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Women from Myanmar


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I was reading a couple of other topics on this forum from the Myanmar subforum and started thinking........ I know that's dangerous.........

I originally posted this there but had no replies, possibly because it isn't read as much, I don't know

So I decided to start a new thread here, to see if anyone had experience they would like to share....

I am wondering if women from Myanmar have the same "attitude" as their Thai counterparts (yes the lying conniving ones).

I know it's a bit of a generalization but I've actually had a couple of Thai guys (friends) suggest looking there, one is married to a lady from Myanmar and he reckons it was the best thing he did, as Thai women can't generally be trusted and want too much. He keeps telling me he "loves his darling".

You quite often read about Lao, Cambodian and Vietnamese women but I haven't seen much about the ladies from Myanmar.

A post about courtship on the Myanmar thread made me remember it used to be like that in Thailand, but that has changed.............


Do Myanmar women stand by and look after their man (more so than Thai women)?

Are they demanding or happy with their lot in life (unlike any Thai GF I have had) ?

How would you meet them (without moving there, I like Thailand)?

Any thoughts, experiences, advise? All comments are welcome and appreciated, I think this will be a good read.


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My turf, I live only 15 Km's away from the Myanmar border. In a nutshell :

Laborers are being imported by the truckload into Thailand to perform agricultural-labor. In this corner of Thailand, Thais do not perform any farm-work anymore.

Myanmar-workers receive a wage of 100 Bht per day. The housing, that Thai-employers provide is beyond description. A big hole in the ground is the toilet and serves a 100 laborers. They have no rights whatsoever.


On an other note: Myanmar People (Karen-Tribe) have a desire to learn and are not afraid to ask questions, as little their English may be. Quite opposite to Thai-Nationals = they know everything already.


Romantic liaisons between Farangs and Myanmar-Females are at this time not feasible. Not yet. But by the time, the family elders will discover that it would be nice to have a Television in the house, they will allow a "liberalization" of moral behavior. As has happened in the Isaan, Cambodia and Laos a long time before. It's a gradual process that will (and must) evolve.


Currently the Myanmar-Females still look slim and trim, as did Thai-Females some 15 years ago. But eventually McDonalds and Tesco will find a a way to conquer even Myanmar.

Farangs of the year 2013 = Too late, the thrill in S/E Asia is gone.


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Its worth looking at the history of relations between Thailand and Myanmar. Thais seem to have an attitude towards Burmese that is hard to understand in 2013. As Swissie says Burmese workers here are treated in the worst way possible. The refugee camps along the Thai border have about 30,000 mainly Karen people living there. Successive Thai governments don't want to know and would rather they go away. As for women, yes they are very beautiful, but they have sad stories to tell, and the few I know have resigned themselves to be used in whatever way will help their families to survive. I hope Aung San Su Kyi eventually prevails.

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Some interesting comments.

Yes Swissie I have seen some atrocious treatment toward people from Myanmar myself, and agree with their willingness to try. All but one Thai GF I have had in the last 10 years I have tried to help out as best I can, drivers licenses, passports and trips overseas, English and other schooling (none of them ever finished), their families and even businesses. But I have generally found they just want to kick back and take whatever they can. Maybe it's me and my choice of women, but there never seems to be any gratitude (not that I am looking for it) or willingness to try to better themselves, just to take anything they can. There doesn't seem to be any give or take, only the latter.

I am curious as to why you say "Romantic liaisons between Farangs and Myanmar-Females are at this time not feasible."

I TOTALLY agree with your last 2 comments.

Tim yes the history is fascinating, and you can always tell who the Burmese are in Thai soapies, dressed in black and the bad guys. They are definitely lower class in this country.

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What a nice thread.

Not really sure where your comment is aimed.

But if you don't ask you don't learn !!

Most of the people I have met from Myanmar seem to be nice hard working people that are generally being exployted by Thais. Some rescent reading seems to indicate they still have traditional values, which has all but disappeared in Thailand. When I first came here I knew guys dating Thai women that had to be with a chaperone, tha seems to have disappeared in the quest for the mighty Baht of late.

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What a nice thread.

Not really sure where your comment is aimed.

But if you don't ask you don't learn !!

Most of the people I have met from Myanmar seem to be nice hard working people that are generally being exployted by Thais. Some rescent reading seems to indicate they still have traditional values, which has all but disappeared in Thailand. When I first came here I knew guys dating Thai women that had to be with a chaperone, tha seems to have disappeared in the quest for the mighty Baht of late.

Maybe they do have good values, and that is nice in everyone.

The question is, what will they see in you?

What do you have to offer?

(Rhetorical question, no need to answer)

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What a nice thread.

Not really sure where your comment is aimed.

But if you don't ask you don't learn !!

Most of the people I have met from Myanmar seem to be nice hard working people that are generally being exployted by Thais. Some rescent reading seems to indicate they still have traditional values, which has all but disappeared in Thailand. When I first came here I knew guys dating Thai women that had to be with a chaperone, tha seems to have disappeared in the quest for the mighty Baht of late.

Maybe they do have good values, and that is nice in everyone.

The question is, what will they see in you?

What do you have to offer?

(Rhetorical question, no need to answer)

I am not sure I am offering anything.

I didn't realise my Thai friends (of a good 7 years) wasn't Thai and his comments surprised me.

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I am not sure I am offering anything.

I didn't realise my Thai friends (of a good 7 years) WIFE wasn't Thai and his comments surprised me.

Couldn't edit the post and missed the word wife, sorry.

Can you stay consistent with your opener and attempt to answer the question as 'you' in generai terms?

Edited by somchaismith
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"Do Myanmar women stand by and look after their man (more so than Thai women)? "

Do you mean are they more subservient ? Lick your lollie? Wash your kecks? Abase themselves when you walk in the room?


Hmmmmmm probably a bad choice of words on my part.

I was actually reffering to Honesty, Fidelity and a willingness to share the relationship and not just sit back and take what you can today without any thought of the future. If that explains it better.

If I wanted subservience or abasement I would turn to Islam, lolly licking I can buy down the road and I can work the buttons on my washing machine OK.........

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My only experience of a lady from Myanmar was that of - The then g/f's brother acquired a lady from Myanmar to help take care of an elderly mother. As time passed he became quite attached to the lady. Began taking her out, buying her things from his very limited income. They slept together. Just as he got really serious about her, the Myanmar husband turned up, took her away and that was the last he heard from her.

A bit negative, I realise.

I will say that while she was there she took great care of the mother. No-one had any complaints in that direction, but she was obviously taking the brother for a ride. Is that true to form for Myanmar women? I have no idea. But my one and only experience regarding them, though there are many available as housekeepers etc., if you know which policeman to ask and pay the fee to him. This from other Thai friends at that time.

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as my experiences with thai women have been in general very good, I dont understand what you are looking for. perhaps the thai women that have caused you to have such a jaundiced opinion come from a different sector of society than the ones I know.

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as my experiences with thai women have been in general very good, I dont understand what you are looking for. perhaps the thai women that have caused you to have such a jaundiced opinion come from a different sector of society than the ones I know.

Maybe, but they came from a variety of places, society and ages.

Just curious and seeking a broader outlook from others that may have had the opportunity to see for themselves. As I stated earlier it was bought on by the comments made by a Thai friend and a couple of posts I read on the Myanmar forum. And of course it is wrong to generalize as everyone is different.....

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as my experiences with thai women have been in general very good, I dont understand what you are looking for. perhaps the thai women that have caused you to have such a jaundiced opinion come from a different sector of society than the ones I know.

Maybe, but they came from a variety of places, society and ages.

Just curious and seeking a broader outlook from others that may have had the opportunity to see for themselves. As I stated earlier it was bought on by the comments made by a Thai friend and a couple of posts I read on the Myanmar forum. And of course it is wrong to generalize as everyone is different.....

and yet you did

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100b per day wow.....can you get WP's for them and a taxi to bring down here to my place?

I suspect those Burmese without work permits are being exploited for that slave wage. I employ legal Myanmar construction workers at 350 baht/day (higher than the minimum wage in Phuket, or they work 'Mao' (overall payment for a specific task).

I lived/worked in Myanmar laST year. I found that many of the Myanmar ladies were rather 'rotund', (although size/looks has little/nothing to do with their personality of course). Not my type and I have to say that continual spitting of betalnut juice would not attract me to the lady :)

I wasn't in Myanmar for romantic reasons, but my social contacts with the Myanmar people were all positive.


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My turf, I live only 15 Km's away from the Myanmar border. In a nutshell :

Laborers are being imported by the truckload into Thailand to perform agricultural-labor. In this corner of Thailand, Thais do not perform any farm-work anymore.

Myanmar-workers receive a wage of 100 Bht per day. The housing, that Thai-employers provide is beyond description. A big hole in the ground is the toilet and serves a 100 laborers. They have no rights whatsoever.


On an other note: Myanmar People (Karen-Tribe) have a desire to learn and are not afraid to ask questions, as little their English may be. Quite opposite to Thai-Nationals = they know everything already.


Romantic liaisons between Farangs and Myanmar-Females are at this time not feasible. Not yet. But by the time, the family elders will discover that it would be nice to have a Television in the house, they will allow a "liberalization" of moral behavior. As has happened in the Isaan, Cambodia and Laos a long time before. It's a gradual process that will (and must) evolve.


Currently the Myanmar-Females still look slim and trim, as did Thai-Females some 15 years ago. But eventually McDonalds and Tesco will find a a way to conquer even Myanmar.

Farangs of the year 2013 = Too late, the thrill in S/E Asia is gone.


Rubber tappers get 40% of the cut, and even the Burmese general land labourers get the minimum wage. Ranong would grind to a halt if the Burmese went home.

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