Hell is his "friend? We read every day where Thais cull their own family members over the most stupid arguments. Fathers murder their sons. Children murder taxi drivers. It goes on and on. So, who in Hell is this "friend", and why is he or she not being questioned?

His "neighbor". Who in Hell is his "neighbor"? and why is his "neighbor" showing up at his house and going in to his house? Aren't the doors supposed to be locked? What compelled the "neighbor" to go over to his house and enter without permission?

This piss poor reporting only adds to the chaotic and often times brutal outcomes of fraternizing with Thais when those outcomes result in a death.

But it is a foreigner. So, apparently the word of a Thai (sound of vomiting) is good enough for the police to show up, listen, and then pack their bags and head back to the office.

I really hate these people sometimes; and I have no words for the multiple-personality reporters.

'Simply expressing how I feel about this.


  • Like 1


My aunty died last month she was 96 years old and apparently quite fit. she was sipping some red wine one evening after her supper, and just blacked out and fell off her chair dead. That was it, no illness no drama just gone in a couple of seconds! My uncle who is over 100 years old said its fine, "I am glad she went first"

Wow if you have to go that's the way to do it!

The Pattaya man is lucky in some sort of way really, not having to suffer with illness and getting decrepit slowly.smile.png

I hope when you're aunt died that a summary of the event wasn't published on some message board for all the nutters to have a go at criticizing the police and your uncle and the wine company and the chair manufacturer. Dying a dignified, peaceful death ought to be a right even in Pattaya, but on TV it's like throwing a bunch of bananas to monkeys.

Up to about your post I was thinking that at least people are taking the news politely, expressing their condolences and not turning it into a circus, but it didn't take much longer before the Thai Visa CSI chief investigator started with a rant because he didn't read every detail and every interview with friends and neighbors as recorded by the police or from the autopsy or from the embassy.

Any death reported here is just another opportunity for the foaming at the mouth brigade to swing into action.

Show up at the scene > get the information from strange Thais > decide that this is clearly enough proof to close the case > move on. What utter idiots.

"From strange Thais" Utter idiots indeed, and I don't mean the police.

As I've said before I sure hope when I die it doesn't end up reported on Thai Visa.

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RIP Dear boy.

My heartfelt condolences to any family and friends who may be reading this thread.


I think all of the posters who responded negatively to my post misjudged me. The point is: no disrespect to the gentleman who is dead... but all disrespect to the Thais who descend on these death scenes - and the reporters as well - and put it all in such a tidy and quick fashion,

Simply put, I emphasized that the trash reporting did not provide all the details to give what I feel is paramount to give enough information to the general readier. If you all wish to read about a 70-something gentleman dying and take the reports which are provided in this country at face value, then that is your right. I disagree.

Again, no disrespect to the gentleman; but the thing is, this is Thailand, and I know enough to know that the tripe I read when it is presented in this fashion exemplifies trash reporting, and near incompetent follow up from the ones whom we place our trust and faith in.

Thank you.


Why the Nation even bothers is beyond me. Why the police even bother is even more proof of their incompetence and lack of concern for foreigners. Show up at the scene > get the information from strange Thais > decide that this is clearly enough proof to close the case > move on. What utter idiots.

Every death should have a standard order of operations which are carried out, whether it appears suspicious or not; whether one Thai says this or not. But they do not, and that is a crime in itself.

His "friend". Who in Hell is his "friend? We read every day where Thais cull their own family members over the most stupid arguments. Fathers murder their sons. Children murder taxi drivers. It goes on and on. So, who in Hell is this "friend", and why is he or she not being questioned?

His "neighbor". Who in Hell is his "neighbor"? and why is his "neighbor" showing up at his house and going in to his house? Aren't the doors supposed to be locked? What compelled the "neighbor" to go over to his house and enter without permission?

This piss poor reporting only adds to the chaotic and often times brutal outcomes of fraternizing with Thais when those outcomes result in a death.

But it is a foreigner. So, apparently the word of a Thai (sound of vomiting) is good enough for the police to show up, listen, and then pack their bags and head back to the office.

I really hate these people sometimes; and I have no words for the multiple-personality reporters.

'Simply expressing how I feel about this.


Thank you for your opinion. Noted!


Just a heads up for any future discussion in this topic:

7) Not to post slurs or degrading comments directed towards any group on the basis of race, nationality, religion, gender or sexual orientation.

8) Not to post extremely negative views of Thailand or derogatory comments directed towards all Thais.

The fact is that thousands of older men from the West lives here.

The fact is, the older you are getting the changes of dying increases much more as well.

Therefore the newspapers will have almost daily stories about an older expat had died, nothing new about that but it's a news paper and they do stories like that.

We all have to go sooner or later and the older British chap here seems to had a fairly good life before he went.



I think all of the posters who responded negatively to my post misjudged me. The point is: no disrespect to the gentleman who is dead... but all disrespect to the Thais who descend on these death scenes - and the reporters as well - and put it all in such a tidy and quick fashion,

Simply put, I emphasized that the trash reporting did not provide all the details to give what I feel is paramount to give enough information to the general readier. If you all wish to read about a 70-something gentleman dying and take the reports which are provided in this country at face value, then that is your right. I disagree.

Again, no disrespect to the gentleman; but the thing is, this is Thailand, and I know enough to know that the tripe I read when it is presented in this fashion exemplifies trash reporting, and near incompetent follow up from the ones whom we place our trust and faith in.

Thank you.

Mate, it's the same anywhere in the world, when someone dies or there's an accident then there will be bystanders! It's not unique to Thailand!


I think all of the posters who responded negatively to my post misjudged me. The point is: no disrespect to the gentleman who is dead... but all disrespect to the Thais who descend on these death scenes - and the reporters as well - and put it all in such a tidy and quick fashion,

Simply put, I emphasized that the trash reporting did not provide all the details to give what I feel is paramount to give enough information to the general readier. If you all wish to read about a 70-something gentleman dying and take the reports which are provided in this country at face value, then that is your right. I disagree.

Again, no disrespect to the gentleman; but the thing is, this is Thailand, and I know enough to know that the tripe I read when it is presented in this fashion exemplifies trash reporting, and near incompetent follow up from the ones whom we place our trust and faith in.

Thank you.

It's not about taking things at face value. It's about your over-the-top reaction to a short news article, and one in which confuse your own inventions for fact ("So, apparently the word of a Thai (sound of vomiting) is good enough for the police to show up, listen, and then pack their bags and head back to the office"). Can you point out where you got this from? Because it's not in the article. You can complain about 'trash reporting' and wanting more details, but reading comprehension is just as important..? No offence, but you seem to be struggling with the details that do provide anyway...

His "friend". Who in Hell is his "friend? We read every day where Thais cull their own family members over the most stupid arguments. Fathers murder their sons. Children murder taxi drivers. It goes on and on. So, who in Hell is this "friend", and why is he or she not being questioned?

His "neighbor". Who in Hell is his "neighbor"? and why is his "neighbor" showing up at his house and going in to his house? Aren't the doors supposed to be locked? What compelled the "neighbor" to go over to his house and enter without permission?

They are the same person. The context of the article makes that pretty clear.

Also there's still, sadly, an autopsy to be performed. I'm not sure what else you expect. You've assumed the police had zero questions for anyone (again, an invention of yours that isn't backed up by anything). There's no physical evidence of any wrong-doing. Autopsy results have be waited on.

What else is that you wanted?


I think all of the posters who responded negatively to my post misjudged me. The point is: no disrespect to the gentleman who is dead... but all disrespect to the Thais who descend on these death scenes - and the reporters as well - and put it all in such a tidy and quick fashion,

Simply put, I emphasized that the trash reporting did not provide all the details to give what I feel is paramount to give enough information to the general readier. If you all wish to read about a 70-something gentleman dying and take the reports which are provided in this country at face value, then that is your right. I disagree.

Again, no disrespect to the gentleman; but the thing is, this is Thailand, and I know enough to know that the tripe I read when it is presented in this fashion exemplifies trash reporting, and near incompetent follow up from the ones whom we place our trust and faith in.

Thank you.

It's not about taking things at face value. It's about your over-the-top reaction to a short news article, and one in which confuse your own inventions for fact ("So, apparently the word of a Thai (sound of vomiting) is good enough for the police to show up, listen, and then pack their bags and head back to the office"). Can you point out where you got this from? Because it's not in the article. You can complain about 'trash reporting' and wanting more details, but reading comprehension is just as important..? No offence, but you seem to be struggling with the details that do provide anyway...

His "friend". Who in Hell is his "friend? We read every day where Thais cull their own family members over the most stupid arguments. Fathers murder their sons. Children murder taxi drivers. It goes on and on. So, who in Hell is this "friend", and why is he or she not being questioned?

His "neighbor". Who in Hell is his "neighbor"? and why is his "neighbor" showing up at his house and going in to his house? Aren't the doors supposed to be locked? What compelled the "neighbor" to go over to his house and enter without permission?

They are the same person. The context of the article makes that pretty clear.

Also there's still, sadly, an autopsy to be performed. I'm not sure what else you expect. You've assumed the police had zero questions for anyone (again, an invention of yours that isn't backed up by anything). There's no physical evidence of any wrong-doing. Autopsy results have be waited on.

What else is that you wanted?

I think you are the one going over the top in mitigating all of this stupidity and what I suspect as either foul-play on the part of a "friend" and or "neighbor" or simple and plain uncaring and incompetent apathy.

My take on this is that the man fell and his head came in contact with a hard surface, causing a concussion which resulted in a come because his head was not kept above his heart level. A coma results in most cases when being subject to blunt force trauma to the head (concussion), which can easily not be recognizable to the naked eye, yet cause a comatose state which will result in death if the person is allowed to lay prone soon after.

The question arises, if indeed it is a concussion, as to how the man managed to have his head come in contact with that hard surface. A push? an angry shove, perhaps? An accident due to alcohol being involved and two people performing a maneuver and one person slipping out of their grasp and hitting his head? Who knows except the vague and ambiguous "friend", who was reportedly the last person to be with the deceased?

Why would an elderly, paralyzed gentleman slip and fall and "naturally" be dead the next day, when it is just as easy to assume out of all of this vague and ambiguous reporting and testimony that he moved about home and did the things he did on a daily basis and for many years? I am implying that he was quite familiar with doing the things he did and more than likely familiar with the possibility of slipping and falling when he did, in fact, engage in moving his body about for some task or exercise.

Why would a "friend" tell the police, in such vague and ambiguous fashion, that he was told by this man in simple terms that he slipped but did not want to seek medical attention? This is not normal. Usually it is more natural to tell our mates that we slipped and something happened; i.e. I slipped and hit my head, or some other part of my body, which caused enough pain and alarm to my senses that I felt compelled to tell you just now.

Why didn't the police ask and the reporter report as to why this "friend" was at the gentleman's house the night before the gentleman died? Were they drinking? Had the gentleman called him to say he had fallen and needed a friend to come over? Apparently not on that last thought, as the "friend" did not say anything beyond the "slip and not needing medical attention" story.

Again, it is not natural for someone to "tell the story" in such vague and ambiguous" fashion to a policeman, when A] there is a death involved and B] you are the last person to have had contact with this person. This is not natural in my experience unless you are hiding something or are possibly one of the most stupid people in the world and such normal and important details simply fly by your eyes every day of your life and nothing gets your concern or attention.

The police act as if they are the supreme authority on diagnosing injuries of any sort, yet they fail to ask legitimate questions, and / or the reporter fails to submit this. The police, in all their wisdom of diagnosing physical investigations for injury or physical assault, never seem to bring in to play such questions which would describe the deceased' behavior, cognitive state or any signs or symptoms of of having suffered a fall and such possibilities as I naturally suspect.

Add this to the fact that the "friend" never offered this information, which, in my experience, a "friend" would naturally do when confronted with being questioned about the death of someone whom you were the last to be with the night before the death occurred. I would be very aware that I was a suspect were I questioned, and I would naturally want to give as much information as possible to count me out as a suspect in an otherwise assumed "natural" death.

But if you wish to assume your own "contexts" and classify them as fact, and leave it at that, then be my guest.

With all due respect to the gentleman, this should not be a news article at all if the intentions in which it is being reported are merely due to a natural death. This should be an obituary. Reporters do not report on statistics where the statistic is one person, and the statistic at issue is a natural death.

Again; why even bother if the legitimate concerns I have touched upon are not addressed and the reader's mind can be put at ease over such a sad and touching event?

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