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Question about extending a multiple entry tourist visa

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I'm A Brit with a multiple entry tourist visa. I am in southern Thailand in Satun.

I have been told that i can extend my visa for another 30 days at the Satun Town immigration office. The last day of my visa is Sunday 1st December. Anyone know if i can extend on a Sunday or do i need to go on a working day. Unfortunately, i can't get to the office in advance to ask.

Thanks for any info

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AS said there is no such thing as a multiple entry tourist visa, it's either 1, 2 or 3 entries and should be clearly marked on the visa under "number of entries". With each entry you get 60 days permission to stay which can be extended for 30 days each at Immigration, cost 1900 baht. You can only extended each entry one time for 30 days. You said in the OP that your visa expires on Dec 1, a Sunday. I assume that you mean that your permission to stay, the date stamped in your passport, is 1 Dec and, if so, you can go to immigration on Monday and get the 30 day extension as long as you have not extended it for 30 days already.

Your visa expires on the "must enter by" date printed on the original visa sticker or stamp in your passport. All entries, be it 1, 2, or 3, must be made on or before that date. The last entry can be made on that date and your will get 60 days permission to stay which can be extended for another 30 even though your visa is expired. The visa is only a "ticket" that allows you to enter Thailand and does not say how long that you can stay in Thailand, that's up to immigration.

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